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Here's a bunch of Guimin translations and original texts from here and there collected, compiled, and (eventually) glossed.

(Some of these are outdated so I'll fix later)

Assorted translations

Single sentences

Ыг тӏәс дык ццӏы̄в ниивэдинтӏ ивэдинтӏ, екӏэнтӏ ныроджэ̄.

He did not learn our language, he speaks wrong.

Тӏӯъ о̄с о̄ста̄дэ нидуътӏссә, тӏӯъ дзавач игзаминӣ нәъгьывос, би игзаминӣ нипӏиттәш, би тӏәдэ, игзаминӣ екӏычӏәш ниттитӏиъыъ.

If you don't listen to the teacher, you won't be able to pass the grammar test, or the writing test, or for that matter, the spoken test.

Фотографи мӣ вэ̄тә̄тӏә.

Photography is prohibited.

Гӯ Ә̄ъӏишэ̄ кӏурс фотографиэ̄тиъ тӣнтӏ ссәнэ̄ гьу вэдытӏухъ дэвэлопӏ филмӣъ сӣ тӣ нэ̄чӏэ.

Last year, Aïcha took a photography course and learned how to develop her own film.

Ыг кӏунс хвәз ттӏәлтӏ нӯъ синтӏ иъшшәтӏ, вәт сәнттӏуъ.

The dog wants to run now, let her go.

Ик сә тӏаблэтӏкӏэ̄с тәзигбыд мәс йәминтӏ тәнэнтӏ двә̄э̄ о̄мигъ.

I take these pills twice a day for my blood pressure.

Бишэ̄кӏ митиъ екӏатӏ кӏо ми кӏадгм холестэринӣ мәс иттӏ ю̄ътӏ, пӏәччӏ тӏӯъ мацорд сә мыгэ̄мтиъ виджидэ̄мтиъ тәринтӏкьи.

My doctor said I need to watch my cholesterol, so you can have the rest of that fried chicken.

Луътфән «ввод» бӣътӏуъ сыттӏычӏрэ̄э̄.

Please press Enter to continue.

Тӏуъ «Alt+F4» бӣътӏссә догъ видеоигрӣъ къӏайлӣъ ниттитӏиъ, сә дыкӏтӏуъгьэ такэ̄.

If you do Alt+F4 it'll unlock a secret game, you should check it out.

Бәлэ, нә̄ъ рум-сервис дӯтӏыъ.

Yes, we offer room service.

Тӏӯъ мулахх икми тӣтӏыъма?

Can you summarize that for me?

Виъcмисы Texas-инэ иттӏ е мигъ.

Everything's bigger in Texas.

Ик гьуъпп вә̄нд Marvel комиксмәс диркӏычӏэ ттӏытӏ!

I love reading Marvel comic books!

Тӏӯъ вә̄нд никӏокӏтӏссә кӏокӏтӏ, екӏычӏ зәмигъ нэкӏитӏиъ е дуъчч.

If you don't read often, it'll become more difficult to speak over time.

Нә̄ъ сә тимсә̄л упӏытӏ эссәт упӏчӏа̄ръӣ сә виъкӏис ттонцӏды.

We made this statue to honor this town's founder.

Варжс о̄ста̄д упӏтӏ.

Practice makes perfect.

Тӏӯъ тэ̄нтӏбыдссә тэ̄нтӏбыд, нәджә̄гь тӏвитиъ гӯътӏ кӏыриъчч.

As long as you keep at it, I'm sure you'll succeed.

Эхтӏуъигъ сәвсэ̄ ытэ̄л, тӏәс нәккӏ лулӣъ уъпӏитӏиъ.

Never dry-fire, it'll ruin the barrel.

О̄, тӏыъкӏис гьу смартфонэс уъсәм...

Oh, you kids and your smartphones...

Ыг ик хошәс вӣцӏухъ аналәс

I like butt sex

Ик куръ вӣмтӏ буъккәсы гӯъ

I do hate to be a goat

Ик куръ вӣмтӏ э̄кксы гӯъ

I do hate to be a goat

Дыквэ̄сы ала̄гьәш: мәффвис виъсэс, ни кӏэнчӏ муъкъадэс чӏӯ, гьэгӣъ эв әъбар дуътӏәыъ

god lang: every concept, no matter how complex, can be expressed in one syllable

Обамаәсы поштәсы: ми дӯтӏуъ мыд шәкъуф гӯъ ик гьинэцӏ кэ̄рэ гьу ха̄е̄гьэ̄мәс та̄тӏ

gay obama: let me be clear i love dick and balls



«Иккы гӯътӏ кортӏ - кӏуъэ кӏунсы гӯътӏ?»

"I'm sore - where's the dog?"

Эморгәсы икӏвыънэ вызывающыънэ

emo kid on an edgy horse

Тӏви мэ̄ нитэ̄нтӏыъ Диллон, ик эукариотэ̄с ни муфрәдэ̄с шыкӏолэ̄тиъ та̄нтӏ:mcu:

you cant be doing this to me dillon, im doing eukaryotes not school vocab:mcu:

Сәлә̄м, эукариот сәмырг митиъ.

Hello fellow eukaryote.

э̄ чуш хин - тӏӯъ чӏиррәкӏ бытӏ. ынвӣ сәмэ мин ю̄ътӏ э̄ е тӏәрнэ

like holy shit - u look like. the same person but like younger

Сә дәр сытӏытӏма нӯъ?

