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I will hug all of you
I will hug all of you

==Multiple sentences==
Í cuXEÝ niv ez'e xec'en je. Uc' socxauc r'úu.

But I NEED ice for my drink. I want to speak to your manager.
Il, iysuxad iyxoñíl, hazen nálnál cé āhsehcuxiý
Life, it never die, women are my favorite guy
Hian úu cēj habah hab hé
Their mother’s grandmother’s sibling’s friend’s tree

[[File:Soc'ul' DANGER.png|thumb]]
Uc' ují xad cud

C’en cohú xeū xen’e. C’en socú xeū xen’e.
Something bad might happen

You can't eat him without salt. I can’t eat you without salt.

Ñomuír zál

Ih un' ñomaren uc' āhc'uai jál ne, xen xen āhsecc'uai. Secxem hez'i ñij Aian eý heit ez'e c'uai jux eý.
Rule 7

If there is a lesson to be learned in this, I refuse to learn it. I will burn for an eternity in hell before I learn anything.

Umubey jál xauc'iad.

Cohc'uc'zi Mary Poppins
This sentence is false.
Xen hazen di hed'?
Cual cual, hazen di hed'
Cuoj, syen Mary Poppins!

You look like Mary Poppins
Is he cool?
Hell yeah, he's cool
I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!

Cual Cual Tumyan Ne-Jernexuñ Nál!

Happy International Women's Day!
r’uz āhucécez’i
Hazen jál Racñor nu,
hazen tum’eu c’uau hé Racñor nu.
Hazen jál Racñor nu,
hazen Uc’otum’ Racñor nu.

There is a day
that starts with a man
who is an Iolan.
He is a servant.
He is a priest.
He is a king.
He is of Ragnor,
(and) he is a wise king of Ragnor.
He is of Ragnor,
(and) he is the Cleric-King of Ragnor.

Setnú il aí ir'te.

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
I eat salty dogs.

Secxauc'iý Inigo Montoya. Corcur cóc. C'er' cozsuxad.

Ū setnhuriadz'i ruhu marco.

Yummy I love fried chicken.

omg jesse look - LOOK JESSE IM - IM OHIO JESSE

Uc' miu secxauc xauc í añ'lámají lepm ai he un' je āhcaru nejilai céux he mux pfi íúsjenen'zadz'i laid.

Uc' secc'uaz - u yanan* xeyad ez' jux! R'uz cur'n'i cé jál - Xen cozcuriliý: jí yalab c'ez lail jenxad eý
Would say same but my dog was an asshole yesterday because of my brother trying to outrun a cop so my sleep schedule's been miraculously fixed.

You may be thinking - oh jeebz somebody help! That guy is drowning! - Fear not: he uses his gills to breathe underwater

Setn'i setn'i āhxañ' hez'i xemad ñoiarem.

-Cozleydijí xen'!
It is strictly forbidden to beat products vigorously.
-Cod'iý ta xi ta, euiý xen'.

-You're pointless!
-39 buried, 0 found.

Cozmiuei Ætérnal āhāh, í ji, uhianuxjí xedbet.

Añ'il cuasyeu hian xem eý. Miw añ'jenxemul'z'i hez'i tumyan jál
Praise Ætérnal and all that, but right now, copper is more important.

A crow lives in an old tree. One day it became thirsty.

Cuoj Uc'ziuóc Xen Coi Āhjí, cozýemax ez'e uc' jál xad iiahjí je

Cozlaúz laúz, cuoj samurai! Miur cuxem xare.
Ceaseless Watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing

Wake the fuck up samurai! We have a city to burn.

Xauc "c'e cozceñaxiý" cū eý

It says "you're gullible" on the ceiling

(securzi cuoj suqi lol (xen xen un' jál a al'a xeuaijí xau (āhāh uuu xen xiljí xiljí jál)))

Xen cozajiax āhiyherú il v'ual?

(sorry suqi lol (no this is not part of the translation activity (also hmmm is this one too short)))
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Xen syen hez'i ñomuír

Legally I don't exist

Corxauc corjí
Umiūj ez'e cual je ez'e jeraie joíxuñ ez'e netsúaz eý
Harxauc harjí
Cozen jutxux ziñuu
Cozhur hab

You tell me to do this,
Truth becomes treason in an empire of lies
He tells me to do that.
You're all bastards,
Go fuck your mother.

Cüaiuim jál xaucñ'a céux he, cuoj Banaiuj - Ih ih harcur tnaic xare, uūts jál xaucñ'a réúia eý
Xen cozc'ua āhharin' hé Italy-uóc xañ'íl hian tsi am xi éj úats?

I dedicate this rune to my brother, Banaiuj - Even if the barbarians destroy my city, this writing will stand on this wall
Nalunngiliuk italiamiusut pasta 200-nik assigiinngitsumik taaguuteqartoq?

Did you know the Italians have 200 different words for pasta?

Coban' netsúazuóc
Xen sechabaux muzad je

I hate you
Aícualjí curyan xaine
You are a liar
Get lost
I don't give a fuck
You are ugly

Happy Pride Month

Xen jál xil! Cuoj, setnayn r'um'ian - uc' cozládjí!

Not now! Hey, I have a axe - you will be dead!
Xen je āhseccur il?

Why do we die?

Coxatx xemux co je āhtnír' hez'i tumyan jál. Cohxem' co āhtnír' hez'i tuilyad il hé jutxux.

Build a man a fire and he will be warm for one day. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Uinayn hed' réúia ueil.

The walls have ears.

Ji cuxeuai a ez’e iátan cisíljí cudiyañ’an he ne. Ih seicm’éi seicxōñi a yañ’an, r’uz r’uz aíñéz, ucoy uc’iad’. Ih aím’éi, secñéz. C’ez seiccual’enax āhsyíún’ ez’e seiciátanz’i hīuijí.

I am playing a dangerous game with my demons. If I win and defeat the gods, they will be forced to leave and I will take back the wheel. If they win, I am the one leaving. A high stakes gamble with them is how I spite the gods.
Cuatx ñe úu nu.

I have built a house for a friend.

Xen secuc’ ád ez’e (meme) ax jál nid’. Uc’ secc’uaiadjí í nuc’ cuc’ua āhulēljí. Ban’ a jál jutxux āhcucuc’ céce āhey ád (test tube) xuc’ jux nid’ āhsui (meme) váv (meme) xauilád “ah, finally, (xec ez’e lēl jál eý).

I don't understand this kind of memes. Maybe I'm stupid but I don't think it's funny. Everything I see is a guy holding a test tube of different colors depending on the meme, and the phrase: ah, finally, (add trifle here).
Cueylac ñe xeuiad cur.

I live in the big blue house.

cohuc'zi txicñ
COZSEÑ :) :)

Āhhuuc'zi ez'e cual ne, en hueu uýocjí cur ýocjí c'uaú
look at the duck
YOU WIN :) :)

Seeking truth, the wise find, instead, its profound absence

Xen je Hun' hé Agma Schwa arm'uzē col Lapis? Un' ez'e jíuóc cux cux jál!!

Why the heck does agma have a Lapis body pillow? That's one of my favorite characters!!
Xen cozen xad xil eý c'en āhúuyextxa xen'?

Who are you when no one can stop you?

Xen haraicojí company Pepsi. Ucual, Uc' laz laz xec'en jál muzad
==Multiple sentences==
Í cuXEÝ niv ez'e xec'en je. Uc' socxauc r'úu.

The Pepsi company is not happy with me. That’s okay, I’ll still keep drinking that garbage.
But I NEED ice for my drink. I want to speak to your manager.

Ñ'in' teúx lád cuamdi eý
C’en cohú xeū xen’e. C’en socú xeū xen’e.
Iymiūj ribuaye nivíl āhiyuats
Hazen nál āhc'ua l'aújjen
Āhhazen cé āhleyn'

in the wild there is a dead deer
You can't eat him without salt. I can’t eat you without salt.
white grass grows to cover it
there is a lady who thinks of spring
and a man who entices her

Sehhuriadz'i Cálzin! Jernexuñ ūtsad ūtsad en.
Ih un' ñomaren uc' āhc'uai jál ne, xen xen āhsecc'uai. Secxem hez'i ñij Aian eý heit ez'e c'uai jux eý.

We love Calzin! The sweetest nation of ours.
If there is a lesson to be learned in this, I refuse to learn it. I will burn for an eternity in hell before I learn anything.

Coruc' corcuj jena xen āhcoxmuz riylal nej.
Cohc'uc'zi Mary Poppins
Cucaru cuxau ez'e cozuc',
Xen hazen di hed'?
cuc'uaz ez'e aíún'ax júauejneri.
Cual cual, hazen di hed'
Cuoj, syen Mary Poppins!

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet.
You look like Mary Poppins
Try to make sense of what you see,
Is he cool?
and wonder about what makes the universe exist.
Hell yeah, he's cool
Be curious.
I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!

Xen upfen nustem? Xen yan'ad? Xen vuyuóc? Xen cuxeý? Un' jál nej cuoj úu he; ih ih cun' hej aýue cuder'
r’uz āhucécez’i
Hazen jál Racñor nu,
hazen tum’eu c’uau hé Racñor nu.
Hazen jál Racñor nu,
hazen Uc’otum’ Racñor nu.

Lamp oil? rope? Bombs? You want it? It's yours my friend; as long as you have enough rubies
There is a day
that starts with a man
who is an Iolan.
He is a servant.
He is a priest.
He is a king.
He is of Ragnor,
(and) he is a wise king of Ragnor.
He is of Ragnor,
(and) he is the Cleric-King of Ragnor.

Elyej xíc' ñomuír eý, āhteiríý hez'i cudix cudix cudiiad' ib auzux.
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
New York City eý, āhñ'ihjadz'i are n'eíd' je t'áñxer ai āhsutx jál ez'e cudiz zix āhxauc'iý Seagull Victims Unit je. Íúban' jál a tiéyan.

In the criminal justice system, seagull-based offenses are considered especially heinous.
Secxauc'iý Inigo Montoya. Corcur cóc. C'er' cozsuxad.
In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Seagull Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Secr'u āhcuuc'zi entacin jenyan' ne je. Ucualjí cual.

I went to watch a concert by the river. It was great.
omg jesse look - LOOK JESSE IM - IM OHIO JESSE

Syen cē ez'e suiux, yauñ' yañ'an. Seccéuxjí céuxjí jutxux āhhazen je. Syen riýan júauejneri. Syen jál āhseccéuxjí jutxux je. Syen: YAUÑ' XEUAIL! RÉUZIUÓC XEUAIL'! Riýan JAM' XEUAIL! Setnhuriadz'i XEUAIL'!
Uc' secc'uaz - u yanan* xeyad ez' jux! R'uz cur'n'i cé jál - Xen cozcuriliý: jí yalab c'ez lail jenxad eý

I am the son of Nature, the king of the gods. I am the mightiest of all beings. I am the master of the universe. I am the one who is all-powerful. I am: THE BALL KING! HANDLER OF BALLS! master of the BALL ARTS! I love BALLS!
You may be thinking - oh jeebz somebody help! That guy is drowning! - Fear not: he uses his gills to breathe underwater

Setnayn he cud ehc'-lailuóc - Setnayn he cudix ehc'-lailuóc
-Cozleydijí xen'!
-Cod'iý ta xi ta, euiý xen'.

I have a cardiovascular issue - I have a cardiovascular issue
-You're pointless!
-39 buried, 0 found.

Ucidixjí cudixjí ez'e c'e xañ'c'oi. Cur'ūño cují jál ax camel
'il cuasyeu hian xem eý. Miw añ'jenxemul'z'i hez'i tumyan jál

Literacy is so evil. Imagine doing this to a camel
A crow lives in an old tree. One day it became thirsty.

Cuoj Beil, Beil; cuoj n'el'uóc (en).
Cozlaúz laúz, cuoj samurai! Miur cuxem xare.
Cuoj Beil, Beil; corr'úz corúax.

Bread, Bread; oh wonder (of mine).
Wake the fuck up samurai! We have a city to burn.
Bread, Bread; come feed me.

Syen Lád. Xen āhsecjeñerxocño, váv ñoim'aje, váv jem'añoh, váv m'uoñuven', váv xauil n'eád ej jux. Syen Lád. Cual. Cual.

I'm Death. And I don't mean it metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, or any other fancy way. I'm Death. Straight. Up.
(securzi cuoj suqi lol (xen xen un' jál a al'a xeuaijí xau (āhāh uuu xen xiljí xiljí jál)))


Aílatx aíxoñíl aiauñ' txijór'se, í aíim'e im'e.
(sorry suqi lol (no this is not part of the translation activity (also hmmm is this one too short)))
- xauilád Urhaa

The song of history never repeats, but it echoes again and again.
- Urhaa proverb




Corxauc corjí
Harxauc harjí
Cozen jutxux ziñuu
Cozhur hab

Coxréuzi tsum. Cox-, cox-, coxréuzi tsum. Jutxux je āhcual, coxr'u coxréuzi tsum. Cozey, -ey maula muzad muzad, cozr'u hez'i ñézjí āhcoxxem'uz muzad je coxréuai tsum réú hej eý.
You tell me to do this,
He tells me to do that.
You're all bastards,
Go fuck your mother.

