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==Pristac Guanorliviroc==
== Burmese roms ==
=== v0 ===
Leißelbeiger Glündesschnock,
Ŧăȷā hmȷạ·ŧạ luc·lac khȷīnh nẹ mă tuê
bhfaoigh na mhruisce leis an ngloc,
ta.ra: hmya. ta. lwat lap hkrang: nai. ma. swe
с куздом твачу зблодащок,
[tɪ.já m̥ja̰.ta̰ lʊʔ.laʔ t͡ɕʰɪ́ŋ nɛ̰ mə t̪wè ǀ]
pristac guanorliviroc!

Tyűlöszöbbes hávaltok,
Độ pȷê, độ mȷê
ṇentronné veux mains du roque,
tui. prany, tui. mre
geusseoreun madeul ryeonmok,
[do̰ pjè ǀ do̰ mjè ǁ]
pristac guanorliviroc!

Iūcullātur plexē hoc,
Mȷā lu khat·tê̄nh nhê̄nh·gkhȷan zxê bộ
Takzitxerri ezbantzok,
mya: lu hkap sim: ngrim: hkyam: ce hpo.
Ηζειν ευθρασιν στουροκ,
[mjá lù kʰaʔ.t̪éɪ̯ŋ ɲéɪ̯ɰ̃.d͡ʑán zè βo̰ ǀ]
pristac guanorliviroc!

Nguyết sắng xưi nỡn hầng màu trọc,
Khuỵnh ŧu·nhı hmȷạ, wa·đạ phȷu·xınh đŧệ pȷê
Cuāchiquimeh huixōtloc,
hkwang. tu nyi hmya. wada. hpyu cang tai. prany
tʰˁawk pgəts məlˁat n̊əŋs qʷʰˁraʔ tkʰˁens nˁrok,
[kʰwɪ̰ŋ tù.ɲì m̥ja̰ ǀ wà.da̰ (ǀ) pʰjù.sɪ̀ŋ dḛ pjè ǀ]
pristac guanorliviroc!

Độ pȷê, độ mȷê
tui. prany tui. mre
Post hoc ergo propter hoc,
[do̰ pjè ǀ do̰ mjè ǁ]
pristac guanorliviroc!

Pȷı·đŧhong·zxụ ămuê ămȷē ŧı·đŧạn zxê
prany htaung cu. a mwi a.mrai: tany tam. ce
[pjì.dàʊ̯ŋ.zṵ ʔə.mwè ʔ(ə.)mjɛ́ tì.da̰ŋ zè]

Ă·đêch·ŧhan pȷụ bpê, ŧhênh·tênh zxộ lê
/t tˁ k q ʔ f s sˁ x χ h m n l r w j a aa ə əə i ii u uu ai au əi əu ia ua iə uə/
a.dhithtan pru. pe htin: sim: cui. le
[ʔ(ə.)deɪ̯ʔ.tʰàn pjṵ βè ǀ tʰéɪ̯ŋ.t̪éɪ̯ŋ zo̰ lè ǁ]

==Irish with pharyngealized consonants==
Găba mă kȷê, Mȷăma pȷê
kambha ma. kye, mranma prany
[ɡ(ə.)βà mə t͡ɕè ǀ mjə.mà pjè ǀ]

Độ bô̄·boā ămuê xıch mộ khȷıch mȷat nô̄ bê
tui. bhui: bwa: a.mwe cac mui. hkyac mrat nui: pe
[do̰ βó.bwá (ʔə.)mwè sɪʔ mo̰ t͡ɕʰɪʔ mjaʔ nó βè ǁ]

/a/: a ea ae eae
Pȷi·đŧhong·zxụ gô ătet pê̄ lộ độ ka goe mălê
/e/: oeu eu oe e
prany htaung cu. kui a.sak pe: lui. tui. ka kwai ma.le
/i/: ai ia aia i
[pjì.dàʊ̯ŋ.zṵ ɡò ʔ(ə.)t̪ɛʔ pé lo̰ do̰ kà ɡwɛ̀ m(ə.)lè ǀ]
/o/: o uo uea ue
/u/: aua ua au u

Đa độ pȷê đa độ mȷê độ panh·net mȷê
for proto-s-wiebic:
da tui. prany da tui. mre tui. puing nak mre
what about a GVS (əy > ii > ay > əə > aa > ee and əw > uu > au > oo) in open syllables and another vowel shift (ii ee ay əy)(uu oo aw əw) in closed syllables?
[dà do̰ pjè dà do̰ mjè do̰ pàɪ̯ŋ.nɛʔ mjè ǀ]
iw > iə and uy > uə as i had before
this is still pre-s-wiebic
(inspired by your first draft of zoomic)
consonant shift: actually, should i use grimm's law for this one and keep ejectives for myuftseezh?
*nīmə "water" > naymə
numbers: səyḱ
səyḱ'u > /si:c'u/
kʷ'li > *kʷ'lī > /kʷ'laj/
sqā > /sqa:/ (vowel raising shifts blocked after uvulars)
māwi > /me:wi/
payku > /pə:ku/
hə̄ƛix̌ > /ha:tɬiχ/
c̣ʼəthə̄ > /tʂətta:/
pʼaŋud > /p'aŋud/
ḱ'awń > /c'o:n/
xʷqāx̌ṭʼī > xʷqā̌qṭʼī >  xʷqāqṭʼī  > /xʷqa:qtaj/
kʷʼə̄cʼiw > /kʷ'a:ts'iə/
cʼiw > /ts'iə/
I'll have to do something with laryngeals - but what
maybe they become breathy voice which makes breathy voiced plosives
ha:tɬiχ > ha:tɬə̤ > ha:dɮʰə
(the vowel shift should depend on the laryngeal)

is that mechetva or myuftseezh
Độ pȷê, độ mȷê, ăkjô̄ gô nhı·nha zxoa độ đăđuê
mechetva is undergoing a revamp
tui. prany tui. mre a.kyui: kui nyi nya cwa tui. ta.twe
[do̰ pjè ǀ do̰ mjè ǀ ʔ(ə.)t͡ɕó ɡò ǀ ɲì.ɲà zwà do̰ d(ə.)dwè ǀ]

i love the breathy voice idea
Ŧhān xhong ba zxộ lê, độ ta·wung bê ăphô̄·ŧan mȷê
btw I should have more clusters in PM since Dry Icelandic (geminates), Myuftseezh (big clusters) and S-Cuatham (clicks) rely on them
htam: hcaung pa sui. le tui. ta wan pe a. hpui: tan mre
[tʰán sʰàʊ̯ŋ bà zo̰ lè ǀ do̰ tà.wʊ̀ŋ bè ʔ(ə.)pʰó.tàn mjè ǁ]

