Tigol/Proto-Tigol/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
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|adrináin||v||||||let me beautify, adorn
|adrináin||v||||||beautify, adorn
|adráth||adj||||||beautiful, attractive, fine
|adráth||adj||||||beautiful, attractive, fine
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|aeðáth||adj||||||gracious, merciful, clement
|aeðáth||adj||||||gracious, merciful, clement
|alusī́n||v||||||let me be bright, shine
|alusī́n||v||||||be bright, shine
|ámmáin||v||||||let me hold, grasp
|ámmáin||v||||||hold, grasp
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|arái||part||||||woe! alas!
|arái||part||||||woe! alas!
|arbī́n||v||||||let me rebuke, reproach, criticize
|arbī́n||v||||||rebuke, reproach, criticize
|ā̀rd||adj||PTal *ʔāzda||||big, great
|ā̀rd||adj||PTal *ʔāzda||||big, great
|ārdáin||v||||||let me magnify, enlarge, greaten
|ārdáin||v||||||magnify, enlarge, greaten
|armailáin||v||||||let me listen
|áromī́n||v||||||let me live
|áromináin||v||||||enliven, give life to
|áromináin||v||||||enliven, give life to
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|arriedináin||v||''ar'' telic prefix + ''riedináin'' 'bring'||||cause, bring about
|arriedináin||v||''ar'' telic prefix + ''riedináin'' 'bring'||||cause, bring about
|ásħalnáin||v||||||let me excavate, exhume
|ásħalnáin||v||||||excavate, exhume
|asqruofáin||v||||||let me coax, cajole
|asqruofáin||v||||||coax, cajole
|ásthācéin||v||aZ- + thā́céin 'stand up'||||let me admire
|ásthācéin||v||aZ- + thā́céin 'stand up'||||admire
|at||conj, part||||||or (inclusive); something like X
|at||conj, part||||||or (inclusive); something like X
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|áubiī́n||v||||||let me strike,  attack
|áubiī́n||v||||||strike,  attack
|aułái||v||||||let me pity; look down upon
|aułái||v||||||pity; look down upon
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!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|baerináin||v||causative of baerī́n 'wait'||||let me provide/arrange/prepare sth for sb; make sb wait
|baerináin||v||causative of baerī́n 'wait'||||provide/arrange/prepare sth for sb; make sb wait
|baerī́n||v||||||let me await, wait for
|baerī́n||v||||||await, wait for
|baidáin||v||||||let me hit
|bálōzī́n||v||||||let me joke
|bánceváin||v||||||let me be silent
|bánceváin||v||||||be silent
|bānī́n||v||||||let me attract fame, renown, attention
|bānī́n||v||||||attract fame, renown, attention
|bást||adj||||||all, every
|bást||adj||||||all, every
|bēméin||v||PTal *beh- 'be related'||||let me be related
|bēméin||v||PTal *beh- 'be related'||||be related
|bēré||f||PTal *beh- + -rar=ʔ||||tribe, people, nation
|bēré||f||PTal *beh- + -rar=ʔ||||tribe, people, nation
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|bēslináin||v||||||let me force sb to do sth
|bēslináin||v||||||force sb to do sth
|bēzáin||v||PTal *bēz-aīn||||let me love
|bēzáin||v||PTal *bēz-aīn||||love
|bílze||f||||||sky, heaven
|bílze||f||||||sky, heaven
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|bohī́n||v||||||let me measure
|bucōráin||v||(< earlier *búkōr 'two ways')||||let me doubt
|bucōráin||v||(< earlier *búkōr 'two ways')||||doubt
|bucōrȳ́the||f||||||doubt, uncertainty
|bucōrȳ́the||f||||||doubt, uncertainty
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!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|cadráin||v||||causative: 'use as bait'||let me tempt
|cadráin||v||||causative: 'use as bait'||tempt
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|cámire||f||||||woman, wife
|cámire||f||||||woman, wife
|capsī́n||v||From PZ *kaps-, whence Rax ''caxīn'' 'ibid.'||||let me eat
|capsī́n||v||From PZ *kaps-, whence Rax ''caxīn'' 'ibid.'||||eat
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|cḗm||num||||behaves as an adjective||one
|cḗm||num||||behaves as an adjective||one
|cḗmitutáin||v||||||let me unite, unify
|cḗmitutáin||v||||||unite, unify
|cennáin||v||||||be merciful, be compassionate
|cennáin||v||||||be merciful, be compassionate
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|cenneðā́r||adj||||||merciful, compassionate
|cenneðā́r||adj||||||merciful, compassionate
|cílcieláin||v||||||let me tile, tessellate
|cílcieláin||v||||||tile, tessellate
|cīnéin||v||||||let me jump
|cīpalnáth||adj||cī- 'less' + 'palnáth' 'third'||||mutually exhaustive; black-and-white