Did that tree just move?

Гӯътӏма руктӏ ккӏа, тинуър ё̄әсы сәнттӏ е тӏукӏэ̄?

Is what they say true, that European ash trees moves faster than yew trees?

Мӣ бӣнә̄с!

Not the bees!

Мэ̄тӏсысы тӏо гьамстэрәсы гӯънтӏ гьу пӏыътӏсәр тӏо гьуъж гәндаләмтиъ тынтӏ.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Иккы ынуъсы.

I am a person.

Can you swim?

Тӏӯъ вәд сыттӏыъма?

The river is shallower this time of year.

Ръӯе̄сы сә зәмэ йә̄рәш әттӏ та̄нтӏ е кьӏиттӏ.

Лифчик Сиуэ бәвкӏтӏуъ

Use a bra for Sioux

Multiple sentences

Ыг екӏчӏа̄сәрыс пӏалуягэ̄мтиъ нибэ̄нтӏ руктӏэ̄. Гӯ тӏыътӏ тӏэ̄ образован стандартизирован вис нииъмтӏухъыъды эрчӏэ̄ э̄ррэ̄ са̄дэ̄. Кӏу 51%эс нуфӯсис Каспялъукъэ вә̄нд дыквӣъ сӯърӣъ дәркӏтӏыъ са̄дэ̄, мацорд нуфӯсис ба̄тӏ ныроджэ̄ о̄мэ̄ гьу никӏадгэ̄. Са̄зимысы нә̄ъ сә ыъхтӏ атӏэл.

Speakers of Russo-Guimin do not speak correctly. It is only because they don't have sufficient access to good standardized schooling. In Kaspiysk only 51 percent of the population is literate in the standard language, the rest of the population speaks incorrectly on a daily and casual basis. As an organization we abhor this.

Әттӏма бырӯъв? Чӏӯниъ ик гьар тӏәмӣ ыъкӏтӏды, Ми вӣцӏухъ са̄дэ̄ тәба̄р сэ̄тиъ ыъттӏ миъгы шумә; гӯ кӏунәм биврәм пыриютӏәд гьӣкьӏинэ кӏырәв миъгы бытӏ.

Is she pure? When I ask that I'm only wondering whether or not her ancestry is mixed, many dogs from shelter in the area have mixed blood.

Ыг сэ̄сы питбуләсы пәррикъ виъкӏәд Румыниэ ниминми Sighet-әми әмтӏә. Кӏо таркӣбәс тӏәшэ̄с родословнае̄с 70%әм такърӣбән питбулитиъ тыринтӏ. Ыг сә дыкӏтӏәыъ сиъфэ̄синэ бивринэ мә̄ттӣинэ гьу биохимическинэ тӏәшэ̄с. Кӏо эттэ̄лэ̄сы гӯънтӏды эве кӏимликӏәд иъркъис тӏәшэ̄с.

She's a rescued pit-bull from a town in Romania called Sighet. Her genealogical composition comprises of around 70% pitbull. This can be noticed in many of her physical and biochemical traits. Facets unique to her species' identity.

Сә ккӏа дәъгътсы ширйә̄нинс тӏо 141сы/91сы, е бирк хин уъртӏмысы сәрэ̄. Ик рицэпӏтӏ диуретикәмтиъ кәм тӏэ̄ дӯтӏиъ сә кумагбыдэ̄, мин ю̄ътӏ тӏӯъ рацён тӏвитиъ нэкӏычӏ тӏиркӏтӏ иттӏ ю̄ътӏ шифә̄ӏ угь диркӏычӏрэ̄.

It says here your blood pressure is 141/91, even higher than last time. I'll give you a prescription for some diuretics to help with that, but to see any improvement you really do need to change your diet.

Кӏумӣ уъртӏмэ виъсэ ик вит тӏви сә компютэр бәвкӏтӏыъды, М кьавиш акӏтӏ иначӏ виъсэ̄? Тӏви вӣцӏухъ кьавишэ̄с итӏэрэ̄с кәм хин ыъсинтӏкьиды пычац мин ю̄ътӏ вэ̄, сә са̄дэ̄. Чинаграмэ̄сы микравалнофкэ̄с дыкӏтӏә нӯъ уъртӏмэ виъсэ ик кӏо̄ш бы̄ътӏды бәвг.

Why is it that every time I let you use this computer the M key always gets stuck? You'd think at least some other keys would be messed up but no, just that one. Now every time I try to type it looks like a transcript of a microwave.

Басәйн 10:00инигъ 20:00инигъ гӯътӏ ппё. Сәм, нӣш «НЕ КУРИТЬ»итиъ дыкӏтӏуъ; тӏуъ сә сигарэтӏ тэтӏиъбыдкьи гӯъинәдды хвәз ттӏилитӏиъдыссә.

The pool is open from 10:00 to 20:00. Also, mind the No Smoking sign; you can finish that cigarette outside if you'd like.

Бибәшшэ̄д хин, сәшшид Глебов, Нә̄ъ сә пӏалтӏ тӏвитиъ ттитӏиъыъ ла̄втӏ тӏукӏэ̄. Луътфән спа митиъ бәвкӏтӏуъ сәбыдэ̄, хъывэ̄ возмещениэ̄сы ниудопстәш.

