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There are five main parts of speech in TolsianR : nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions.
Nouns have definiteness, gender, number, and case. The case system is actually very reduced, with only three cases, corresponding to two forms : Nominative, Accusative, and Oblique, the lattest having formally merged with Nominative (it is considered Oblique mostly out of grammatical tradition). Definiteness is marked by definite and indefinite articles which agree in gender and number with the nouns. There are two numbers, singular and plural. Finally, the gender system is fairly complicated, as it consists of two dimensions interacting : Masculine vs Feminine on the one hand and Animate vs Inanimate on the other. However, different parts of speech agree with these two gender systems : Articles and Adjectives will take Masculine or Feminine markings, while Verbs are conjugated differently depending upon whether the nouns is Animate or Inanimate. Nouns themselves are marked for gender, and for animatedness when in the Accusative case. Also, when an adjective qualifies several nouns which are not all masculine or feminine, they take a neutral plural suffix ; but beyond those special cases, Neutral has disappeared from TolsianR.
There are definite and indefinite articles, agreeing in Gender and Number with the nouns they modify.