|cīpalnáth||adj||cī- 'less' + 'palnáth' 'third'||||mutually exhaustive; black-and-white
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|clȳ̀d||f||||||contract, treaty, agreement
|clȳ̀d||f||||||contract, treaty, agreement
|cochī́n||v||||||let me be glad/rejoice
|cochī́n||v||||||be glad/rejoice
|corðéi||v||||||let me laugh
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|chéa. chéqē||m||||||honey
|chéa. chéqē||m||||||honey
|chenī́n||v||||||let me say
|chilūsé||v||||||argot, idiom, dialect
|chilūsé||v||||||argot, idiom, dialect
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|dáte||adv||PTal *da ''deictic/presentative particle'' + *te||||here (near 1+2)
|dáte||adv||PTal *da ''deictic/presentative particle'' + *te||||here (near 1+2)
|davséin||v||||||let me aspire, be ambitious
|davséin||v||||||aspire, be ambitious
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|défrātáin||v||||||let me rage/gale/gust intensely
|défrātáin||v||||||rage/gale/gust intensely
|dèia||f||||||female (of animals), feminine noun
|dèia||f||||||female (of animals), feminine noun
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|di, d'||prep||||||in, at (locative)
|di, d'||prep||||||in, at (locative)
|dōgī́n||v||||||let me fall
|duoħī́n||v||||||let me fade, be erased
|duoħī́n||v||||||fade, be erased
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!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ðeirunéin||v||||||let me deny, disavow
|ðeirunéin||v||||||deny, disavow
|ðinór||m||||||animal, beast
|ðinór||m||||||animal, beast
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|eir||conj||PTal *ei (question particle) + *ir- 'not'||||because, for (explanatory particle)
|eir||conj||PTal *ei (question particle) + *ir- 'not'||||because, for (explanatory particle)
|ēltī́n||v||||||let me produce, manufacture, create
|ēltī́n||v||||||produce, manufacture, create
|etholái||v||||||let me punish
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!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|fáerī́n||v||||||let me jam, interlock (intransitive)
|fáerī́n||v||||||jam, interlock (intransitive)
|fáħéin||v||||||let me help
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|flēáth||adj||||||sturdy, firm, resolute, determined
|flēáth||adj||||||sturdy, firm, resolute, determined
|flúotéin||v||||||let me have so do sth (with a specific purpose in mind)
|flúotéin||v||||||have so do sth (with a specific purpose in mind)
|fṑn||m||||||sea, ocean
|fṑn||m||||||sea, ocean
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|fríng, frínq-||m||||||despair, pessimism
|fríng, frínq-||m||||||despair, pessimism
|frínqéin||v||||||let me despair, be pessimistic
|frínqéin||v||||||despair, be pessimistic
|frínqenóth||adj||||||futile, vain, hopeless, infeasible
|frínqenóth||adj||||||futile, vain, hopeless, infeasible
|fúdáin||v||||||let me answer
|fúot||adj||||||at any time; never
|fúot||adj||||||at any time; never
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!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|gaigī́n||v||||||let me shake, tremble
|gaigī́n||v||||||shake, tremble
|gā́léin||v||||||let me sing
|gāŧī́n||v||||||let me sew
|gávthe||f||||||throat, language
|gávthe||f||||||throat, language
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|gordī́n||v||||||let me find
|gū̀r||adv||||||too, excessively
|gū̀r||adv||||||too, excessively
|gūréin||v||||||let me be in excess, be left over
|gūréin||v||||||be in excess, be left over
|gurgū́r||adj||rdpl. from gūréi 'be in excess'||||superfluous, redundant
|gurgū́r||adj||rdpl. from gūréi 'be in excess'||||superfluous, redundant
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|hám||part||||||irrealis negative/prohibitive
|hám||part||||||irrealis negative/prohibitive
|hárī́n||v||||||let me go
|hárináin||v||||||let me take (to a destination)
|hárináin||v||||||take (to a destination)
|hél||f||||||spirit, voice
|hél||f||||||spirit, voice
|hēseī́n||v||||||let me feel, emote
|hēseī́n||v||||||feel, emote
|híltináin||v||causative of híltī́n 'prove, draw, infer'||||let me imply
|híltináin||v||causative of híltī́n 'prove, draw, infer'||||imply
|híltī́n||v||||||let me draw, pull; prove, infer
|híltī́n||v||||||draw, pull; prove, infer
|húol||m||||||cover, wrapping, packaging
|húol||m||||||cover, wrapping, packaging
|húoláin||v||||||let me cover
