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'''Hmooby-Doo''' (''Ntzog Schlaub'') is a [[Bjeheond]]ian language, inspired by Hmong and German.
{{list subpages}}
{{Infobox language
|image =
|imagesize =
|creator = User:Praimhín
|name = {{PAGENAME}}
|nativename = Wug Schlaub
|setting = [[Verse:Tricin]]
|region =
|fam1=[[Gloobic languages|Gloobic]]
|scripts=Schlaub abugida

Dahn schaul weg zu Mpfëin aus zu Schnod = We speak about love and hate
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' (''Wug Schlaub'' 'Schlaub speech' or 'Schlaub thing') is a language inspired by Hmong RPA and German. It is the main language of the people of Mpfa Schlaub.

(1PL speak about VN love and VN hate)
Schlaub liberally uses Easter eggs.

Are you saving it for me?
Zied tsohl ja nun xan ab? (2SG save 3SG.inan for 1SG INTERR)

we love him so we are welcoming him
= Dahn mpfëin so weil dahn nkeiß zu Leib an so sein (1PL love 3SG.anim CONJ 1PL celebrate VN come GEN 3SG.anim PRES.PROG)
need polysyllabic words that are written as one word (Hmong has some)
Fill Mpfa Schlaub with Jabberwocky/Alice in Wonderland refs: Schleid Zeib, Wäb

Numbers: die, beid, lähn, schred, kaß, traun, heid, ntzob, glaub, weiß
===Standard (''Schlaub Bahn'')===
a e i o u = /a e i o u/
ä ö ë = /ã õ ẽ/
Similar to German
ah eh ih oh uh äh öh ëh = /aʔ eʔ .../
ei ie au äu ëi = /əi iə əu əũ əĩ/
initials: p b pf pl bl m mpf ml f v fl /pʰ p pɸ pʰl pl m mɸ ml f v fl/
Standard Schlaub has about 65 initials.
t d tz tl dl n ntz nl /tʰ t ts tʰl tl n ns nl/
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
k g ch kl gl = /kʰ k x~kx kʰl kl/
|+ '''Schlaub initials'''
z s x sch schr = /s [basque s] ʃ [sje] ʂ/
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" |
ts nts tx ntx mp mb nt nd nk ng as expected
! colspan="2" | Labial
l = /l/
! rowspan="2" | Lamino-<br/>dental
r = /ʐ ~ ɹ/
! colspan="2" | Apico-<br/>alveolar
j = /j/
! rowspan="2" | Post-<br/>alveolar
w = /w/
! colspan="2" | Retroflex
schm schn schl schw = voiceless m n l w
! colspan="2" | Velar
tr dr trl drl nr ntr ndr = retroflex versions of t d tl dl n nt nd
! rowspan="2" | Labio-<br/>velar
! rowspan="2" | Glottal
! <small>plain</small>
! <small>lateral</small>
! <small>plain</small>
! <small>lateral</small>
! <small>plain</small>
! <small>lateral</small>
! <small>plain</small>
! <small>lateral</small>
! rowspan="2" |Nasal
! <small>voiceless</small>
| '''schm''' m̥
| '''schml''' m̥ˡ
| '''schn''' n̥
| '''schnr''' ɳ{{v-}}
! <small>voiced</small>
| '''m''' m
| '''ml''' mˡ
| '''n''' n
| '''nl''' nˡ
| '''nr''' ɳ

