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''Alle Menschen sint geboren frî und gelîch an Wurde und Rechte. Deul nêment begâben mit Verstand und Gewissen und ûf deim zu benêmen zu einander mit ein Geist von Brouderligheit.''
''Alle Menschen sint geboren frî und gelîch an Wurde und Rechte. Deul nêment begâben mit Verstand und Gewissen und ûf deim zu benêmen zu einander mit ein Geist von Brouderligheit.''

/al miŋsʰu siŋ gəboju fji un gəlix aŋ wyːd un jeɪt ‖ dyl neːm bəgaʊbu məʔ fit˭aŋʔ u gəwəsu | un uf deɪŋ θu p˭əneːmu θu eɪnandi məʔ eɪŋ geɪʔ fu bjoʊdilikʰeɪʔ/
/al miŋsʰu siŋ gəboju fji un gəlix aŋ wyːd un jeɪt ‖ dyl nɛːm bəgaʊbu məʔ fit˭aŋʔ u gəwəsu | un uf deɪŋ θu p˭ənɛːmu θu eɪnandi məʔ eɪŋ geɪʔ fu bjoʊdilikʰeɪʔ/

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Revision as of 03:07, 12 September 2018

Wortebouch (Lexicon)
Irta/An Indo-Iranian branch/Swadesh list

Irta/An Indo-Iranian branch (d'allemañische Sprâçe /d‿ɲis p˭jaʊs/ or d'Allemañisch) is a High German language spoken in Lõis's Southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Numbers: ein, zwei, drî, feaur, finf, sechs, siben, acht, neun, zên /eɪ̯ŋ, θwe, zi, føː, fiːf, seː, sə.bu, aɪ̯ʔ, nyŋ, θaɪŋ/

Cl = /Cw/?

r = /j/; kr, gr = /tɕ, dʑ/; k, g, ch + front vowel = /s, z, s/; ch = /x/

s = /s/; z = /θ/; sch/tr = /sʰ/; dr = /z/

(sc)hm, (sc)hn, (sc)hl, (sc)hr /m̥, n̥, l̥, ʃ/

  • dez Hlauz /l̥aʊs/ = lot, fate

a = /a/, â = /aʊ/, âr = /aɪ/, au, aun = /o~oʊ/

e = /ɛ/ (/ə/ in unstressed syllables), ê = /aɪ/, eau, eaun = /ø/

eu = /y/

é, en, én = /e~eɪ/

i = /ə/

î, in = /i/

u, un, an = /ɔ/

û = /u/

Final stops become glottal stops after a vowel, vanish otherwise


Some sentences:

  • Ich spreche fon de Leaube und de Haz. [əx p˭jɛx fu də løb un də has]
  • Ist'z daz du behaltes ez fur mir ? [it˭as t˭u bəhaltʰ əs fy mi]
  • Wir leaubons him, darum wir fîrons sîn Inwîung. [wi løbu hiŋ dɔjuŋ wi fiju siŋ iŋwijuŋ]
  • Ez git an mir Hunger. [əs k˭ət am mi huŋi]
  • Hwaz ist'z daz ez ? [w̥as itas əs] "What is it?"

Sound changes:

  • "pin-pen merger" (to /i/) before final weakening

Some words:

  • de Deaumout /døy.moʊʔ/ = meekness, humility, submission
    • deaumoutig /døy.moʊ.ti/ = meek, humble
  • de Hnacken /n̊a.k˭u/ = neck
  • nein /neɪŋ/ = no; neau /nø/ = not
  • denken /diŋ.kʰu/ = think
  • de Stein /t˭eɪŋ/ = stone
  • de Schlange /l̥aŋ/ = snake
  • de Himel /hi.məl/ = sky
  • d'Eauligheit /ø.li.kʰeɪʔ/ = eternity
    • eaulig /ø.li/ = eternal
  • driñ /zi/ = in (preposition)
  • de Schneau = snow


Unusually for an L-European language, Irta/An Indo-Iranian branch has phonemic voiceless nasals and resonants. Also unusual is the aspirated sibilant /sʰ/ (written sch or tr).



Irta/An Indo-Iranian branch consonants
Labial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal voiceless /m̊/ /n̊/
voiced /m/ /n/ /ɲ/ /ŋ/
Stop plain /pʰ/ /tʰ/ /tɕʰ/ /kʰ/ /ʔ/
tense /p˭/ /t˭/ [tɕ˭] /k˭/
voiced /b/ /d/ /d͡ʑ/ /g/
Fricative voiceless /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /h/
voiced [v] [ð] /z/
aspirated /sʰ/
Approximant voiceless /w̥/ /l̥/
voiced /w/ /l/ /j/
  • /h/ may be written as either h or ch; it is pronounced [x] after consonants.


vowels: /a ə i u y ɔ~aʊ ɛ~aɪ e~eɪ o~oʊ ø~øy/, ~ denotes alternation.