I'm so sorry Mr. Glebov, we can get that coat of yours cleaned up shortly. In the meantime, please help yourself to our spa free of charge as compensation for the inconvenience.

Бэ̄ръ руктӏ, ыг сә дә̄рӣтӏуъсы дуъсыгъәсы. Кӏу гъуллакъинсы тӏәш?

I'm gonna be honest, that was too long. What's the gist of it?

Кӏу тәълӣм тӏвитиъ дӯнтӏычӏ диншэ̄ хин иттиълә̄ъис, әгәрчи тэ̄нтӏ пӏырәппыъ пәррикъ э̄нмнӣ гьу ка̄гъәмәс имчӏинэ, вит е хин ниимтӏәвхъ. Ми якӏэтӏиъкьи тӏӯъ нипӏитт двиъбӣънтӏды вӣдрәгьэыъэ̄ е әттыэ̄.

Giving your teachings in a such a information-dense way, while great for saving breath and paper, makes them much less accessible. I'd suggest you re-write them in a way that's more easily parseable.

Ик гьәълтӏ эвэ сә буравае̄м Palestine-әмиэ та̄тӏ та̄тӏ. Чӏӯниъ сә ы̄в гӯънтӏэды нӯъ э̄нкӏтӏ тӏуъччӏ, вит ы̄в двитӏӣъмдэ синтӏинтӏ. Гъё̄мәсы хин.

I work on one of them oil rigs by Palestine (Texas). Once the one we're at now comes up empty they'll send us over to the next one. Hell of a way to make a living.

Тӏви барбекюә̄ гӯътӏссә мац, динэ мэ̄тӏбырэ̄тӏръис мәс John синттӏуъ. Тӏәс нугь такърӣбән тӏӯъ хвәз ттӏәлтӏкьиды уъпӏтӏыъ пӏырәппыъэ̄ хин тӏӯъ мӣм гьу зәм эрчӏ тӏәмӣ ттутӏиъссә. Әгәрчи гьар нугьдэ хин выгинтӏды тынэнтӏды шаркъээ̄ тӏәмӣ мӣ ыъкӏтӏуъ, сә барбекюәсы гьашәсы вэ̄гӯътӏ.

If it's barbecue you got a hankering for head on over to my uncle John's. Just about anything you could want he can cook up real nice if you give him enough meat and time. Don't ask him for none of that shit they make out East though, that ain't real barbecue.

Китә̄бы пӏырәппыъәс чӏиррәкӏ до̄ттӏнӣ хханэ бытӏ. Нигӯътӏ кӏэнчӏ тӏӯъ тӣтӏды япӏ гьу двиъсинттӏдэды уъртӏмэ̄ чӏӯ, тӏви вә̄нд кӏокӏтӏычӏәд имитӏиъ джо̄шәтӏ виъсэ̄. Ӏә̄дә̄бә̄ вит ым ләйктӏ бы̄ъминдэ хая̄лнә̄м сәм та̄нтӏуъпӏтӏэыъ, ыъкӏа̄нәс мухтәлифэ̄, сәнчӏэ̄сы гӯътӏ оккӏ тӏвитиъ бы̄ъмәд гьашәд мәнцӏ.

A great book is like a close friend. No matter how many times you close it and come back to it, you'll always derive joy from reading it. Literature allows us to dive into a world of our imagination, in other words a distraction from the real world.

Чӏӯсы ниминсы сә эв тимсә̄лис ынӣс ыъкӏмыънэ зәнцӏ гьу юрр сәтиъ гинэ тӏәш лләнцӏ гӯътӏ? Тӏви вэцӏухъма ръо̄н сәтиъ сидычӏәмәс хин накӏтӏды кортӏ, би кисәр сәтиъ би кин сәтиъ вӣдухъычӏәмәс хин накӏтӏды кортӏ? О̄ сә гӯътӏ, The Thinker!

What's the name of that one statue of the guy sitting on a rock with his fist on his chin? Do you think his butt gets sore from all the sitting or his hand or chin get sore from all the thinking? Oh that's what it was, The Thinker!

Тә̄тӏуъ дәндәл... Тофәнг тыътӏуъ.

Steady... Fire.

Тэкра̄рм сәтиъ виркӏтӏ тӏуъччӏ, бәлэ, мин ю̄ътӏ сә гӯътӏ нэ̄чӏэ тӏӯъ о̄ста̄д сәтиъ нэкӏитӏиъды гьашэ̄. Тӏӯъ бэ̄нтӏычӏәм вӣдинтӏ, бә̄вр сә̄ъэ̄с огъэ̄рэ.

The repetitiveness of it is boring, yes, but it's the only way you'll truly master it. You know what they say, ten thousand hours and whatnot.

Ик сә имчӏ стырелбищрэ̄дэ ттӏилитӏиъкьи джо̄шәтӏ, мин ю̄ътӏ ВАГ-73-әсы, джо̄дэ̄с сә висэ̄с хин, исинтӏ дуъчч уът дыкӏрәды.

It'd be fun to take this one out on the range, but VAG-73s, especially in this good of condition, are hard to come by.

Ккӏа эвмәс "ретвит" сә сӯъринӣ ттытӏ. Чӏу мәън тиртӏ?

It says someone "retweeted" that picture. What does that mean?