b = low rising
Ø = mid level / mid entering
d = peaking
g = breathy mid level
s = glottalized (vietnamese ngã)
ß = dipping
n = low falling / low entering
! rowspan="4" |Plosive
l = high rising / high entering
! <small>tenuis</small>
| '''b''' p
| '''bl''' pˡ
| '''d''' t
| '''dl''' tˡ
| '''dr''' ʈ
| '''drl''' ʈˡ
| '''g''' k
| '''gl''' kˡ
| |ʔ
! <small>aspirated</small>
| '''p''' pʰ
| '''pl''' pˡʰ
| '''t''' tʰ
| '''tl''' tˡʰ
| '''tr''' ʈʰ
| '''trl''' ʈˡʰ
| '''k''' kʰ
| '''kl''' kˡʰ
! rowspan="2" |<small>prenasalized</small>
| '''mb''' ᵐb
| '''mbl''' ᵐbˡ
| '''nd''' ⁿd
| '''ndr''' ᶯɖ
| '''ng''' ᵑɡ
| '''ngl''' ᵑɡˡ
| '''mp''' ᵐpʰ
| '''mpl''' ᵐpˡʰ
| '''nt''' ⁿtʰ
| '''ntl''' ⁿtˡʰ
| '''ntr''' ᶯʈʰ
| '''nk''' ᵑkʰ
| '''nkl''' ᵑkˡʰ
! rowspan="4"|Affricate
! <small>tenuis</small>
| '''dz''' ts̪
| '''ds''' ts̺
| '''dx''' tʃ
! <small>aspirated</small>
| '''pf''' pɸ
| '''tz''' ts̪ʰ
| '''ts''' ts̺ʰ
| '''tx''' tʃʰ
! rowspan="2"|<small>prenasalized</small>
| '''ndz''' ⁿdz̪
| '''nds''' ⁿdz̺
| '''ndx''' ⁿdʒ
| '''mpf''' ᵐpɸ
| '''ntz''' ⁿts̪ʰ
| '''nts''' ⁿts̺ʰ
| '''ntx''' ⁿtʃʰ
! rowspan="2" |Continuant
! <small>voiceless</small>
| '''f''' f
| '''fl''' fˡ
| '''z''' s̪
| '''s''' s̺
| '''schl''' ɬ
| '''x''' ʃ
| '''schr''' ʂ
| '''sch''' ɧ~x
| '''schw''' ʍ
| '''h''' h
! <small>voiced</small>
| '''v''' v
| '''l''' l
| '''j''' ʒ
| '''r''' ʐ~ɻ
| '''w''' w