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|ħálgáin||v||||||to value, to consider sth as
|ħálgáin||v||||||to value, to consider sth as
|ħálnáin||v||||||let me dig
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|ħént||adj||||||noble, lofty, sublime
|ħént||adj||||||noble, lofty, sublime
|ħiemī́n||v||||||let me precipitate, rain down (intrans.)
|ħiemī́n||v||||||precipitate, rain down (intrans.)
|ħínn||m||||||evening, dusk
|ħínn||m||||||evening, dusk
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|ħisī́n||v||||||let me cross, surpass
|ħisī́n||v||||||cross, surpass
|ħisaromiáin||v||ħis- 'cross' + árom 'live'||||let me survive
|ħisaromiáin||v||ħis- 'cross' + árom 'live'||||survive
|ħuoná||conj||||||as long as
|ħuoná||conj||||||as long as
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|ílb||pron||||||another, other
|ílb||pron||||||another, other
|ílcháin||v||||||let me write
|innyntháin||v||||||let me suggest, nominate
|innyntháin||v||||||suggest, nominate
|insé||f||||||city, town
|insé||f||||||city, town
|inthī́n||v||||||let me lie (be in a supine position)
|inthī́n||v||||||lie (be in a supine position)
|ī́r||m||PTal *ʔihira||||island
|ī́r||m||PTal *ʔihira||||island
|irēdáin||v||||||let me send
|īs||conj||||||contrafactual conditional
|īs||conj||||||contrafactual conditional
|isséin||v||||||let me fear
|itutáin||v||||||let me consolidate, put together, condense
|itutáin||v||||||consolidate, put together, condense
|īvī́n||v||||||let me emerge, go out
|īvī́n||v||||||emerge, go out
|ī́vitáin||v||||||let me take out, bring out, emit
|ī́vitáin||v||||||take out, bring out, emit
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!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|jāðī́n||v||||||let me fly
|jā́máin||v||||||let me grow (trans)
|jā́máin||v||||||grow (trans)
|jást||adv||||||why (used with irrealis verbs, or verbs of wanting or necessity)
|jást||adv||||||why (used with irrealis verbs, or verbs of wanting or necessity)
|jaudáin||v||||||let me try, attempt
|jaudáin||v||||||try, attempt
|jḗn||adv||from abl. of PTal *jé 'who, what'||||why (used with realis verbs)
|jḗn||adv||from abl. of PTal *jé 'who, what'||||why (used with realis verbs)
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|jḗrmé||adv||jḗr 'how' + mé 'this'||||why (used with realis verbs)
|jḗrmé||adv||jḗr 'how' + mé 'this'||||why (used with realis verbs)
|jōráin||v||||||let me heed, obey, follow
|jōráin||v||||||heed, obey, follow
|jullé||f||||||favor, goodwill
|jullé||f||||||favor, goodwill
|jūthái||v||||||let me slaughter
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|laubūláin||v||||||let me collaborate with
|laubūláin||v||||||collaborate with
|láugy||adj||||||deserving, worthy, entitled
|láugy||adj||||||deserving, worthy, entitled
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|lēvéin||v||||||let me run
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|lúcce||f||||||pericarp, husk, peel
|lúcce||f||||||pericarp, husk, peel
|lūhéin||v||||||let me become
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|máugáin||v||||||let me use
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|mīdī́n||v||||||let me give
|mínā||adv||||||at night
|mínā||adv||||||at night
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|mléit||m||||||end, conclusion, "bottom line"
|mléit||m||||||end, conclusion, "bottom line"
|mnádī́n||v||||||let me sleep
|mólī́n||v||PZ *mól- 'follow, pursue track'||||let me thank
|mólī́n||v||PZ *mól- 'follow, pursue track'||||thank
|morī́n||v||||||let me exist/be
|móth, móthē||m||||||face, surface, aspect
|móth, móthē||m||||||face, surface, aspect
|mrínáin||v||||||let me forgive
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|náche||f||||||sorrow, grief, anguish
|náche||f||||||sorrow, grief, anguish
|náchtáin||v||||||let me hunt
|náf, nafḗ||adj||||||sweet
|náf, nafḗ||adj||||||sweet
|nafináin||v||||||let me sweeten; euphemize, sugar-coat; familiarize, acclimate
|nafináin||v||||||sweeten; euphemize, sugar-coat; familiarize, acclimate
|nai||prep||||||with, by (instrumental)
|nai||prep||||||with, by (instrumental)
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|nesáin||v||||||let me kill, slay
|nesáin||v||||||kill, slay
|niéðā||adv||||||for a day
|niéðā||adv||||||for a day
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!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|parrī́n||v||||||let me disconnect, sever