The Allemañisch alternation is conditioned by the following rule:

  • diphthongs before /ʔ, s, ŋ/ OR before nasals
  • monophthongs otherwise?

The alternants are marginally phonemic, e.g. before consonants that don't alternate like /l, h/.

It originally came from the rule "diphthongs in closed syllables, monophthongs in open syllables" (plus diphthongization before /n, s/). This alternation operates after r, -nj > j and attendant vowel coloring.







Alternations upon suffixation



Indefinite article:

  • a, az, et /ə, əs, əʔ~ə.tʰ‿-/ (,, pl)

Definite article:

  • de/d', dez, deu /də, dəs, dy/ (,, pl.)

Common nouns: -0/-e, -er

  • de Frau, deu Frauer /də fjo, dy fjoji/ 'woman'
  • de Hrabe, deu Hraber /də ʃap, dy ʃabi/ 'raven'

Neuter nouns: -0, -e

  • dez Kind, deu Kinde /də siŋʔ, dy sint/ 'child'

Neuter n-stem nouns: -e, -en

  • dez Name, deu Namen /dəs nam, dy namu/ 'name'


Adjectives: predicative -0, attributive -e

  • Er stark. /e t˭ajʔ/ 'He is strong.' (cf. Venetian Hebrew spoken in the vicinity.)
  • a starke Mañ /ə t˭ɛk me/ 'a strong man'



  • machen /maxu/


  • mache ! /max/ 'do!' [no number distinction]
  • machons-wir ! /maxuwi/ 'let's do!'

Present simple:

  • ich mache /əx max/
  • du maches /du max/
  • er/seu/ez machet /eː max/
  • wir machons /wiː maxu/
  • irl machet /il max/
  • deul machent /dyl max/

Present progressive:

  • ich bî machen
  • du bî machen
  • er bî machen
  • wir bî machen
  • irl bî machen
  • deul bî machen


  • ich ha gemachet /əx hagəmax/
  • du has gemachet /du hak˭əmax/
  • er/seu/ez hat gemachet /eː hak˭əmax/
  • wir hans gemachet /wiː hɔŋəmax/
  • irl hat gemachet /il hak˭əmax/
  • deul hant gemachet /dyl hɔŋəmax/

Future tense:

  • ich will machen, du willt machen, ...

Question marker: ist'z daz = /it˭as/ (e.g. Ist'z daz du leaubes mir ? /it˭as t˭u løp mi/ 'Do you love me?')

Inversion for questions is allowed for pronominal subjects only: e.g. Leaubes-du mir ? /løp t˭u mi/

  • leaube-ich /løbəx/
  • leaubes-du /løpt˭u/
  • leaubet-er /løpte/, leaubet-eu /løpty/, leaubet-ez /løptis/
  • leaubons-wir /løbuwi/
  • leaubet-irl /løptil/
  • leaubent-deul /løpt˭yl/

The past tense auxiliary han is inverted as follows:

  • habe-ich /habəx/ (different from uninverted form ich ha)
  • has-du /hat˭u/
  • hat-er /hate/, hat-eu /haty/, hat-ez /hatis/
  • hans-wir /hɔŋwi/
  • hat-irl /hatil/
  • hant-deul /hɔndyl/

The verb nêmen 'to take' is used as a passive auxiliary:

  • ich nême /əx nɛːm/
  • du nimes /du nim/
  • er nimet /e nim/
  • wir nêmons /wi nɛːmu/
  • irl nêmet /il nɛːm/
  • deul nêment /dyl nɛːm/

The past forms are ha genomet, has genomet, ...