===Traditional logography===
Schlaub is analytic and SVO, and is head-initial:
:'''''Die Wug mpes Nän sein.'''''
:INDEF bird_species drink water PROG
:''A wug is drinking water.''
:'''''Xan flog Dsied bis Tu Mäb.'''''
:1SG have home in Tumhan
:''I live in Tumhan.''
:'''''Dahn dsaub weg zu Mpfein an zu Schnos.'''''
:1PL speak about VN love and VN hate
:''We speak about love and hate.''
:'''''Dahn mpfein so, ab dahn nkeiß Mbob so sein.'''''
:1PL love 3SG.A thus 1PL receive face 3SG.A PRES.PROG
:''We love him so we are welcoming him.''
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Person !! Singular !! Dual !! Plural
! Person !! Singular !! Dual !! Plural
| 1 || xan || bluß || dahn
! 1  
|| xan || bluß || dahn
! 2
|| zied|| jen || schlag
! 3
|| so (animate)<br/>ja (inanimate)|| nleib|| zug
!2, 3 (respectful)
|colspan=3| Sie
|colspan=3| es
Schlaub has no passive voice; the impersonal ''es'' is used instead. For example, ''Es nlaß Ngu hin.'' (IMPERS fire_ceramic brick PST) means 'A brick was baked.' or 'Bricks were baked.'
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Correlatives
! !! What !! This !! That !! Any
| 2|| zied|| jen|| schlag
! Pronominal/Adnominal
|| nab || naus || nein, nin || nan
| 3|| so (animate)<br/>ja (inanimate)|| eib|| zug
! Place
|| drab || draus || drein, drin || dran
! Manner/Extent
|| rab || raus || rein, rin || ran
Other correlatives are formed by using these words with nouns.
Schlaub is wh-in-situ:
*''Naus dzah nab?'' (this COP what) = What is this?
*''Ndob naus dzah nab?'' (person this COP what) = Who is this?
*''Zied be drab sein?'' (lit. you to where PROG) = Where are you going?
*be = to
*bis = in, at
*gan = without
*gen = with
*in = of
*je = from
*nun = for
*ob = vocative
*weg = about
*wi = away from
*schon = ago
*hab = causative
*bleib = deliberately
*vein = accidentally
:'''''Xan bleib schäd Nduß hin.'''''
:''I deliberately dropped the glass.''
:'''''Xan vein schäd Nduß hin.'''''
:''I accidentally dropped the glass.''
*sein = present progressive
**Present progressive can also be formed by reduplicating the verb
*hin = past
*bei = future
*aus = cohortative
*es = question
*eh = tag question
*da = exclamatory
*eh = negative
*je = prohibitive
*los = inchoative
*man = emphatic
*wein = (literary) alas!, woe is...
*an = and
*schaub = or (Finnish tai)
*schweis = or (Finnish vai)
*leid = but
*von = relative clause
*tun = complement clause
*daß = if
*schluß = then, so, therefore
*nahn schluß = so that, in order to
*dsäus = because (lit. reason)
ein = definite article (proper nouns such as ''Wug Schlaub'' do not take it)
wie = specific article
die = indefinite article
Words may be pluralized by reduplication: ''Ndob Ndob'' = people. Only animates are pluralized consistently.
Polysyllabic words have a null plural:
:'''''Schniß, ob Blieb-Blas!'''''
:fly VOC butterfly
:''Fly, butterflies!''
===Verbs and adjectives===
Adverbs can be formed from verbs via reduplication.
''ntsien'' = slow; ''ntsien ntsien'' 'slowly'
1-10: ''die, beid, lähn, schred, kaß, traun, heid, ntzob, glaub, weiß''
100: ''trleh''
1000: ''schöd''
Numerals come before nouns:
:'''''So ploß beid weiß Sen.'''''
:3SG.AN son two ten year_of_age
:He is 20 years old.
==="The more... the more..."===
:"The more SUBJ X's, the more SUBJ2 Y's."
:'''''Xan eh zaun Wiß j'ein zu Treig Treig. Lös lös xan, wäud wäud xan läß.'''''
:1SG NEG receive understanding from DEF INF happen happen. run run 1SG, become become 1SG fat.
:''I don't understand what's going on. The more I run, the fatter I get.''
Hloh uses a form of schm-reduplication, which works just like schm-reduplication in English, except that the schm-reduplicant is repeated.
"Leid xan dzah heb die Nöb da!" = but I COP just a noob EXCL
"Nöb schmöb schmöb, zied mbuh ngäs man!" = noob schmoob schmoob you can make_it EMPH