|parrī́n||v||||||disconnect, sever
|píll||m||||||revenge, vengeance
|píll||m||||||revenge, vengeance
|pilláin||v||||||let me avenge (vo + sb avenged) (di + target of revenge)
|pilláin||v||||||avenge (vo + sb avenged) (di + target of revenge)
|pláħī́n||v||||||let me grant, permit, waft down
|pláħī́n||v||||||grant, permit, waft down
|poadī́n||v||||||let me laugh, mock
|poadī́n||v||||||laugh, mock
|pyrī́n||v||||||let me build
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|qaldáin||v||||||let me honor, respect; euphemism for sexual intercourse
|qaldáin||v||||||honor, respect; euphemism for sexual intercourse
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|qástráin||v||||||let me smile
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|qervī́n||v||||||let me pack, condense
|qervī́n||v||||||pack, condense
|qṑd||m||||||copper, bronze, brass
|qṑd||m||||||copper, bronze, brass
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|qōmḗn||conj||||||because, for
|qōmḗn||conj||||||because, for
|qónáin||v||||||let me fuck, have sexual intercourse with
|qónáin||v||||||fuck, have sexual intercourse with
|qúlz||m||||||male (often of animals), masculine noun
|qúlz||m||||||male (often of animals), masculine noun
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|qvothī́n||v||||||let me shout
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|rāħé||num||PTal *rāqʰ-||||half
|rāħé||num||PTal *rāqʰ-||||half
|ramléin||v||||||let me agree
|ranðeirunéin||f||||||let me make excuses, explain away, rationalize
|ranðeirunéin||f||||||make excuses, explain away, rationalize
|rā́th||pron||||||you both (2nd person dual pronoun)
|rā́th||pron||||||you both (2nd person dual pronoun)
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|rā̀zā||adv||||||in the daytime
|rā̀zā||adv||||||in the daytime
|réħáin||v||PTal *réʁa-īn||||let me do, make
|réħáin||v||PTal *réʁa-īn||||do, make
|riedī́n||v||PTal *riʔdīn||||let me come
|riedī́n||v||PTal *riʔdīn||||come
|riedináin||v||caus. of ''riedī́n''||||let me bring
|riedináin||v||caus. of ''riedī́n''||||bring
|rin||conj||PTal *wēri 'such that' (adverbial of *wa relative pronoun) + *ʔíne 'said X' (anaphoric)||||that, which (introduces a specific relative clause)
|rin||conj||PTal *wēri 'such that' (adverbial of *wa relative pronoun) + *ʔíne 'said X' (anaphoric)||||that, which (introduces a specific relative clause)
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|róngī́n||v||||||let me take
|rúd||m||||||man, husband
|rúd||m||||||man, husband
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|rumbéin||v||||||let me turn, change direction
|rumbéin||v||||||turn, change direction
|rȳthī́n||v||||||let me categorize, classify, group
|rȳthī́n||v||||||categorize, classify, group
|rȳthré||f||||||class/category, gender/sex
|rȳthré||f||||||class/category, gender/sex
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|sáfyl||m||||||friend, fellow, comrade
|sáfyl||m||||||friend, fellow, comrade
|sáibiī́n||f||||||let me open
|scṓtī́n||v||||||let me walk
|seim||conj||||||but, however
|seim||conj||||||but, however
|sfieráin||v||||||let me replace, substitute, change
|sfieráin||v||||||replace, substitute, change
|si||part||||attached to a conjunction when there is one||subject-changing enclitic
|si||part||||attached to a conjunction when there is one||subject-changing enclitic
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|státhḗd||adj||||||equal, par, equivalent
|státhḗd||adj||||||equal, par, equivalent
|stíevéin||v||||||let me think
|stī́m||conj||||||in order that...
|stī́m||conj||||||in order that...
|stoarī́n||v||||||let me worship, praise
|stoarī́n||v||||||worship, praise
|stúnī́n||v||||||let me go/come back
|stúnī́n||v||||||go/come back
|súst||adv||||||dainty, fine, delicate
|súst||adv||||||dainty, fine, delicate
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|tacét||m||||||young boy
|tacét||m||||||young boy
|tacvéin||v||< PTal *tak- 'say' + *-w-eīn potential suffix, thus, 'to be able to say'||||let me know
|tacvéin||v||< PTal *tak- 'say' + *-w-eīn potential suffix, thus, 'to be able to say'||||know
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|táqḗn||pron||||||we (1+2 plural pronoun)
|táqḗn||pron||||||we (1+2 plural pronoun)
|táqrī́n||v||||||let me be born
|táqrī́n||v||||||be born
