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We are forming a creole language out of the languages of Europe with our own rules and conventions. This page is under construction as the language evolves and progresses; it is meant as English documentation of the language and is freely editable by all involved.

Note: All example that require verbs use the verb likar ("to like").

Agreed-upon features

  • Nouns are pluralised with -s.
  • Verbs only inflect for number and tense, although possibly also the imperative mood.
  • Unless a modal verb is used, the pronoun is usually appended to the end of the verb, connected with a hyphen.
  • The past tense is formed thus: "Ai havr likata".
  • All adverbs should end in -mente.
  • Words with the same meaning but different etymologies may be used together if hyphenated; generally only the last one is inflected.
  • All words should be stripped of diacritics as much as possible when entering Felikitok; ASCII should always suffice.

Agreed-upon basic vocabulary

  • Ab means "of", but is only used before a vowel; otherwise a' is appended before the following noun.
  • Esr is the copula, although existar can be used in certain circumstances.
  • Nem and Sim for yes, with a possible simhajja for intensive agreement.
  • linguayazik for 'language' but with variants spraakeel, tokyazik and kielikreol (discuss?)


  • Ai - 1st person singular
  • Au - 2nd person singular
  • Ilon - 3rd person singular
  • Wi - 1st person plural
  • Iw - 2nd person plural (vos is also used)
  • Ilons - 3rd person plural

Disputed features

  • The future form of verbs. One idea is to use "ai ganr likar", another is to use "ai likaba", and others may exist.


Currently, the glossarchs of Felikitok appear to consistently use certain dialectal differences,of which some examples include the use of the verb plusgillar instead of likar and the clitic usage of the pronouns for some.

  • Nords
    One of the more divergent varieties, it's most notable features include the consistent usage of cliticized pronomina, in some cases resulting forms like "Aukaj-ai ai havr-ai likata ilon" for "And I too liked it"
  • Vests