===Fossilized morphology===
*PHS ''s-''
**''Schlähn'' 'tribe' < ''lähn'' 'three'
**''Schlaub'' 'year' < ''Laub'' 'leaf'
**''Schwiß'' 'plain' < ''biß'' 'flat'
*PHS ''-ʔ'' (reflected by tone change)
**''-g'' > ''-d'': ''Lied'' 'art song' < ''lieg'' 'to tell a lie; (''obsolete'') to express'
Schlaub vocabulary is mostly native. Many words can't be related to words in other Gloobic languages, however.
===Four-character phrases===
Schlaub, like Chinese, has "4-character phrases". They sometimes extend to 6-character phrases by using the Burns stanza.
*''Ntzuh Vöhn Schrau Ndob (schnäub hös)'' 'the best laid schemes of mice and men (aft gang agley)' (lit. schemes of mouse and plans of man often fail)
*''Ndleiß Beig Gluhn Schnoh'' 'opulent luxury' (lit. pure gold, gem, carmine, spice)
[Under construction. The poems are gibberish and are meant to illustrate the rhyme scheme.]
In addition to having the same rime, two words must rhyme in tone class in order to be considered to rhyme. -Ø, -b, -n are "flat" (''mla'') tones; -g, -d, -s, -ß and checked tones are "sharp" (''dzäß'') tones.
The virelai (Schlaub: ???) is a traditional Schlaub poetic form.
Example [the poem is gibberish]:
''Mpfein schwie ein Ntzäh an Tsun,''
''Leid wen Bläuß dran, maß Schlub von trlien.''
''Väd mleib weg die Gleiß Schmieb,''
''Raus ein Pfeg nun schraß Xin taub tlub.''
''Daß zu Mläus ein Zeig Pfaß,''
''blein Eib zu Mböd bis Dlag,''
''klaub wie raug Mlob weis schrah zied Glu.''
''Daß zu Ves ein Drläub flein,''
''Weg ndso ein Ndxäuß schred nreib,''
''Pfed zag tzau die Vaub dlei raus Schmub.''
''Daß zu Vein Nkaub ein Nlas,''
''An zu Nlöb pfeib je Schmag ven Wauß,''
''schniß, ob Dlau! dran flän Schaug,''
''klöh xan haud wie Trob, haus nun Tsun.''
''Mpfein schwie ein Ntzäh an Tsun,''
''Leid wen Bläuß dran, maß Schlub von trlien.''
''Väd mleib weg die Gleiß Schmieb,''
''Raus ein Pfeg nun schraß Xin taub tlub.''
===Burns stanza===
A variant of the Burns stanza is another traditional Schlaub meter.
''Tlad Hei drlah Mbauß,''
''Xan schnuh zied nraug,''
''Xob Ndzäu beis schraus –''
''Jed Vug –''
''Ngiß Tsahn we jaud''
''schrieb mbug.''
Though [your] body must [become] soil,
I touch you up close,
The warm embrace nurturing
[The] leaf [of] learning;
A garden growing between [us],
[which will] last forever.
Two lines with the same syllables but with different tones
==Sample text==
===Tower of Babel===
# ''Bis Ndreib nin dzeb ein Xab flog die Ntzog an die zu Wes meib hin.''
# ''Leid bis Glied zu Ndxub in ein Ndob Ndob be Schnähn zug raug die Schwiß bis Xi-Na an nlub man drein hin.''
# ''An ein Ndob Ndob tlau be veß hin, "Ob bus aus dahn Ngu an nlaß zug schlög schlög." Zug raug Mlob Ngu bis rohn Pfaub an Schräh bis rohn Kis Mbeh hin.''
# ''An zug tlau hin, "Ob ntsaus aus dahn die Mbih nun dahn an bis ja die Nkloh von Schmauß raug man Ntse. Rein dahn xau Ntrob nun dahn bei. Schaub dzas es hab mpeib dahn dseih dseih bis dzeb ein Xab bei."''
# ''Leid ein Schwed mpfau ba hin, schluß bleb ein Mbih an ein Nkloh von ein Ndob-Ndob ntsaus sein.''
# ''Ein Schwed tlau hin, "Daß die Lad wes Ntzog meib tei dlä nin, ab dxah nan zug schlab txoh hau eh gan Tzuß bei.''
# ''"Ob mpfau nros aus dahn an hab schmeiß ndäu ein Ntzog zug, schluß zug drlin eh tug veß bei."''
# ''An ein Schwed mpeib zug je drein dseih dseih bis dzeb ein Xab hin, an zug vus ntsaus ein Mbih hin.''
# ''An nun nein ja flog Ntrob Mba-Mbä — dsäus drein ein Schwed hab schmeiß ndäu ein Ntzog in dzeb ein Xab hin. Je drein ein Schwed hab mpeib zug dseih dseih bis dzeb ein Xab hin.''
=== Gloss ===
:''Bis Ndreib nin dzeb ein Huß flog die Ntzog an die zu Wes meib hin.''
:LOC time that whole DEF world have INDEF language CONJ INDEF VN speak common PAST
:Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.