|taumináin||v||||||let me be of use, benefit
|taumináin||v||||||be of use, benefit
|tauminé||f||||||utility, benefit
|tauminé||f||||||utility, benefit
|teréin||v||||||let me prosper, flourish, be successful
|teréin||v||||||prosper, flourish, be successful
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|tolbéin||v||||||to behave
|tolbéin||v||||||to behave
|tósáin||v||||||let me see
|tússáin||v||||||let me pray, invoke
|tússáin||v||||||pray, invoke
|tússé||f||||||prayer, invocation
|tússé||f||||||prayer, invocation
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|thā||part||||only with verbs.||indeed, also, at that/to boot/no less, while one's at it, (antonym of vid 'only')
|thā||part||||only with verbs.||indeed, also, at that/to boot/no less, while one's at it, (antonym of vid 'only')
|thā́cī́n||v||||||let me stand
|thándáin||v||||||let me inscribe, etch
|thándáin||v||||||inscribe, etch
|thándīvtáin||v||||||let me insert, enter, write in
|thándīvtáin||v||||||insert, enter, write in
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|ŧách||adv||||||there (distal)
|ŧách||adv||||||there (distal)
|ŧányŧavī́n||v||||||let me cry over spilt milk
|ŧányŧavī́n||v||||||cry over spilt milk
|ŧávī́n||v||||||let me cry, weep
|ŧávī́n||v||||||cry, weep
|ŧéqáin||v||onomatopoeia imitating tongue click||Vernacular, not really 'proper' Themsarian||let me refuse, say no, deny
|ŧéqáin||v||onomatopoeia imitating tongue click||Vernacular, not really 'proper' Themsarian||refuse, say no, deny
|ŧībáin||v||||(> 'to try doing sth' in niece languages)||let me ask (a question)  
|ŧībáin||v||||(> 'to try doing sth' in niece languages)||ask (a question)  
|ŧōgáin||v||||||let me add
|ŧṓla, ŧṓlħḗ||m||||||scarecrow/dummy; proxy, vicarious person or thing
|ŧṓla, ŧṓlħḗ||m||||||scarecrow/dummy; proxy, vicarious person or thing
|ŧṓlħáin||v||||||let me use as proxy; take (nai +) sth out on (DO) sb; erect a straw man
|ŧṓlħáin||v||||||use as proxy; take (nai +) sth out on (DO) sb; erect a straw man
Line 861: Line 861:
|ŧṑs||adj||||||quick, fast, agile
|ŧṑs||adj||||||quick, fast, agile
|ŧū́bī́n||v||||||let me buy
|ŧúodéin||v||||||let me worry
Line 875: Line 875:
|uogī́n||v||||||let me err, miss
|uogī́n||v||||||err, miss
|ū̀r||adj||||||much, many
|ū̀r||adj||||||much, many
Line 881: Line 881:
|utáin||f||||||let me save
Line 901: Line 901:
|vánn||pron||||||they, them, their (3rd person plural feminine)
|vánn||pron||||||they, them, their (3rd person plural feminine)
|várōtī́n||v||||||let me flow
|vatiī́n||v||||||let me prepare, arrange, edit
|vatiī́n||v||||||prepare, arrange, edit
Line 913: Line 913:
|véli||m||PTal *wélja||||name, noun
|véli||m||PTal *wélja||||name, noun
|vélináin||adj||||||let me name; nominalize
|vélináin||adj||||||name; nominalize
|vezorī́n||v||||||let me encounter
|vī́||pron||||||she, her (3rd person singular feminine)
|vī́||pron||||||she, her (3rd person singular feminine)
Line 921: Line 921:
|vinðustái||v||||||let me word/formulate; encode, use allegory/metaphor; interpret, explain meaning
|vinðustái||v||||||word/formulate; encode, use allegory/metaphor; interpret, explain meaning
|vinðusté||f||||||allegory/metaphor; cipher; gloss, interpretation
|vinðusté||f||||||allegory/metaphor; cipher; gloss, interpretation
|vingī́n||v||PTal *wingīn||||let me die
|vingī́n||v||PTal *wingīn||||die
Line 931: Line 931:
|vingináin||v||causative of vingī́n 'die'||emphasizes the end result of death||let me cause to die, put to death
|vingináin||v||causative of vingī́n 'die'||emphasizes the end result of death||cause to die, put to death
|vo||prep||||||for, to (dative)
|vo||prep||||||for, to (dative)
Line 952: Line 952:
|ýlmáin||v||||||let me borrow
|ýlmascáin||v||||||let me lend
|ȳméin||v||||||let me play
|ȳ̀the||f||||||color, way/manner
|ȳ̀the||f||||||color, way/manner
Line 965: Line 965:
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|zalinái||v||||||let me console, comfort
|zalinái||v||||||console, comfort
|zaliné||f||||||consolation, solace, comfort
|zaliné||f||||||consolation, solace, comfort
Line 975: Line 975:
|zī́nuthéa||f||||||daring, audacity, arrogance
|zī́nuthéa||f||||||daring, audacity, arrogance
|zūgī́n||v||||||let me bite
Line 981: Line 981:
|zymzū́m||m||||||hesitation, indecision
|zymzū́m||m||||||hesitation, indecision
|zymzūméin||v||||||let me hesitate, dither, be indecisive
|zymzūméin||v||||||hesitate, dither, be indecisive