==Nurified Celtic==
=== v1 ===
/kə 'ʂʏnə kə 'sləfə toː ʔəs'fɛː/ = the tree grows on the ground
Tyȷā hmȷȧtȧ luqlaq khȷīɴ nɛ̇ my þwe
Dȯ pȷe, dȯ mȷe
Mȷā lu khaqþēɴ nȷēɴgkhȷaɴ zse bȯ
Khwiɴ tunȷı hmȷȧ, wadȧ phȷusıɴ dtė pȷe
Dȯ pȷe, dȯ mȷe
Pȷıdthɔɴzsu̇ ymwe ymȷɛ̇ tıdtȧɴ zse
Ydeqthaɴ pȷu̇ bpe, thenþeɴ zsȯ le
Gyba my kȷe, Mȷyma pȷe
Dȯ bōbwā ymwe sıq mȯ khȷıq mȷaq nō be
Gyba my kȷe, Mȷyma pȷe
Dȯ bōbwā ymwe sıq mȯ khȷıq mȷaq nō be
Pȷidthɔɴzsu̇ go yþɛq pē lȯ dȯ ka gwɛ myle
Da dȯ pȷe da dȯ mȷe dė pɛɴnɛq mȷe
Dȯ pȷe, dȯ mȷe, ykjō go nȷınȷa zwa dȯ dydwe
Thāɴ shɔɴ ba zsȯ le, dȯ þawuɴ be yphōtaɴ mȷe
=== v2 ===
Tyjā hmjătă luqlaq khjīɴ nɛ{{breve}} my þwe
Dŏ pje, dŏ mje
Mjā lu khaqþēɴ njēɴgkhjaɴ zse bŏ
Khwĭɴ tunji hmjă, wadă phjusiɴ dtĕ pȷe
Dŏ pje, dŏ mje
Pjidthɔɴzsŭ ymwe ymjɛ{{breve}} tıdtăɴ zse
Ydeqthaɴ pjŭ bpe, thenþeɴ zsŏ le

Gyba my kje, Mjyma pje
Dŏ bōbwā ymwe siq mŏ khjiq mjaq nō be
Gyba my kje, Mjyma pje
Dŏ bōbwā ymwe siq mŏ khjiq mjaq nō be
Pjĭdthɔɴzsŭ go yþɛq pē lŏ dŏ ka gwɛ myle
Da dŏ pje da dŏ mje dĕ pɛɴnɛq mje
Dŏ pȷe, dŏ mȷe, ykjō go njinja zwa dŏ dydwe
Thāɴ shɔɴ ba zsŏ le, dŏ þawuɴ be yphōtaɴ mje
=== v3 ===
Deliberately English/German-like

nunukəʔ > nunəx
Ch for aspiration, þ/ð for dental stops

qsamňuo > qramňuo > qrɔwɲə > qrɔːɲə
Superscript the original consonant before a voiced initial that's a result of voicing sandhi

ďə̄ > ɟəː
ị i ī ịn in īn it
ẹ e ē ạne ane āne ate
ạre are āre ịne ine īne ite
ạ a ā ạn an ān at et
ạw aw āw ọun oun ōun out
ọ o ō ọne one ōne ote
ụ u ū ọon oon ōon oot

sai > sɛː
<sup>k</sup>gəba ma che, myəma pye
dọ bōbwā əmwe sit mọ chhit myat nō be

fie > fiə
== World's worst romanization for Vietnamese ==
=== Initials ===
ñ ɟ̃ ỹ q̃  = m n nh ng
n{{lsb}} n þ ɟ ꞃ y q = p b t đ tr ch c/k/qu
f ɟ{{lrb}} q{{lrb}} = ph th kh
ſ p{{lrb}} = x s
ƿ ȷ j r = v d gi g
λ p = l r

hū > uː
The initials ʔ h are indicated by placing spiritus lenis and spiritus asper above the first letter, and {{angbr|ƿ}} is used for the /w/ medial: ƿηɟ̃, Ƿ{{lsb}}ηɟ̃, ƿ{{lrb}}ηɟ̃s = viên, Uyên, huyền.

schau > skau > skɔː
=== Nuclei ===
* u ɯ w e ɘ ə ɵ æ a ɐ ɑ = i/y ư u ê ơ â ô e a ă o
* η ξ ω = ia/iê, ưa/ươ, ua/uô

zṇiepsai > ʐɳi:fsə
=== Finals ===
* ñ ɟ̃ ỹ q̃  = m n nh ng
* n ɟ y q = p t ch c
* ι υ = /-j -w/
=== Tones ===
tones: -0 -s -b -m -v -d = ngang, huyen, sac, nang, hoi, nga

łaisəṭ > ɬɛ:səʂ
==Hōbispellum Jōhannis Tōtiscē==
1:1 In occinunquā vore Verbum, ante Verbum vore ob Hutum, ante Hutus vore Verbum.
1:2 Tod vore in occinunquā ob Hutum.
1:3 Alla terque eum magāta sunt, ante enū eō magātum est nēctis, quod magātum est.
1:4 In eō līpum vore, ante līpum vore lūctum lūbium.

cə:ʈa:b > cə:ʂəv
==Semantic drifts==
*true/proof > guilt
*to stand, to stay, to be straight up > to be true
*true/show/prove > to vindicate > to win

łuchṭi > ɬʏxʈ
==Dakelh/Tlingit inspired Dodellic==

panāch > fəna:x

zoudū > zo:ðə
put in Dodellic; Wdm substrate

fie > fi:? (like German)
*/m n p b t d tš dž k g (glottal stop) f s š x H h v z ž r l/ {{angbr|m n p b t d ť ď k g q f s š ch x h v z ž r l}}
*/a e i u y a: e: i: u: y: ai au iə uə/ {{angbr|a e i u y aa ee ii uu yy ai au ie ua}}
**Responsible for Wdm vowel shift: *u > ü, *o > u, *a > o, *ä > a
*pitch accent

