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'''{{SUBPAGENAME}}''' /tɐxelɪĩxaã/ (From Irish ''Tá Gaelainn agam'' 'I speak Irish') is an Irish-based creole spoken in future postapocalyptic Crackfic Irta. It's been influenced by different populations from Irta's North America - Irish, Jewish, Japanese, English, Athabaskan.
Irish-Japanese creole spoken in Tricin, with Irish words adapted to Japanese phonology
A Spanish/Dutch/Tamil accent? d g = /ð x/ (natural evolution, not influenced by another language)
Japanese noun phrases (but SVO) relexed with mostly Irish vocab, with jp/eng vocab for technical terms; Practically an Irish+Gaelic Hebrew+Aramaic+Japanese+English creole. The liturgical language of some weird religion? (Shouldn't be Abrahamic but should be influenced by Judaism)
Numbers: ''ayaado, adoo, atoshii, acheha, akuuji, asheesh, asheba, ahooto, anii, ajehi''
== Phonology ==
/a e i o (Japanese u)/ vowel system, based on Ballmer Ăn Yidiș + Japanese (with slightly less restrictions on CV combos); ''r'' = /l/
Allows final consonants devoiced in Japanese
VnC consonants realized as nasal vowels: jįshį (3sg animate) etc.
== Lects ==
Tagęrįgą has two registers/accents: an Irish-based normal accent called ''Tagerįgį'' (< Munster Irish ''tá Gaelainn againn'' 'we speak Irish') and a [[Ăn Yidiș/Ballmer|Ballmer Ăn Yidiș]]-influenced liturgical accent called ''Tanidishkį'' (< Ballmer Ăn Yidiș ''T' ăn Idiș geng'' 'we speak Ăn Yidiș'). ''Tanidishkį'' is less voiced (voiceless stops more aspirated, b d g not spirantized) and has some vowel changes or lexical pronunciation changes corresp. to Irish ~ Ballmer Ăn Yidiș vowel changes, like /o u/ = [u ow], /ee ie e ej aj/ = [ie ii ej aj aa]
== Stuff ==
Verbalizer ''-shmas''; past marker ''deshta'', sometimes shortened to ''shta''
Pronouns: míshe, wáre, tísa, jįshį (animate), ríshį (inanimate), mishemíshe, warewáre, tisatísa, hébera (from hevră 'friends'); ano (polite pronoun)
No plural; ''X naką'' (< Jp nakama) is used for the assocciative plural
''eto'' = topic marker
Zero copula
"Noun noun" reduplication from English
''dine'' - person (influenced by Irish and an Athabaskan language)
''yee'' (Jp ''iie'') negation, by itself 'isn't/there isn't'
''Idaha-nį'' 'Jew'; ''Idaha zu rushį'' = An Yidish
''Nihonjį-nį'' 'Japanese person'; ''Nihonjį zu rushį'' = Japanese
''Ego zu rushį'' = English
X zu Y (< hizu < English ''his'') = X no Y
rushif (Heb) 'also'
byonafki (ĂnY byonăft gît) 'thank you' (Optionally: byonafki tisa/byonafki tisatisa)
rineda, rinda (ĂnY bli neydăr) 'right, correct'
feru = man
karagu = woman
aishimas = love
rushį = language/speech; rushįshmas = to speak
Nominative unmarked, accusative is do < Ăn Yidiș טאָ 'to him'
no = relativizer
Shoremaréhę, mishe zu entanį eto Intaa. Mishe Idahanį yee, sukegonį rushif yee, Nihonjįnį rushif yee. Anshuu eto Tangerįgį do rushįshmas. Tangerįgį eto Idaha zu rushį is Nihonjį zu rushį zu kurioru roshį.
Karagunį eto ferunį do aishmas.
Ăn Yidish directional words used for compass points (sheji, shitu, shes, shoi < šeř, šier, šes, šuay = east west south north; aneji, anigu, aness, anoi < ăneř, ănier, ănes, ănuay east, west, south, north winds)
Uu no mizu = water (ĂnY uł 'to drink' + simultaneously from Japanese mizu and Irish muir/ĂnY mîř)
Dabą zu mizu (< dăvăn 'earth', miř) = sea
Nyabu = air (nyav/neamh)
nyabunyabu = sky
Ue zu mizu ('sea above') = cloud (ue from Jp)
Byak no mizu ('small sea') = lake, pond
Ruwaji zu mizu (gruaģ + miř 'hair sea') = river
Dine zu mizu = blood
Ryaba = book, any piece of text (leabhar)
gąbate = come on! (Jp ''ganbatte'')
fieha = raven, crow (fiich ~ Irish fiach)
shemę = oil, fat
Ryabaryaba = the religious text of ___ (lit. true book)
''takjíi'' (n) 'holy, good deed, "mitzvah"' (from ĂnY ''tăg Zii'' 'of God' ~ Irish ''a tá ag Dia'')
''shiina'' 'fox' (șiinăch/sionnach)
''agus'' 'and' (Irish ''agus''); written ''x'' in-universe
''yeha'' 'horse' (ĂnY eych ~ Ir each)
''kiiru'' 'sheep' (ĂnY căyrîth 'sheep (pl)' ~ Gaelic caoraich)
Ko = classifier (the only classifier)
kuaba < (cłuav, clòimh) 'wool'
''entanį'' 'name' (ănd enim ~ an t-ainm) (nouns that tend to be definite should have the article carried over)
''iyą'' 'bird' (ian ~ éan)
''ayí!'' (a Dhia)
''oibai'' 'oh no'
''boraato'' 'formulaic prayer or incantation' (Heb ''borüch ato...'', for blessings)
=== Schleicher ===
''Kiiru agus yeha'' (sheep and horse)
: ''Huaba yee no kiiru ayaato ko to fech deshta yeha atoshii ko.''
: (wool not_exist REL sheep one CLF TOP see PST horse three CLF)