Ик почт электрон вицәпуръәд Нигериәд до̄тӏә нӯъ. Кӏу чӏӯниъ хин гьарац ми вит синтӏды тӏәмӣ ымтӏә, тӏәс вит 20млн₽ мэ̄ ӣнтӏцы, ик гӯътӏиъ ри!

I just got electronic mail from a Nigerian prince. He said that as soon as the money I sent him comes through he'll send me 20 million rubles, I'm rich!

Кӏатӏырг, мамэ̄ "сә̄ъгьир пӏакӏайф" накӏытӏ иттифа̄къ гьу нуъ кор га̄йтӏ гьайъ нәджәмисинэ, ик гьинэцӏ тә̄тӏгьэ, вӣ е-секс рп кансел эхэнтӏуъ, ик ирр рӯъгьнӣ тӏо опӏтӏ гәмбэсинигъ къа̄риш ноднипӏиттәш

Kitten, mommy accidentally got "wizard high" and is now in the astral realm, we're gonna have to call off the e-sex rp, I can't find your soul amongst the gnashing teeth of fate

Иккы Karmandric Mossraven-әсы, ыг тӏӯъ пӏә̄ш митиъ тиртӏ Иккы Joranathon Thornblood-әсы, ыг тӏӯъ шафсәр митиъ тиртӏ Иккы Vortebel Graveheart-әсы, ыг тӏӯъ квартӏ митиъ тиртӏ Иккы Thorandis Wolfpenus-әсы, ыг тӏӯъ мэс ыъкминытиъ митиъ тиртӏ Иккы Grunduplunk Wormnugget-әсы, ыг тӏӯъ шәлг ттӏытӏуъ бәтт рәцӏәнэ митиъ тиртӏ Иккы Dribbapindus Horsecorn-әсы, ыг тӏӯъ гьэ̄м шырапӏнэлиътиъ гэнэ̄тиъ митиъ тиртӏ Иккы Eggnut Thunderbarf-әсы, ыг тӏӯъ милиътӏкъарӏ тӏәпӏыгъан вәппэ̄биъ тӣтӏәды бинк митиъ тиртӏ Иккы Jerbinkus Cheesetickle-әсы, ыг тӏӯъ суккакӏ ю̄ъсә̄ тӏипӏә̄ эвпӏә̄ъкӏ тӣтӏәды бинк митиъ тиртӏ

I am Karmandric Mossraven, you have my axe I am Joranathon Thornblood, you have my blade I am Vortebel Graveheart, you have my hammer I am Thorandis Wolfpenus, you have my bag of rocks I am Grunduplunk Wormnugget, you have my turnip tied to a rope I am Dribbapindus Horsecorn, you have my handful of loose shrapnel I am Eggnut Thunderbarf, you have my old pumpkin filled with wasps I am Jerbinkus Cheesetickle, you have my ladle full of fairly warm soup

Кӏу мӣттӏыъмбыд горилинигъ гьу гризлинигъ тӏыънтӏкьима кӏәппӏ-пӏытт? Гӯ жавабсы, тәъбәън, кӏәппӏ-пӏытт гориләсы. Би ымтӏуъ. Гӯ огьӯрсы тӏәш са̄дәсы, гьу эв огьӯрсы са̄дэ̄. Ыг кӏәппӏ-пӏытт горил бягъакӏыс тыринтӏ, гьу сә бягъакӏыс быъгэнтӏыъ AR-15 афтӏаматӏәм двиъ-тирды.

What would win in a fight between a silverback gorilla and a grizzly bear? The answer, of course, is a silverback gorilla. Now hold on. The reason for this is very simple, and it's only one reason. A silverback gorilla has fingers, and it can use those fingers to dual-wield AR-15 assault rifles.

Такърӣбән ккӏа «кӏу хин пирог митиъ бәвкӏтӏ»

Such as "who the hell is eating my pie"

Синтӏинтӏиндэ гӯънцӏ гьарпацӏ ябыкъмппӏэ нә̄ъм, эттэз бэ̄нтӏды кӏу "Твә̄р тӣтӏуъ ппё чӏуъ ы̄в тӣнтӏыъ гьарпацӏ." Кӏу ми "Ни, ик мит нибытӏ та̄тӏ нукӏтӏэ̄, ппёмэ мәс двиъсинтӏинтӏуъиндэ," мин ю̄ътӏ кӏэнинтӏ лыцӏакӏ туърмәс ккӏыърэ̄с гьу ккәлэ̄с ттәнцӏ. Ик ләйктӏ динэрдыъмбыд синтӏытӏ каркар ппанцӏ гьу синтӏнинтӏәдды иъшшәтӏ. Ик нипӏитт бы̄ътӏ пӏәччӏ гьар тӏэ̄ екӏды вит возмещени сыттӏ ми тӏэ̄тӏссәцы ыджэ̄, ик кӏуъ тыътӏ боркь мэ̄ ытӏухъды. Мәссимба̄ла̄.

They came in drunk after we closed, demanding "Open the door so we can drink." I said "No, I don't have wine at night, come back when I open," but they started to lever the doors with knives and rods. I jumped up to the roof shouting and so they ran off. I therefore write to ask you to send for compensation if I'm justified, so I get what I'm due. Best wishes.