==Trician doublets==
c -> c (palatal stop)
*Thensarian ardlaccātom > atxagátañ (via Nurian) ~ dlahgað (via Tigol) ~ glyçád (via glăchad) ~ plahad (via Clofabosin placadin) - various stringed instruments
dve -> dvɛ:
*Pida (Mărotłian teacher) ~ pda (Dr.) ~ Modern Wdm. pra (honorific pronoun)
schau > skau > skɔː

looks like pgmc->german backwards
==Silly language family trees==
but that's just the spelling
*Trigonic languages
i think different məbhótəḷ accents will realize the vowels differently (as diphthongs or monophthongs)
**Deltan languages (aka Newtono-Leibnizic)
***Hessian German
***Turingian German
****[[Tyrith]] (from older ''*Türiŋit'')
****Lambda calculus
**Triforcian languages
****Tritriforcian languages
*****Tritritriforcian languages

==Qiala Gaivuan's Dwarvish==
tayo -> tayɔ:
Wäßßmerian/Highlands Wiobian consonant shift (stolen wholesale from High German consonant shift):
cattāro -> cahta:rɔ:
pañca -> pañca
cha -> cə
might be too short
sadijə̄ > sɛðə

Phase 1 (final or intervocallic):
3,4 = tsayɔ:, cahtsa:rɔ:
/p/ > /f/ <''f''>
7: satta -> sahtsa (i can get "seitse" in a descendant 😃 )
/t/ > /s/ <''ß''>
8: aṭṭha -> ahtə
/c/ > /ç/ > later /z/ bzw. /ʃ/ <''s/sch''>
9: nava -> nava
/k/ > /x/ > later /χ/ <''ch''>
10: dasa -> dzara
20: should be a Khmer word
məpʰɨj < *muəj pʰɨj
tho I don't know the Old Khmer etymon
i don't know if bh was a valid cluster in Old Khmer

it was probably ph + breathy voice
Phase 2 (initial, geminated or after a resonant)
/p/ > /pf/ <''pf''>
/t/ > /ts/ <''ßß''> > word initially /s/ <''ß''>
/c/ > /cç/ > later /''tʃ''/ <zsch>
/k/ > /kx/ > later /''χ''/ <ch>

-> paihya or paih
Phase 3
does that undergo the breathy vowel shift?
/b/ > /p/ fortis or lenis <''p''>
/d/ > /t/ fortis or lenis <''t''>
/ɟ/ > /c/ fortis or lenis <''z''>
/g/ > /k/ fortis or lenis <''k''>

Other changes:
the breathy vowel shift is independent
/θ~ð/ > /d/ > later lenis /t/ <''d''>
pchai > pəxai > pəxɛ:
/f~v/ > /b/ > later lenis /p/ <''b''> (after a vowel)
/sk, çk/ > sch /ʃ/

5*20 = sata (dissimulated from satsa <- sata in Pali; a separate word)
==Paucal of humility==
400: slVk (i have to decide on the vowels)
There are three numbers: singular ({{sc|sg}}) representing one object, paucal ({{sc|pc}}) for a few, and plural ({{sc|pl}}) for many. The paucal form usually denotes two to nine items, but the boundary between paucal and plural is quite fluid; a paucal could be used for a larger number for contrast with a much larger number of things. The plural number in pronouns also serves as an honorific; complementarily, using paucal pronouns where a plural is expected entails a "dishonorific", humble or pejorative meaning.
buchou > buxə
==Something with my old Tsjoen grammar==
Txapoalli? Naquic?

i feel like doing something with final vowels
==Manxome (Manx-Hmoob hybrid)==
final long -> short and short -> Ø
A close relative of Skellan with the GVS? Or is this just Ko?
like arabic dialects
ťchə̄ṭāb > cəxə:ʈa:b? or maybe it's treated as cə:ʈa:b

cə:ʈa:b is good
Cedilla and double vowel mania
-> Ccotab
> çəʈa:v or çʈa:v
i'll assimilate that cluster

çʈ is hard
Mix in a little Dutch?
or ʂʈ

thank god you don't have a triconsonantal root system!
==IE conlang ideas==
non-breathy ā and e can merge into ɛ (via æ)
*'want' from bhr-h1s- (bear-DES)
*"try 1SG-ACC VERB-INF" = try to VERB me (actually looks pretty german)
zṇiepsai > ʐɳi:fsə

the end goal should be a vowel system that looks a little Mon-Khmer but not too much
=="Ah, meine Treußer" gibs==
łaisəṭ > ɬɛ:səʂ
*Săchał yang hălsreaf chrăthüng fi pdath yas măfongșor! Wănguas fi binreach wangsăfab thearłăsab făneyșumab pălontumab acsitumab gopliximab fizoraximab prozamumab cabituzumab... Ah, endocebuxin!
*sčʼutaʔɬ čəd dzəlxʷʔad ʔal kʷi sqʷadbəʔid! shuʔədəb šiƛ̕x̌adil stab dzastidil balustadil xʷəʔsdətapril kʷinapazil bəsmanadil quizoradil daquinadil sperotidil prolixudil... Ah, endolucrifen!