Touch grass. Like, like, touch grass. For the love of god, go touch grass. Take, take your grimy little paws, go outside and stick them into the dirt and feel the grass in your hands.

Cüaiuim jál xaucñ'a céux he, cuoj Banaiuj - Ih ih harcur tnaic xare, uūts jál xaucñ'a réúia eý

I dedicate this rune to my brother, Banaiuj - Even if the barbarians destroy my city, this writing will stand on this wall


Coban' netsúazuóc
Xen sechabaux muzad je
I hate you
You are a liar
Get lost
I don't give a fuck
You are ugly

Uxauc'iý ád xauc', usxem'uziý a jutxux eý
C'e uc' jux ez'e āhusxaui
Uajiý heit jutxux eý jutxux-júauejneri eý
Āhaíc'ualai hez'i ūtsad C eý

Summoned by a call, buried in us all
Xen jál xil! Cuoj, setnayn r'um'ian - uc' cozládjí!
Anyone can see what it means to me
Finally companied in omniverse
Dreaming sweet in C

Not now! Hey, I have a axe - you will be dead!


Coxatx xemux co je āhtnír' hez'i tumyan jál. Cohxem' co āhtnír' hez'i tuilyad il hé jutxux.

Build a man a fire and he will be warm for one day. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

Ux xeuád, xem'en ñéd' en eý. Uc' secc'ua xad āhcozuc'zi.

A little animal, on the floor of my chamber. I think I know what you are looking for.
Ji cuxeuai a ez’e iátan cisíljí cudiyañ’an he ne. Ih seicm’éi seicxōñi a yañ’an, r’uz r’uz aíñéz, ucoi uc’iad’. Ih aím’éi, secñéz. C’ez seiccual’enax āhsyíún’ ez’e seiciátanz’i hīuijí.

I am playing a dangerous game with my demons. If I win and defeat the gods, they will be forced to leave and I will take back the wheel. If they win, I am the one leaving. A high stakes gamble with them is how I spite the gods.

Cualjí cualjí nál-cē, xen cozýoc'
Í haucualax jál nál-cē, c'ez āhhanuats atscuice
Jál aiauñ' muzad
R'uz aír'ūj
Xen róc'ádjíax cuder' cuder'
Av r'uz secbataram
Ui tabet, coriynax nál-cē aila
Āhinxaucax doy
Ay, ay
setnayn he ehc'ux
Setnayn he xil'
Xen Secjí r'ūj r'ūjāh xen'e setnehc'uxz'iax ehc'ux ehc'ux ne
Ay, xañ'-aiauñ', ay

Femboys are great, don’t get me wrong
Xen secuc’ ád ez’e (meme) ax jál nid’. Uc’ secc’uaiadjí í nuc’ cuc’ua āhulēljí. Ban’ a jál jutxux āhcucuc’ céce āhey ád (test tube) xuc’ jux nid’ āhsui (meme) váv (meme) xauilád “ah, finally, (xec ez’e lēl jál eý).
But make that femboy like you, and they’ll wear a thong
This freaking song
I don't understand this kind of memes. Maybe I'm stupid but I don't think it's funny. Everything I see is a guy holding a test tube of different colors depending on the meme, and the phrase: ah, finally, (add trifle here).
Is getting too long
Don’t get too graphic
Or I’ll start to panic
Red lizard, make it a cute femboy
And it makes me go like doy
Ay, ay
I got the rhymes
I got the times
I don’t go too long without rhyming rhyme with rhyme
Ay, rap song, ay

Jenxad, xemux, r'úx, muzad / Maluvu cud, xen xenuz āhusuílai?
cohuc'zi txicñ
COZSEÑ :) :)

Water, fire, air, and dirt / Fucking magnets, how do they work?
look at the duck
YOU WIN :) :)

R'uz cozcuj, cuoj ez'e Tapm'iuji. Cuoj jál lád hed', ji āhil. Usxauc ez'e xauc' suc'an hé ýocla ýocla hel a jutxux.
Xen je Hun' hé Agma Schwa arm'uzē col Lapis? Un' ez'e jíuóc cux cux jál!!

Arise now, ye Tarnished. Ye dead, who yet live. The call of long-lost grace speaks to us all.
Why the heck does agma have a Lapis body pillow? That's one of my favorite characters!!

Sectoc' toc xen'e
Xen haraicojí company Pepsi. Ucual, Uc' laz laz xec'en jál muzad
Secil hez'i cur eý nivíl eý
Cozen jál jál yal
Cozcoiax uc'lal cozxauc "tum'ay cual"

We cut without a knife
The Pepsi company is not happy with me. That’s okay, I’ll still keep drinking that garbage.
We live in black and white
You're just a parasite
Now close your eyes and say "goodnight"

Aíún' jál tumyan a tumyan cual. Tumyan cual, āhxauc je.
Ñ'in' teúx lád cuamdi eý
Iymiūj ribuaye nivíl āhiyuats
Hazen nál āhc'ua l'aújjen
Āhhazen cé āhleyn'
in the wild there is a dead deer
white grass grows to cover it
there is a lady who thinks of spring
and a man who entices her

Today is a good day. A good day, to talk.

Sehhuriadz'i Cálzin! Jernexuñ ūtsad ūtsad en.

Cuoj cē, secxeý uiriuiri. Ji umuzux sux il.
We love Calzin! The sweetest nation of ours.

Son, we need to move out. The quality of life is getting worse.

Coruc' corcuj jena xen āhcoxmuz riylal nej.
Cucaru cuxau ez'e cozuc',
cuc'uaz ez'e aíún'ax júauejneri.

Aíún' xenuz, secr'úz
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet.
Aíún' je, secñéiej
Try to make sense of what you see,
Xen aíyan' āhcual'en cou
and wonder about what makes the universe exist.
Xen secxahian
Be curious.

Dari dia kita datang
Pada dia kita pulang
Dia tak suruh benci orang
Jangan kita cakap sumbang

From Him, we come
Xen upfen nustem? Xen yan'ad? Xen vuyuóc? Xen cuxeý? Un' jál nej cuoj úu he; ih ih cun' hej aýue cuder'
To Him, we go back
He doesn't order to hate people
Lamp oil? rope? Bombs? You want it? It's yours my friend; as long as you have enough rubies
Let's not argue

Tumyan cualll setnhuriadz'i arm'uzē! Iynáljí iyxañ'ilaxajjí setnhuriadz'i setnréuzi!
Elyej xíc' ñomuír eý, āhteiríý hez'i cudix cudix cudiiad' ib auzux.
New York City eý, āhñ'ihjadz'i are n'eíd' je t'áñxer ai āhsutx jál ez'e cudiz zix āhxauc'iý Seagull Victims Unit je. Íúban' jál a tiéyan.

hiii i love pillows! they're soft and squishy and i love hugging them!
In the criminal justice system, seagull-based offenses are considered especially heinous.
In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Seagull Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Cozhabaux cují hez'i cual lec'ad', av c'ez uc' cozjin'iýax coil. Cual āu, xen xen cuxeý cumojomax "cetxiñ'" "cetxícñ" ne.
Secr'u āhcuuc'zi entacin jenyan' ne je. Ucualjí cual.

Be careful to get the tones right, otherwise you may embarrass yourself. For example, you definitely don't want to confuse "cetxiñ'" and "cetxícñ".
I went to watch a concert by the river. It was great.

[[File:Kidney Soc'ul'.png|thumb]]
Syen cē ez'e suiux, yauñ' yañ'an. Seccéuxjí céuxjí jutxux āhhazen je. Syen riýan júauejneri. Syen jál āhseccéuxjí jutxux je. Syen: YAUÑ' XEUAIL! RÉUZIUÓC XEUAIL'! Riýan JAM' XEUAIL! Setnhuriadz'i XEUAIL'!
yanuxad - uduñ āhiyxeýanuxiý

heroism - kidneys donated
I am the son of Nature, the king of the gods. I am the mightiest of all beings. I am the master of the universe. I am the one who is all-powerful. I am: THE BALL KING! HANDLER OF BALLS! master of the BALL ARTS! I love BALLS!

Nun' hel xil jál xañ'íl *co* ád ýemdix */kʷ/*.
Setnayn he cud ehc'-lailuóc - Setnayn he cudix ehc'-lailuóc
Cua, auca, auc.

The word *person* starts with a kʷ sound.
I have a cardiovascular issue - I have a cardiovascular issue
kʷa akʷa akʷ.

Cozxauc' secxauc' xañ'íl.
Ucidixjí cudixjí ez'e c'e xañ'c'oi. Cur'ūño cují jál ax camel
Cuuc'utxux cují hez'i cual */kʷ/*.
Xen *c'o*, *co*.

Sound out the word with me.
Literacy is so evil. Imagine doing this to a camel
Mape sure you get the /kʷ/ right.
Not *toolmaker*, *person*.

xen cozxev'enjí ixivál
Cuoj Beil, Beil; cuoj n'el'uóc (en).
xen miur'
Cuoj Beil, Beil; corr'úz corúax.

your balls are not safe
Bread, Bread; oh wonder (of mine).
not anymore
Bread, Bread; come feed me.

[[File:Soc'ul' Medieval cats.png|thumb]]
Syen Lád. Xen āhsecjeñerxocño, váv ñoim'aje, váv jem'añoh, váv m'uoñuven', váv xauil n'eád ej jux. Syen Lád. Cual. Cual.
Mau Ñetañeta-Ehc'ad Xenuz:
- añ'suíl suíl
- ñ'aijí xíc'eú
- añ'r'u hez'i riylal heit
- ñ'ihjí are je
Ji Ñ'in' Mau:
- añ'arjejí, xen añ'aijzi
- añ'xíýz'i
- añ'arjejí arjejí āhañ'r'u hez'i riylal heit je

Cats in Middle Ages:
I'm Death. And I don't mean it metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, or any other fancy way. I'm Death. Straight. Up.
- hard working
- went to church
- walked on hind legs
- contributed to society
Cats now:
- lazy and ungrateful
- atheists
- too lazy to walk on hind legs

Seccua c'e āhcozjen hez'i cual, í r'úyanjí cuder' cuder' jer'u. Cual cual cur'u jeiñuas ne, un' jál xen'e riyxiyan ā.
Aílatx aíxoñíl aiauñ' txijór'se, í aíim'e im'e.
- xauilád Urhaa

I know you're a good swimmer, but the current is too strong. Please just go across the bridge, it's only a few riyxiyan from here.
The song of history never repeats, but it echoes again and again.
- Urhaa proverb

Iytabdi haibu teu,
Iytabdi saih,
Utabdi miū,
Iyxemuxjí eñjar.

Roses are red,
Violets are red,
Bushes are red,
My garden is on fire.

[[File:Soc'ul' this is my brush.png|thumb]]
Coxréuzi tsum. Cox-, cox-, coxréuzi tsum. Jutxux je āhcual, coxr'u coxréuzi tsum. Cozey, -ey maula muzad muzad, cozr'u hez'i ñézjí āhcoxxem'uz muzad je coxréuai tsum réú hej eý.
Syen jál neixad:
Syen jál xuc':
Syen jál tsiel':

This is my brush:
Touch grass. Like, like, touch grass. For the love of god, go touch grass. Take, take your grimy little paws, go outside and stick them into the dirt and feel the grass in your hands.
This is my paint:
This is my canvas:

Xen (un’) xen xad eý ád xaucñ’a en?

Uc’ humiuji (ád jál) hez’i ñéi nu

Where is my book?

Oh I think they left it at his house

Uxauc'iý ád xauc', usxem'uziý a jutxux eý
C'e uc' jux ez'e āhusxaui
Uajiý heit jutxux eý jutxux-júauejneri eý
Āhaíc'ualai hez'i ūtsad C eý

Miu āhsecjen’ xen cohuc’ xen r’úmiu xenuý hel āhr'úven nivih hez’i?
Summoned by a call, buried in us all
Anyone can see what it means to me
Finally companied in omniverse
Dreaming sweet in C

Sehan’, miu aiven nei hez’i

While swimming you saw him in the straw boat going north?

