Idavic languages

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Idavic languages/Lexicon
Idavic languages/Swadesh
Created by
Etalocin, eastern Txapoalli, Bjeheond
Linguistic classificationOne of Tricin's primary language families
Proto-languageProto-Idavic (PId)

Idavic or Idavo-Etalocian is a Trician language family which includes Dodellic. The urheimat is central-western Etalocin.

Inspiration: Afro-Asiatic, IE

How does this become Netagin tricons?

Family tree


  • Consonants: b d dł j g gʷ p t tł č k kʷ q s ł š h ʔ m n ŋ l r w y ř (ř is a retroflex approx.)
  • Vowels: a e i u ā ē ī ū
  • Pitch accent: modal (á), creaky (ã)
    • Creaky voice is the source of glottal reinforcement in Shalaian and vowel shifts in Netagin.

Shalaian diachronics

  • b > v; ɓ > b; g > y, kh, or CL; j > ʒ; ng > ng3 > n3
  • Grimm's law: p t č kʷ q > f θ ʃ x H
  • q G q' > H ayin q
  • further shifts: kʷ' > kʷ > xʷ
  • Vowel shifts: ā > ō > /əʊ/, u > /ɒ/, iw > /ju:/
  • final -ā -ī shorten to -a -i
  • Loss of initial glottal stop, then loss of non-prevocalic /r/
  • Historical long vowels (also /ɑː/ from historical /ar/) shorten before /ʕ/
  • H and ayin merge with /h/ and hamza


Allowed root clusters

Allowed clusters with no glottal stop:

  • mC: mn ml mr my m3 mb md mj mg mp mt mtł ms mł mč mk mkw mq mh
  • nC: nm nr n3 ny nw nd ndł nj ng nt ntł ns nš nč nk nkw nq nh
  • lC: lm ln l3 ly lw lb ld lj lg lp lt ls lč lk lkw lq lh
  • rC: rm rn r3 ry rw rb rd rdł rj rg rp rt rł rtł rs rč rk rkw rq rh
  • 3C: 3m 3n 3l 3r 3y (never initial) 3w 3b 3d 3dł 3j 3g 3p 3t 3s 3ł 3tł 3č 3k 3kw 3q
  • Cm: nm lm rm 3m dm jm gm tm sm šm čm łm tłm km kwm qm hm
  • Cn: mn ln 3n bn dn jn gn pn tn sn šn čn łn tłn kn kwn qn hn
  • Cl: ml nl 3l rl bl dl jl fl tl sl šl čl kl kwl ql hl
  • Cr: mr nr għr vr br dr jr pr tr sr šr čr kr kwr qr hr
  • Cy: my ny ly ry 3y (never initial) by py dy ty sy šy ły dły tły gy ky qy hy
  • Cw: nw 3w dw dłw jw tw tłw sw łw čw qw
  • C3: m3 n3 l3 r3 b3 d3 j3 p3 t3 tł3 ł3 s3 š3 č3 k3 kw3 q3
  • XX: any cluster of 2 obstruents are allowed, as long as they agree in voicing and are not both dorsal (k, g, kw, gw, q); in addition, s + voiced stop and š + voiced stop


Triconsonantal but only Netagin preserves this


Lifted from German: V2, SAuxOV, verb final in subordinate clauses


Proto-Idavic had an extensive array of derivational affixes.

Root extensions: suffixes

  • Creaky voice marked intensive or transitive verbs like the Semitic geminate binyan
  • -ay (h): deverbal noun
  • With prefixed verbs, the stress shift derives verbal nouns: *ri·kʷā́n 'to rest' → ·ríkʷan 'rest'. This is the source of some infinitives being marked with stress shifts in Shalaian (riwháin, ríwhain 'sleep').
  • -gʷidi (i): augmentative; derives nouns
  • -t (i): verbal noun, resultative
  • -aʕ (a): agentive
  • -ī́r: causative verbs
  • -áy: causative, change of state
  • -ā́l: transitive or causative verbs
  • dan-: applicative, like German be-
  • tar-: frequentative
  • nar-: telic
  • šu-: mis-, over-
  • ur-: causative, change of state
  • ri-: detransitivizer, passive
  • -mak: nominalizer
  • n: continuative? frequentative?
  • C1aC2- reduplicant: graduative
  • -jan: instrument noun

Todo: separable prefixes