śéasaṭh 😃
==Some old gibs==
if there are two heavy syllables in a row should the first one be stressed or the second one?
Neuber und Seigen driechen das Fauensammer.
Und Pfurges ummärten den Sieberschmüstchen
der Meichtel und die kreuge haben den Ofel angeschninkelt!
der Strahme der hüffneden ist an síreochta dréag agus fhóineocht.
(irish gib is also easy to adapt)
Und dauchte die Miegung.
Agus sráineann an mhóilte i bhfáirdeacha.
An dtrídeach tú leim an mheidreach?
und die dréanoigh na chloiste is clóireach
makk praom krenn tae leontóin agus dreangachtaí
Zohnung schweifen der mahl tröhnen
Cáróidh meim fhíreasá sróidheamh táin a chúloigh a fháir a cheim
sróitreáneidh na pradhaoibhiú té bheir sa dhímeá 'bhifeóirsi tha

your previous word looks worse in terg orthography: ḍhnḍaoiphsa
Pirandetam ver ketassinosin ket ligerinogenine
how do you imagine mechetva stress?
comic terg 😃

i'm totally going to use fhbhf- for /w/
Du sümmelst so gapfer an, wenn du in solch schnöpfen, geschrammten Hückeln inframierst! Ich ingräliere dir, indem ich dir einen Beschlaubszwicher antabere. Ich möchte dir einen schlaarige Garulierer anzülfen, damit du in gezührigen Anschniegsgahmen verschnülzern kannst.
or glottalized w
i would not be able to use umlaut as much if stress doesn't tend toward initial

if i use non-initial stress i might go with pseudo-rencadian
die Anschrängerungen verkiech die Redangierungen, indem sie deren Gespalchsfeunungen rekredabierte.
with not as many vowels
Der Aufschlied zwand die Mäste, um ihrer Begeifigungen zu verknieren.
what about: stress is on the first heavy syllable, or if no syllable is heavy, the first syllable
Αν ο φαγγαλος τεθεγμασται την ψαθην και τον κιμαρρον!
Αναι μεν γαρ δεδαγγασμενοι ηλετησαν ινε τον φραθμον.
Ο φιστώτης και η νίψ κεκλαμμένοι εισίν.

Sʼeik beih Đâh kglumm gnüar Haem Päh jehn knuck Lö Mott nihr ngå Pluh Reaz Sra Ksaot teap klav Waü Zeay Þael
heavy = long vowel, diphthong or VC

that works
Azz kemm jick gno Sruck bâzz skång mäch dö' Lümm dak mihn mu påhng Sjä Kbael Pfeiz rao Smau tngaör zbaü lean Sek Woh tböhng sia Koas Tuah Gnüang
cə:ʈa:b > cə:ʂəv
it reminds me of siaoued, with the retros and ə:

==Scope of negation==
łuchṭi > ɬʏxʈə
different negative markers for scope

==Llanfair...gogogoch gib==
panāch > fna:x
Reduplication (goch > gogogoch)
or fəna:x?
maybe fəna:x

==Fyxámian national anthem==
sorry, ɬʏxʈ
final long vowels become schwa, final short vowels vanish
===English translation===
====Verse 1====
''From antipode to antipode''
''Men of thy deeds do sing.''

ɬʏxʈ = summer?
==Book and paper titles in Eevo==
should i start from Pali or from one of the other Prakrits (like the one that led to Hindi)
*(''A Bound for the Number of Points on Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields'')
the latter would be interesting
*(''Spectral Sequences of Algebraic Varieties'')
(Hindi uses postpositions and i can easily merge them to create case endings)
*''Mroga-xiv ry blwhir jybinþylisár ar jonda jynéeb'' (''Zeta Functions of Algebraic Curves over Finite Fields'') (fT 2259)
zoudū > zo:ðə
*''Regular Temperaments''
ʔidieb > di:v

on the other hand Pali has the advantage that speakers of my conlang would easily be able to read the Buddhist texts 😃
==Primitive Seargais==
pouňuob > po:ɲəv
maybe i'll get r but not word initially

long vowels:
a: e: i: o: u: æ: ø: y: from
broad á aí/ai/oi oí/uí/ui ó/ao ú/ua/ui ái ói/aío/aoi úi/oío/uío/uai
slender eá ei/éi/éa í/ia/iai eo iú/io/iu ea/éa/eai/eái eoi iúi/ío

qsamňuo > qrɔːɲə
éa becomes æ: before broad d, n, l and r, and e: elsewhere
ui becomes u: before broad d, n, l and r, and i: elsewhere

short vowels:
a e i o u -> a ʲa ʲɨ a ɨ

əŋʔī > əŋŋi: > ŋi:
changes from proto seargais to seargais
high vowels move one POA
(u -> ü, ü -> i but aü stays put)
there's the merger
now o becomes u to fill in the gap, a becomes o and æ becomes a
a e i o u æ ø y ->
o e i u y a ø i
e -> ə
which triggers i -> ia, ia -> e, y -> i, u -> ɨ, o -> u, a -> ua, ua -> o
so i get
a e i o u æ ø y ia ua ai au ay ->
o e i u y a ø i ia ua ai au ay ->
u ə ia ɨ i ua _ ia e o ai au _
ø -> ɛ -> a while ay -> aɨ
u ə ia ɨ i ua a ia e o ai au aɨ (i now have all the vowels!)
breathy voice ablaut patterns:
e/i/ai -> ə/ia/ai
o/u/au -> ɨ/i/au
ö/ü/aü -> a/ia/aɨ

ƛauchkīb > ƛaukīb > tɬœ:xəv
a/ua -> u/o
ä/ia -> ua/e

or maybe > ƛaukkīb > tɬœ:xəv
spelling: a e i o u y w = /a e i o u ə ɨ/

short a -> y
short ɨ -> w (very few modern Seargais speakers make the distinction between the short vowels using y for both)
===Seargais superstrate===
same breathy voice pattern except there's a GVS
a e i o u ä ö ü ua ia ai au aü ->
o i ai u au e ü aü uo ie ä a a
u ə ia ɨ i ua a ia e o ai au aɨ
these are heard by seargais speakers as
o i ai u au ə ɨ aɨ e o e a a
===Seargais consonants===
p t q pʰ tʰ χ m n w θ ʟ r tɬ ɬ (broad)
f ts k f ts kʰ m n j s ɬ r tʃ ʃ (slender)

hichsaim > chsaim > xrɛ:w
m n ʟ mʰ nʰ χ m n pf θ ʟ r nl tɬ (broad)
m n ŋ mʰ nʰ ŋʰ m n f ts ɬ r n tʃ (slender)
the combined set of phonemes:
p pʰ t tʰ k kʰ q
f θ s ɬ ʃ χ
pf ts tɬ tʃ
m mʰ n nʰ ŋ ŋʰ nl
j w ʟ r
h is missing
broad sm and sn can become h
urúing to tʰ
actually it should stay as θm and θn
θm -> voiceless m -> h also works
it doesn't impact the morphology