Yes I did, he was paddling fast

ŋ't: Cuñéz ñitaxia miu āhsecuei hez'i āl xad āhun' "IYNÁLUXJÍ PFÁN" lol
Ux xeuád, xem'en ñéd' en eý. Uc' secc'ua xad āhcozuc'zi.
nico!: Cual ji secc'uai Spanish āhiynáluxjí pfán 😭
ŋ't: Yaiad cual
nico!: Xen ez'e secc'uai Spanish av ez'e iynáluxjí pfán?
ŋ't: Cual
nico!: (gif)
ŋ't: Sun' oñuxocño
nico!: Un' jál a ñuimaj hej

ŋ't: I get out of the shower and the first thing I hear is "MILK IS FEMININE" lol
A little animal, on the floor of my chamber. I think I know what you are looking for.
nico!: Yas I am learning Spanish and milk is feminine 😭
ŋ't: A true tragedy
nico!: learning Spanish or that milk is feminine
ŋ't: Yes
nico!: (gif)
ŋ't: Literally me
nico!: That is your gender

Un' English muzad muzad.
Cualjí cualjí nál-cē, xen cozýoc'
Í haucualax jál nál-cē, c'ez āhhanuats atscuice
Cual ueují ueují í xen cuteirí Iqglic?
Jál aiauñ' muzad
R'uz aír'ūj
English is complete garbage.
Xen róc'ádjíax cuder' cuder'
Av r'uz secbataram
Yeah obviously but what is your opinion on Iqglic?
Ui tabet, coriynax nál-cē aila
Āhinxaucax doy
Ay, ay
setnayn he ehc'ux
Setnayn he xil'
Xen Secjí r'ūj r'ūjāh xen'e setnehc'uxz'iax ehc'ux ehc'ux ne
Ay, xañ'-aiauñ', ay

Femboys are great, don’t get me wrong
But make that femboy like you, and they’ll wear a thong
This freaking song
Is getting too long
Don’t get too graphic
Or I’ll start to panic
Red lizard, make it a cute femboy
And it makes me go like doy
Ay, ay
I got the rhymes
I got the times
I don’t go too long without rhyming rhyme with rhyme
Ay, rap song, ay

Cuoj yañ'an, xen cozjí xad?!

Xen uc'uaý, secxíy!
Jenxad, xemux, r'úx, muzad / Maluvu cud, xen xenuz āhusuílai?

Cohxauc hey hé...
Water, fire, air, and dirt / Fucking magnets, how do they work?

Dear God, what have you done?!

It was an accident I swear!
R'uz cozcuj, cuoj ez'e Tapm'iuji. Cuoj jál lád hed', ji āhil. Usxauc ez'e xauc' suc'an hé ýocla ýocla hel a jutxux.

Tell that to their family...
Arise now, ye Tarnished. Ye dead, who yet live. The call of long-lost grace speaks to us all.

Úu: C'en setnxecmuñ'o maíuas, āhsecr'úz jeve je jál jál
Sectoc' toc xen'e
Ceñ: Securzi, secr'úz maíuas ner'iy je jál jál
Secil hez'i cur nivíl eý
Cozen jál jál yal
Cozcoiax uc'lal cozxauc "tum'ay cual"

Friend: Can I borrow a cloak, just to go down to the countryside?
We cut without a knife
Idiot: Sorry, my cloak only goes down to the ankles.
We live in black and white
You're just a parasite
Now close your eyes and say "goodnight"

"Secú etjeí."
Aíún' jál tumyan a tumyan cual. Tumyan cual, āhxauc je.
"Xen cozcurilz'i, setnayn he nivlaid ā."

"My headache's killing me."
Today is a good day. A good day, to talk.
"Don't worry, I have some ghost pipe."

Corxec jál ej, yail ñua jál.
Cuoj cē, secxeý uiriuiri. Ji umuzux sux il.

Xen cozuc'utxux? Ih coxey yail ej, āhiysabaz'i jál ej hez'i ej.
Son, we need to move out. The quality of life is getting worse.

Give me two of these, and one bag of rice.

Are you sure? if you get two bags, the second one is half off.
Aíún' xenuz, secr'úz
Aíún' je, secñéiej
Xen aíyan' āhcual'en cou
Xen secxahian

Dari dia kita datang
Pada dia kita pulang
Dia tak suruh benci orang
Jangan kita cakap sumbang

From Him, we come
Hazen Bowser cóc muzad muzad. Xen je uc' āhjey cē hé entacin ez'e txím' jiñ'al ne je? Xen un' ñuimaj xuaylac xad có je? Xen xeuah cual
To Him, we go back
He doesn't order to hate people
Let's not argue

Xen habaux Bowser

Tumyan cualll setnhuriadz'i arm'uzē! Iynáljí iyxañ'ilaxajjí setnhuriadz'i setnréuzi!
Xen t'erán. Ji ji cócz'i. Xeý joc'al

hiii i love pillows! they're soft and squishy and i love hugging them!
Bowser is a terrible father. Why would he bring his son to an event involving fighting and violence? What kind of environment is that for a child? He is not a suitable guardian

Bowser doesn't care

Cozhabaux cují hez'i cual lec'ad', av c'ez uc' cozjin'iýax coil. Cual āu, xen xen cuxeý cumojomax "cetxiñ'" "cetxícñ" ne.
That is not an option. He is a father now. He needs to be responsible

Be careful to get the tones right, otherwise you may embarrass yourself. For example, you definitely don't want to confuse "cetxiñ'" and "cetxícñ".

Cuxnál: Uc' secc'uayudjí, í ih xen ej, xen secc'uaují.
Aïcája: Un' ez'e xaui c'uayudjí.
Cuxnál: Secc'ua. Un' xeu en āhsecxauc.
Tauxa: Cuc' cozxahian.
Cuxnál: Xen r'úiad āhCUxauc āhun' ez'e xahian?
Tauxa: Xen socxauc. sehxauc Vauai Muxca.
Cuxnál: Ā.

Cuxnál: I may be stupid, but at least I'm not smart.
[[File:Kidney Soc'ul'.png|thumb]]
Aïcája: That's what being stupid means.
yanuxad - uduñ āhiyxeýanuxiý
Cuxnál: I know. That's why I said it.
Tauxa: Can you guys stop arguing?
Cuxnál: How can you call THAT an argument?
Tauxa: I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Vauai and Muxca.
Cuxnál: Ah.

heroism - kidneys donated

Xen r'úiad hanc'uai hanxaui jul'al xenuz jul'al ej je xen r'úiad iyxaui xad xañ'íl' xad XEN R'ÚIAD H

Cuoñ'o: *Uc'ziax muibena* Muibena
Nun' hel xil jál xañ'íl *co* ád ýemdix */kʷ/*.
Jen'um': Hàr shir fucking zapumm su
Cua, auca, auc.
*Iarje jiñ'al 800*

How did they learn to translate languages into other languages how did they know which words meant what HOW DID TH
The word *person* starts with a kʷ sound.
kʷa akʷa akʷ.

Soc'ul' Person: *Points at a soursop* Soursop
Knrawi Person: Hàr shir fucking zapumm su
*800 years of war*

==Longer translations==
Cozxauc' secxauc' xañ'íl.
===Permechikan showcase text===
[[File:Permechikan showcase text (Soc'ul').jpg|thumb]]
Cuuc'utxux cují hez'i cual */kʷ/*.
Tullus5 je, juiahñujornic Fwonarojun nu:
Xen *c'o*, *co*.
Sound out the word with me.
Mape sure you get the /kʷ/ right.
Not *toolmaker*, *person*.

R'uc' cozuc' xen āhuxañ'iý jul' yauñ' nej ne xaucñ'a āl ez'e xañ' eý.
C'ez c'ez bac'ua are Ajul Fwonnel hed' je, xen xen ratspfer' je.
En r'ez uscur hez'i 1563 ez'e xen coiax en, āhusey niviýan āz je ez'e coiax en tumyan jál.
Āhuez hez'i xil eý cual tabed' nej, xen cual il hez'i ez'e ñetañeta Arojunza-uóc, Fwonnel-uóc, Reuxalusia-uóc.
Cozuc' coil āhuc'... secb'ei secjiyan' ez'e ej he āhsocmezax jál je muj he xenuz.
Un' ez'e xañ' ej jutxux āhsecxañ' Permechika-uóc ne, soclec' xen socnoc'uj tabed' cud nej.
Cualuño, cuoj muzad.

Huriad ne,
xen cozxev'enjí ixivál
Cozlif Arojunza-uóc Yanux nu.
xen miur'

===Ossetian cowboy verse===
your balls are not safe
[[File:Ossetian cowboy verse.jpg|thumb]]
not anymore
Tum ziñuz hez'i uatsíad nu
Uc'lal ej hé āhxem' tabed'.
Secxem ehc' āhuc' r'u,
Cuoj yañ'an coren uc'uóc jál hed'!

Shone through his hat
Did his two eyes flaming red.
My heart burns starting to see it,
Gods, be my witness to this!

Ӕ мед-ходӕ ӕрттивтонцӕ
[[File:Soc'ul' Medieval cats.png|thumb]]
Дууӕ цӕсти сурх зингау.
Mau Ñetañeta-Ehc'ad Xenuz:
Мӕ зӕрдӕ мин басугътонцӕ,
- añ'suíl suíl
Ду ме ’вдесӕн, уо Хуцау!
- ñ'aijí xíc'eú
- añ'r'u hez'i riylal heit
- ñ'ihjí are je
Ji Ñ'in' Mau:
- añ'arjejí, xen añ'aijzi
- añ'xíýz'i
- añ'arjejí arjejí āhañ'r'u hez'i riylal heit je
Cats in Middle Ages:
- hard working
- went to church
- walked on hind legs
- contributed to society
Cats now:
- lazy and ungrateful
- atheists
- too lazy to walk on hind legs

Through his hat shone
His two eyes flaming red.
My heart (seeing that) burned me,
You be my witness, Oh God!

===Navy Seal copypasta===
Seccua c'e āhcozjen hez'i cual, í r'úyanjí cuder' cuder' jer'u. Cual cual cur'u jeiñuas ne, un' jál xen'e riyxiyan ā.
Xen xen r'uz corxauc xauc, cuoj hurco cē? Socc'uaiax en āhseccuj ñóc' m'e eý he ez' Navy Seal, syen jiñ'al mayai cuder ne Al-Quaeda eý, r'uz sehcur cual hed' ej xi xi. Lai secc'uai jiñ'al xañ'eux, sehan' sniper m'e tabed' US jutxux eý. Xen coren í ez'e xañ' ej. Soccur cur āhhabaux xen' āhuc'iý Earth eý, corxañ' xañ' ez'e xauc. Xen cozc'ua c'oc corxauc muj Internet ne? R'uz cozc'ua, cuoj hurco. Secxauc miu āhseheu útn mayai mayaih hé USA xenuý, r'uz cozeuiý IP r'uc' āhcoríún' cutsad, cuoj muzil. Cutsad āhcur cur xad cē cē āhcoxxauc il. Cozcuriý cur, cuoj có. C'ez syen jutxux eý, xil' jutxux, c'er' soccur r'úiad am em' am ne, r'uz réú diz. Xen coi secaicoiiý aicoi jiñ'al diz ne, syen ne arsenal United States Marine Corps nu jutxux, sun' sun' je āhsoccur je ez'e aizi xen aico hé āl continent nid' xenuz, cuoj ziñuh. Ih uc' cozc'uai ez'e xec je cudiyan jál ez'e xauc xil "ñ'al'" hej jir' āhúumuz, uc' cozxeuavenz'i xeuavenz'i jul'. Í c'en cozen, xen cozen, miu cüey, cuoj xen xen c'uau. Socmuj muj ez'e saumu, coxcur'n'i. Cozen cur cur hed', cuoj có.

===Epic of Gilgamesh (start, incomplete)===
I know you're a good swimmer, but the current is too strong. Please just go across the bridge, it's only a few riyxiyan from here.
Cuoj hazen āhuc' jutxux, uc' sehāzaxiý mum'uj. Uc' secc'uaiax hé āhhuuc' xad jutxux, ... hez'i cual, íúhsauc ez'e jutxux ez'e c'uai hed' jutxux. Huuc' Coíad, huuez ez'e Mayaiý, hujey róc'ád' heit Yaven je. Ñéz ñéz, āhxeinamaý xeinamaý coil, í āhyaiemz'iaxiý.

He who has seen everything, I will make known to the lands. I will teach about him who experienced all things, ... alike, Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of all. He saw the Secret, discovered the Hidden, he brought information of (the time) before the Flood. He went on a distant journey, pushing himself to exhaustion, but then was brought to peace.

===Centaurworld poem===
Iytabdi haibu teu,
Cozxapmau xil eý, cozmayai, cuoj cō jutxux
Iytabdi saih,
Cozneji xil eý, ehc'ad xen' je
Utabdi miū,
Usuxad ez'e sutx ez'e lēl
Iyxemuxjí eñjar.
Roses are red,
Violets are red,
Bushes are red,
My garden is on fire.

