Idavic languages: Difference between revisions

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(both Idavic and Dodellian have "alodh, gaeiz, tubhal, meaqhas, paiziomh, alban" numbers)
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Inspiration: Afro-Asiatic
Inspiration: Afro-Asiatic
:[[Idavic languages/Lexicon]]
:[[Idavic languages/Swadesh]]
==Family tree==
**[[Shalaic]] (j > r, dł > l?)
***[[Shalaian]] (Salisho-Welsh)
***[[Varkun]] (Finno-Arabic)
***Sami gibberish
***[[Netagin]] (Optimized for piyyutim)
***[[Nabbrzé]] (Russo-Arabic)
***[[Ouřefr]] (Czech + Dutch)
*Consonants: b d dł j g gʷ p t tł č k kʷ q s ł š h ʔ m n ŋ l r w y ř (ř is a retroflex approx.)
*Vowels: a e i u ā ē ī ū
*Pitch accent: modal ('''á'''), creaky ('''ã''')
** Creaky voice is the source of glottal reinforcement in Shalaian and vowel shifts in Netagin.
**Vowels can only be long in stressed syllables.
===Shalaian diachronics===
*b > v; ɓ > b; g > y, kh, or CL; j > ʒ; ng > ng3 > n3
*Grimm's law: p t č kʷ q > f θ ʃ x H
*q G q' > H ayin q
*further shifts: kʷ' > kʷ > xʷ
*Vowel shifts: ā > ō > /əʊ/, u > /ɒ/, iw > /ju:/
*final -ā -ī shorten to -a -i
*Loss of initial glottal stop, then loss of non-prevocalic /r/
*Historical long vowels (also /ɑː/ from historical /ar/) shorten before /ʕ/
====Allowed root clusters====
Allowed clusters with no glottal stop:
*mC: mn ml mr my m3 mb md mj mg mp mt mtł ms mł mč mk mkw mq mh
*nC: nm nr n3 ny nw nd ndł nj ng nt ntł ns nš nč nk nkw nq nh
*lC: lm ln l3 ly lw lb ld lj lg lp lt ls lč lk lkw lq lh
*rC: rm rn r3 ry rw rb rd rdł rj rg rp rt rł rtł rs rč rk rkw rq rh
*3C: 3m 3n 3l 3r 3y (never initial) 3w 3b 3d 3dł 3j 3g 3p 3t 3s 3ł 3tł 3č 3k 3kw 3q
*Cm: nm lm rm 3m dm jm gm tm sm šm čm łm tłm km kwm qm hm
*Cn: mn ln 3n bn dn jn gn pn tn sn šn čn łn tłn kn kwn qn hn
*Cl: ml nl 3l rl bl dl jl fl tl sl šl čl kl kwl ql hl
*Cr: mr nr għr vr br dr jr pr tr sr šr čr kr kwr qr hr
*Cy: my ny ly ry 3y (never initial) by py dy ty sy šy ły dły tły gy ky qy hy
*Cw: nw 3w dw dłw jw tw tłw sw łw čw qw
*C3: m3 n3 l3 r3 b3 d3 j3 p3 t3 tł3 ł3 s3 š3 č3 k3 kw3 q3
*XX: any cluster of 2 obstruents are allowed, as long as they agree in voicing and are not both dorsal (k, g, kw, gw, q); in addition, s + voiced stop and š + voiced stop
Combine German, Semitic and PIE morphologies
Tone changes were part of the morphology of Proto-Idavic. Shalaic retained the Proto-Idavic accent system, while Netagic lost it with a shift to stem-initial stress and a vowel split conditioned by creaky voice.
The three genders, the three numbers and the possessive suffixes are Proto-Idavic features. Shalaian added a new alienable-inalienable possession distinction by creating alienable possessive prefixes from genitive pronouns.
*independent: lī, dā, kʷā, nidí
*emphatic: *swi-li, *swi-da, *swi-kʷa, *swi-nídi
===Root structure===
Idavic roots were consonantal roots similar to PIE and Semitic languages: most roots were biconsonantals C-C or triconsonantals alternating between CVC(ə)C (also called the ''segolate form'') and C(ə)CVC (also called the ''antisegolate form'') by Schwebeablaut.