==Huichaltzah's alien language==
p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ tɬ tɬʰ k kʰ kʟ kʟʰ
s ɬ x h
m n ŋ
l ʟ w j
a e i o ar er ir or (rhotic vowels)

fsīzie > fri:ə
Grammar: Rhotic vowel harmony, CW with many cases

bīpchou > bi:fxə (or bi:fə?)
Zulu pseudo-gib

zmaiṭcha > zmaəʂ

ḍuofďəƛ > ḍuoďďəƛ > ɖuəɟəɬ
schm, m > m, mh

luťi > lʏç
schn, n > n, nh

suojau > su:ə
schng/kn, ng > ng, ngh

ƛeizbouď > tɬe:bo:j or tɬe:bəj
sp, p, b, gep/geb > p, ph, bh, b

əňchāƛmāḍ > əŋkāƛmāḍ > ga:ɬməʐ
st, t, d, get/ged > t, th, dh, d

vaiṭṇə̄ > wɛ:ṇə
ŧ, sŧ, đ, geŧ/geđ > qh, q, nqh, gq

snuo > snuə
k, g, gek/geg > kh, gh, g

dbou > bou > bo:
r > hh

= cow
f, w > f, v

souṇəz > so:ɳə
fl, kl, schl > hl

rdbuag skals -> buachaill
bl, gl > dl

vəbeib > wəbe:v
pfr, fr, tr, kr, schr > kl /x~kx/

beibələm > be:vlo:
br, dr, gr > gl /ɣ~gɣ/

gouchuḷ > go:xəɭ
j > y

pūntū > pu:də
schw > f

tchai > tɛ:
z, s, sch > s, z, sh

əṇsausie > ʐœ:ə
ent- > prenasalization

jāffīṭ > jɛ:fəʂ
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" |
! rowspan="2" | Labial
! colspan="2" | Alveolar
! rowspan="2" | Palatal
! rowspan="2" | Velar
! rowspan="2" | Glottal
! central
! lateral
! rowspan="4" | Click
! plain
| {{IPA|ǃ}}
! aspirated
| {{IPA|ǃʰ}}
! nasalised
| {{IPA|ᵑǃ}}
! breathy nasalised
| {{IPA|ᶢǃʱ}}
! rowspan="2" | Nasal
! plain
| {{IPA|m}}
| {{IPA|n}}
| ŋ
! breathy
| {{IPA|mʱ}}
| {{IPA|nʱ}}
| {{IPA|ŋʱ}}
! rowspan="4" | Stop
! voiceless
| {{IPA|p}}
| {{IPA|t}}
! aspirated
| {{IPA|pʰ}}
| {{IPA|tʰ}}
| {{IPA|kʰ}}
! breathy
| {{IPA|b}}
| {{IPA|d}}
| {{IPA|ɡ}}
! implosive
| {{IPA|ɓ}}
| ɗ
| ɠ
! rowspan="2" | Fricative
! voiceless
| {{IPA|f}}
| {{IPA|s}}
| {{IPA|ɬ}}
| {{IPA|ʃ}}
| x
| {{IPA|h}}
! breathy
| {{IPA|v}}
| {{IPA|z}}
| {{IPA|ɮ}}
| ɣ
| {{IPA|ɦ}}
! rowspan="2" | Approximant
! plain
| {{IPA|l}}
| {{IPA|j}}

panāch zoudū ʔidieb sie pouňuob ḷu būďīz əŋʔī za ƛauchkīb sgi hichsaim huŋei fŋieŋŋuo tuo fsīzie bīpchou zmaiṭcha chṇə ba ŋou ňī ḍuofďəƛ luťi suojau łei sə̄ zou ƛeizbouď əňchāƛmāḍ kə̄ buoḷə̄ łūknu kḍaďə̄ schā chuopḍei slī vaiṭṇə̄ snuo dbou souṇəz vəbeib gouchuḷ ňu pūntū tchai əṇsausied stabaiλ jāffīṭ əlsou pgaiheiʔ sachna tfə nałchuos ʔī əlsie sībī ňūdies guo ūtti zə̄sň­ə̄ň hu ʔei zuku huchduod bouhaun gemcheib tā hi miƛū mou hə̄ smie ňai ʔauppəʔ zai qṭaumeiʔ baiqī qəʔeib souhies ďū chiʔou ṇū əltaifsous ʔeitbā ʔuoʔə̄ʔ ʔə fuoffouṭ ki buo bou ʔūmə qū ʔie mau ʔə̄chpāb ṇā łai pṇīhə̄ zə̄ chlai łgouzīp dou λāsūs ḍou baimpai lə̄ ƛəňňu ťu łou beiλə ḍīzuoʔ zīʔuo bi ṭa sū ṇī klə̄ʔouḷ chie zi simie ʔai zu chougə̄ hīsau əlgə̄ chə̄suʔ qāvei paibīʔ pḍū fsuosiez ʔīfdə̄ λə̄chsī ʔachauf ḍubbai mā əlʔəqīʔ λḍeichḍāz łqeiḍaḷ ʔeibə̄ dachbaup chzū zu sbə bā sniefŋi łū viemied chdazzau buoʔūk łulqām ʔau kai λau ḷā hūvau chaubu ďibə̄ liebāň tlai zuchzauḍ buḍā pə̄mpieb sou hāmī chei łoubuo təʔū ʔałach pəfei əltou sū zna hā juopəg əŋməgzeich ʔuoṇḍū ƛəziḍ lə pouffī zau ŋə sa deichsouď ʔuchiej schīʔouz kłəzai jāpnəŋ guovə̄ chḷīłuk sū łāggād guonā lie bābūch gī ʔousə λṇei zī sāvū ta zmi ƛətpūs ənmei chi ḍie pu lieheich zu gissai λuƛuo sgou λəplai hietňei pie chḍə̄ pṭuo ƛā sei ŋeipu λū suosūs fə fouŋkauf fei əňďāňňūʔ biepau zāsai ənʔə̌ʔuʔ zūkā na ƛūŋŋaiq qā ʔie zouḷḷuol bī əňʔa mjusi ƛouṇṇou pikie sāṇṇei deizuo hachāʔ əňʔie ənnuomuo ʔauďāp ṭuŋmoul guṇma zāʔi hāŋŋa ṭu ʔə bu fou ʔouʔei gə̄ ʔəzə ʔīḷə̄s λə̄ chu misuʔ chou saiŋnə̄ sə̄ ʔau ŋə əŋmuosei łū gau ƛu gī əŋgāḷīb ʔī baiṇu hinmū hā ṭūbə pə̄ḍeig əlneinsaz mīgə ṭei ʔəlŋie hi ṭuogūλ əŋnə fie λī zie həsei əḷṇinzī veihāz λou vou belŋīch nou əmbə̄ zə̄ďau keichie tiebieď lulmauṭ mləqəʔ əlnuozou ənzaʔā ňou najə̄ʔ mi əmbailʔə̄p ənƛiṭuo łou ŋa pumbaud ʔaṭīλ ḍu bie bou ḍai ʔa ʔīgā əlŋei dou fāʔū mlilňie ḍuo əṇṭə zou vuḷu ʔəʔib suƛou kə̄ dāzie ṭə əḷḷie ṭə ḍūŋŋad ba mu ʔū qinsais ʔaunsaich ʔā zaiza zə̄ŋauz sū əmbau ʔailuň ʔaimmu zau fou ʔai əňťei bə̄kous suo əňňauʔu jeihāʔ əṇḍau λī hie chə jə əňňū λitouł pau ťuo łiʔie λai ňā hīňďəd vū piełať səduḷ λeimīf jai jīʔə̄ƛ ti ŋai sainə̄ch əlnei zī fə̄ʔəʔ ʔou dou əňňə chə̄mpəʔ dəḍā haiguo nūṭə̄ʔ ŋei di ʔə̄llub ňā die qei əlʔu əntievi qu əlʔa jaiďəʔ ŋaiňaiʔ zī ənzəʔaip ṭuo zāŋkuď jeiṭauḍ feiňňūd əṇsuo λuombīb vu mŋīzāp mňūsiʔ
i ï u e ë o ä a /i ɨ u e ə o æ ɑ/

