User:Praimhín/Old Irish-Semitic inspired conlang: Difference between revisions

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/s ʃ ɬ ts’ tʃ’ ʔ h l r w j/ ''s š ś ṣ ṣ̌ ʔ h l r w y''
/s ʃ ɬ ts’ tʃ’ ʔ h l r w j/ ''s š ś ṣ ṣ̌ ʔ h l r w y''

Verapamil non-ejective stops ''p t k b d g'' become spirants, written ''φ θ χ β δ γ'' respectively, when after a vowel and not geminated.
Verapamil non-ejective stops ''p t k b d g'' become spirants, written ''φ θ χ β δ γ'' respectively, when after a vowel and not geminated. This process is similar to Hebrew begadkefat, and some dialects even lenite ''m n r'' to /w̃ ð̃ ɾ/ in addition.
The consonants /ʔ h/ and ejectives can't be geminated.