''Sie'' = polite pronoun (all persons and numbers)
:''Leid [bis Glied] zu Ndxub in ein Ndob Ndob be Schnähn zug raug die Schwiß bis Xi-Na an [nlub man] drein hin.''
:but [as] VN move GEN DEF human human PREP east 3PL find INDEF plain PREP Shinar CONJ [settle] there PAST
:As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.

==Tower of Babel==
:''An ein Ndob Ndob tlau be veß hin, "Ob bus aus dahn Ngu an nlaß zug [schlög schlög]."''
Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
:CONJ DEF human human say PREP one_another PST, VOC make SUBJ 1SG brick CONJ fire_ceramic 3PL [throughly]
:They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly."

Bis Dreib ein Schal tzeg flug die Ntzog aus die zu Wel meid hin.
:''Zug [raug Mlob] Ngu [bis rohn] Pfaub an Schräh [bis rohn] [Kis Mbeh] hin.''
:3PL use brick instead_of stone and tar instead_of mortar PAST
:They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.

LOC present DEF world whole have INDEF language CONJ INDEF VN speak common PAST
:''An zug tlau hin, "Ob ntsaus aus dahn die Mbih nun dahn an bis ja die Nkloh von Schmauß [raug man] Ntse.''
:and 3PL say PST, VOC build SUBJ 1SG INDEF city for 1PL and in it a tower REL top reach DEF sky
:And they said: "Come, let's build a city for ourselves and a tower in it, whose top would reach the sky.

As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
:''Rein dahn xau Ntrob nun dahn bei. Schaub dzas es hab mpeib dahn [dseih dseih] bis dzeb ein Huß bei."''
:that_way 1SG grow name for 1SG bei. or fall IMPERS cause scatter 1PL all_over whole LOC DEF world FUT.
:That way we will make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the whole world."

[Bis Glied] zu Ntrub an ein Zëhl wie Schlähn zug raug die Schwiß bis Xi-Na aus [ntlub dran] hin.
:''Leid ein Schwed mpfau ba hin, schluß bleb ein Mbih an ein Nkloh von ein Ndob-Ndob ntsaus sein.''
:but DEF god descend come PST, PURP see DEF city and DEF tower REL DEF human human build PROG
:But the {{sc|Lord}} came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.  

[as] VN move GEN DEF people PREP east 3PL find INDEF plain PREP Shinar CONJ [settle] PAST
:''Ein Schwed tlau hin, "Daß die Lad wes Ntzog meib tei dlä nin, ab dxah nan zug schlab txoh hau eh gan Tzuß bei.''
:DEF god say PST, if one people speak language common have start do this, then thing whatever they plan accomplish NEG without possibility FUT
:The {{sc|Lord}} said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly."
:''"Ob mpfau nros aus dahn an hab schmeiß ndäu ein Ntzog zug, schluß zug drlin eh tug veß bei."''
:VOC descend go SBJ 1SG and cause confuse hit DEF language 3PL COHORT, in_order_that 3PL hear not understand each_other FUT
:"Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.

Aus ein Zëhl tlau näu veß, "Ob, bus Ngu aus nlaß zug [schlög schlög] mal."
:''An ein Schwed mpeib zug je drein [dseih dseih] bis dzeb ein Xab hin, an zug vus ntsaus ein Mbih hin.''
:and DEF god scatter 3PL from there all_over LOC whole DEF world PST, and 3PL stop build DEF city PST
:So the {{sc|Lord}} scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.  

CONJ DEF people say PREP one_another, VOC make brick CONJ fire_ceramic 3PL [throughly] COHORT
:''An nun nein ja flog Ntrob Mba-Mbä — dsäus drein ein Schwed hab schmeiß ndäu ein Ntzog in dzeb ein Xab hin.''
:and for that 3SG.I have name Babel — reason DEF god cause confuse hit DEF language of whole DEF world PST
:That is why it was called Babel — because there the {{sc|Lord}} confused the language of the whole world.

They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.
:''Je drein ein Schwed hab mpeib zug [dsei dsei] bis dzeb ein Xab hin.''
:from there DEF god cause scatter 3PL all_over LOC whole DEF world PST
:From there the {{sc|Lord}} scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
[[Category:Gloobic languages]]

Latest revision as of 23:33, 3 November 2023

Pages with the prefix 'Schlaub' in the and 'Talk' namespaces:

Wug Schlaub
Created byPraimhín
  • Schlaub
Schlaub abugida
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Schlaub (Wug Schlaub 'Schlaub speech' or 'Schlaub thing') is a language inspired by Hmong RPA and German. It is the main language of the people of Mpfa Schlaub.

Schlaub liberally uses Easter eggs.



need polysyllabic words that are written as one word (Hmong has some)

Fill Mpfa Schlaub with Jabberwocky/Alice in Wonderland refs: Schleid Zeib, Wäb


Standard (Schlaub Bahn)


Similar to German


Standard Schlaub has about 65 initials.