Mutations: lenition, glottalization (aka reverse urú)
No tone

m n ɳ ɲ ŋ p t tɬ ʈ c k q ʔ b d dɮ ɖ ɟ g f s ɬ z w l ɭ j 0 {{angbr|''m n ṇ ň ŋ p t ƛ ṭ ť k q ʔ b d λ ḍ ď g f s ł z w l ḷ j 0''}}
==Some Clofablang==
*lenition: w n ṇ j ŋ f θ ɬ ʂ ç x χ 0 v ð ɮ ʐ j ɣ ʍ h 0 w l ḷ j 0 {{angbr|''mh n ṇ ňh ŋ ph th ƛh ṭh ťh kh qh ʔh bh dh λh ḍh ďh gh fh sh łh zh w l ḷ j 0''}}
*Vowels: æ ɪ i ʌ ə ʊ ʉ
*glottalization: b d ɖ ɟ g p t tɬ ʈ c k ʔ p t tɬ ʈ c k f s ɬ s ʍ ɬ ɬʵ ç ʔ {{angbr|''bm dn ḍṇ ďň gŋ p t ƛ ť k q ʔ pb td ƛλ ṭḍ ťď kg f s ł sz ƕw łl ł̣ḷ çj ʔ-''}}
*Vowel harmony groups:
**high tense: i ʉ
**high lax: ɪ ʊ
**low: æ ʌ
**ə is neutral

Need consonant cluster assimilations.
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center"
!rowspan="2" colspan="2"|
!colspan="2" | Labial
!colspan="2" | Alveolar
!rowspan="2" | Retroflex
!colspan="2" | Velar
!rowspan="2" | Glottal
! <small>hard</small>
! <small>soft</small>
! <small>hard</small>
! <small>soft</small>
! <small>soft</small>
! <small>hard</small>
!rowspan="2"| Nasal
| ||
| n̪ʼ || nʲʼ
| ŋʲʼ
| ŋʼ
| m || mʲ
| n̪ || nʲ
| ŋʲ
| ŋ
!rowspan="3" | Stop
| ||
| t̪ || tʲ
| kʲ
| k
| ʔ
| ||
| t̪ʼ || tʲʼ
| kʲʼ
| kʼ
| b || bʲ
| d̪ || dʲ
!rowspan="3" | Affricate
| ||
| ts || tsʲ
| tʂ
| ||
| tsʼ || tsʲʼ
| tʂʼ
| ||
| dz || dzʲ
| dʐ
| f || fʲ
| s || sʲ
| ʂ
| xʲ
| x
| h
| v || vʲ
| z || zʲ
| ʐ
| ɣʲ
| ɣ
!rowspan=2| Approximant
| ||
| lˠʼ || lʲʼ
| jʼ
| ||
| lˠ || lʲ
| j

Stress on the last heavy syllable (except the final syllable). > Umlaut and syncope.

{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="width: 540px; text-align:center;"
! style="width: 90px; "|
! style="width: 90px; " |Front
! style="width: 90px; " |Central
! style="width: 90px; " |Back
! style="" |Close
| i
| u
! style="" |Mid
| ə
! style="" |Open
| a

==Salish + Old Chinese==
m n ŋ ŋʷ
mʼ nʼ ŋʼ ŋʷʼ
p t ts k kʷ q qʷ ʔ
pʼ tʼ tsʼ kʼ kʷʼ qʼ qʷʼ
b d dz g gʷ ɢ ɢʷ
s r rʼ l lʼ (+ phar'd versions of each)
a e i o u ə