Guimin tweet 1.png

сон. тӏәрнерәм. ыг «JAPAN expo»дэ синтӏычӏ ттӏил е джо̄шәтӏ. миръәдж байрамӣ до̄леисӣ та̄тӏ еркӏи. до̄лэ̄сы сәм әттӏ мигъ гьу цӏиръ хин. вин. яоиәмәс уъпӏинтӏ. бәлэ ю̄ъс о̄с мэ̄ дыкӏытӏ рукӏтӏэ̄. яоиәсы. июл 14э байрамсы до̄леисы ватӏинс мигъәш мәс. ыг сә о̄мэ, вин яоиәмәс уъпӏинтӏ.

hier. des jeunes. ils preferent aller a la Japan expo. plutot que feter la fete nationale. notre si grand et beau pays. ils achetent. des yaois. oui mous m'avez bien entendu. des yaois. le 14 julliet la fete nationale notre grand patrie. ce jour la ils achetentdu yaoi

yesterday. the youth. they prefer going to JAPAN expo. instead of celebrating the national holiday. our country so big and beautiful. they buy. yaois. yes you heard me right. yaois. the 14th of july the national holiday our big homeland. this day, they buy yaoi.

Кӏу нәвъсы эукариотэ̄с сәсы? Бибәшшэ̄д, ми кӏиәш нииттӏ са̄дэ̄.

What kind of eukaryote is that? Sorry, I'm just not from around here.

Ыг эукариотэ̄с сә о̄мә̄ээ̄ вэдинтӏухъ эве хин га̄йнтӏды. «Ӯ ик сэлулм тӏырӣ тыринтӏ нӯъ, ми квырки хин әттӏма?» вирг кӏатӏуъ мацордиъсыэ̄ нә̄ъм. Гӯ ик дәъякъ упӏитӏиъкьи сэлулм дуъсыгъә̄с лар тты̄нәсды мәнтӏиъ гьәъшшәд ни эонигъ эв хин гьу сә виъсм тэ̄нтӏды вэ̄вэдәнтӏиъ.

Eukaryotes these days think they're so special. "Wow I have three cells now aren't I so quirky?" get a job like the rest of us. I bet in not even an eon they'll be hoarding too many cells to count and not even know what all of them do.

Да̄стиныс виъсә̄с ккӏа, ми сәнтӏитӏиъкьи иъшшәтӏ е тӏукӏэ̄ ик гьәъч сә дыро̄вӣ тә̄тӏссә. Әгәрчи тита̄тӏ, әмтӏухъчӏәсы са̄дэ̄ мәс интӏвицыэ̄сы кӏӯгьәд сә дәр ццӏапӏыгъан ита̄тӏ мәджнӯн сәнтӏитӏиъкьичӏәш такэ̄ иъшшәтӏ гӯътӏ.

The legends all say that if I ate the fruit from this tree I would run faster. Now that I have though, all I've gained is the feeling that I should run faster from whatever possessed that old tree.

Зыз бӣн бырэдж, зыз зыз бӣн бырэдж. Икми синттӏуъ гьу вит бо̄шшәм виъсә̄с дыкӏрә!

Buzz little bee, buzz buzz little bee. Come along and find all the flowers with me!

Къа̄нӯными авиацыэ̄с виъды̄нәс виъсәмы сәмвоккӏәд, бӣнәс пӏэкк ӣтӏыъ такэ̄ ни угьэ̄. Пӏэккәм исинтӏ бырэдж дуъсыгъэ̄ билтӏ тӏуъм бырэдж сәтиъ буътнуъпӏәд тирыъндэды. Бӣнәс, тәъбәън, пӏэкк ӣтӏ ни кӏэнчӏ. Э̄ррэ̄ бӣнә̄с кӏадг сәнчӏэ̄мәс мәнвис нитты̄нәсыъчӏэ вӣдинтӏухъды нидӯнтӏ.

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

«Quick brown fox» матын чаме эттэзе баръиъбиъ әърәбӣс бырӯъвәш, кӏо̄ш сәвътӣэ̄мәс гьу нәъгьыввӣ бӣъды са̄дэ̄. Рэ̄дыкэ̄сы кӏыриъччэ̄сы га̄йтӏ пӏӯв, гьу тӏиркӏтӏерәм виъсәм ик виъдәнцӏухъды нӯъбыд воккӏытиъ гьу нипӏиттитиъ (сингармонизмәми) чӏиррәкӏимбыд әъсрӣимбыд ттӏилинтӏычӏәсы мәс гӯътӏ двиъчӏ

obligatory quick brown fox sample text using entirely arabic words just to test out phonetics and grammar. first is the definite proto, and second is me implementing all sound and ortho changes (including the vowel harmony) ive thought of so far into what the modern may end up looking like

Moon Jiujutsu.jpg

уът ми пӏэкк мӣндэ уът ми бӣътӏ хин хуй уът сә вӣдытӏчӏэ мәс мидиркӏтӏ кӏурсәд джиу-джитсуәш мӣнис мәс

fly me to the moon let me kick is fucking ass let me show it what I learned in my moon jujitsu class

Chronically outside.jpg

мән сә иттӏинәд хроническэ̄ ппанцӏинигъчӏ кӏукӏтӏ тэ̄нтӏ кӏу О̄О̄О̄о̄о̄о̄ э̄, сә чӏиппэкӏ двә̄ гьә̄ъцӏвис хвәз семичкӣъ сәм ттӏилды тир ХИН

person who is chronically outside they see discourse and just go HOOOooo man, this is JUST like when two sparrows want the same sunflower seed