Schlaub initials
Labial Lamino-
Retroflex Velar Labio-
plain lateral plain lateral plain lateral plain lateral
Nasal voiceless schm schml m̥ˡ schn schnr ɳ̊
voiced m m ml n n nl nr ɳ
Plosive tenuis b p bl d t dl dr ʈ drl ʈˡ g k gl ʔ
aspirated p pl pˡʰ t tl tˡʰ tr ʈʰ trl ʈˡʰ k kl kˡʰ
prenasalized mb ᵐb mbl ᵐbˡ nd ⁿd ndr ᶯɖ ng ᵑɡ ngl ᵑɡˡ
mp ᵐpʰ mpl ᵐpˡʰ nt ⁿtʰ ntl ⁿtˡʰ ntr ᶯʈʰ nk ᵑkʰ nkl ᵑkˡʰ
Affricate tenuis dz ts̪ ds ts̺ dx
aspirated pf tz ts̪ʰ ts ts̺ʰ tx tʃʰ
prenasalized ndz ⁿdz̪ nds ⁿdz̺ ndx ⁿdʒ
mpf ᵐpɸ ntz ⁿts̪ʰ nts ⁿts̺ʰ ntx ⁿtʃʰ
Continuant voiceless f f fl z s schl ɬ x ʃ schr ʂ sch ɧ~x schw ʍ h h
voiced v v l l j ʒ r ʐ~ɻ w w


Traditional logography



Schlaub is analytic and SVO, and is head-initial:

Die Wug mpes Nän sein.
INDEF bird_species drink water PROG
A wug is drinking water.
Xan flog Dsied bis Tu Mäb.
1SG have home in Tumhan
I live in Tumhan.
Dahn dsaub weg zu Mpfein an zu Schnos.
1PL speak about VN love and VN hate
We speak about love and hate.
Dahn mpfein so, ab dahn nkeiß Mbob so sein.
1PL love 3SG.A thus 1PL receive face 3SG.A PRES.PROG
We love him so we are welcoming him.



Person Singular Dual Plural
1 xan bluß dahn
2 zied jen schlag
3 so (animate)
ja (inanimate)
nleib zug
2, 3 (respectful) Sie
Impersonal es

Schlaub has no passive voice; the impersonal es is used instead. For example, Es nlaß Ngu hin. (IMPERS fire_ceramic brick PST) means 'A brick was baked.' or 'Bricks were baked.'


What This That Any
Pronominal/Adnominal nab naus nein, nin nan
Place drab draus drein, drin dran
Manner/Extent rab raus rein, rin ran

Other correlatives are formed by using these words with nouns.

Schlaub is wh-in-situ:

  • Naus dzah nab? (this COP what) = What is this?
  • Ndob naus dzah nab? (person this COP what) = Who is this?
  • Zied be drab sein? (lit. you to where PROG) = Where are you going?


  • be = to
  • bis = in, at
  • gan = without
  • gen = with
  • in = of
  • je = from
  • nun = for
  • ob = vocative
  • weg = about
  • wi = away from
  • schon = ago


  • hab = causative
  • bleib = deliberately
  • vein = accidentally
Xan bleib schäd Nduß hin.
I deliberately dropped the glass.
Xan vein schäd Nduß hin.
I accidentally dropped the glass.


  • sein = present progressive
    • Present progressive can also be formed by reduplicating the verb
  • hin = past
  • bei = future
  • aus = cohortative
  • es = question
  • eh = tag question
  • da = exclamatory
  • eh = negative
  • je = prohibitive
  • los = inchoative
  • man = emphatic
  • wein = (literary) alas!, woe is...


  • an = and
  • schaub = or (Finnish tai)
  • schweis = or (Finnish vai)
  • leid = but
  • von = relative clause
  • tun = complement clause
  • daß = if
  • schluß = then, so, therefore
  • nahn schluß = so that, in order to
  • dsäus = because (lit. reason)


ein = definite article (proper nouns such as Wug Schlaub do not take it)

wie = specific article

die = indefinite article

Words may be pluralized by reduplication: Ndob Ndob = people. Only animates are pluralized consistently.

Polysyllabic words have a null plural:

Schniß, ob Blieb-Blas!
fly VOC butterfly
Fly, butterflies!

Verbs and adjectives

Adverbs can be formed from verbs via reduplication.

ntsien = slow; ntsien ntsien 'slowly'



1-10: die, beid, lähn, schred, kaß, traun, heid, ntzob, glaub, weiß

100: trleh

1000: schöd

Numerals come before nouns:

So ploß beid weiß Sen.
3SG.AN son two ten year_of_age
He is 20 years old.

"The more... the more..."

