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Proto-Flewtish is the reconstructed common ancestor to all the [[Flewtish]] dialects today, spoken somewhere in the southeast of Russia and northern parts Mongolia, all the way to [[w:Kamchatka|Kamchatka]]. Since Flewtish is made up of a number of dialects with regional variations, the reconstruction is done by comparing the dialectal "extremes" within the spoken area, usually [[Kvuppeg Fletwish]] in Eastern Finland and Chukwan Flewtish near the Ukhta river. It is hypothesized to have been spoken between 4000 to 2000BC, when the first migrations to northwest Eurasia began.
Proto-Flewtish is the reconstructed common ancestor to all the [[Flewtish]] dialects today, spoken somewhere in the southeast of Russia and northern parts Mongolia, all the way to [[w:Kamchatka|Kamchatka]]. Since Flewtish is made up of a number of dialects with regional variations, the reconstruction is done by comparing the dialectal "extremes" within the spoken area, usually [[Kvuppeg Fletwish]] in Eastern Finland and Chukwan Flewtish near the Ukhta river. It is hypothesized to have been spoken between 4000 to 2000BC, when the first migrations to northwest Eurasia began.
As the Flewtish speakers reached modern day Finland and the Arkhangelsk oblast, their language became the lingua franca of the area, wiping out the local languages that existed there. Due to the harsh conditions of the area, along with the socio-linguistic differences of different areas (eg. Turkic and Uralic tribes often conquered Flewtish-speaking areas by force, creating a new [[w:Adstratum|adstratum]]), Flewtish started differentiating into a series of dialects. The most distant one, Kvuppeg Flewtish (Spoken in Eastern Finland, specifically around the city Kuumu) is still spoken today, after 4000 years, with over 100.000 speakers.
To indicate whether a term is reconstructed, an asterisk (*) is used, eg ''*ʔanák, *qenpua and *-mep''.