2-letter roots:
*√t-q 'to say' (a source of Shal. ''θāħ'')
*√ʕ-d 'to shine, to show' (source of Shal. ''lyd'' 'bright'; ''ládmar'' 'happiness' comes from a root extension √ʕ-dm)
*√ʕ-n 'high, raised'
3-letter roots:
*√qdVb~qVdb 'true'
In Late Proto-Idavic, Schwebeablaut alternations are part of the inflectional morphology of a word. In Early Proto-Idavic they are thought to have been phonologically conditioned:
*The default state is the CVCC form: ''qidb'' 'to be true'; ''qidbti'' 'loyalty'
*With closed syllable in the prefix the segolate form is used: ''hin·qídb'' 'to verify' → ''li·hinqadb'' 'I verify'
*With open syllable in the prefix the antisegolate form is used: ''ri·qádb'' 'to stay true' → ''li·ríqdab'' 'I stay true'
There were several ablaut grades:
*zero-grade (CC)
*a-grade (CaC ~ CCa or CaCC ~ CCaC)
*i-grade (CiC ~ CCi or CiCC ~ CCiC)
*u-grade (CuC ~ CCu or CuCC ~ CCuC)
*lengthened grades: ā, ī, ū-grades (intensive? transitive? plural? nominalization? pair up with short grades?) These are more derivational than inflectional.
*creaky voice: causative and intensive
Many prefixes and suffixes require certain ablaut grades.
[[Netagin]] is the only Idavic language to preserve the Proto-Idavic ablaut system and develop it into a system of verb conjugation, binyanim, and noun and adjective patterns. (How should it do that?)
√ʕ-d 'to shine'
*Intransitive verbs: ''-ʕad- ~ -ʕid- ~ -ʕd-'' = to shine
*Adjectives: ''ʕīd'' = bright
**''ʕād'' = light
**''ʕā̃d'' = Sun, star? (singulativized collective)
**creaky voice marked singulatives: ''ʕãd'' = ray; they were honorific-gender
*Action or state noun: ''ʕud-ar'' = (state of) shining, brightness
*Deverbal nouns:
*Derived stems:
**''wa·ʕā́d'' = to polish
**''ʕãd-ī́r'' = to illuminate, to show (source of Shal. ''għa'téer'' 'to prove')
**''ʕád-m-ar'' = (root extension) happiness, joy
**''ʕíd-n-ar'' = (root extension) beauty, radiance
TODO: needs a more PIE-like feel; shift accents, lengthen/change root vowels
Proto-Idavic had 3 genders: inanimate (i), animate (a), and abstract (h). The abstract gender evolved to serve honorific functions in Shalaian, hence the abbreviation "h".
Nouns declined for four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive) and three numbers (singular, dual, plural).
Idavic nouns could have plurals marked with case suffixes (''weak nouns'') and sometimes with ablaut and/or reduplication and then marked with singular suffixes (''strong nouns''). Broken plurals often developed into lexicalized singular nouns in Shalaian.
{| class="wikitable" style=" text-align: center;"
|+ ''rū̃sa'' 'dog'
! style="width: 90px;" |
! style="width: 100px;" | Singular
! style="width: 100px;" | Dual
!  style="width: 100px;" | Plural
!| Nominative
| ''rū̃sa'' || ''rū̃sandi'' || ''rusā́n''
!| Accusative
| ''rū̃say'' || ''rūsandi'' || ''rusī́k''
!| Dative
| ''rū̃sam'' || ''???'' || ''rusī́s''
!| Genitive
| ''rū̃sat'' || ''???'' || ''rusā́ka''
acc = nom for inanimates and abstracts
{| class="wikitable" style=" text-align: center;"
|+ ''šármi'' 'stone'
! style="width: 90px;" |
! style="width: 100px;" | Singular
! style="width: 100px;" | Dual
!  style="width: 100px;" | Plural
!| Nominative
| ''šármi'' || ''šármindi'' || ''šarmā́t''
!| Accusative
| ''šármi'' || ''šármindi'' || ''šarmā́t''
!| Dative
| ''šármin'' || ''???'' || ''šarmī́s''
!| Genitive
| ''šármit'' || ''???'' || ''šarmā́ka''
{| class="wikitable" style=" text-align: center;"
|+ ''ʕídnas'' 'radiance'
! style="width: 90px;" |
! style="width: 100px;" | Singular
! style="width: 100px;" | Dual
!  style="width: 100px;" | Plural
!| Nominative
| ''ʕídnasi'' || ''ʕídnasandi'' || ''ʕidnā́si''
!| Accusative
| ''ʕídnasi'' || ''ʕídnasandi'' || ''ʕidnā́si''
!| Dative
| ''ʕidnásin'' || ''???'' || ''ʕidnā́sin''
!| Genitive
| ''ʕidnást'' || ''???'' || ''ʕidnā́sit''
====Possessive suffixes====
Possessive suffixes were added directly to the case form of a noun.
! Possessor !! Suffix
! First person singular
| *-li
! Second person singular
| *-di
! Third person singular
| *-hī ~ *-sī (his/her)<br/>*-ha ~ *-sa (its)
! First person plural
|  *-kʷi
! Second person plural
| *-nikʷi
! Third person plural
| *-hist ~ *-sist
Adjectives agreed with nouns in number, gender and case.