"The more SUBJ X's, the more SUBJ2 Y's."
Xan eh zaun Wiß j'ein zu Treig Treig. Lös lös xan, wäud wäud xan läß.
1SG NEG receive understanding from DEF INF happen happen. run run 1SG, become become 1SG fat.
I don't understand what's going on. The more I run, the fatter I get.


Hloh uses a form of schm-reduplication, which works just like schm-reduplication in English, except that the schm-reduplicant is repeated.

"Leid xan dzah heb die Nöb da!" = but I COP just a noob EXCL

"Nöb schmöb schmöb, zied mbuh ngäs man!" = noob schmoob schmoob you can make_it EMPH

Fossilized morphology

  • PHS s-
    • Schlähn 'tribe' < lähn 'three'
    • Schlaub 'year' < Laub 'leaf'
    • Schwiß 'plain' < biß 'flat'
  • PHS (reflected by tone change)
    • -g > -d: Lied 'art song' < lieg 'to tell a lie; (obsolete) to express'


Schlaub vocabulary is mostly native. Many words can't be related to words in other Gloobic languages, however.

Four-character phrases

Schlaub, like Chinese, has "4-character phrases". They sometimes extend to 6-character phrases by using the Burns stanza.

  • Ntzuh Vöhn Schrau Ndob (schnäub hös) 'the best laid schemes of mice and men (aft gang agley)' (lit. schemes of mouse and plans of man often fail)
  • Ndleiß Beig Gluhn Schnoh 'opulent luxury' (lit. pure gold, gem, carmine, spice)


[Under construction. The poems are gibberish and are meant to illustrate the rhyme scheme.]


In addition to having the same rime, two words must rhyme in tone class in order to be considered to rhyme. -Ø, -b, -n are "flat" (mla) tones; -g, -d, -s, -ß and checked tones are "sharp" (dzäß) tones.


The virelai (Schlaub: ???) is a traditional Schlaub poetic form.

Example [the poem is gibberish]:

Mpfein schwie ein Ntzäh an Tsun,
Leid wen Bläuß dran, maß Schlub von trlien.
Väd mleib weg die Gleiß Schmieb,
Raus ein Pfeg nun schraß Xin taub tlub.

Daß zu Mläus ein Zeig Pfaß,
blein Eib zu Mböd bis Dlag,
klaub wie raug Mlob weis schrah zied Glu.

Daß zu Ves ein Drläub flein,
Weg ndso ein Ndxäuß schred nreib,
Pfed zag tzau die Vaub dlei raus Schmub.

Daß zu Vein Nkaub ein Nlas,
An zu Nlöb pfeib je Schmag ven Wauß,
schniß, ob Dlau! dran flän Schaug,
klöh xan haud wie Trob, haus nun Tsun.

Mpfein schwie ein Ntzäh an Tsun,
Leid wen Bläuß dran, maß Schlub von trlien.
Väd mleib weg die Gleiß Schmieb,
Raus ein Pfeg nun schraß Xin taub tlub.

Burns stanza

A variant of the Burns stanza is another traditional Schlaub meter.

Tlad Hei drlah Mbauß,
Xan schnuh zied nraug,
Xob Ndzäu beis schraus –
Jed Vug –
Ngiß Tsahn we jaud
schrieb mbug.

Though [your] body must [become] soil,
I touch you up close,
The warm embrace nurturing
[The] leaf [of] learning;
A garden growing between [us],
[which will] last forever.


