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This dictionary collates Netagin words by the letter they begin with in the Hebrew orthography. Mutated or diacritic-modified letters are therefore co-collated with unmodified ones.

*'''ˀabáˀ''' (''Aramaic'') ''hon'': (''honorific'') father, Father/Pater
*'''ˀach''' ''conj'': but (not "rather")
*'''ˀácharr''' ''caus'': renew, replace (with something new)
*'''ˀachd''' ''pron'': I
*'''ˀadáˀ''' ''pron'': we (plural)
*'''ˀadú''' ''pron'': we (paucal or humble)
*'''ˀafraˁ''' ''caus'': shoot as a projectile, radiate
*'''ˀágham''' ''caus'': flip, invert, reverse
*'''ˀahóbh''' (''Hebrew'') ''tr'': (''religious/archaic'') love; (''slang'') find sexy
*'''ˀalan''' ''intr'': say
*'''ˀalbán''' ''num'': six
*'''ˀam<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': year
*'''ˀann''' ''pron'': you (familiar singular)
*'''ˀannáˀ''' ''pron'': you (plural or polite)
*'''ˀannú''' ''pron'': you (paucal or derogatory)
*'''ˀaph''' (''Aramaic'') ''conj'': even if, although
*'''ˀaphissach''' ''conj'': however, ''adv'': nothing other than
*'''ˀáríl''' ''an'': head
*'''ˀarmatz''' ''caus'': let know, inform
*'''ˀÁthagh''' ''an'': an Atag person/Netagin speaker
*'''ˀathnaˀ''' ''tr'': require
*'''ˀatzbas''' ''caus'': show, display
*'''ˀeˀethégh''' ''refl'': seclude oneself
*'''ˀecatomíryó''', '''ˀecat''' (''Greek'') ''num'': million
*'''ˀéḥittz''' ''refl'': overflow
*'''ˀelaph''' (''Semitic'') ''num'': thousand
*'''ˀelláˀ''' ''particle'': no, is not
*'''ˀemaḥ<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': sea
*'''ˀibhzér''' ''refl'': decrease, diminish
*'''ˀigcémh''' ''refl'': grow
*'''ˀighnér''' ''refl'': remain, be located
*'''ˀimáˀ''' (''Aramaic'') ''hon'': (''honorific'') mother, Mother
*'''ˀimcél''' ''refl'': become dark
*'''ˀirpél''' ''refl'': become firm, resolute
*'''ˀis''' ''conj'': and (clausal)
*'''ˀisqél''' ''refl'': seem
*'''ˀitzláˁ''' ''refl'': form, constitute
*'''ˀitznébh''' ''refl'': become enlightened
*'''ˀiṭhḥétz''' ''refl'': strive
*'''bach<sup>N</sup>''' ''inp'': (''locative'') under, below; (''accusative'') to below
*'''baqhúráˀ''' (''Israeli'') ''an'': (''slang'') girl, chick
*'''bar<sup>L</sup>''' ''conj'': then
*'''baratz''' ''intr'': speak, talk
*'''besícháˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': atrocity
*'''Báthúr''' ''an'': God (generic, philosophical)
*'''báthúr<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': false god, idol
*'''Bathúráˀ''' ''hon'': God (religious)
*'''bedhíaḥ''' (''Semitic, flowery'') ''adj'': happy, joyful
*'''bézal<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'', ''pl'' '''bazúl<sup>N</sup>''': cloud
*'''bíl''' ''an'': woman
*'''bíz''' ''adj'': whole, entire
*'''brítz<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': speech, language
*'''gáḥéz''' ''num'': two
*'''gam''' ''intr'': be upside down/backwards
*'''gášér<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': world
*'''gersáˀ<sup>N</sup>''' (''Aramaic'') ''abs'': variant, version, counterpart
*'''gózábh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': efficacy, efficiency
*'''dé''' ''particle'': after all
*'''delaˁ<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': glass
*'''déráˀ<sup>L</sup>''' ''inp'': (genitive) because of
*'''dí''' ''pron'', ''pc'' '''lú''', ''pl'' '''cáˀ''': it, this/that
*'''disecatomíryó''', '''disec''' (''Greek'') ''num'': billion
*'''díthíbh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': today
*'''dón<sup>L</sup>''' ''inp'': (genitive) on, about; (accusative) onto
*'''ha-<sup>L</sup>''' ''particle'': expletive/topic/vocative particle
*'''ha-<sup>N</sup>''' ''particle'': focus particle
*'''hálódh''' ''num'': one
*'''hanúph''' ''inan'': south