Country Gnomes.jpg

гномәм до̄лэ̄с, уттӏыс митиъ минтӏуъ джа̄гдэ, хиттӏэнтӏды такэ̄ э̄ сәнчӏэ̄сы хин сәсы такърӣбән огьӯрсы пӏытт митиъ сә вебсайтәд тӣды тӏиркӏтӏ әттӏ дыъчч га̄йтӏ хин. Джа̄гэ чӏу адуъкӏ, мэ̄ екӏтӏуъ, сә нәвъ апсурд джо̄де вит дыкӏтӏә. west virginia

country gnomes, take my bones to a place, they don't belong see shit like this is the reason that it's so hard to turn my back on this website. Where else, pray tell, are you going to find this kind of quality nonsense. west virginia

Comfy Bed.jpg

мәнг гэнырг. ми диндэ имтӏуъ. ми тӏэ̄тӏды такэ̄. гъайб ёргъ. ссәнцӏ хин. ми диндэ имтӏуъ. мәнг гэнырг.

comfy bed. take me home. to the place. where i belong. pillow blanky. sleeping soundly. take me home. comfy bed.

Welcome to the Jungle Guimin.jpg

Маргьәъбән джәнгәлэ Нә̄ъ дәрвис диврә̄с тыринтӏ Нә̄ъ виъсм тӏӯъ хвәз ттӏилды тиртӏ Сә сәнчӏэ̄сы дыро̄всы гӯънтӏссә

Welcome to the jungle We've got lots of trees We've got everything you want If that thing is trees

ГӮЪТӀКЬИ ГОСПӀОД ОПОССУМ «Госпӏод Опоссум, ик тӏви рыцардэ ттӏилтӏ»

LONG LIVE SIR POSSUM "Sir Possum, I knight thee"

The word person starts with the M sound. Ma, ama, am.

Гӯ баръиъс мән воккӏэ М кӏантӏ. Ма, а-ма, ам.

Бэ̄ръ икми якӏтӏәгьэ. Мән. Ә дыкӏтӏуъ кӏыриъчч тӣ рукӏтӏэ̄. Ни мәън, мән.

Sound out the word with me. Person. Be sure to get the Ä right. Not meaning, person.

Ривалюцыэ̄сы Сәънӏэ̄с гьу артинксы тӏәш фә̄джиъэ̄сы бәшаринӣ ӣттӏ. Мутт гайджэ̄тиъ сәм до̄лэ̄сэ «пиръәфтэ» ттӏанцӏды воркӏтӏ е биврэ̄ хин, мин ю̄ътӏ вит ынкӏэрутив ӣттӏ нидырӯ, вит гайдж ӣттӏ нитӏыпӏтӏ, вит мәнвис карә̄м нибибытӏ, вит әза̄б психологическ (тӏыриътӏ бы̄ъмэ әза̄б мә̄ттӣ сәм) киттӏакӏ нинуътӏ, зарар хин бы̄ъминӣ тәъбӣъэ тита̄тӏ. тихнологиэ̄ дэвэлопӏ та̄мынәс та̄мынәсчӏәс вит ттӏанцӏчӏ тӣтӏиъ дуъш. Тәъбәън вит мәнвис карә̄мәд е бивр имәнтӏиъ гьу зарар хин бы̄ъминӣ тәъбӣъэ тӣтӏиъ, якъӣн вит нидырӯм ынкӏэрутивнтиъ гьу әза̄б психологическ е кӏэнитӏиъ, вит әза̄б мә̄ттӣ до̄лэ̄сэ «пиръәфтэ» е кӏэнитӏиъкьи.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

Medieval Cats.png

Катуъсы Къарнысинэ Мичинэ:

  • гьәълтӏ вис та̄нәнцӏ
  • кәлӣсдэ иънәнцӏ
  • кӏэнгэ̄с сәрэ̄е иънәнцӏ
  • ынкӏэрутивинӣ дуънәнцӏ

Катуъсы нӯъ:

  • тәмбәл гьу умәдур
  • кә̄фирс
  • тәмбәл дуъсыгъ кӏэнгэ̄с сәрэ̄е ӣтӏды

Cats in Middle Ages:

  • hard working
  • went to church
  • walked on hind legs
  • contributed to society

Cats now:

  • lazy and ungrateful
  • atheists
  • too lazy to walk on hind legs

Guimin Landlord.png

Хозяйн Тӏӣтӏә Бӣт Рентӏ Ттӏәлтӏыъндэды Э̄ррэ̄ Пакъинӣ Е Мигьэ Вӣдытӏухъ

Landlord Forced To Raise Rent Due To Thinking Of Bigger Number

Guimin Bear.jpg

Сә гӯътӏ Агь Сытӏәнцӏ сәтиъ екӏтӏуърэ̄ роспинэ джәрәнинэ

There he is Bear His arrival was foretold in ancient murals.