Revision as of 01:57, 7 September 2014


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
ā prep with (comitative)
ā́bát m book
ā́batȳré f library
ācéne f sky, heaven
achrátte f kingdom, monarchy
áchyr m king
ādíl f sister
adrináin v beautify, adorn
adráth adj beautiful, attractive, fine
ádyr m beauty
aéð m mercy, grace
aeðáth adj gracious, merciful, clement
alusī́n v be bright, shine
alvé f light
ámmáin v hold, grasp
anét m father
ar conj if (situational conditional)
arái part woe! alas!
arbī́n v rebuke, reproach, criticize
ā̀rd adj PTal *ʔāzda big, great
ārdáin v magnify, enlarge, greaten
armailáin v listen
árom f life
áromī́n v live
áromináin v enliven, give life to
arriedináin v ar telic prefix + riedináin 'bring' cause, bring about
ásħalnáin v excavate, exhume
asqruofáin v coax, cajole
ásthācéin v aZ- + thā́céin 'stand up' admire
at conj, part or (inclusive); something like X
atián pron at 'or, inclusive' + ján 'what' anything
atié pron at 'or, inclusive' + jé 'who' anyone
atiḗr adv any way
ātmé f mother
ā́thmȳré f shrine, sanctuary
ā́thym adj holy
áubiī́n v strike, attack
aułái v pity; look down upon


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
baerináin v causative of baerī́n 'wait' provide/arrange/prepare sth for sb; make sb wait
baerī́n v await, wait for
baidáin v hit
bálōzī́n v joke
bánceváin v be silent
bānī́n v attract fame, renown, attention
bást adj all, every
bēméin v PTal *beh- 'be related' be related
bēré f PTal *beh- + -rar=ʔ tribe, people, nation
bḕsing m clan
bēslináin v force sb to do sth
bēzáin v PTal *bēz-aīn love
bílze f sky, heaven
bīm adv still, yet
bírs m cloud
bohī́n v measure
bucōráin v (< earlier *búkōr 'two ways') doubt
bucōrȳ́the f doubt, uncertainty
būqȳré v temple


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
cadráin v causative: 'use as bait' tempt
cadrȳ́the f temptation
caéth m salt
cáis part please, preferably
cámiráth adj feminine (of the woman gender), womanly
cámire f woman, wife
capsī́n v From PZ *kaps-, whence Rax caxīn 'ibid.' eat
cápsin m food
cátyr m flower
céar adj cognate with cḗm 'one' same
cḗm num behaves as an adjective one
cḗmitutáin v unite, unify
cennáin v be merciful, be compassionate
cenné f mercy, compassion
cenneðā́r adj merciful, compassionate
cílcieláin v tile, tessellate
cílcielé f rdpl. tile
cīnéin v jump
cīpalnáth adj cī- 'less' + 'palnáth' 'third' mutually exhaustive; black-and-white
clȳ̀d f contract, treaty, agreement
cochī́n v be glad/rejoice
cólyn m wind
corðéi v laugh
córðin m laughter
coru conj then
craugé f box, space
cruamátte f east
crúomā adv in the morning
curħé f page
cū̀s part indeed, verily


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
chàele f shadow
chā́m pron we, us (1st person plural exclusive pronoun)
chámichā́m adj rdpl. from chā́m 'we (exc)' clannish, exclusive
chéa. chéqē m honey
chenī́n v say
chilūsé v argot, idiom, dialect
chin prep, conj like


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
daer part PTal *da deictic/presentative particle + *ʔir 'not' is not; predicate negative clitic
dáte adv PTal *da deictic/presentative particle + *te here (near 1+2)
davséin v aspire, be ambitious
davsȳ́the f ambition
déam m bowl
défrātáin v rage/gale/gust intensely
dèia f female (of animals), feminine noun
deiáth adj feminine (of female sex, grammar)
di, d' prep in, at (locative)
dōgī́n v fall
drālé f wave
duoħī́n v fade, be erased
duón adj free


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
ðeirunéin v deny, disavow
ðinór m animal, beast
ðisēn conj for the fact that...


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
èale m peace
ei part question particle
eir conj PTal *ei (question particle) + *ir- 'not' because, for (explanatory particle)
ēltī́n v produce, manufacture, create
etholái v punish
éthyr m sound


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
fáerī́n v jam, interlock (intransitive)
fáħéin v help
farvé num nine
fèid m knot
flēáth adj sturdy, firm, resolute, determined
flúotéin v have so do sth (with a specific purpose in mind)
fṑn m sea, ocean
fríng, frínq- m despair, pessimism
frínqéin v despair, be pessimistic
frínqenóth adj futile, vain, hopeless, infeasible
fúdáin v answer
fúot adj at any time; never


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
gaigī́n v shake, tremble
gā́l m song
gā́léin v sing
gáss m hail
gāŧī́n v sew
gávthe f throat, language
geŧél adj inferior, lowly, base
gil prep from
gordī́n v find
gū̀r adv too, excessively
gūréin v be in excess, be left over
gurgū́r adj rdpl. from gūréi 'be in excess' superfluous, redundant


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
hā́ part O; how...
hám part irrealis negative/prohibitive
hárī́n v go
hárináin v take (to a destination)
hél f spirit, voice
hēseī́n v feel, emote
hífíne f daughter
híltináin v causative of híltī́n 'prove, draw, infer' imply
híltī́n v draw, pull; prove, infer
húol m cover, wrapping, packaging
húoláin v cover