Úiaji Yauñ' Muj Xen laid c'ual xen'e
Xad eý āhñéi yauñ'uóc nu, un' ez'e cur je

Cozmaují, cozhuar ixcu je
[[File:Soc'ul' this is my brush.png|thumb]]
Ez'e réuaz cur'e, coíadjí
Syen jál neixad:
Ez'e cual'en curil nid' āhhian' cuj
Syen jál xuc':
Syen jál tsiel':

Coraicojíax Yauñ' Muj Xen
This is my brush:
C'ez íūuc' āhusñéz tumad uc'lal
This is my paint:
This is my canvas:

Hush now, hide, all you little ones
Rush now, into the middle of nowhere
Singing and laughter will die

Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King
Ucur nál' ez'e lec JUTXUX. Ciūa xeuád
When his kingdom comes, darkness is nigh

Quiet, crawl to the in-between
Babies will ruin ALL your plans. Little Ciūa
Silent, secretive feeling
Of fearsome hatred that reaches the skies

You will bring joy to the Nowhere King
When he sees the light leaving your eyes

Un' xen' xad āhxauc jutxux, ieai ā ā netsúaz cō hé. Secxauc có ih āhhaneu xeual' jutxux ez'e rojcai Easter-xeual' nu xenuz c'ez iyýirýir miūj ez' Jesus xeuád cudix je.
Ai! iymuz hez'i tabexua al miula r'úx eý,
Iarje al'a xenuym'en cual cudil' hian!
I don't care what anybody says, lying to your kids is fun sometimes. I told my kid that if he didn't find all the eggs in his Easter egg hunt they would hatch and they would turn into small evil versions of Jesus.
Aír'ūño iarje cual ýuý nei
Ūsad ūtsad xaijentes cuj eý
Jen'um cun'm'i, xeiuño cur Varda mun'mi
Jál eý āhaíburbur jena
Aian ýemux hé eý, xíc'ad habyan.

Nuc' txadiz ej xad yanxad āhsyen je?

Un' jál xil eý āhcuzax Xem'iuuóc, Varda, Habyan Jena
Oiolossëo xenuz, réú cual cum'ay,
Ucur'n'iý cur'n'i muzr'u jutxux colpmux eý;
jí xen' āhhuyextxa ez'e riuax
Un' jernexuñ xem xenuz āhuil ez'e curjí
Rév'en uuxuu eý āhinhian
Aíuats hez'i ñij cum'ay cutseu Calacirya.
Jál eý āhaíýoc, aíýoc Valimar jál tum'uj xenuz je!

Cualuño! Uc' coreu Valimar.
Uc' coreu. Cualuño!
did nothing to stop slavery

===Assorted Snapcube dub translations (and similar stuff)===
Cuoj Shadow, Shadow, cé cozen tumeu.
Cozen āhcozú, cuoj Sonic.
Xen a... xen muzad eý cuoj cé? Ú cuoj yan he, ulau lau jál!
Cual, cusuílai suílai.

CUOJ cual cual xen cozAXÍJAN
c'ez cozVUNÍAz'iý coxraháuý coxú MIUMIU

Shadow, Shadow, you're an asshole man.
GUYS please don't SWEAR
You are what you eat, Sonic.
you'll go to JAIL and be forced to eat VEGETABLES
What the... what the hell man? Oh my god, that was kind sick!
Thanks, I worked hard on it.

Āhxauc "Cozeu muzad cuoj Sonic the Hedgehog, cozen cisie curjen. Cozñéz."
[[File:Zacain su.jpg|thumb]]
Muzad. Syen.

Damn. I Exist.

And they said "fuck you Sonic the Hedgehog, you're a blue bitch. Get outa here."

[[File:Soc'ul' Wall Street.jpg|thumb]]
Uc' cur'u xeuár'u réúia ih
nayn jeñ'ay a jál
nayn jeñ'ay a jál
nayn jeñ'ay a jál
un' ñuxacex a jál
I would go to wall street if
this was the stock
this was the stock
this was the stock
this was the market

"U cuoj Xemcan, jej..."
"Xen cozuc'zi xad, cuoj ratspfer'?"
"Un' entacin Incredible Hulk, xen secc'uai āhāhjí xad, hazen cudiyañ'an āhcu-cur jutxux ez' 2020 eý"
"Julzi julzi muzad jál entacin"
"Jál... Muzadjí muzadjí ñuimaj 2022"
"Cozréuzi réuzi entacin ej tum'ay entacin je, cual"
"Cuoj yañ'an, setnc'uc'zi niviul' ribuaye muzad, cual corxec xil xil eý jenxad niviul' cuder"
"Cual ratspfer', niviul' cuder"


(transcript here later)
Cucaru cují jál r'úd' ýemdix conlang en nid', í c'en cueu Index Diachronica ne. Āhāh, añ'c'uc'zi añ'boñ' xen añ'hánjí elyej jíxañ'íl āhsetnatx... Cuúiladjí úiladjí ez'e conlang-z'i.
Jul'al ñod:

I've tried to apply this sound change to my conlang, but couldn't find it on Index Diachronica. Moreover, the verb morphology I've made seems to be weird and unnaturalistic... Conlanging is so hard.
Real languages:

Devil: "Ēēēēēi xen cual xaaad, syen jááál"
Shadow: "Cozcoi!"
Devil: "Xen sec-, sec-, secc'ua r'úiad āhsocxau xen āhinjí hez'i al'a tabetla col he"
Sonic: "Shadow"
[everyone talking]
Knuckles I think? (idk been a bit since I watched the bigger thing): "Hazen jál eý úu jutxux!"
Sonic: "Syen jál eý āhsocxeyad, cuoj cé! Āhxen xad, xen secc'ua, í seccutseují ez'e úuz'i"
Eggman: "Cuoj yañ'an, cozuc'zi cē jenhabai!"
Devil: "Ailají ailají āhcorcur etnen ez'e úuz'i ne āhāh, í hez'i ej syen Devil Bible xenuz, xen āhsecc'ua suílai xad cual cuder"
Shadow: "Cuoj huruóc hab', xen corb'ei corúhjí!"
Devil: "Ē, cozr'uz"
Shadow: "Setnayn he etnen réú eý"
Devil: "Adadadada cozcur'e, cur'e cur'e, syen De... xen sechabaux, xen xen sechabaux! Xen cozuc', secñéi secmuz jál eý ez'e lēl je āhaicojí je. Xen un'... usxaui xen', usxaui xen'! Cual? Corxaui xen'! Cozcuoj, úu ax hej, corsaumuax saumuax! Xen je un' jál secūts secmuz Hell, xen je un' jál secxíc' cudiu, Syen cualuóc! Xen cozc'ua il? Syen cualuóc jál eý! Syan señuóc ju-, jutxux! Aíñéz aícuj yan āhaíiux úu ax jutxux hé ne, "Ū cozuc'zi, secxeýanux, av cual xad xad muzad ebebebebebe""
Shadow: "A!"
Devil: "Secb'eiý āhsehcur cou, secb'eiý āhsehteu cou hez'i h-, hianla xemux, tumyan jutxux je! Cual cual! Corxec jál, xen xeciý jál, secýoc' ez'e xíc'jí cuayad ax, sochur, cuoj muzadúuóc!"
Knuckles?: "Cuoj yañ'an"
Everyone: "Āāā!"
Devil: "Cozñéz cuj!"
One of them out of character: "Xen xen xa..."
Devil: "Cozuc'zi, c'e secjí jál! C'e secjí jál xil jux eý āhsecxeý! Syen je āhun' jál xen'! Syen je āhcozen xen'! Soccual'en! Soccual'en! Un' jál xad aidi aidi!"
Sonic: "Cuoj yañ'an, r'uz locojí locojí hez'i jutxux"

*Socxañ' r'aum riue nid'* Ū... securzi
*Socxañ' r'aum riue nid'* Secgurzi... xen uc'uaý
*Socxañ' r'aum riue nid'*
*Socxañ' r'aum riue nid'*
*Socxañ' r'aum riue nid'*
*Socxañ' r'aum riue nid'* Jin r'úiad āhcoztabt'i

(transcript here later)
*Hits you with metal pipe* Oh... I'm sorry
*Hits you with metal pipe* Sorrgy... accident
*Hits you with metal pipe*
*Hits you with metal pipe*
*Hits you with metal pipe*
*Hits you with metal pipe* Why are you bleeding

Secxauc' Knuckles the Echidna.
[[File:Soc'ul' Pendulum.jpg|thumb]]
Nasen ñéil he āhiyxauc'iý ez'e derec.
cūl' air
Z'aixeý Eggman a Master Emerald.
Setnmuj al muzad musen derec he xenuz āhnasen ñéil he jál.
Seichianax a Master Emerald coz āhz'aiyaz Eggman.
-xeyad āhusutx je juj
Nayn ez'e derec ej āhcizc'ua. Nayn xuñrí xuñ'ui xaúx hel jutxux.
cūl' ej
Euax co xad āhstenmiuji xil' Master Emerald nu.
-xen unen'zadjí
āhsetnmiuji derec he xenuý.
-uepm'i ā
cūl' ñéíemax
-uatseylac xeuail
-suxad xen'
-r'úz usuxadjí xil āhzuzuz
cūl' curux
-colñod xen'
-úiūxz'i cudiyan Maxwell
simple pendulum
-useful for timekeeping
double pendulum
-moderately cursed
inverted pendulum
-finely balanced
-becomes stable when vibrated
nightmare pendulum
-summons Maxwell's demon


(transcript here later)
Tseye nivzi! Xen? Coxtnír'ax, coxxec yupfrei nid'. MIŪSAD NIVÍL!

===Wallace and Gromit but awful===
Cold bee! What? Warm him up, give him a blanket. OLD BEER!
C'ua Gromit āhñéi xil, c'ualjí suxad hez'i yaiem. Uc' xil eý ez'e uc'zi āl Wallace āhc'ua hez'i cudix āhtumjí xad. Xen ú Wallace miula. Hanūz xil eý t'auv r'uz āhuc' Gromit āhyaiadz'i ez'e suxad āhuc'zi xad xuc' niv ne hazen jál ej, xen xen úu hé. Riíau aí miuc lail Gromit. C'ez āyn yaiad col, nezi uc' hez'i jál úu.

Gromit knew his time had come and he hoped to pass away peacefully. When he saw the look on Wallace's face he immediately knew something was wrong. Wallace had not taken his medication. Once he pulled out a hammer Gromit realized that his end would be painful and whoever stared at him with a cold expression was someone else, certainly not his buddy. Gromit whimpered and screamed until his last breath. Not only from the physical pain, but from seeing his friend like this.

===Song translations===
You'll get a girlfriend / Your dog becomes immoral
====Jolene but cursed====
My illiterate ass
Xemjí el' hé, tabdi uc'lal,
Yan' ez'e lád ýemux teual
R'ez bacuj eylac' habyan curil ne.
Xen ýociý riuax céux suiux,
Harú coi ú xemul' jutxux,
Laz laz sehuei ez'e xauc', Jolene

Her skin is pale, her eyes are red
Cohxeciý celara / R'úz cozcudixjí ai
Her leaden voice commands the dead
Coil c'uayud c'en āhxañ'c'oi
To rise and stand beside their dreadful queen
No mortal power escapes her thrall
Her hunger will consume us all
And even now I hear her call: Jolene

====Amhrán na hEascainne====
Xen eý cozen julzidum xenuz, cuoj cox he?
Xen eý cozen julzidum xenuz, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Setnutx jen xaúx. Corláx úara syen je.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen uú bīn hej , cuoj cox he?
Xen syen co
Xen uú bīn hej , cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Syen ta bex nivla
Yeriá ez'e yan' jál eý, c'et āhxec'en āhmojom jál je.
Seccual sect'eýu un' Gucci
Sechiñjí ehc' c'ez secxeý secsuíz.
Í secey maý xenuz
Cozxauc āhucipfújí váv uéiz cux
Xad xad āhúujel'yi simu
Xen sechabaux xen syen co
Syen ta bex nivla
I am not a person
I'm 3 mice in a coat
And we like to claim it's Gucci
But we got it from a goat
Say it's vintage or it's avant-garde
Whatever boats your float
I don't care I'm not a person
I'm 3 mice in a coat
Cual cual uc' uez jej a co co c'ez āhcual í uc' secjí āh"epmad"jí "miu ucur xíc'ad il co"? Secseñ, cuoj ez' uéiz cux
Ok so when a normal person makes a friend it's good but when I do it it's "black magic" and "destroying the sanctity of human life"? Checkmate, liberals

Xen xad cohioñuiý céux, cuoj cox he?
Xen xad cohioñuiý céux, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Cüa 5000, tseduad, ai.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen xad cohioñuiý cén'ál, cuoj cox he?
[[File:Soc'ul' Garfield pipe.jpg|thumb]]
Xen xad cohioñuiý cén'ál, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
E xen r'úiad xad uc' seceylac xem'ujuóc? GARFIELD!!
Nivlaux xeuád nivíl, hánux pfán je.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen xad cohioñuiý cóc, cuoj cox he?
Now where could my pipe be? GARFIELD!!
Xen xad cohioñuiý cóc, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Jana neiad he je, jál nei he ne.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen xad cohioñuiý hab, cuoj cox he?
Xen xad cohioñuiý hab, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Ih ziñui hez'i ñij il āhsehioñuiý ehc' cur.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen xad cohioñuiý cō, cuoj cox he?
[[File:Soc'ul' frog that way.jpg|thumb]]
Xen xad cohioñuiý cō, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
COZUC' - Sade jál r'úiad
Al'a āhxeyzi nivzi eý, ñe ej tum'ay jux eý.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen xad cohioñuiý n'eú n'eújí, cuoj cox he?
NOTICE - Frog that way
Xen xad cohioñuiý n'eú n'eújí, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Meicéú Aian, coiax Ñēyan.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý uc' āhsyen hez'i ñij ñij.