Guimin Floorboards.jpg



Двә̄ Кӏонтӏорэ̄с Джәрим Тә̄тӏә Несоблюдениэ̄с Нон Запӏравкӏэ̄сэ Minnesota-әш

Two Companies Fined for Violations at Nine Minnesota Gas Stations

Ми вӣцӏ тӏӯъ вәд сыттӏыъды висэ̄, мин ю̄ътӏ кьӏӯтӏәсы гӯътӏ тӏӯътӏы дуъсыгъэ̄. Луътфән кьӏа̄тӏигъ синттӏуъ, километырәм пӏә̄ъкӏә̄с са̄дэ̄ кӏиъсәд ттӏэнтӏ.

I know you're a good swimmer, but the current is too strong. Please just go across the bridge, it's only a few kilometers from here.


Guard 1: Сә тимсә̄л екӏатӏма нӯъ? Statue: Вэ̄ тәъбәън, тимсә̄лм ниекӏэнтӏ! Guard 2: Гьуъчч ццӏвис хин дӯтӏ. Guard 1: Бәлэ, синттӏуъигъ.

Guard 1: Did that statue just talk? Statue: Of course not, statues don't talk! Guard 2: It does raise a pretty good point. Guard 1: Alright, carry on.

ŋ't: Ик душ әдӣтӏ гьу пӏӯвәс ы̄ъс диркӏинтӏды "КЬАКӀ ЖЕНСКӘСЫ" лол nico!: Бәлэ испанск виъдәнцӏухъ гьу кьакӏ женскәсы гӯътӏ ŋ't: Мәӏс гьашэ̄ nico!: Испанск виъдәнцӏухъ или кьакӏ женскәсы ыъсәнцӏ? ŋ't: Бәлэ nico!: (gif) ŋ't: Ми гьәърфэ nico!: Сә пӏоләсы тӏвитиъ гӯътӏ

ŋ't: I get out of the shower and the first thing I hear is "MILK IS FEMININE" lol nico!: Yas I am learning Spanish and milk is feminine 😭 ŋ't: A true tragedy nico!: learning Spanish or that milk is feminine ŋ't: Yes nico!: (gif) ŋ't: Literally me nico!: That is your gender

Чӏу уът уъм вӣдинтӏухъ са̄гьиърэ̄сы га̄йтӏды? Э̄, вәт ми тыритон нэкӏытӏ! Тыритон? ...Ик шифә̄ӏ тәрытӏ.

What makes you think she's a witch? Well, she turned me into a newt! A newt? ...I got better.

Ковбойәсы нигӯътӏыъ секси Тӏви би кӏукӏтӏкьи емыр нӯъ

Cowboys can't be sexy I bet you feel dumb right now

Longer translations

Ик гьуъпп стэйкэ мәс ттӏытӏ, мин ю̄ътӏ ми вӣцӏухъ вӣ виъсэ̄ чӏиъгьинтӏуъ кӏо̄ш бы̄ънтӏ уът гӯъ биъцц. Ик бәгьа̄р би тәъмтәъм стэйкэ ниттӏилтӏ гьәссә̄рэ̄, мин ю̄ътӏ кӏуъ кӏадг дуътӏ? Э̄ррэ̄ чӏӯниъ сә кӏатӏ, гьуъж ыкӏуътиъ тытӏ. Стэйк печӣъ динис гьәссә̄рӣъ упӏычӏ иттӏ пӏә̄въ, гьу иттӏ тэ̄нтӏ сәвс. Сытӏинтӏуъинәд гьу диц ттәнтӏиъ. Эв гьу вен такърӣбән сә̄ъппӏэ, иттӏинэды дә̄рӣтӏэ̄ хин пӏәччӏ гӯътӏ сәвс гьу вәгы нӯъ. Сә пӏа̄ккӏ ынуъмәс быъкӏтӏәыъ. Чам е̄мыргӣ тӏәш әмтӏуъухъ. Сә тәъм ккӏэ̄тӏнитиъ тытӏ. Вэ̄ ккӏэ̄тӏнәсы мәджә̄зӣәсы, ккӏэ̄тӏнәсы мәнуъшәсы гьәърфӣәсы гьашәсы.


Ик мыг митиъ тэтӏиъинэ, гьу ӣсиъм кӏэнинтӏссә нэкӏинтӏабиъссә сә ыъкӏтӏ ым ттинтӏыъ. Нуъ дыкӏинтӏуъ зэ̄т тӏәдуъсыгъ хин ттӏилтӏ. Гьвә̄пӏ, гьвә̄пӏ. Ытӏуъәд -

I'm gonna add my chicken, and if the bubbles start to form around it that means we're good to go. Now realize that you put in way to much fucking oil. Okay, okay. Remove -