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
ħách adv there (near 2, place just mentioned)
ħā́ð pron we both, thou and I (1st person inclusive dual pronoun)
ħáid m wall
ħàot m ice
ħā́l adj sad, lamentable
ħálg m value, worth
ħálgáin v to value, to consider sth as
ħálnáin v dig
ħéist m word
ħéistálind m dictionary
ħéisting m ħéist 'word' + -ing (collective noun suffix) vocabulary
ħéłłaviné f effort, exertion
ħént adj noble, lofty, sublime
ħiemī́n v precipitate, rain down (intrans.)
ħínn m evening, dusk
ħínnā m in the evening
ħinnátte f west
ħisī́n v cross, surpass
ħisaromiáin v ħis- 'cross' + árom 'live' survive
ħuoná conj as long as
ħȳré num ten


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
ícht m jar, jug, urn
ie conj and
ílb pron another, other
ílcháin v write
ílém m star
innyntháin v suggest, nominate
insé f city, town
inthī́n v lie (be in a supine position)
ī́r m PTal *ʔihira island
irēdáin v send
īs conj contrafactual conditional
isséin v fear
itutáin v consolidate, put together, condense
īvī́n v emerge, go out
ī́vitáin v take out, bring out, emit
īzé f rain


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
jāðī́n v fly
jā́máin v grow (trans)
jást adv why (used with irrealis verbs, or verbs of wanting or necessity)
jaudáin v try, attempt
jḗn adv from abl. of PTal *jé 'who, what' why (used with realis verbs)
jénā́, jénáqē m water
jḗrmé adv jḗr 'how' + mé 'this' why (used with realis verbs)
jōráin v heed, obey, follow
jullé f favor, goodwill
jūthái v slaughter


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
la part used with nouns and adjectives also, even, to boot/no less/at that
lā́m adj good
laubūláin v collaborate with
láugy adj deserving, worthy, entitled
láuzanléin v volunteer
lēvéin v run
línt m pair
lintáth adj dual (grammatical number), pairwise
lozedé num eight
lúcce f pericarp, husk, peel
lūhéin v become
lungé f scaffold


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
mách adv here (near 1)
mā́r m tree
máugáin v use
meħé f container
meisé f section
mīdī́n v give
mínā adv at night
mī̀se f gift
mléit m end, conclusion, "bottom line"
mnádī́n v sleep
mólī́n v PZ *mól- 'follow, pursue track' thank
morī́n v exist/be
móth, móthē m face, surface, aspect
mrínáin v forgive
muléth m scar


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
pron PTal *ʔina I, me, my (1sg pronoun)
nā́r pron we both, s/he and I (1st person exclusive dual pronoun)
náche f sorrow, grief, anguish
náchtáin v hunt
náf, nafḗ adj sweet
nafináin v sweeten; euphemize, sugar-coat; familiarize, acclimate
nai prep with, by (instrumental)
náre num three
nárter adv thrice
ne conj *ʔíne 'said person/thing (anaphoric pronoun)' that (introduces a finite complement clause)
négym m priest
neldé f stone
nesáin v kill, slay
niéðā adv for a day
nī́l adj easy, loose, gullible, naive
nit conj if (general conditional)
nóll m lord, master
nōr, nṑr- conj although, albeit
nu conj xor, nand
nummé f wrath, curse
nummináin v to curse, to pour wrath on
nýlan m child (young person)
nȳ̀r m god


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
óng, ónqḗ m hide
ṓr m disk, circle


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
parrī́n v disconnect, sever
píll m revenge, vengeance
pilláin v avenge (vo + sb avenged) (di + target of revenge)
pī́th adj bad
pláħī́n v grant, permit, waft down
poadī́n v laugh, mock
pyrī́n v build


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
qaldé f honor
qaldáin v honor, respect; euphemism for sexual intercourse
qàor m oath
qáspi m saw
qástráin v smile
qástyr m smile
qélyn adj far
qervī́n v pack, condense
qṑd m copper, bronze, brass
qōmḗn conj because, for
qónáin v fuck, have sexual intercourse with
qúlz m male (often of animals), masculine noun
qulzáth adj masculine (of the male sex, grammar)
qúrar m sand
qvothī́n v shout


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
rā́c f time
rāħé num PTal *rāqʰ- half
ramléin v agree
ranðeirunéin f make excuses, explain away, rationalize
rā́th pron you both (2nd person dual pronoun)
raúzin m favor, offer
rā̀zā adv in the daytime
réħáin v PTal *réʁa-īn do, make
rīál m fire
riedī́n v PTal *riʔdīn come
riedináin v caus. of riedī́n bring
rin conj PTal *wēri 'such that' (adverbial of *wa relative pronoun) + *ʔíne 'said X' (anaphoric) that, which (introduces a specific relative clause)
part pejorative particle, 'that contemptible...'
rṓg quant all
róngī́n v take
rúd m man, husband
rudáth adj masculine (of the man gender), manly
rūdé num seven
rumbéin v turn, change direction
rȳthī́n v categorize, classify, group
rȳthré f class/category, gender/sex