Umlaut, stage 1:
==CW language sketch==
# a ə i u aa əə ei ii ou uu ai au ie uo
m n
#* > a ə i u aa əə ei ii ou uu ɛɛ ɔɔ ie uo
p t ts k q
#* (i) - ɛ e i y ɛɛ ee ei ii øy yy ai ay ie yø
b d dz g
#* (u) - ɔ o y u ɔɔ øy yy ou uu øy au yø uo
s h ʀ
#* (a) - a ə ı ı aa əə ıı oo əə aı aı ıə ıə
w l r j
Vowel shift 2:
Grammar: Head-final with mutations and gender
==Terg analogue==
Evolves from a language that sounds "alien" to S-Naquian
p~f t ts k~x q ʔ
b d g
m n ɲ
s ʃ z h w
l r ʁ j
a e i o u ə ɑ ɤ ɯ
p~ṗ t c č k~ḳ q ’
b d g
m n ň
s š z h w
l r r̃ y
a ė i o u e å e̊ i̊
''’uṗer, čåyeṗ, ginno, he̊b, r̃edoc, yulze, qi̊mše, keddal, nezobb, r̃awem, r̃o’uṗer, r̃očåyeṗ, ... sėbeḳ''
==Pradjuul + Navajo (for a new conworld)==
p pʼ pʲ pʲʼ t tʼ tʲ tʲʼ ts tsʼ tsʲ tsʲʼ tʃ tʃʼ tʃʲ tʃʲʼ c cʼ k kʼ ʔ ʔʲ s sʲ ʃ ʃʲ ç x h v vʲ lˠ lʲ r rʲ j i i̤ u ṳ e e̤ ə ə̤ o o̤ a a̤ iə i̤ə uə ṳə
==Hebrew alphabet for Irish==
ב כ ד ף ג ה ל מ פ ר ס ת = native consonants
rafe at the beginning, lack of dagesh elsewhere = séimhiú
iluy = eclipsis?
vowel signs:
patach = a, hard schwa
patach aleph = á
yud patach aleph = eá
aleph tzere yud = ae
segol = ea, ei, soft schwa
tzere = é
shva (optional) = zero vowel
hiriq = i
aleph yud = aí, aoi, ao
hiriq yud = í
hiriq aleph = ia
qamatz = o
holam = ó
yud holam = eo
qubbutz = u
shuruq = ú
yud shuruq = iú
qubbutz aleph = ua
Word-final schwa accompanied by a mater lectionis he. Word-final he is marked with a mappiq for word-final /h/.
==Uncanny valley Korean==
Consonants: /m n ŋ bʰ dʰ dzʰ gʰ p t ts k f s fʰ sʰ h w j r ʔ/
Postvocalic /ʔ/ may be realized as creaky voice.
Vowels:  /i ɨ u e ə o ɛ ɔ æ a/
=="Lovecraftian/LW" microtonality==
*reaction to natural forces/New Atheist gods... with microtonality!
*Maybe this is the equivalent of Baroque music in Tigall culture, who knows?

i u
*ä, a, e, o
e o
*eu, i <- syllabic resonants
æ a

*p t k p’ t’ k’ b d g
==Some auxlang?==
*s z ts ts’ ʂ ʐ ʈʂ ʈʂ’
*m n ŋ r l ʀ w j h
==Wiebosphere auxlang?==
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="width: 500px; text-align:center;"
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="width: 500px; text-align:center;"
Line 421: Line 768:
! colspan="2" |Approximant
! colspan="2" |Approximant
| '''w''' /w~v/
| '''w''' /w~v/
| '''l''' /l/
| '''l''' /l/; '''r''' /r/
| '''y''' /j/
| '''y''' /j/
! colspan="2" |Trill
| '''r''' /r/
Line 456: Line 810:

Consonant clusters are disallowed, except medial geminates and -NC- sequences. Only -ng can come in word-final position.
Consonant clusters are disallowed, except medial geminates and -NC- sequences. Only /p t k m n ŋ/ can come in word-final position.

==For Wiebian==
*Determiner endings:
*CW -er < PW -ēr, -eru, -ero, -era
*CW -es < PW -es, -aʒ
*CW -e < PW -ā, -a, -u, -e. -i, -ī ...
*CW -en < PW -en, -um, -on, -un, -ūn, -ōno, -an, ...
*CW -em < PW -mu, -mēs
*CW -0 < PW -0, -o?

*Final t sound changes:
Καʚκκʚ ʚⱶμʚσετ συντυϝητ ϝαπαʚνα ια τασαϝερταʚσʚνα αρϝολτααν ια οʚκεȣκσʚλτααν. Ⱶεʚλλε ον αννεττȣ ιηρκʚ ια οματȣντο, ια ⱶεʚδην ον τοʚμʚτταϝα τοʚσʚααν κοⱶτααν ϝελιευδεν ⱶεγγεσση.
**short vowel + t > short vowel + glottal stop
**short vowel + fricative + t > short vowel + t
**long vowel + t stays put

Jāheqozron vemālaerus qe doñanqerosy.

==Pristac Guanorliviroc==
PPf -zō > -er 'n indef nom pl'

PPf -az > -er 'm def nom pl'
Leißelbeiger Glündesschnock,
bhfaoigh na dhruisce leis an ngloc,
с куздом твачу зблодащок,
pristac guanorliviroc!

PPf -zōi  > -er 'm indef acc pl'
Tyűlöszöbbes hávaltok,
ṇentronné veux mains du roque,
geuteureun madeul ryeonmok,
pristac guanorliviroc!

PPf -aiz > -er 'f def acc pl'
Iūcullātur plexē hoc,
Takzitxerri ezbantzok,
Ηζειν ευθρασιν στουροκ,
pristac guanorliviroc!

PPf -zô > -er 'f indef gen pl'
Nguyết sảnh xưa nỡn hầng màu trọc,
Cuālliquimeh huixōtloc,
tʰˁawk pgəts məlˁaj n̊əŋs qʷʰˁraʔ tkʰˁens nˁrok,
pristac guanorliviroc!

PPf -ōz > -er 'n def gen pl'
Post hoc ergo propter hoc,
pristac guanorliviroc!

Zíj phlàa vîek rang dèt Bangkok,
Pikna la-magtef litzmok,
pristac guanorliviroc!

/t tˁ k q ʔ f s sˁ x χ h m n l r w j a aa ə əə i ii u uu ai au əi əu ia ua iə uə/

==Irish with pharyngealized consonants==


/a/: a ea ae eae
PPf -ą > -0 'n indef nom sg'
/e/: oeu eu oe e
/i/: ai ia aia i
/o/: o uo uea ue
/u/: aua ua au u

PPf -s > -0 'm def nom sg'
==Uncanny valley Korean==
Consonants: /m n ŋ bʰ dʰ dzʰ gʰ p t ts k f s fʰ sʰ h w j r ʔ/

PPf -0 > -0 'm indef acc sg'
Postvocalic /ʔ/ may be realized as creaky voice.

