Rencadian (เร็งกาทฃวงฃ์ว Rengkaatkhwong, เร็งกาทมิฬก Rengkaatmilok) or Raxic (รกข- Rokkha- from Thens. Raxa-) is an a priori conlang inspired by Thai, spoken in the Irquhadoonian country of Rokkhachhaam. It is unrelated to its main superstrate languages, Thensarian and Ramanujan, which it borrows from with phonotactic restrictions similar to Indic vocabulary in Thai. These strata in the Rencadian lexicon are natively termed เฒงษรพกษภ Thengsornphoksop and งอมอณุยณพกษภ Ngormornuyonphoksop 'Thensarian/Ramanujan borrowings' respectively, or informally เฒงษรมิฬก Thengsornmilok and งอมอณุยณมิฬก Ngormornuyonmilok 'Thensarian/Ramanujan words'.
- Phingthonthee, a Rama-Rencadian goddess from Virðandī
- Ruetdinree Phrûephaphatthawithai
- Queen Mornkhairee, King Yaihaireet
- charoen 'time (occurrence)'
- phon, phal- 'human' (<- *vala)
- kaphetcha- = to complain
- hôkutpôkut / hôkutbôkut 'unintelligible'
- kwakungkwasit (Thengsornmilok) 'irrelevant'
- Khatrêp a name (from Xatrēpus)
- Ropbakhao a name (Rappagavus)
- Rarûenraruereet a name (fake Thensarian, "Rṝrrṛrys")
- Chhaphriwok 'Jabberwocky' (fake Thensarian, "Jabṛvacis")
- saphêraa 'the world tree Sphērā in Thensarian myth' (sephirah, sphaira)
⟨k kh ng ch chh d t th n b p ph m y r l w s h⟩ /k kʰ ŋ tɕ tɕʰ d t tʰ m b p pʰ m j r l w s h/
⟨a aa/ar i ee u oo ue ûe e ê ae ai o ô ao or⟩
Unlike Thai, Rencadian is not tonal; however, it uses some intonational patterns inspired by Thai, like pronouncing pausal long vowels as [VːV]:
- Bôthadee! /boːtʰadiː/ [boːtʰɐdíːì] 'Listen!'
- Rengkaatkhwong ongmaikhwongkhwamorn. /tʰeŋkʰakʰwoŋ oŋmajkʰwoŋkʰwamɔːn/ [tʰeŋkʰɐkʰwoŋ ʔoŋmajkʰwoŋkʰwɐmɔ́ːɔ̀n] 'Rencadian is my mother tongue.'
Rencadian uses the Thai script. Native /d t tʰ n l s/ use the dental series, while Thensarian and Ramanujan loanwords use the retroflex series for these sounds.
Plural -orn, from *-ar:
- milok 'word, speech' (from Thensarian milacus) → milakorn
- khwong 'language' (from Thensarian quhanquhus) → khwongkhworn
- phon 'human' (from older native Rencadian *vala) → phalorn
Pluralization is optional and is not used with numbers or quantifiers, but is near-obligatory with animates.
The copula is suffixed -am- or postposed am-: Yong Rokkhaphalamorn. / Yong Rokkhaphon amorn = 1SG Raxan_person(-)COP-PRES = 'I am a Raxan.'
- The present tense is marked with -orn.
- The imperative is -dee or dialectally -thee.
Example: Ongmilok bôthadee! 'Listen to what I say!'
- 1sg yong, ong-
- 1sg+2sg phiboon, boon-
- 2sg phee/phanee, phi-
- 3sg lai, ra-
- Plural is marked with a(n)- affixed to the singular: anong/anong-, aphee/aphi-, alai/ara-