Fourth Linguifex Relay/Wiobian retranslated

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Warning: bullshit follows

Wiobian retranslated English (literal)

ei Wiot', I ƕiens Beskäme guol'
je x x x x x x x x!
ƕind Ie bemizzen gel Besruol'.
x x x x x x x x x:
ƕiens Fröck' & Feil' mit
bar Hon-Snieks grit
ƕind x x x x x x x x.

O Heaven, Who bringest us strength
and triumph from far above,
We wait upon Thee with longing.
Thus when, O Lord, we entreat Thee,
Give us the means
So that we death unfearing
May break down those wooden idols.


ei Wiot', I ƕiens Beskäme guol'
ei Wiote I ƕiens Beskäme guole
ei Wiote-∅ I ƕiens Beskäm-e guol-e
O heaven-NOM 2SG.NOM 1PL.DAT strength.SG-ACC bring/PRES-PRES.2SG
je ,
and 1S<ACC.II> far-LOC sea-LOC PERF-to.come-2S.PST.IND.ACT
ƕind Ie bemizzen gel besruol.
ƕind Ie bemizzen gel besruol
ƕind I-e bemezz-Uen gel besruol
1PL.NOM 2SG.AC long.for/PRES-1PL ADV urgent
Hurman, ána, pórhaŕa tró pórja uŕójubskenis ankjurini,
hurman ána pórhaŕa tró pórja uŕójubsken ankjurini
hur-man ána pórhaŕa tró pórja uŕójubsken-is ank-jur ini
indeed-so therefore whenever ACC.I whatever<ACC.II> sky.spirit-DAT to.ask.for-1S.PRES.IND.ACT GNOM
ƕiens Fröck' & Feil' mit
ƕiens Fröck & Feil' mit
ƕiens Fröck & Feile mit-∅
1PL.DAT need SERZ means give-2SG.IMP
bar Hon-Snieks grit
bar Hon- Snieks grit
bar Hon-∅ Sniek-s grit
that death-GEN fear-DAT without
Nog tró śéðŕó faga detŕó þar jójagrénturan.
ƕind tró śéðró faga detŕó þar jójagrénturan
ƕind tró śéðró<ACC.II> faga detŕó þar jó-jagré-nturan
1PL.NOM ACC.I yonder.SG tree<ACC.II> thoroughly PVM PERF-to.destroy-3S.INAN.PST.IND.PAS