====Always Look on the Bright Side of Life====
Ucudz'i xad ā il nid'
C'en úulocojíax locojíax
Úuepmiax úuaicoax xad ej
Miu coxjul úil il nid'
Xen cozriíau, cozxaútx
Uc' ucuxax ez'e jál xad
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tumad hed' il nid'
Ih uc' iyc'uc'zi hez'i zi zi il
Āhun' āhcuur
Un' ez'e lēl aicoz'i āl ñ'alai sutx
Miu coxréuai yaijar cual
Xen āhcuūsiux cisiad'
Cozcoiax ūñō cozxaútx, un' un'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
(Cuoj ne)
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid'
Āhiylocojí locojí il
Āhucoi ez'e xauc lád eý
Xen coi cuuc'zi uatsíad ez'e mur'éu en
Cozýeu cudiiad
Corxec cou āl aico hé
Cuaicojí, āhúen ej jutxux eý vauc'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé lád nid'
R'ez hez'i xil c'ez cozlail ez'e suxad ne
Nayn il xil muzad hed'
Miu āhucuc'zi
Nun' il ez'e lēl āhnun' lád ez'e lēlax, ucual
Uc' cozuc' āhun' jutxux entacin
Miu cohlēlax lēlax c'ez cozr'u
Cozxenūr āhcozlēl ej jutxux eý
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid'
(Cuoj Brian, r'uz cozaicojí)
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Cual'en cual'en xec'en eý, cuoj
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Āh, nez cozýoc'?
Cuoj, cozr'uz xen' xenuz
Āhcozcoi xen' je
Cozýoc' xen xad? Xen'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid'
Ur'uz xen' xen' xenuz, cozc'uai āhxauc
R'uz cozaicojí cuoj cuc' āhcorxec āl aico hé (Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')
Cozen jál, cozuc'
Coi ji un' entacin
Xecix hez'i c'ual aiauñ' jál ñéil eý (Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')
Cozxeý cozil ā, āh
(Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')
Cozc'ua āhcucoxiatxer xen jál muzad jál jutxux
(Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')
Xen m'éi cüa nu, cuoj
Sehxauc, sehxauc, cuoj Bernie, secxauc āhm'éi cüa nu xil jux xen' eý
(Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')

====Another Brick in the Wall====
Uc' harxañ' hez'i cur Hatsune Miku
Cuj tata xec'en ne
Uc' harxañ' hez'i cur Hatsune Miku
Āhziñui ez'e xenūr jál jál
Uc' haryahj Hatsune Miku lail heit ej xenuz
Itn'jamu xaucñ'a hey
Uc' harcur Hatsune Miku
Cuoj tata, xen cozziñui en xad ej?
Cuoj tata, xen cozziñui en xad ej hez'i heit?!?
Hatsune Miku is going to beat you to death
Hez'i jutxux, un' ez'e pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.
Hatsune Miku is going to beat you to death
Hez'i jutxux, un' pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.
Hatsune Miku will rip you from your final breath
Hatsune Miku is going to kill you
Harb'ah ez' xauc' Clyde uas hian' je, úucuoj secjey eý a beil xil. Ū céuxaj, xen jál xad je corb'ah jál hian' je? Uc' secláx xem'al! E cuoj cozxañ'! C'en cuuc' xad xen' jál xad xenuz!
Clyde called me out in the woods, he told me to bring some bread. Hey buddy, what'd you call me out here for? We're making toast! Well git 'em son! I can't see shit out of this thing.
[[File:Soc'ul' ocean.jpg|thumb]]
COI cozr'iylz'i xec'en
secc'ua ez' jutxux xad āhun' jenxad cual cual
un' xen' xen' jál ñél āhcuxeý cuuc'
En cueu ez'e JUTXUX āhunanam
1. Útnux 2. mayven marco
Añ'āianz'i uēnei 12,301,320 xen āhañ'ueziý
STOP exploring the ocean
there's no single thing in there I wanna see
We found EVERYTHING that tastes good
1. Crab 2. fried shrimp
12,301,320 undiscovered jellyfish go to hell
1. Xen je āhsuíz úaru en ?
2. Cozen nei en.
3. Cozíuv cox.
4. Xen ñ'ihxeý mau cé añ'eylac añ'joti.
5. Securzi, un' Monday.
6. Ūsiux yama.
7. Ji ji cudzi.
8. Xeý suxad hez'i ez'e tumyan ez' jutxux.
9. Lauc secjí sandwich en, c'e ūts xatn.
10. Xen cucual cuñ'alai; jí āhjí ej je!
11. Secpmuapmua n'eú.
12. Ji ji setnuei ýemux.
13. Xen eiba, jál jál beil'em!
14. Cozsuiad suiad; seccuxiý uc' secil.
15. Marcus, Xen eý āhcozlaidzi t'uál?
16. Eylac joti uas eý.
17. Ī, aícoiax ñēyan.
18. Coztocjí cpzxeuiadjí me cē.
19. Haryen robot n'ez' a n'eú.
20. Secxeý secjen' pfán.
21. Setnayn he toc.
1. Why is he in our bed?
2. You are my horse.
3. Your pet is miserable.
4. The cat doesn't need a man and lives alone.
5. I'm sorry, it's Monday.
6. Her parrot is drunk.
7. He is continuing to commit crimes.
8. Everyone has to die someday.
9. I'm finishing my sandwich, the boss can wait.
10. I don't like dancing with him; he has two left feet!
11. I kiss my wife.
12. I still hear the voices.
13. It's not a drug, just flour!
14. Go slower; I would like to stay alive.
15. Marcus, where do your daughters sleep?
16. He lives alone in the forest.
17. Excuse me, heaven is closed.
18. Your son's nose is pointy and big.
19. That handsome robot is my partner.
20. I want to swim in milk.
21. I have a knife.
Joti ez'e xec'en boba cual āhuc'zi ez'e heit tumyan cou āl eý xil eý āhhanjulzí buare jenadeiñ muzad xenuz icah ixcu je. Ujem'ujjí ez'e réuai, secc'ua heit jál iarje iarje uc' āhcucual cunaí. Cual cual xen buare.
Drinking boba is just a flashback to the early days of humanity when we slurped tadpoles out of muddy puddles through hollow reeds. The sensory experience is the same and after all these years I think we should let it go. Please do not the tadpoles.
Cuoj Garfield, secr'úd' nál je. Ji ji secxauciý Jean.
Uc' āhcozr'úd' lasagna en nivziuóc xenuz uvbe je, cuoj Jean.
Garfield, I'm transitioning. My name is Jean now.
Why don't you transition my lasagna from the freezer to the oven, Jean.
Syen céce, cu-
Miuji mun'mi muzad ā arm'uze en muzaduóc
Cix cix hur'úz juño
Miuji mun'mi muzad ā arm'uze en muzaduóc
Nez nuc' harey harmuz
Ñe hé eý, éād' mun'mi xem'en
Āhupmuj, āhhuyailz'i muzad
We're men, we (to it)
Put some dirt under my pillow (for) dirter
Just in case he comes to town
Put some dirt under my pillow (for) dirter
So he may not take me down
To his home, deep under mountains
That is underground, where he keeps dirt
Socxeý socey un' je āhcozār ār!
Jeje! Ulēlz'i jál jál, secc'ua āhcohcur jál cé
Yoúre under arrest for being so darn cute!
Haha! Just joking we know you killed that man
Xen xen cozbeui jál uas! Ih c'ez uc' cozmuz.
You better not climb that tree! You’ll fall down if you do.
En secsuxad secmujz'i col
Í miu secr'úz uc'la xen āhúxyan'ejiý col
Vuxvux jál eý, mutxañ' eý āhcuñéz
Iyuc' xemux xem al uc'lal jál cod'
Xad eý āhsutx sutx juj tabde nu, ez'e miueiý nu
Céce jem'uj āhhaney il'
Though my flesh had died and gone to ground
My Vision went on, from body unbound
Winking there in the vale whence I came
This dead man's eyes saw pale flame
Where men the same who took life away
Sung high their battle-glory and praise
Cozñéi ñéi xeiuño beil.
Setnjeyec beil'
Setnjeyec al'al
Syen he beil' zarem eý.
Syen he beil' xem'en eý.
CCMCX (coi coi muzad cozxauc)
Welcome to the bread bank.
We sell bread
We sell loafs
We got bread on deck.
We got bread on the floor.
[[File:Soc'ul' polyphony.jpg|thumb]]
ez' jál āhuc' ez'e cual
ýemux cuder 💀
the one that sees truth
polyphony 💀

"Cuoj cozen! Cual, cuoj cozen! Cozcuxad cuoj tata!"
Xen (un’) xen xad eý ád xaucñ’a en?

Xil eý āhsecmiu secñóc'jí
Uc’ humiuji (ád jál) hez’i ñéi nu
Hazen c'uaiaxuóc ā āh-
Tabl'áx cō hez'i r'úiad jux āhc'e
Where is my book?

Āhjeiñax ez'e cual'en hé
Oh I think they left it at his house
Ez'e jux eý āhsecjí
Uāz cud jutxux
Hez'i āhmayaiý habaux cō hez'i r'úiad jux

Í mim'uj he xen' eý hez'i xen'e
Xil eý āhñéi hez'i tum'ay, xañ' xañ'
N'eú hé juatn loco
Lád ne ne

Xen secxeý ez'e c'uai xen'
Miu āhsecjen’ xen cohuc’ xen r’úmiu xenuý hel āhr'úven nivih hez’i?
Xen secxeý ez'e réuaz c'ua
Xen ert'erár' cur ñe ñóc' eý
Cuoj c'uaiaxuóc cozziñui jál cō

Ei! Cuoj c'uaiaxuóc! Cozziñui jál cō!
Sehan’, miu aiven nei hez’i

Hez'i jutxux, un' ez'e pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.
While swimming you saw him in the straw boat going north?
Hez'i jutxux, cozen pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.

Xen secxeý ez'e c'uai xen'
Yes I did, he was paddling fast
Xen secxeý ez'e réuaz c'ua
Xen ert'erár' cur ñe ñóc' eý
Cuoj c'uaiaxuóc cozziñui jál cō
Ei! Cuoj c'uaiaxuóc! Corziñui jál cē!
Hez'i jutxux, un' ez'e pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.
Hez'i jutxux, cozen pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.

"Xen! Cozjí ej!"
"Ih xen cozú txad, c'en āhcoriyn hej jerine jux.
Xen r'úiad xad ne c'e
coriyn hej jerine jux ih āhcozú txad?"
Cuoj cozen! Cual, cuoj cozen heit (bike)-neiad eý, cozsuxad cuoj có!"

"Un' heit eý āhñéz jál eý The Bulls"
ŋ't: Cuñéz ñitaxia miu āhsecuei hez'i āl xad āhun' "IYNÁLUXJÍ PFÁN" lol
nico!: Cual ji secc'uai Spanish āhiynáluxjí pfán 😭
"C'ua jál hán'ñe Roman Meal uc' āhcozcual cozc'ua."
ŋ't: Yaiad cual
nico!: Xen ez'e secc'uai Spanish av ez'e iynáluxjí pfán?
ŋ't: Cual
nico!: (gif)
ŋ't: Sun' oñuxocño
nico!: Un' jál a ñuimaj hej

Xen secxeý réu xen' āhsyen ne
ŋ't: I get out of the shower and the first thing I hear is "MILK IS FEMININE" lol
Xen āhsecxeý eiba xen' āhincualax.
nico!: Yas I am learning Spanish and milk is feminine 😭
Secuc' ez'e xañ' réuia eý.
ŋ't: A true tragedy
Xen secc'ua āhsecxeý ez'e jux jux.
nico!: learning Spanish or that milk is feminine
Xen! Xen secc'ua uc' āhsecxeý ez'e jux jux.
ŋ't: Yes
Hez'i jutxux, un' jutxux pfuyem jál jál réuia eý.
nico!: (gif)
Hez'i jutxux, cozen jutxux pfuyem jál jál réuia eý.
ŋ't: Literally me
nico!: That is your gender

Cualuño, cuoj muc'uj yaiad
Socñéz hez'i tumyan
Cualuño, cualuño, cualuño

Cualuño, cuoj cozen co jutxux
Un' English muzad muzad.
Un' xen' c'e āhxauc
Āhcorjíax corc'ua ej
Cual ueují ueují í xen cuteirí Iqglic?
English is complete garbage.
Yeah obviously but what is your opinion on Iqglic?

====Jargalant Altai====
Miu lazyi hez'i yailáts cé
Jeñmuxei éād' aico en,
Miu habaux hez'i huriad hab
Cuj tumyan xem en.
Cozmuz muj il' je,
Cozxec'n'i cuj xem ne.