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
sáfyl m friend, fellow, comrade
sáibiī́n f open
sáom m moon
scṓtī́n v walk
seim conj but, however
sfieráin v replace, substitute, change
si part attached to a conjunction when there is one subject-changing enclitic
sī́g adj virtuous, morally good
síl adj new
simátte f north
slā́s pron you, ye (2nd person plural pronoun)
sṓr m house
sṓrachráth m royalty, royal household
sovén m robe
spád m truth, fact
spádīl adv frozen instrumental/locative of spád really, truly
stáfyr m emblem, seal, sign
stái part please do..., prithee
stāmé num six
státhḗd adj equal, par, equivalent
stíevéin v think
stī́m conj in order that...
stoarī́n v worship, praise
stúnī́n v go/come back
súst adv dainty, fine, delicate
sȳ́ð adv very
syrfám m brother


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
tacét m young boy
tacvéin v < PTal *tak- 'say' + *-w-eīn potential suffix, thus, 'to be able to say' know
tàid m arrow
támi m leaf
táqḗn pron we (1+2 plural pronoun)
táqrī́n v be born
taumináin v be of use, benefit
tauminé f utility, benefit
teréin v prosper, flourish, be successful
tíchter adv twice
tíem part infinitive negative
tilinȳ́the f conscience
tīné f hand
tír part realis negative
títhār num PTal *tíłōr functions as an adjective two
tolbéin v to behave
tósáin v see
tússáin v pray, invoke
tússé f prayer, invocation


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
thā part only with verbs. indeed, also, at that/to boot/no less, while one's at it, (antonym of vid 'only')
thā́cī́n v stand
thándáin v inscribe, etch
thándīvtáin v insert, enter, write in
themsárim adj Themsarian
thilqé f sword
tholór m miracle
thū̀a f cow
thúm m air


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
ŧách adv there (distal)
ŧányŧavī́n v cry over spilt milk
ŧávī́n v cry, weep
ŧéqáin v onomatopoeia imitating tongue click Vernacular, not really 'proper' Themsarian refuse, say no, deny
ŧībáin v (> 'to try doing sth' in niece languages) ask (a question)
ŧībé f question
ŧōgáin v add
ŧṓla, ŧṓlħḗ m scarecrow/dummy; proxy, vicarious person or thing
ŧṓlħáin v use as proxy; take (nai +) sth out on (DO) sb; erect a straw man
ŧṓlħáth adj vicarious
ŧṑs adj quick, fast, agile
ŧū́bī́n v buy
ŧúodéin v worry


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
ū̀de conj so
uogíħe f error
uogī́n v err, miss
ū̀r adj much, many
ū̀rīl adv almost
utáin f save


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
pron PTal *wa (relative pronoun) Copular 3rd person pronouns become clitics. he, him, his (3rd person pronoun)
vā́g adj evil, bad
vai part already!/now!/hurry! (urging particle)
váið m mountain
vālé f PTal *wālar=ʔ gate
vánn pron they, them, their (3rd person plural feminine)
várōtī́n v flow
vatiī́n v prepare, arrange, edit
vatím adj ready
vatī́ne f grammar
vèir pron thou, thee, thy (2nd person singular feminine pronoun)
véli m PTal *wélja name, noun
vélináin adj name; nominalize
vezorī́n v encounter
vī́ pron she, her (3rd person singular feminine)
vid adv only
vinðustái v word/formulate; encode, use allegory/metaphor; interpret, explain meaning
vinðusté f allegory/metaphor; cipher; gloss, interpretation
vingī́n v PTal *wingīn die
víngin m death
vingynóth adj mortal
vingináin v causative of vingī́n 'die' emphasizes the end result of death cause to die, put to death
vo prep for, to (dative)
vṓr pron they both, them both (3rd person dual masculine)
vorḗl prep vo 'for' + rḗl 'sake' for the sake of
vū́th m son
vúo pron they (3rd person plural masculine)
vȳ́r pron they both, them both (3rd person dual feminine)


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
ýlmáin v borrow
ýlmascáin v lend
ȳméin v play
ȳ̀the f color, way/manner


Themsarian PoS Etymology Notes Meaning (English)
zalinái v console, comfort
zaliné f consolation, solace, comfort
zéir pron thou, thee, thy (2nd person singular masculine pronoun)
ziebā́ adv below, down
zī́nuthéa f daring, audacity, arrogance
zūgī́n v bite
zuolátte f south
zymzū́m m hesitation, indecision
zymzūméin v hesitate, dither, be indecisive