*'''héhh''' ''pron'': s/he
*'''henémh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': verb
*'''hennáˀ''' ''pron'': they (plural or honorific)
*'''hennad''' ''adv'': currently, as of now
*'''hennú''' ''pron'': they (paucal or derogatory)
*'''fa-<sup>L</sup>''', '''fu-<sup>L</sup>''' _C[labial] ''conj'': and (nominal/adjectival)
*'''fadíth''' ''adj'': fortunate
*'''faraˁ''' ''intr'': to be shot out/emitted
*'''fróaˁ''' ''tr'': irradiate, pierce/penetrate
*'''faṭhan''' ''intr'': move/migrate from A to B
*'''fríaˁ<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'', ''pl'' '''fróaˁ<sup>N</sup>''': arrow, ray
*'''záḥíbh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': staff, scepter
*'''zán''' ''adv'': here
*'''zemhal''' ''an'': human being, person
*'''zóaḥ''' ''an'': eye
*'''zugán''' ''verb'': hear
*'''ḥadhgín''' ''tr'': need
*'''ḥachúbh''' ''num'': ten
*'''ḥámh''' ''an'': exist
*'''ḥiqíbh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': contradiction, inconsistency
*'''ḥaqhabh''' ''verb'': contradict, be inconsistent, not add up
*'''ḥúdhí<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': burden, load
*'''ḥúqheh''' ''adj'': old, worn out
*'''ḥittz''' ''adj'': too much, excess
*'''ṭaˁaš''' ''intr'': be courageous
*'''ṭeghal<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': button
*'''ṭútz''' ''an'', pl '''ˀáṭhótz''': man (adult male)
*'''ṭálémh''' ''adj'': big
*'''yáréph<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': wheel
*'''yemhúl''' ''adj'': cruel
*'''yighóth''' ''tr'': do, make, render
*'''yiḥínáˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''abs'': word
*'''yirín''' (''Turkish'') ''inp'': (genitive) instead of
*'''yiróz''' ''tr'': listen to, heed
*'''cad<sup>L</sup>''' ''inp'': when
*'''cafeh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': coffee
*'''call''' ''intr'': fly
*'''camhaz''' ''intr'': be born
*'''caraṭh''' ''intr'': be foggy, hazy, turbid
*'''céráṭh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': fog, haze
*'''cérr''' ''adj'': new
*'''céthóaˁ<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'', ''pl'' '''ˀechtíaˁ<sup>N</sup>''': encounter, meeting, opportunity; ''interj'' greetings!
*'''cimún''' ''an'': speaker, defender, advocate, apologist
*'''cládháˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''abs'': loneliness
*'''clódh''' ''inan'': cell
*'''cóh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': branch
*'''cóll''', '''cull-''' ''an'': bird
*'''cóˁáš''' ''num'': eight
*'''coˁoní''' ''adj'': eternal
*'''cróṭh''' ''tr'': befog, turbidify
*'''láṭh''' ''intr'': die
*'''lechór''' ''intr'': cover
*'''lóchar<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': lid
*'''ledhóph''' ''tr'': remember
*'''léghóaˁ<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': season
*'''líṭh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': death
*'''ló''': (''Aramaic'') ''particle'': nay, is no
*'''máchú''' ''inan'': split, fork in a road
*'''mál''' ''an'': mother
*'''maṭánáˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''abs'': subject (grammar)
*'''medhách<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': voice, speaking
*'''méghátháˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''abs'': fact
*'''mehhgíráˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''abs'': object (grammar)
*'''méqhátz''' ''num'': four
*'''methóˁábh''' (''Hebrew'') ''adj'': abominable, atrocious
*'''metzar<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': heaven
*'''meṭáˀ<sup>L</sup>''' (''Greek'') ''inp'': (''accusative'') through, over, beyond
*'''méˀáˀ''' (''Semitic'') ''num'': hundred
*'''mí''' ''pron'': who
*'''mighbótz<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': number
