Verse:Hmøøh/Txapoalli: Difference between revisions

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'''Txapoalli''' (English: ''chah-poh-AH-lee'' or ''chap-oh-AL-ee'', [[Naquian]]: ''Txapoalli'' /tʃapoˈalːi/; [[Eevo]]: ''Nyçís'' via Windermere ''Năchis'') is the largest continent in Tricin by land area, followed by Cualuav. It contains three main cultural regions, which are quite different:
'''Txapoalli''' (English: ''chah-poh-AH-lee'' or ''chap-oh-AL-ee'', [[Naquian]]: ''Txapoalli'' /tʃapoˈalːi/; [[Eevo]]: ''Nyçís'' via Windermere ''Năchis'') is the largest continent in Tricin by land area, followed by Cualuav. Txapoalli is just a geographically defined region. It contains three main cultural regions, which are quite different.

*Naquiz: Northwest Txapoalli (closer to Talma)
*Naquiz: Northwest Txapoalli (closer to Talma)
*Hetm: Central Txapoalli
*Hetm: Central Txapoalli
*Sjowaázh daSóol: Off West Txapoalli
*Sowaázh daSóol: Off West Txapoalli
*herIdosm: East Txapoalli
*herIdosm: East Txapoalli
*the Rencad (PTs ''*čɢenkad'')
*the Rencad (PTs ''*čɢenkad'')

Proto-Sjowaazhic speakers settled Sjowaázh.
Proto-Sowaazhic speakers settled Sowaázh.

The [[Naquian]] Empire was initially typically polytheistic, like other ancient Quihum religions.
The [[Naquian]] Empire was initially typically polytheistic, like other ancient Quihum religions.
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Near the end of Naquian Empire era there emerged a tradition of theater dealing with themes that were the province of religion. This caused something of a conflict in society; the old religious authorities, who brooked no [trivialization] of the traditional religion, took measures against the "theaterists". [However it failed.]
Near the end of Naquian Empire era there emerged a tradition of theater exploring themes that were the province of religion. This caused something of a conflict in society; the old religious authorities, who would brook no replacement of the traditional religion, took measures against the "theaterists". However it failed.
Silphium Wars?
Silphium Wars?
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*[[Tsimulh languages]]
*[[Tsimulh languages]]
**[[Sacred Swuntsim]]
**[[Sacred Swuntsim]]
*[[Quame languages]]
*[[Quame languages]]
***a pseudo-Georgian/Nuxálk
***a pseudo-Georgian/Nuxálk
***Other Naquic languages
***Other Naquic languages
**Minor Sjowaazhic languages
*A fifth family (dependent marking, honorific mania)

Common features:
Common features:
*Larger than average consonant inventories, often with ejectives, affricates, and lateral obstruents (Tsimulh, most of Naquic, and Sjowaazhic)
*Larger than average consonant inventories, often with ejectives, affricates, and lateral obstruents (Tsimulh, most of Naquic, and Sowaazhic)
*One area with aeiou, one area with tendency toward small vowel inventories
*One area with aeiou, one area with tendency toward small vowel inventories
*Pitch accent or tone (Lakovic, Sjowaazhic)
*Pitch accent or tone (Lakovic, Sowaazhic)
*Rich politeness/honorific system (especially Quihum)
*Rich politeness/honorific system (especially Quihum)
*Bantu-style noun classes (especially Tsimulh)
*Bantu-style noun classes (especially Tsimulh)
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*Relational nouns
*Relational nouns
*Head-marking tendency (Hetomic)
*Head-marking tendency (Hetomic)
==Historical figures==
*Quēhtłoyoz - [[Naquian]] grammarian
*Huichaltzah - [[Naquian]] explorer, conlanger and playwright
*Mauaz nah Païxa - [[Tzaloxian]] explorer
*Tui-Faäni/Uānithazza - ancient capital of Naquian Empire
*Shjhédaad = capital of Sjowaázh