Two lines with the same syllables but with different tones

Sample text

Tower of Babel

  1. Bis Ndreib nin dzeb ein Xab flog die Ntzog an die zu Wes meib hin.
  2. Leid bis Glied zu Ndxub in ein Ndob Ndob be Schnähn zug raug die Schwiß bis Xi-Na an nlub man drein hin.
  3. An ein Ndob Ndob tlau be veß hin, "Ob bus aus dahn Ngu an nlaß zug schlög schlög." Zug raug Mlob Ngu bis rohn Pfaub an Schräh bis rohn Kis Mbeh hin.
  4. An zug tlau hin, "Ob ntsaus aus dahn die Mbih nun dahn an bis ja die Nkloh von Schmauß raug man Ntse. Rein dahn xau Ntrob nun dahn bei. Schaub dzas es hab mpeib dahn dseih dseih bis dzeb ein Xab bei."
  5. Leid ein Schwed mpfau ba hin, schluß bleb ein Mbih an ein Nkloh von ein Ndob-Ndob ntsaus sein.
  6. Ein Schwed tlau hin, "Daß die Lad wes Ntzog meib tei dlä nin, ab dxah nan zug schlab txoh hau eh gan Tzuß bei.
  7. "Ob mpfau nros aus dahn an hab schmeiß ndäu ein Ntzog zug, schluß zug drlin eh tug veß bei."
  8. An ein Schwed mpeib zug je drein dseih dseih bis dzeb ein Xab hin, an zug vus ntsaus ein Mbih hin.
  9. An nun nein ja flog Ntrob Mba-Mbä — dsäus drein ein Schwed hab schmeiß ndäu ein Ntzog in dzeb ein Xab hin. Je drein ein Schwed hab mpeib zug dseih dseih bis dzeb ein Xab hin.


Bis Ndreib nin dzeb ein Huß flog die Ntzog an die zu Wes meib hin.
LOC time that whole DEF world have INDEF language CONJ INDEF VN speak common PAST
Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
Leid [bis Glied] zu Ndxub in ein Ndob Ndob be Schnähn zug raug die Schwiß bis Xi-Na an [nlub man] drein hin.
but [as] VN move GEN DEF human human PREP east 3PL find INDEF plain PREP Shinar CONJ [settle] there PAST
As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
An ein Ndob Ndob tlau be veß hin, "Ob bus aus dahn Ngu an nlaß zug [schlög schlög]."
CONJ DEF human human say PREP one_another PST, VOC make SUBJ 1SG brick CONJ fire_ceramic 3PL [throughly]
They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly."
Zug [raug Mlob] Ngu [bis rohn] Pfaub an Schräh [bis rohn] [Kis Mbeh] hin.
3PL use brick instead_of stone and tar instead_of mortar PAST
They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.
An zug tlau hin, "Ob ntsaus aus dahn die Mbih nun dahn an bis ja die Nkloh von Schmauß [raug man] Ntse.
and 3PL say PST, VOC build SUBJ 1SG INDEF city for 1PL and in it a tower REL top reach DEF sky
And they said: "Come, let's build a city for ourselves and a tower in it, whose top would reach the sky.
Rein dahn xau Ntrob nun dahn bei. Schaub dzas es hab mpeib dahn [dseih dseih] bis dzeb ein Huß bei."
that_way 1SG grow name for 1SG bei. or fall IMPERS cause scatter 1PL all_over whole LOC DEF world FUT.
That way we will make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the whole world."
Leid ein Schwed mpfau ba hin, schluß bleb ein Mbih an ein Nkloh von ein Ndob-Ndob ntsaus sein.
but DEF god descend come PST, PURP see DEF city and DEF tower REL DEF human human build PROG
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.
Ein Schwed tlau hin, "Daß die Lad wes Ntzog meib tei dlä nin, ab dxah nan zug schlab txoh hau eh gan Tzuß bei.
DEF god say PST, if one people speak language common have start do this, then thing whatever they plan accomplish NEG without possibility FUT
The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
"Ob mpfau nros aus dahn an hab schmeiß ndäu ein Ntzog zug, schluß zug drlin eh tug veß bei."
VOC descend go SBJ 1SG and cause confuse hit DEF language 3PL COHORT, in_order_that 3PL hear not understand each_other FUT
"Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
An ein Schwed mpeib zug je drein [dseih dseih] bis dzeb ein Xab hin, an zug vus ntsaus ein Mbih hin.
and DEF god scatter 3PL from there all_over LOC whole DEF world PST, and 3PL stop build DEF city PST
So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.
An nun nein ja flog Ntrob Mba-Mbä — dsäus drein ein Schwed hab schmeiß ndäu ein Ntzog in dzeb ein Xab hin.
and for that 3SG.I have name Babel — reason DEF god cause confuse hit DEF language of whole DEF world PST
That is why it was called Babel — because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world.
Je drein ein Schwed hab mpeib zug [dsei dsei] bis dzeb ein Xab hin.
from there DEF god cause scatter 3PL all_over LOC whole DEF world PST
From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.