User:IlL/A Danified analytic Neo-Arabic

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Venetian Hebrew (ngiwrith /ˈɲiwriθ/) is a basilect of Hebrew spoken in Lõis's Northern Italy, Austria and Southern Germany. The phonology is similar to Allemañisch.

Numbers: 0-10: afs, édh (m)/áth (f), hnay (m)/stay (f), σusz, arbøng, homisz, szesz, szew, hmun, teszøng, ngaσør

11-20: édh/áth ngaσør, hnay/stay ngaσør, σusz ngaσør, arbøng ngaσør, homisz ngaσør, szesz ngaσør, szew ngaσør, hmun ngaσør, teszøŋ ngaσør, ngaσre

40: stay ngaσre

60: σusz ngaσre


120: merkø

14400: rúø





/m pʰ b f w n tʰ t˭ d θ ð ts s z ɬ ʂ j ŋ kʰ k˭ g x h l r/ m p b f w n t tt d th dh ts s z σ sz y ng k kk g kh h l r

Allophonic palatalization occurs before /ɛ/, /i/ or /j/. /ŋ kʰ k˭ g x/ palatalize to alveolopalatals /ɲ tɕʰ tɕ˭ dʑ ɕ/.


Words can undergo initial lenition, as in Irish and Tiberian Hebrew:

p- b- t- d- k- g- > f- w- th- dh- kh- Ø-

"Already lenited" consonants lenite as follows: f w th dh kh Ø > nf, nw, nth, ndh, nkh, n


/a ɛ i ɔ u ə a: ɛ: i: ɔ: u: ə:/ = a e i o u ø á é í ó ú ǿ

Word-final /i/ is silent and palatalizes the preceding consonant.



Stress is always penultimate.





Nouns and adjectives

Nouns are either masculine or feminine, and inflect for number. Adjectives agree with nouns in gender and number.

  • The regular feminine singular suffix is -ø or -th.
  • The regular masculine plural suffix is -i after consonants and -yø after vowels.
  • The regular feminine plural is -uth.

køfor, køfori (m) = village, villages

bagbøg, bagbøgi (m) = bottle, bottles

i, iyø (m) = island, islands

kkiszø, kkiszøyø (m) = squash, squashes

gøfø, gøfuth (f) = corpse, corpses

tagrith, tagriyuth (f) = incident, incidents


Clauses take the form of inflected pronoun + preposition/aspect marker + verbal noun.


Inflection of the copula (Present tense)
→ Person
↓ Truth value
1sg 2sg.m 2sg.f 3sg.m 3sg.f 2pl 3pl
Affirmative ni to te u i nan ti em
Interrogative ini intø int imu imi inan inti iyum
Negative eni ekhø ekh enu enø enen ekhi enøm


Constituent order

Noun phrase

The definite article is a clitic:

  • Singular: -az (after C) or -zø (after V)
  • Plural: -il


  • hadhør = a room
  • hadhraz = the room
  • hadhør gdhul = a big room
  • hadhør gdhulaz = the big room
  • boti gdhuli = big houses
  • boti gdhulil = the big houses

Verb phrase

Isz li rangu "I'm hungry"

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

Other resources