*'''minmúi<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': accident, case (occurance, grammar)
*'''midṭúˁágh''' ''adj'': complete
*'''mizmáláˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''abs'': human agency/intention
*'''mó''' ''conj'': or
*'''Móládháˀ<sup>N</sup>''' (''Aramaic'') ''abs'': Christmas, Nativity
*'''mór<sup>L</sup>''' (< *mah 'which' + ''Greek'' ώρα 'hour') ''interrogative adv'': when
*'''namháˀ''' ''intr'': happen, befall
*'''náḥídh''' ''adj'': ancient
*'''nathabh''' ''intr'': think
*'''nešídh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': step
*'''nótz<sup>L</sup>''' ''inp'': (''genitive'') before
*'''nótz<sup>N</sup>''' ''noun'': front
*'''núr<sup>N</sup>''' ''particle'': prohibitive
*'''sébh''' ''adv'': already, anyway
*'''sedhól''' ''tr'': create, make
*'''séphar''' (''Arabic'') ''num'': zero
*'''silláˀ''' ''abs'': family, household
*'''séˁan''' ''an'': hand, arm
*'''ˁabí<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': glove
*'''ˁághúr<sup>L</sup>''' ''inp'': (''genitive'') differently from, more than
*'''ˁán''' ''intr'': come (move toward deictic center)
*'''ˁareh''' ''intr'': brood, incubate
*'''ˁášíbh<sup>N</sup>''': land, area 
*'''ˁeghamh''' ''an'': heart
*'''pamánáˀ<sup>N</sup>''': solace
*'''paqahh''' ''intr'': dream
*'''pasaph''' ''intr'': (+''locative'') vote for
*'''pazzím''' ''num'': five
*'''pezím''' ''an'': (archaic) hand
*'''pmón''' ''tr'': comfort
*'''póséph''' ''an'': voter
*'''psíph<sup>N</sup>''' (''Greek'') ''inan'', ''pl'' '''psúph<sup>N</sup>''': vote
*'''psóph''' ''tr'': elect
*'''tzadhar''' ''intr'': be strong
*'''tzadhéráˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''abs'': strength
*'''tzádhúr''' ''adj'': strong
*'''tzam''' ''an'': mind, reason, intellect
*'''tzánábh<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': light
*'''tzúbhál''' ''num'': three
*'''qaráˀ''' ''intr'': fear
*'''qátzídh''' ''num'': seven
*'''qazan''' ''intr'': stop, settle
*'''qédhál<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'', ''pl'' '''ˀaqhdúl''': coin, copper
*'''qéphaˁ''' ''an'': fellow, comrade
*'''qinnáth''' ''an'': stranger
*'''qizzór<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'', ''pl'' '''qazózér''': relay
*'''qúlátz<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': plain, page
*'''qrúth<sup>L</sup>''' ''inp.'': (accusative) lest; ''particle'': expresses fear
*'''ramítz''' ''trans'': know
*'''rán''' ''adv'': there
*'''rášíaḥ''' ''adj'': small
*'''ripúi''' ''num'': nine
*'''róz''' ''tr'': find
*'''šai<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': tea
*'''ślóbh''' ''adv'': already, necessarily
*'''štól''' ''inan'': write
*'''šáph''' ''int'': must, ought to
*'''šaphan''' ''int'': be proud
*'''šérí<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': earth
*'''šibh''' ''conj'': like
*'''šphín<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': pride
*'''śebhar<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'', ''pl'' '''śbhár<sup>N</sup>''': fish
*'''śbhór''' ''tr'': fish
*'''talamh''' ''intr'': be awake/awaken
*'''taqhzór''' ''verb'': take turns
*'''tárís<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': west
*'''teqhódh''' ''tr'': melt, dissolve
*'''taqídháˀ<sup>N</sup>''' ''abs'': melting, dissolution
*'''teqhós''' ''tr'': better, improve
*'''té''' ''an'': father
*'''téqhús''' ''adj'': good
*'''tíbh<sup>N</sup>''': day
*'''tíḥón<sup>N</sup>''': segment, fragment
*'''tichráph<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': example
*'''timlíqh<sup>N</sup>''': pencil or pen
*'''timúś<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': east
*'''tištúl<sup>N</sup>''' ''inan'': library
*'''tnaˀí<sup>N</sup>''' (''Aramaic'') ''inan'': condition, prerequisite