Miu ulazyi hez'i yailáts cé
Cuoj yañ'an, xen cozjí xad?!
Jeñmuxei éād' aico en,
Miu habaux hez'i huriad hab
Cuj tumyan xem en.
Cozmuz muj il' je,
Cozxec'n'i cuj xem ne.

Miu uéájí hez'i tnírux cé
Xen uc'uaý, secxíy!
Xec'ad āhcuj hez'i riyxiyan,
Miu uyíliunjí hez'i ez'e coxiatxer cual
Éād āhúxsauc réu.
Hazen hé c'an'eiuóc riýan a l'aúj,
Āhhun' hé xeu xen' āhjera je.

====Ey, Ukhnem====
Cohxauc hey hé...
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Dear God, what have you done?!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Ī, r'úhjí!
It was an accident I swear!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Tell that to their family...
Setnyan'ux cñá,
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Secr'úz meven ne,
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Ī, ī, cur'úh r'úh yan'ad!
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Āhcuoj Ainyan', jenyan' hab,
Nivla, xemen',
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!

====Smells Like Teen Spirit chorus====
Tumad xen'e, cisíl muzux
Syen jál xil eý, coraicoax
Secc'uaiadjí āhsechidxec
Syen jál xil eý, coraicoax
Hazen ez' iy, hazen nivue
Āhñ'in' mayaux, āhsyen hurey

====Soldier, Poet, King====
Úu: C'en setnxecmuñ'o maíuas, āhsecr'úz jeve je jál jál
Uc' āhr'úz ez' tabde
Ceñ: Securzi, secr'úz maíuas ner'iy je jál jál
Āhhancuzax cual r'eman
Uc' haucur haumun'm'i xare
Yañ'an riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' haucur haumun'm'i xare
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an

Uc' āhr'úz aiauñ'uóc
Friend: Can I borrow a cloak, just to go down to the countryside?
Āhxañ' z'aijí teuan
Idiot: Sorry, my cloak only goes down to the ankles.
Uc' haucur jul' hé xenuz
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' haucur jul' hé xenuz
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an

Uc' āhr'úz ez' yañ'ou
Āhiytociý c'ehts van
Upfánz'iý cual cē David
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Upfánz'iý cual cē David
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an

====Pumped Up Kicks====
"Secú etjeí."
Iyr'úljí réu Cualdum
"Xen cozcurilz'i, setnayn he nivlaid ā."
Uc' huuc'zi ñéd' ne, í xen hauxauc ez'e lec
Harin' hé miula n'itxem
"My headache's killing me."
Āhiyuc'ziax úh hé, hazen uasaduóc
"Don't worry, I have some ghost pipe."
Hueu tseduad c'eual āhjí je
Xeiuño cé hé eý, xeybin' xad ieai ne
Xen xad xen āhsecc'ua
Í ji haur'úz je r'úz, cual, ji haur'úz je r'úz

ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Corxec jál ej, yail ñua jál.
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en

Suílai r'ūjjí mama
Xen cozuc'utxux? Ih coxey yail ej, āhiysabaz'i jál ej hez'i ej.
Miu ñéiej heit eý ñe, miu ñéiej heit eý ñe
Āhhujey en ez'e t'ijaij
Un' bīn háñe eý je, iyxañ'iljí niv ne
Secley il hez'i al'a
Cual, un' hepmad réu he ats āhtsireu hez'i r'úl
Setnxauc setnc'ua n'itxem he ne
Āhxauc, "Ji cozxem cohts, uc' cozcuryanjí il, cual"

Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Give me two of these, and one bag of rice.
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en

Are you sure? if you get two bags, the second one is half off.

Cualdum's hand is quick
He'll look around the room, but won't tell you the plan
He has a tobacco leaf
Sticking out of his mouth, he's a wildman
He found a pretty bow to use
In his dad's storage area, with a basket of fun things
What it is I don't know
But he's coming right to you, yeah, he's coming right to you

All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
Hazen Bowser cóc muzad muzad. Xen je uc' āhjey cē hé entacin ez'e txím' jiñ'al ne je? Xen un' ñuimaj xuaylac xad có je? Xen xeuah cual
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows

Daddy's working long
He's coming home late, he's coming home late
Xen habaux Bowser
And he's bringing me a surprise
The meal's in the kitchen, it's packed in ice
I've been waiting for a long time
Xen t'erán. Ji ji cócz'i. Xeý joc'al
Yeah, my hand's trick is a bowstring pulled quick
I contemplate with my tobacco
And say, "Your hair's burning, maybe you went insane, yeah"

All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
Bowser is a terrible father. Why would he bring his son to an event involving fighting and violence? What kind of environment is that for a child? He is not a suitable guardian
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows

====Í Tokuni====
Miu secr'u cum'ay eý
Bowser doesn't care
Xen' ne ez'e cur'e xem'en
C'en cüuc' mum'ay xeú jux
Uñéz ñe jutxux
Secxauc' í noc'uj xen'

Ez'e ixcu Ixcu eý
Tum'ay eý āhuats cur
That is not an option. He is a father now. He needs to be responsible
Secuc' a uain'se
Secréuai uc' r'u xad xad eý
Secxauc' í ji noc'uj xen'

Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen coruc'?
Secr'u cum'ay jál eý
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Ez'e cur'e xem'en lád?

Xen cüuc' ez'e r'ud'tumad
Cuxnál: Uc' secc'uayudjí, í ih xen ej, xen secc'uaují.
Āhtum huiu eý?
Aïcája: Un' ez'e xaui c'uayudjí.
Xen cüuc' jí jál eý?
Cuxnál: Secc'ua. Un' xeu en āhsecxauc.
Xen secxenūr ñuimaj?
Tauxa: Cuc' cozxahian.
Xen haruc'zi uc'zi je jux?
Cuxnál: Xen r'úiad āhCUxauc āhun' ez'e xahian?
Tauxa: Xen socxauc. sehxauc Vauai Muxca.
Cuxnál: Ā.

Xen cozjí il hez'i
Cuxnál: I may be stupid, but at least I'm not smart.
Secr'u il tum'ay eý,
Aïcája: That's what being stupid means.
Xen ñéz muzr'u xenuz
Cuxnál: I know. That's why I said it.
éād mil ne?
Tauxa: Can you guys stop arguing?
Xen cuc'ua ez'e ā?
Cuxnál: How can you call THAT an argument?
Tauxa: I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Vauai and Muxca.
Cuxnál: Ah.

Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen corréu?
Cozc'ua muzr'u coíad jux?
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Tum'ay ez'e xen c'uaxjí eý?

Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen corréu?
Xen r'úiad hanc'uai hanxaui jul'al xenuz jul'al ej je xen r'úiad iyxaui xad xañ'íl' xad XEN R'ÚIAD H
Cozc'ua xen muzr'u coíad?
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Tum'ay eý āhxen mil ne?

====One Punch Man opening theme====
Cuoñ'o: *Uc'ziax muibena* Muibena
Jen'um': Hàr shir fucking zapumm su
*Iarje jiñ'al 800*

Three! Two! One! Kill shot!
How did they learn to translate languages into other languages how did they know which words meant what HOW DID TH

Uc' hé! Baré! Āhsyen cé cé!!
Soc'ul' Person: *Points at a soursop* Soursop
"It might be me! Victory! I'm the strongest!!"
Knrawi Person: Hàr shir fucking zapumm su
*800 years of war*

Xen cozxauc xad? FRUSTRATION! C'e haryextxa co jux xen'
==Longer translations==
"What did you say? FRUSTRATION! No person can stop me"
===Permechikan showcase text===
[[File:Permechikan showcase text (Soc'ul').jpg|thumb]]
Tullus5 je, juiahñujornic Fwonarojun nu:

One Punch! Coi reit! Baré āl heit!
R'uc' cozuc' xen āhuxañ'iý jul' yauñ' nej ne xaucñ'a āl ez'e xañ' eý.
"One Punch! It stopped abruptly! Victories everywhere!"
C'ez c'ez bac'ua are Ajul Fwonnel hed' je, xen xen ratspfer' je.
En r'ez uscur hez'i 1563 ez'e xen coiax en, āhusey niviýan āz je ez'e coiax en tumyan jál.
Āhuez hez'i xil eý cual tabed' nej, xen cual il hez'i ez'e ñetañeta Arojunza-uóc, Fwonnel-uóc, Reuxalusia-uóc.
Cozuc' coil āhuc'... secb'ei secjiyan' ez'e ej he āhsocmezax jál je muj he xenuz.
Un' ez'e xañ' ej jutxux āhsecxañ' Permechika-uóc ne, soclec' xen socnoc'uj tabed' cud nej.
Cualuño, cuoj muzad.

Secaí xauc' je!! Jux secieite!! Baré!!
Huriad ne,
"I yell and call out!! I win anything!! Victory!!"
Cozlif Arojunza-uóc Yanux nu.

Power! Get the power! Xil xil eý coi āhsecr'u jál mil je
===Ossetian cowboy verse===
"Power! Get the power! I go right then to the limit"
[[File:Ossetian cowboy verse.jpg|thumb]]
Tum ziñuz hez'i uatsíad nu
Uc'lal ej hé āhxem' tabed'.
Secxem ehc' āhuc' r'u,
Cuoj yañ'an coren uc'uóc jál hed'!

HERO, xen setnxeý ýemux āhinxeíux av suatxaxiý entacin a taitu he
Shone through his hat
"HERO, I don't want voices praising me or for a performance to be made of my name"
Did his two eyes flaming red.
My heart burns starting to see it,
Gods, be my witness to this!

HERO, c'ez āhsehxec ez'e xañ' hez'i coíad cut'ix je
Ӕ мед-ходӕ ӕрттивтонцӕ
"HERO, so I give evils a beating in secret"
Дууӕ цӕсти сурх зингау.
Мӕ зӕрдӕ мин басугътонцӕ,
Ду ме ’вдесӕн, уо Хуцау!

(Nobody knows who he is.)
Through his hat shone
His two eyes flaming red.
My heart (seeing that) burned me,
You be my witness, Oh God!

Ji r'úz cudziú āhz'aiuats cuj, nuc' secýemax xoñíl xoñíl heit hazen āl' xen'uz
===Navy Seal copypasta===
"Foes are approaching and covering the sky, I'll never ever turn my back from their faces"
Xen xen r'uz corxauc xauc, cuoj hurco cē? Socc'uaiax en āhseccuj ñóc' m'e eý he ez' Navy Seal, syen jiñ'al mayai cuder ne Al-Quaeda eý, r'uz sehcur cual hed' ej xi xi. Lai secc'uai jiñ'al xañ'eux, sehan' sniper m'e tabed' US jutxux eý. Xen coren í ez'e xañ' ej. Soccur cur āhhabaux xen' āhuc'iý Earth eý, corxañ' xañ' ez'e xauc. Xen cozc'ua c'oc corxauc muj Internet ne? R'uz cozc'ua, cuoj hurco. Secxauc miu āhseheu útn mayai mayaih hé USA xenuý, r'uz cozeuiý IP r'uc' āhcoríún' cutsad, cuoj muzil. Cutsad āhcur cur xad cē cē āhcoxxauc il. Cozcuriý cur, cuoj có. C'ez syen jutxux eý, xil' jutxux, c'er' soccur r'úiad am em' am ne, r'uz réú diz. Xen coi secaicoiiý aicoi jiñ'al diz ne, syen ne arsenal United States Marine Corps nu jutxux, sun' sun' je āhsoccur je ez'e aizi xen aico hé āl continent nid' xenuz, cuoj ziñuh. Ih uc' cozc'uai ez'e xec je cudiyan jál ez'e xauc xil "ñ'al'" hej jir' āhúumuz, uc' cozxeuavenz'i xeuavenz'i jul'. Í c'en cozen, xen cozen, miu cüey, cuoj xen xen c'uau. Socmuj muj ez'e saumu, coxcur'n'i. Cozen cur cur hed', cuoj có.

HERO ih uc' syen, āhsecxac'adjí āhsectoñxi toñxi
===Epic of Gilgamesh (start, incomplete)===
"If I'm a HERO, I'm ready and have strong resolve"
Cuoj hazen āhuc' jutxux, uc' sehāzaxiý mum'uj. Uc' secc'uaiax hé āhhuuc' xad jutxux, ... hez'i cual, íúhsauc ez'e jutxux ez'e c'uai hed' jutxux. Huuc' Coíad, huuez ez'e Mayaiý, hujey róc'ád' heit Yaven je. Ñéz ñéz, āhxeinamaý xeinamaý coil, í āhyaiemz'iaxiý.

