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  1. z > s / _#
  2. s > h / _#
  3. ō > ā
  4. vowels [+nasal] > vowels [-nasal] [+length]
  5. γ > j / #_V, V_V
    skājah ( < *skōgaz)
  6. γ > v̄ / V_[+voiced +consonant]
  7. þ > h / _R
    *mahlā ( < *maþlą) which later gives māl
  8. ā > ē / [+dental +consonant +nasal]_#
  9. Spontaneous haplogy (sic).
  10. f > hw / _V
  11. þ > s [unconditionally]
  12. nd > n / V_V
  13. ă ĕ ŏ > Ø / _#
  14. If a word by result of law 13 becomes monosyllabic, lengthen the stem vowel for compensation.
  15. If a word by result of law 13 terminates in -w, turn it into -u.
  16. ĭ ŭ > e o / _#
  17. s > h / _R
  18. j > Ø /#_V
  19. h > Ø /V_C
  20. Compensatory vowel lengthening follows the above law.
  21. Words of three or more syllables may occasionally experience V > Ø / _#

Example sentences

  1. sā hweū hwurhte sanā wulhwā hwure avajs
    þō fehū furhti þaną wulfą furi habaiþi.
    'The cattle has fear of the wolf.'
  2. sa wulhwā sā hweū ēsīs
    sa wulfaz þō fehū ?gaisīþi. ( PIE *gheis-, cf. Goth. usgaisjan)
    'The wolf terrorizes the cattle.'

A man says to another man…

— Hweho!
— Hwehōh?!
Ne, hweho!
— Hahā, hweho!