Adverbs were formed from adjectives by replacing the case suffix with ''-u''.
====Class 1====
{| class="wikitable" style=" text-align: center;"
|+ ''ʕīd-'' 'bright'
! rowspan="2" style="width: 90px;" |
! colspan="3" | singular
! colspan="3" | plural
! Nominative
| ''ʕī́da'' || ''ʕī́du'' || ''ʕī́das'' || ''ʕidā́n'' || ''ʕidā́'' || ''ʕidā́si''
! Accusative
| ''ʕī́day'' || ''ʕī́di'' || ''ʕī́dasi'' || ''ʕidī́'' || ''ʕīdā́ka'' || ''ʕīdā́si''
! Dative
| ''ʕī́dam'' || ''ʕī́din'' || ''ʕī́dasin'' || ''ʕidī́s'' || ''ʕidī́s'' || ''ʕidā́sin''
! Genitive
| ''ʕī́dat'' || ''ʕī́dit'' || ''ʕī́dasit'' || ''ʕidā́ka'' || ''ʕidā́ka'' || ''ʕidā́sit''
====Class 2====
Broken plurals; no gender distinction in plural
Verbs had the following forms:
*imperfect (either nonpast or imperfective aspect)
*past participle
*infinitive or verbal noun
*mi-infinitive (analogous to the German zu-infinitive)
*mi-participle (analogous to the German zu-participle)
Verbs were not inflected for person.
There were two regular classes of verbs, strong and weak verbs, much like strong and weak verbs in Germanic. Note: The infinitive was formed in a variety of ways.
! !! weak-unprefixed !! weak with separable prefix !! strong-unprefixed !! strong with separable prefix
! imperative
| ''kadár! ''||'' kadár čal! ''||'' ʔakʷ! ''||'' ʔakʷ nuš!''
! imperfect
| ''kadī́rik ''||'' čal·kadī́r ''||'' ʔákʷik ''||'' nuš·ʔákʷ''
! active participle
| ''kadī́riškʷ- ''||'' čal·kadī́riškʷ- ''||'' ʔákʷiškʷ- ''||'' nuš·ʔákʷiškʷ-''
! passive participle
| ''ʔa·kadirī́n- ''||'' čálʔa·kadirī́n- ''||''ʔa·ʔúkʷč- ''||''núšʔa·ʔúkʷč-''
! infinitive
| ''kadérti ''||'' čálkadérti ''||'' ʔā́kʷi~ʔãkʷi~ʔā̃kʷi~ʔekʷi  ''||'' núšʔakʷi, núšʔekʷi, etc.''
! mi-infinitive
| ''mi·kadérti ''||'' čálmikaderti ''||'' mi·ʔā́kʷi~mi·ʔãkʷi~mi·ʔā̃kʷi ''||'' núšmiʔakʷi, núšmiʔekʷi, etc.''
! mi-participle
| ''mi·kadī́riškʷ- ''||'' čálmikadiriškʷ- ''||''mi·ʔákʷiškʷ- ''||'' núšmiʔakʷiškʷ-'' etc.
Auxiliaries conjugated in imperfect and preterite tenses, in addition to the usual verb forms.
*''kan-'' 'to have' = haben
*''hī-'', ''hā-'' 'to be' = sein
*''łar'' 'to come'/''tay-'' 'to become' = werden
need modals
Lifted from German: V2, SAuxOV, verb final in subordinate clauses
Proto-Idavic had an extensive array of derivational affixes.
Root extensions: suffixes
*Creaky voice marked intensive or transitive verbs like the Semitic geminate binyan
*''-ay'' (h): deverbal noun
*With prefixed verbs, the stress shift derives verbal nouns: *ri·kʷā́n 'to rest' → ·ríkʷan 'rest'. This is the source of some infinitives being marked with stress shifts in [[Shalaian]] (''riwháin, ríwhain'' 'sleep').
*''-gʷidi'' (i): augmentative; derives nouns
*''-t'' (i): verbal noun, resultative
*''-aʕ'' (a): agentive
*''-ī́r'': causative verbs
*''-áy'': causative, change of state
*''-ā́l'': transitive or causative verbs
*''dan-'': applicative, like German ''be-''
*''tar-'': frequentative
*''nar-'': telic
*''šu-'': mis-, over-
*''ur-'': causative, change of state
*''ri-'': detransitivizer, passive
*''-mak'': nominalizer
*{{angbr|''n''}}: continuative? frequentative?
*C1aC2- reduplicant: graduative
*''-jan'': instrument noun
Todo: separable prefixes
[[Category:Language families]]