Āhsecats ñéz xañ'il
He who has seen everything, I will make known to the lands. I will teach about him who experienced all things, ... alike, Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of all. He saw the Secret, discovered the Hidden, he brought information of (the time) before the Flood. He went on a distant journey, pushing himself to exhaustion, but then was brought to peace.
"Whipping out my fist"

(Three! Two! One! Fight back!)
===Centaurworld poem===
Cozxapmau xil eý, cozmayai, cuoj cō jutxux
Cozneji xil eý, ehc'ad xen' je
Usuxad ez'e sutx ez'e lēl

Xac'on! Go on! Cozieite ñ'on'!!
Úiaji Yauñ' Muj Xen laid c'ual xen'e
Guide! Go on! Win fairly!!
Xad eý āhñéi yauñ'uóc nu, un' ez'e cur je

Jin āhun' xad? C'e curéuaz xen', harcur cudziu jutxux!
Cozmaují, cozhuar ixcu je
"What's happening? I can’t feel anything, all the opponents are dead!"
Ez'e réuaz cur'e, coíadjí
Ez'e cual'en curil nid' āhhian' cuj

JUSTICE! Ez' yan'! C'en cozxahian!
Coraicojíax Yauñ' Muj Xen
"JUSTICE! Command! You can't argue!"
C'ez íūuc' āhusñéz tumad uc'lal

Uc' seccur cur!! Cudix setncur!! Miuei!!
Hush now, hide, all you little ones
"I'll eraticate!! Evil I'll kill!! Pray!!
Rush now, into the middle of nowhere
Singing and laughter will die

Power! Get the power! Jen ADRENALIN hez'i cun'm'i cun'm'i m'e!
Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King
"Power! Get the power! The ADRENALINE's flowing way over the top!"
When his kingdom comes, darkness is nigh

Power! Get the power! Secxañ' hez'i céux xauil aicoi cual nil ne!
Quiet, crawl to the in-between
"Power! Get the power! I strike with the power of a well-trained style!"
Silent, secretive feeling
Of fearsome hatred that reaches the skies

HERO, Ji hazen céce céux céux en hazen ziñué cē cē jál heit eý
You will bring joy to the Nowhere King
"HERO, the strongest men were tiny brats before"
When he sees the light leaving your eyes

HERO, secxōñi cisied' en r'uz āhsecmiūj seccéuxjí céuxjí
"HERO, I defeat my weakness and start to become stronger"
Ai! iymuz hez'i tabexua al miula r'úx eý,
Iarje al'a xenuym'en cual cudil' hian!
Aír'ūño iarje cual ýuý nei
Ūsad ūtsad xaijentes cuj eý
Jen'um cun'm'i, xeiuño cur Varda mun'mi
Jál eý āhaíburbur jena
Aian ýemux hé eý, xíc'ad habyan.

(Nobody knows who he is.)
Nuc' txadiz ej xad yanxad āhsyen je?

Seccuzax jál jál xañ'il', āhaíil ñéijí eý yañ'an, āhseccur'úi réúia jutxux en
Un' jál xil eý āhcuzax Xem'iuuóc, Varda, Habyan Jena
"I just raise my fists, with the gods dwelling in them, and break through all of my barriers"
Oiolossëo xenuz, réú cual cum'ay,
Ucur'n'iý cur'n'i muzr'u jutxux colpmux eý;
HERO, coi eý cuú cual cual muj ez'e xōñiý tumyan ā eý, jiñ'al jiñ'al HERO
Un' jernexuñ xem xenuz āhuil ez'e curjí
"HERO, until I really eat the dirt of defeat some day, a very warlike HERO"
Rév'en uuxuu eý āhinhian
Aíuats hez'i ñij cum'ay cutseu Calacirya.
Jál āhaíýoc, aíýoc Valimar jál tum'uj xenuz je!
Cualuño! Uc' coreu Valimar.
Uc' coreu. Cualuño!

HERO, xen setnxeý ýemux āhinxeíux av suatxaxiý entacin a taitu he
===Assorted Snapcube dub translations (and similar stuff)===
"HERO, I don't want voices praising me or for a performance to be made of my name"
Cuoj Shadow, Shadow, cé cozen tumeu.
Cozen āhcozú, cuoj Sonic.
Xen a... xen muzad eý cuoj cé? Ú cuoj yan he, ulau lau jál!
Cual, cusuílai suílai.

HERO, c'ez āhsehxec ez'e xañ' hez'i coíad cut'ix je
"HERO, so I give evils a beating in secret"

(Nobody knows who he is.)
Shadow, Shadow, you're an asshole man.
You are what you eat, Sonic.
What the... what the hell man? Oh my god, that was kind sick!
Thanks, I worked hard on it.

Seccuzax jál jál xañ'il', āhaíil ñéijí eý yañ'an, āhseccur'úi réúia jutxux en
"I just raise my fists, with the gods dwelling in them, and break through all of my barriers"

HERO, coi eý cuú cual cual muj ez'e xōñiý tumyan ā eý, jiñ'al jiñ'al HERO
Āhxauc "Cozeu muzad cuoj Sonic the Hedgehog, cozen cisie curjen. Cozñéz."
"HERO, until I really eat the dirt of defeat some day, a very warlike HERO"

Coil jál jál cuoj HERO
"A HERO alone"

I wanna be a saikyou HERO!
And they said "fuck you Sonic the Hedgehog, you're a blue bitch. Get outa here."

====Somewhere Over the Rainbow (incomplete)====
"U cuoj Xemcan, jej..."
Xad ne m'e yan'um'ur / Niviýan / Un' jer' āhsecuexec il / hez'i c'uayan jará
"Xen cozuc'zi xad, cuoj ratspfer'?"
"Un' entacin Incredible Hulk, xen secc'uai āhāhjí xad, hazen cudiyañ'an āhcu-cur jutxux ez' 2020 "
"Julzi julzi muzad jál entacin"
"Jál... Muzadjí muzadjí ñuimaj 2022"
"Cozréuzi réuzi entacin ej tum'ay entacin je, cual"
"Cuoj yañ'an, setnc'uc'zi niviul' ribuaye muzad, cual corxec xil xil eý jenxad niviul' cuder"
"Cual ratspfer', niviul' cuder"

Somewhere on top of the rainbow / The highest / Is a land that I've heard of / As a legend from a lullaby

===Translations of Yambot text===
(transcript here later)
Xen secc'ua secc'ua Hebrew lol, í un' un' r'úiad jál jál āhxañ' based
I’m nowhere near competent in Hebrew lol, but there’s definitely one way to spell based

Xen secc'ua xen xad je āhcozen hej ''coxmiuji jál eý eiba lēl''?
Devil: "Ēēēēēi xen cual xaaad, syen jááál"
Shadow: "Cozcoi!"
Idk why you have ''insert funny drug here''?
Devil: "Xen sec-, sec-, secc'ua r'úiad āhsocxau xen āhinjí hez'i al'a tabetla col he"
Sonic: "Shadow"
[everyone talking]
Muzad, seccual seccual ez'e ú nál'em āhun' xeú je lol
Knuckles I think? (idk been a bit since I watched the bigger thing): "Hazen jál eý úu jutxux!"
Sonic: "Syen jál eý āhsocxeyad, cuoj cé! Āhxen xad, xen secc'ua, í seccutseují ez'e úuz'i"
Damn, I really like the pepper taste for some reason lol
Eggman: "Cuoj yañ'an, cozuc'zi cē jenhabai!"
Devil: "Ailají ailají āhcorcur etnen ez'e úuz'i ne āhāh, í hez'i ej syen Devil Bible xenuz, xen āhsecc'ua suílai xad cual cuder"
Shadow: "Cuoj huruóc hab', xen corb'ei corúhjí!"
Devil: "Ē, cozr'uz"
Shadow: "Setnayn he etnen réú eý"
Devil: "Adadadada cozcur'e, cur'e cur'e, syen De... xen sechabaux, xen xen sechabaux! Xen cozuc', secñéi secmuz jál eý ez'e lēl je āhaicojí je. Xen un'... usxaui xen', usxaui xen'! Cual? Corxaui xen'! Cozcuoj, úu ax hej, corsaumuax saumuax! Xen je un' jál secūts secmuz Hell, xen je un' jál secxíc' cudiu, Syen cualuóc! Xen cozc'ua il? Syen cualuóc jál eý! Syan señuóc ju-, jutxux! Aíñéz aícuj yan āhaíiux úu ax jutxux hé ne, "Ū cozuc'zi, secxeýanux, av cual xad xad muzad ebebebebebe""
Shadow: "A!"
Devil: "Secb'eiý āhsehcur cou, secb'eiý āhsehteu cou hez'i h-, hianla xemux, tumyan jutxux je! Cual cual! Corxec jál, xen xeciý jál, secýoc' ez'e xíc'jí cuayad ax, sochur, cuoj muzadúuóc!"
Knuckles?: "Cuoj yañ'an"
Everyone: "Āāā!"
Devil: "Cozñéz cuj!"
One of them out of character: "Xen xen xa..."
Devil: "Cozuc'zi, c'e secjí jál! C'e secjí jál xil jux eý āhsecxeý! Syen je āhun' jál xen'! Syen je āhcozen xen'! Soccual'en! Soccual'en! Un' jál xad aidi aidi!"
Sonic: "Cuoj yañ'an, r'uz locojí locojí hez'i jutxux"


Secsacriý hez'i āyn āhsetnatx jul' āhxauc Hwat
(transcript here later)

I’m kinda tempted to make a lang called Hwat

Secxauc' Knuckles the Echidna.
Nasen ñéil he āhiyxauc'iý ez'e derec.
Z'aixeý Eggman a Master Emerald.
Setnmuj al muzad musen derec he xenuz āhnasen ñéil he jál.
Seichianax a Master Emerald coz āhz'aiyaz Eggman.
Nayn ez'e derec ej āhcizc'ua. Nayn xuñrí xuñ'ui xaúx hel jutxux.
Euax co xad eý āhstenmiuji xil' Master Emerald nu.
āhsetnmiuji derec he xenuý.

Seccisi cisi siueñ je āhun' jál ji āhseceuz jul' eý āhej ej ej jutxux eý ne

I did make a huge risk for cancer so that’s what I’m finding for languages with very different from everything else lol
(transcript here later)

===Wallace and Gromit but awful===
C'ua Gromit āhñéi xil, c'ualjí suxad hez'i yaiem. Uc' xil eý ez'e uc'zi āl Wallace āhc'ua hez'i cudix āhtumjí xad. Xen ú Wallace miula. Hanūz xil eý t'auv r'uz āhuc' Gromit āhyaiadz'i ez'e suxad āhuc'zi xad xuc' niv ne hazen jál ej, xen xen úu hé. Riíau aí miuc lail Gromit. C'ez āyn yaiad col, nezi uc' hez'i jál úu.

Uxenūr ují Cs/cluster tsux heit a j ɟ je
Gromit knew his time had come and he hoped to pass away peacefully. When he saw the look on Wallace's face he immediately knew something was wrong. Wallace had not taken his medication. Once he pulled out a hammer Gromit realized that his end would be painful and whoever stared at him with a cold expression was someone else, certainly not his buddy. Gromit whimpered and screamed until his last breath. Not only from the physical pain, but from seeing his friend like this.

For ɟ I recall using j after slender Cs/clusters
===Ni̦xlo creation myth===
Aíum'iují muc'uj, aíúý a xec'en xañ', al'a eý āhxeciý dem. Muz xenuym'en xenuz āhhun' m'e en xen'e, iarje ta xi tsiyan tsiyan heit en je, āhhun' ñuimaj xeuiad; xil col ꝗamuƛaqix́íaꞓan ñij. Hian íaíaí hez'i leydi ta miu āhhur'úz xenxad. Iymiūj nuxec' col' jenxad āhiyatx muc'uj-nan'il ej, muj ej. Úxjey muj il, í ujíxnuz. Xen coi umiūj. Uuc'iý 'Kꝛefrao, aí lax, ád jál c'ez hiandoc' yextxa. Añ'r'úz muj hex xenuz, 'Ƕakꜥité, añ'cuzax yua xec'en uez je, āhñ'ihjí dem náliz āhhaxaij je. C'ez miuji are cuder jál mum'uj je, iyn'ic he, aicoi jí ā ā, āhsyen, jonskyo, a dem muj, jer'u il' ꝗamuƛaqix́íaꞓan, āhyextxa miūj jál yua. An'yan' 'Kꝛefrao, an'íaú muzr'u yaiem xev'en je. Añ'il ñomaren, í añ'búrumiý urue āhñ'ihcaru ñ'ihxíc'. Harāz r'úu 1578 nu a dem mil xen'e, tabl'a jutxux āhaji.

The world was barren, consumed by a violent ocean, when magick was given. It fell from the void above us, 3 billion years behind us, in the form of a boulder; a piece of the endless body of ꝗamuƛaqix́íaꞓan. As it neared the water, it split and journeyed to 3 points. Its bodies grew, replacing the water to make the tectonic plates, and the land. Although the land brought life, it posed a threat. It did not stop growing. The 'Kꝛefrao, the wolves, saw this, and decided to intervene. They came from their realm, 'Ƕakꜥité, and carried the seeds into the new oceans, utilising the inherent magick to join them. They then placed many peoples onto these lands, our ancestors, and trained a select few, we the jonskyo, to use the land's magick, the streams of the blood of ꝗamuƛaqix́íaꞓan, to prevent growth of these seeds. The 'Kꝛefrao then ruled over us, guiding us down a path of peace, and protection. Although their teachings live, they were overthrown, by a criminal they had tried to punish. He, the leader of 1578, introduced us to uninhibited magick, and all the harm that followed.

