Sixth Linguifex Relay/Dodellian retranslated

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Relay Text

CAtte a teLEmo RANde PAISI DIPAREI PANta SIllo TIto.
SAca SAca na eto YOcha SIllo da.

BElo REMpe CHEmi te TUzzo DROchi a NUmo QUINta.

ikka tuwat kakanum, am undan awí akusatšanattu
Hamáni sonnátunur ya waki hánǧar sirayunnur.

Interlinear Gloss

catte a telemo rande P. panta sillo tito
rejoice COMP yesterday many P. come world this
saca saca eto yocha sillo da
thank thank then save world

not connect but NOMZ cut place this remember rejoice
a belo rempe chemi te tuzzo droche a numo quinta
COMP man rise live and say story NOMZ fall rain
Awí akuráttu; mahakkúri ina
awí ak=wura=attu mah=akkúri ina
happy.PRED D.this=1P=say.PRED=APP.INSTR, D.many=night.PRED-SPEC previous.PRED

on Páysi Diparéyi aksam ǧamannunur,
on Páysi Diparéyi ak=ksam ǧam=annu-nur

amínda on onaharsišawattunur.
amínda on onahar=si=šaw=attu-nur
thankful.PRED then world=D.prev=save=APP.INSTR-EVID.HEAR

ikka tuwat kakanum, am undan awí akusatšanattu
ikka tuwat ka-kan-um am unda-n awí akusatšan-attu
maybe_not need.PRED-APP.GEN 2P=see.PRED=APP.GEN-SPEC, but arm.PRED-SPEC happy.PRED this=place-cut-APP.INSTR

Hamáni sonnátunur ya waki hánǧar sirayunnur.
hamán-i son=nát-nur ya wak-i ha=anǧar si=ra=yum-nur
man.PRED-SPEC live=INCH-EVID.HEAR and rain.PRED-SPEC 3P.OBV=fall D.prev=tell=APP.GEN-EVID.HEAR


Grammar concerning the core Kandi grammar is found in the pdf added on this page (to be added to Linguifex). However, a few things are still missing from the current draft:

  • The Kandi word order is not strict, but in this text predominantly SOV.
  • Kandi has a number of evidential suffixes, one of which is the evidential hearsay, denoting actions only heard of in third person or myths.

They say he knows all.


  • Adverbial constructs are often produced with the instrumental applicative
Awí wuhahaktunattu
/a'wi: wuha'haktunat:u/
awi wu-ahak=tun=attu
happy.PRED 1P-D.that=do=APP.INSTR

I happily do that.


  • The benefactive applicative often has an allative or dative meaning.


PRED - predicative
SPEC - specifier
D - deictic
D.prev - the one previously mentioned
PN - proper noun (name)
1P, 2P, 3P, 3P.OBV - 1st, 2nd, 3rd person, 3rd person obviative
APP - applicative
GEN - general
INST - instrumental
BEN - benefactive
EVID - evidential
HEAR - hearsay