Class 1 strong verbs


  • bîzen /bisu/ 'to bite'


  • bîze ! /bis/

Present simple:

  • ich bîze /əx p˭is/
  • du bîzes /du bis/
  • er/seu/ez bîzet /eː bis/
  • wir bîzons /wiː bisu/
  • irl bîzet /il bis/
  • deul bîzent /dyl bis/


  • ich ha gebizet /əx hagəbəs/
  • du has gebizet /du hak˭əbəs/
  • er/seu/ez hat gebizet /eː hak˭əbəs/
  • wir hans gebizet /wiː hɔŋəbəs/
  • irl hat gebizet /il hak˭əbəs/
  • deul hant gebizet /dyl hɔŋəbəs/

Class 2 strong verbs


  • fleaugen /føgu/ 'to fly'


  • fleauge ! /føg/

Present simple:

  • ich fleauge /əx føg/
  • du fleauges /du føg/
  • er/seu/ez fleauget /eː føg/
  • wir fleaugons /wiː føgu/
  • irl fleauget /il føg/
  • deul fleaugent /dyl føg/


  • ich ha gefloget /əx hagəfɔg/
  • du has gefloget /du hak˭əfɔg/
  • er/seu/ez hat gefloget /eː hak˭əfɔg/
  • wir hans gefloget /wiː hɔŋəfɔg/
  • irl hat gefloget /il hak˭əfɔg/
  • deul hant gefloget /dyl hɔŋəfɔg/

Class 3 strong verbs


  • trinken /tɕiŋku/ 'to drink'


  • trinke ! /tɕiŋk/

Present simple:

  • ich trinke /əx tɕiŋk/
  • du trinkes /du tɕiŋk/
  • er/seu/ez trinket /eː tɕiŋk/
  • wir trinkons /wiː tɕiŋku/
  • irl trinket /il tɕiŋk/
  • deul trinkent /dyl tɕiŋk/


  • ich ha getrunket /əx hagətɕuŋk/
  • du has getrunket /du hak˭ətɕuŋk/
  • er/seu/ez hat getrunket /eː hak˭ətɕuŋk/
  • wir hans getrunket /wiː hɔŋətɕuŋk/
  • irl hat getrunket /il hak˭ətɕuŋk/
  • deul hant getrunket /dyl hɔŋətɕuŋk/

Class 4 strong verbs


  • sterben /t˭eːbu/ 'to die'


  • sterbe ! /t˭eːb/

Present simple:

  • ich sterbe
  • du sterbes (no stem vowel change unlike in German)
  • er/seu/ez sterbet
  • wir sterbons
  • irl sterbet
  • deul sterbent


  • ich ha gestorbet
  • du has gestorbet
  • er/seu/ez hat gestorbet
  • wir hans gestorbet
  • irl hat gestorbet
  • deul hant gestorbet


The copula is wesen in the infinitive. Inverted forms of the copula exist, but only for pronominal subjects.

Inverted copula:

  • em-ich = /eməx/
  • eres-du = /it˭u/
  • ist-er = /it˭e/
  • eront-wir = /ʊŋwi/
  • eret-irl = /it˭il/
  • sint-deul = /sindyl/

Past tense copula:

  • ich was
  • du wast
  • er was
  • wir wârons
  • irl wâret
  • deul wârent


  • was-ich /wasəx/
  • was-du /wast˭u/
  • was-er /wase/
  • wârons-wir /waɪwi/
  • wâret-irl /waɪjil/
  • wârent-deul /waɪndyl/


The personal pronouns are as follows:

(The 2pl and 3pl nominative forms irl and deul are etymologically from *ir alliu 'you all' and *diu alliu 'they all'.)

case 1sg. 2sg. 3sg. 1pl. 2pl. 3pl.
'he' 'she' 'it' (n.)
nom. ich
/is, əs/
obj. mir
poss. mîn
  • In questions that use inversion, eu /y/ is used instead of seu.

mîn, dîn, sîn are inflected as follows:

  • sg. common mîn /miŋ~mi.n‿-/, sg. neuter mîz /mis~mi.z‿-/, pl. mîne /min/


Irta/An Indo-Iranian branch is SVO (not V2) and zero-copula.


The negative particle neau /nø/ is placed after a verbal phrase but before a predicative adjective:

  • Ich haze dir neau. /əx haz di nø/ "I don't hate you."
  • Ez neau grauz genoug. /əs nø dʑoʊs gənoʊʔ/ "It's not big enough."

Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

UDHR, Article 1

Alle Menschen sint geboren frî und gelîch an Wurde und Rechte. Deul nêment begâben mit Verstand und Gewissen und ûf deim zu benêmen zu einander mit ein Geist von Brouderligheit.

/al miŋsʰu siŋ gəboju fji un gəlix aŋ wyːd un jeɪt ‖ dyl nɛːm bəgaʊbu məʔ fit˭aŋʔ u gəwəsu | un uf deɪŋ θu p˭ənɛːmu θu eɪnandi məʔ eɪŋ geɪʔ fu bjoʊdilikʰeɪʔ/

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