Чӏигьтӏуъ! Ынуъс Кьӏа̄тӏигъ Мытӏӣс сытӏәнцӏкьиды жаваб сә тӏырӣ суӏә̄линытиъ мэ̄ дӯтӏуъ, диркӏитӏиъчӏрэ̄ ракъис итӏэрисәс. Суӏә̄линыс мэ̄ екӏэнтӏуъ, саккъӏ кьӏа̄тӏитиъ. Ми нииттӏ тӏыттӏ. Чӏусы ниминсы тӏо гӯътӏ? Ниминсы мәс Sir Lancelot of Camelot-әсы. Чӏусы пуе̄сы тӏо гӯътӏ? Вит Граал Чӏвәнтӏ диркӏтӏә. Чӏусы рәнгэ̄сы кирмиънэ̄сы тӏо га̄йтӏ? Кьә̄вкӏ. Руктӏ. Синттӏуъдэ. О̄, шукрән. Шукрән хин. Гӯътӏ са̄д! Чӏигьтӏуъ! Ынуъс Кьӏа̄тӏигъ Мытӏӣс сытӏәнцӏкьиды жаваб сә тӏырӣ суӏә̄линытиъ мэ̄ дӯтӏуъ, диркӏитӏиъчӏрэ̄ ракъис итӏэрисәс. Суӏә̄линыс мэ̄ екӏэнтӏуъ, саккъӏ кьӏа̄тӏитиъ. Ми нииттӏ тӏыттӏ. Чӏусы ниминсы тӏо гӯътӏ? Sir Robin of Camelot-әсы. Чӏусы пуе̄сы тӏо гӯътӏ? Вит Граал Чӏвәнтӏ диркӏтӏә. Чӏусы па̄йтәхтэ̄сы Әшшӯрә̄ёс га̄йтӏ? Ми сә нивӣцӏ! А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄!

Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see. Ask me the questions, bridge-keeper. I'm not afraid. What is your name? My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot. What is your quest? To seek the Holy Grail. What is your favorite color? Blue. Right. Off you go. Oh, thank you. Thank you very much. That's easy! Stop! Who approaches the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see. Ask me the questions, bridge-keeper. I'm not afraid. What is your name? Sir Robin of Camelot. What is your quest? To seek the Holy Grail. What is the capital of Assyria? I don't know that! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Translations of Yambot text


Напомин мэ̄ви нийыъктӏэ̄: зынэл шәкьәш пӏгъәш тӣтӏуъ, әвӣ диркӏгьэтӏуъм кэ̄ф гӯътӏиъкьи

Unrelated note to self: look into the front diacritic, could be fun to listen to it

Вит ми дӯъвицӏ бәзэ мисә̄л луъптӏымитиъ мәгьиъ сулә̄сӣәм тӣтӏиъ дыруъвишэ

Sorta reminds me of my favorite example of tri-roots done right

Пӏардон шумә ми випӏыр синттӏкьи сә̄ъмэ̄, оккӏсы сәмитиъ Sweet & Smokey сытӏа̄ ыъттӏ

Sorry if I consonantly jiggle my eyes are real Sweet & Smokey

Гьу кӏосы ынуъсы бәч тӏәри гӯътӏмай гьу кӏосы bogo виъкӏпӏәтӏӣс гӯътӏмай?

And who's the richest person and what’s a chief bogo?

Misread asemic and I think about it once but didn't see the Í

Ик вә̄нд asemic-э дәркӏытӏ ныроджэ̄ гьу ик тӏәш вӣцӏухъ эвэ̄ мин ю̄ътӏ ик Í нидыкӏытӏ


Ми вӣцӏ йәс Эносиъсы га̄йтӏ?

I know what Enosis is?

Э̄ 3:30 такърӣбән кӏэ

So it's like 3:30 here


Дӯъыъкӏнинтӏ ахӣран, рэ̄кӏы итӏиъ лмао

They finally responded to what a legacy lmao

Пӏортӏугалск ниминтӏ ю̄ътӏ диркӏгьэ двә̄э̄

don't have to listen to Portuguese again though

Джәзырвис тӏырӣ-сә̄ъмиътиъ мәънинӣ бәвгэнтӏ лә̄ъл

maybe it uses tricon roots for meaning

Гӯътӏ дуъчч нӣш сә̄ъӏиъмәс дӯ мин ю̄ътӏ ни П

It’s hard to represent vowels but no p

Ми очиричинэ тӏитӏыътӏ, къадыр тӏвис тиртӏ

I've been in line, it has a good amount


Ыыы кӏом эвикӏ фиъләсы

uhhh just when a verb

Аккю̄тәсы гьудуләсы: мытӏиъсы пӏӯв ццӏамәс ветнамскиъсы

friendly ghost: my first thought vietnamese

Акӏутӏэ̄с уттэ еркӏи тӏәмӣ гьәссә̄рэ

acutes for length instead of the ordinary

Ынвис интиъсәр тирытӏма тӏәсы мистерәсы иттӏ са̄дэ̄ итӏэрэ̄ D&Dәми отростокэ синхэ?? Ми вэцӏухъ??

did people expect he is just mister but with dnd at the alveolar ridge?? i think??

Э̄ бэ̄ръ руктӏ ик вӣцӏухъ ниъзэ̄сы цӏырәйъттәсы нигӯътӏссә сәмәсы би адуъкӏәсы, пӏәччӏ тӏәм сӯърмә̄с нэкӏинтӏ

yea tbh i think the ideal system would be neither same or different, so that becomes the formal ones

Бәлэ, ынвис трансгендерәм дык тәъбӣъэ̄ эвӣънэ̄ угь ба̄тӏәд?

Yes, trans people being against any specific natlang?

Ик гьәвә̄ӏ во̄мтӏ виъсэ̄

i always have been showing off


Нуукәс ракъ е мигъ ынкӏэрутивинэ дӯтӏәссәйә̄й аназэ̄

what if Nuuk suddenly gains a larger number in society

Мадгья-Прадэшәсы дыквэ̄сы мя̄нджӣс га̄йтӏыъкьи

Madhya Pradesh could be a lingua franca

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