PPf -az > -0 'f def acc sg'
Vowels:  /i ɨ u e ə o ɛ ɔ æ a/

PPf -0 > -0 'f indef gen sg'
*ä, a, e, o
PPf -s > -0 'n def gen sg'
*eu, i <- syllabic resonants

*p t k p’ t’ k’ b d g
*s z ts ts’ ʂ ʐ ʈʂ ʈʂ’
*m n ŋ r l ʀ w j h
==Gleb phonologies==
==Gleb phonologies==
Line 604: Line 975:

Gleb seed 1408165181
Gleb seed 1408165181
'''Kxǂ’auǁʼein''' /ˈkxǂ’aʊ̯ǁʼaɪ̯n/
==Alternate PPfK==
m n ŋ ŋʷ ɴ ɴʷ
m’ n’ ŋ’ ŋʷ’ ɴ’ ɴʷ’
p t ts tɬ k kʷ q qʷ ʔ
p’ t’ ts’ tɬ’ k’ kʷ’ q’ qʷ’
s ɬ x xʷ χ χʷ h
s’ ɬ’ x’ xʷ’ χ’ χʷ’
l r w j
l’ r’ w’ j’
a i u ə ā ī ū
==Yan tan tethara==
*txīmo, sīmo, noxxū, xoxxū, tzouo, chauo, raxxū, uaya, paxxū, chaya?

==A Damin==
==A Damin==
Line 632: Line 985:
*vowels: y ɤ æ
*vowels: y ɤ æ

==from An Bhlaoighne==
Die Breige hüben friene Grauscher,
big: go qhéith
in siefe ausgepferzte dauscher;
small: go mionn (from Latin "minimus")
Säder brinnt zer einem Wist,
long: go mheal
Fagel hirzen leine drisst.
short: go laomh
Beđehn' die dir in Ŧimst entfeißet,
wide: go raoi
gim itzo Feuche haben,
narrow: go cuachar
und Meden brassen was mich sŧeißet,
thick: go scúil
Đechse vorzuschraben.
thin: go h-ádh
Wenngleich das Werg in Krafe seucht,
woman: an fháixe, na bhfáixe
mieŧ' ich wie Sprame gürfen;
man: an beathra, na mbeathra
Denn mich bekriest die weistlich' Dreucht,
child: an stíotha, na stíotha
die mich in Reune stürfen.
mother: an feadhan-fháixe?
Mein Günden heigt im färz'gen Harbe;
father: an feadhan-beathra?
was mich zur gracken Fasen funget.
na bhfeadhan-fháixe, na bhfeadhan-beathra
Feisen Ŧickmasionen ŧarbe,
wife: an sleith-fháixe
neifen sie herch hinbrunget.
husband: an sleith-beathra
na dhsleith-fháixe, na dhsleith-beathra
fish: an déimhe, na dhéimhe
bird: an chuar, na cuar
(all these are from the bhadhagha gib)
dog: an lior, na lior
louse: an h-úmha, na n-úmha
snake: an bhfaost, na faost
worm: an ghean, na ngean
tree: an daodha, na dhaodha
forest: an ríne, na ríne
stick: an cuath, na chuath
fruit: an thamha, na dtamha
seed: an páile, na páile
leaf: an fhuix, na bhfuix
root: an dhóife, na dhóife
bark: an cior, na cior
flower: an qeógh, na qheógh
grass: an rúiche, na rúiche
rope: an mbuad, na bhuad
skin: an geabh, na gheabh
meat: an ceith, na gceith
blood: an dhséabha, na dhséabha
bone: an reist, na reist
fat: an xuile, na xuile
egg: an qé, na qhé *hmoob intensifies*
horn: an n-aire, na h-aire
tail: an h-aoi, na h-aoi
feather: an gcoít, na choít
hair: an núcha, na núcha
head: an snith, na snith
ear: an dtiocha, na tiocha
eye: an fheirn, na bhfeirn
nose: an gaoine, na ngaoine
mouth: an cnuile, na chnuile
tooth: an iacha, na h-iacha
tongue: an bhlaoighne? 😀
fingernail: an sciofhth, na sciofhth
foot: an reithe, na reithe
leg: an ndeocha reith, na dheocha reith
knee: an xionn reith, na dhxionn reith
hand: flúin
an bhflúin, na fhlúin
arm: an ndeocha bhflúin, na dheocha bhflúin
elbow: an xionn bhflúin, na dhxionn bhflúin
wing: an ceamh, na gceamh
belly: an táile, na tháile
guts: an nquinneach, na quinneach
neck: an xaoiphe, na xaoiphe
back: an mbíolbh, na bíolbh
breast: an dhsracht, na sracht
heart: an luisc, na luisc
liver: an steóisc, na dhsteóisc
go neábha 'to drink'
go séic 'to eat'
go xumhadh 'to bite'
go scéimh 'to suck'
go fiara 'to spit, to eject'
go fiara an néitheasach 'to vomit'
go fíoxa 'to blow'
go stúimhe 'to breathe'
go sraoth 'to laugh'
go bhfeirthe 'to see'
go dtiodh 'to hear'
go xeólaigh 'to know'
go bhrainne 'to think'

Was Zühlen erkeifet, bacht heinaden Gnad';
to smell: go mbuir
Mein' Kründ'rung erbrauget und diro getrat.
fear: an xaoithe, na dhxaoithe
Die Juchtlingen pfriechender Häumen zu henken,
to sleep: go h-uaileas
Verschwilligereien, die itzund uns brenken.
to live: go chaith
Wir reftmunschig braußen,
mit zärbenden Faußen,
Ermeie uns, wenn unser' Berze dir schmannt!

==Diachronics lab==
dance: from An Bhlaoighne "dannsa" (to move to a beat), from "dann" (beat; imitative of a drum) + -tha/-the verbalizer (-nnth- becomes -nns-)
Pluractionality ≈ antipassive
we exc/inc > we formal/intimate
Demonstrative/definite affix > construct state: PL-clam-those [of the] man > PL-clam-CONST man
Classifiers are in construct state
apposition NOUN-1SG NOUN > CL-1SG NOUN > of_i-1SG NOUN_i
evidential-marking "because" or "therefore", as opposed to the protasis verb

feminine > abstract > honorific
==Long German gibby word==