Xil cux eý xeu jál jál āhsetnxenūr xil jutxux eý taitu Earl?
===Song translations===
====Jolene but cursed====
Xemjí el' hé, tabdi uc'lal,
Yan' ez'e lád ýemux teual
R'ez bacuj eylac' habyan curil ne.
Xen ýociý riuax céux suiux,
Harú coi ú xemul' jutxux,
Laz laz sehuei ez'e xauc', Jolene

Usually the only reason I always remember the name Earl?
Her skin is pale, her eyes are red
Her leaden voice commands the dead
To rise and stand beside their dreadful queen
No mortal power escapes her thrall
Her hunger will consume us all
And even now I hear her call: Jolene

====Amhrán na hEascainne====
Xen eý cozen julzidum xenuz, cuoj cox he?
Xen eý cozen julzidum xenuz, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Setnutx jen xaúx. Corláx úara syen je.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Secil hez'i c'ual jál xuaylac
Xen uú bīn hej eý, cuoj cox he?
Xen uú bīn hej eý, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Yeriá ez'e yan' jál eý, c'et āhxec'en āhmojom jál je.
Sechiñjí ehc' c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Fortunately I live in this situation
Xen xad cohioñuiý céux, cuoj cox he?
Xen xad cohioñuiý céux, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Cüa 5000, tseduad, ai.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen xad cohioñuiý cén'ál, cuoj cox he?
Xen xad cohioñuiý cén'ál, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Nivlaux xeuád nivíl, hánux pfán je.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen nayn xad xañ'íl cual lol
Xen xad cohioñuiý cóc, cuoj cox he?
Xen xad cohioñuiý cóc, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
What’s the right word lol
Jana neiad he je, jál nei he ne.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen xad cohioñuiý hab, cuoj cox he?
Xen, xen uc'iý āhcuréuaz róc'ád xil āhsecr'úz r'úh ne
Xen xad cohioñuiý hab, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Ih ziñui hez'i ñij il āhsehioñuiý ehc' cur.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

No it doesn't seem to have the info once I get to her by car.
Xen xad cohioñuiý cō, cuoj cox he?
Xen xad cohioñuiý cō, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Al'a āhxeyzi nivzi eý, ñe ej tum'ay jux eý.
Sechiñjí ehc' eý c'ez secxeý secsuíz.

Xen xad cohioñuiý n'eú n'eújí, cuoj cox he?
Hazen có ej ej āhumiu jul'ūño ih hazen xeyoi jál heýan
Xen xad cohioñuiý n'eú n'eújí, cuoj n'ehx cé cē?
Meicéú Aian, coiax Ñēyan.
There were two other kids that went to linguolabials if they were that party’s candidate
Sechiñjí ehc' eý uc' āhsyen hez'i ñij ñij.
Uc'zijí cux āhxadi xadi āhxañ' xaucñ'a āhun' ehc' xem'en eý
it's even more apparent and have a strong tendency to write a sub-par novel
Xen cozhabaux cozhabaux ýemdix ixcu xad uc' āhc'enax c'enax āhcoriyn hej dilabexua
what vowel do you care so much they would make it impossible to have a turkey
=Original texts=
==Single sentences==
Miu añ’mau maumau ax miu
The cat is stalking a plant
R’uz secjen’ax miumiu, ji socjon’ax miumiu
I watered my plants, and I will water your plants.
R’uz secmuz miumiu, ji socmuz miumiu
I shat on my plants, and I will shit on your plants.
Miu añ’miu miumiu hel miu
The buried plant(s) is growing old / the buried plant(s) is missing an opportunity
Hanpfeú có xaúx
The child interrupted the bird's call

====Always Look on the Bright Side of Life====
Ucudz'i xad ā il nid'
C'en úulocojíax locojíax
Úuepmiax úuaicoax xad ej
Miu coxjul úil il nid'
Xen cozriíau, cozxaútx
Uc' ucuxax ez'e jál xad
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tumad hed' il nid'
Ih uc' iyc'uc'zi hez'i zi zi il
Āhun' āhcuur
Un' ez'e lēl aicoz'i āl ñ'alai sutx
Miu coxréuai yaijar cual
Xen āhcuūsiux cisiad'
Cozcoiax ūñō cozxaútx, un' un'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
(Cuoj ne)
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid'
Āhiylocojí locojí il
Āhucoi ez'e xauc lád eý
Xen coi cuuc'zi uatsíad ez'e mur'éu en
Cozýeu cudiiad
Corxec cou āl aico hé
Cuaicojí, āhúen ej jutxux eý vauc'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé lád nid'
R'ez hez'i xil c'ez cozlail ez'e suxad ne
Nayn il xil muzad hed'
Miu āhucuc'zi
Nun' il ez'e lēl āhnun' lád ez'e lēlax, ucual
Uc' cozuc' āhun' jutxux entacin
Miu cohlēlax lēlax c'ez cozr'u
Cozxenūr āhcozlēl ej jutxux eý
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid'
(Cuoj Brian, r'uz cozaicojí)
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Cual'en cual'en xec'en eý, cuoj
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a tum hé il nid'
Āh, nez cozýoc'?
Cuoj, cozr'uz xen' xenuz
Āhcozcoi xen' je
Cozýoc' xen xad? Xen'
Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid'
Ur'uz xen' xen' xenuz, cozc'uai āhxauc
R'uz cozaicojí cuoj cuc' āhcorxec āl aico hé (Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')
Cozen jál, cozuc'
Coi ji un' entacin
Xecix hez'i c'ual aiauñ' jál ñéil eý (Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')
Cozxeý cozil ā, āh
(Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')
Cozc'ua āhcucoxiatxer xen jál muzad jál jutxux
(Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')
Xen m'éi cüa nu, cuoj
Sehxauc, sehxauc, cuoj Bernie, secxauc āhm'éi cüa nu xil jux xen' eý
(Xen coi cozuc'zi al'a cual hed' il nid')

C’en il setnteu habail’
====Another Brick in the Wall====
Cuj tata xec'en ne
Āhziñui ez'e xenūr jál jál
Itn'jamu xaucñ'a hey eý
Cuoj tata, xen cozziñui en xad ej?
Cuoj tata, xen cozziñui en xad ej hez'i heit?!?
Hez'i jutxux, un' ez'e pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.
Hez'i jutxux, un' pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.

I’ve never been able to stab children
"Cuoj cozen! Cual, cuoj cozen! Cozcuxad cuoj tata!"

Xil eý āhsecmiu secñóc'jí
Hazen c'uaiaxuóc ā āh-
Tabl'áx cō hez'i r'úiad jux āhc'e

Íūzi a R’úýen toc.
Āhjeiñax ez'e cual'en hé
Ez'e jux eý āhsecjí
Uāz cud jutxux
Hez'i āhmayaiý habaux cō hez'i r'úiad jux

R’úýen’ vomited up a knife.
Í mim'uj he xen' eý hez'i xen'e
Xil eý āhñéi hez'i tum'ay, xañ' xañ'
N'eú hé juatn loco
Lád ne ne

Xen secxeý ez'e c'uai xen'
Xen secxeý ez'e réuaz c'ua
Xen ert'erár' cur ñe ñóc' eý
Cuoj c'uaiaxuóc cozziñui jál cō

Nuc’ lai cun’ cucual’en cüatx xen ýemditx ýem’ux hex?
Ei! Cuoj c'uaiaxuóc! Cozziñui jál cō!

You really hate glottalization don’t you?
Hez'i jutxux, un' ez'e pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.
Hez'i jutxux, cozen pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.

Xen secxeý ez'e c'uai xen'
Xen secxeý ez'e réuaz c'ua
Xen ert'erár' cur ñe ñóc' eý
Cuoj c'uaiaxuóc cozziñui jál cō
Ei! Cuoj c'uaiaxuóc! Corziñui jál cē!
Hez'i jutxux, un' ez'e pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.
Hez'i jutxux, cozen pfuyem ej jál jál réuia eý.

Ñéi, soccual socxauc.
"Xen! Cozjí ej!"
"Ih xen cozú txad, c'en āhcoriyn hej jerine jux.
Xen r'úiad xad ne c'e
coriyn hej jerine jux ih āhcozú txad?"
Cuoj cozen! Cual, cuoj cozen heit (bike)-neiad eý, cozsuxad cuoj có!"

Come inside, I like talking with you.
"Un' heit eý āhñéz jál eý The Bulls"
"C'ua jál hán'ñe Roman Meal uc' āhcozcual cozc'ua."

Xen secxeý réu xen' āhsyen ne
Xen āhsecxeý eiba xen' āhincualax.
Secuc' ez'e xañ' réuia eý.
Xen secc'ua āhsecxeý ez'e jux jux.
Xen! Xen secc'ua uc' āhsecxeý ez'e jux jux.
Hez'i jutxux, un' jutxux pfuyem jál jál réuia eý.
Hez'i jutxux, cozen jutxux pfuyem jál jál réuia eý.

Xen coxmuj xacur eý.
Cualuño, cuoj muc'uj yaiad
Socñéz hez'i tumyan
Cualuño, cualuño, cualuño

Don't piss on terrorbirds.
Cualuño, cuoj cozen co jutxux
Un' xen' c'e āhxauc
Āhcorjíax corc'ua ej

====Jargalant Altai====
Miu lazyi hez'i yailáts cé
Jeñmuxei éād' aico en,
Miu habaux hez'i huriad hab
Cuj tumyan xem en.
Cozmuz muj il' je,
Cozxec'n'i cuj xem ne.

Huurzi cudih urzi cudiiad hurux nu
Miu ulazyi hez'i yailáts cé
Jeñmuxei éād' aico en,
Miu habaux hez'i huriad hab
Cuj tumyan xem en.
Cozmuz muj il' je,
Cozxec'n'i cuj xem ne.

The regretful outlaw regrets his penis crimes
Miu uéájí hez'i tnírux cé
Xec'ad āhcuj hez'i riyxiyan,
Miu uyíliunjí hez'i ez'e coxiatxer cual
Éād āhúxsauc réu.
Hazen hé c'an'eiuóc riýan a l'aúj,
Āhhun' hé xeu xen' āhjera je.

====Ey, Ukhnem====
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Setnyan'ux cñá,
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Secr'úz meven ne,
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Ī, ī, cur'úh r'úh yan'ad!
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Āhcuoj Ainyan', jenyan' hab,
Nivla, xemen',
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!

Numa numa iei
====Smells Like Teen Spirit chorus====
Tumad xen'e, cisíl muzux
He escaped by running like hell
Syen jál xil eý, coraicoax
Secc'uaiadjí āhsechidxec
Syen jál xil eý, coraicoax
Corúuz'i xec
Hazen ez' iy, hazen nivue
Āhñ'in' mayaux, āhsyen hurey
You and I are friends
Cuhuriadz'i r'úiad āhcozsutx
I love how you sing.

Setnjen' xem'en
====Soldier, Poet, King====
Uc' āhr'úz ez' tabde
Āhhancuzax cual r'eman
Uc' haucur haumun'm'i xare
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' haucur haumun'm'i xare
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an

I swam in the deep water
Uc' āhr'úz aiauñ'uóc
Āhxañ' z'aijí teuan
Uc' haucur jul' hé xenuz
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' haucur jul' hé xenuz
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an

Uc' āhr'úz ez' yañ'ou
Āhiytociý c'ehts van
Upfánz'iý cual cē David
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Upfánz'iý cual cē David
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an

Xen je āhcozxilaují xilaují?
====Pumped Up Kicks====
Iyr'úljí réu Cualdum
Uc' huuc'zi ñéd' ne, í xen hauxauc ez'e lec
Harin' hé miula n'itxem
Āhiyuc'ziax úh hé, hazen uasaduóc
Hueu tseduad c'eual āhjí je
Xeiuño cé hé eý, xeybin' xad ieai ne
Xen xad xen āhsecc'ua
Í ji haur'úz je r'úz, cual, ji haur'úz je r'úz

Why are you so short?
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en

Suílai r'ūjjí mama
Miu ñéiej heit eý ñe, miu ñéiej heit eý ñe
Āhhujey en ez'e t'ijaij
Un' bīn háñe eý je, iyxañ'iljí niv ne
Secley il hez'i al'a
Cual, un' hepmad réu he ats āhtsireu hez'i r'úl
Setnxauc setnc'ua n'itxem he ne
Āhxauc, "Ji cozxem cohts, uc' cozcuryanjí il, cual"

Ñ'in' yan' miu eý, cozuc'zi!
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
There's a snake in the grass, watch out!
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en

Seccual í uc' āhseccux, xen cozen?
Cualdum's hand is quick
He'll look around the room, but won't tell you the plan
He has a tobacco leaf
Sticking out of his mouth, he's a wildman
He found a pretty bow to use
In his dad's storage area, with a basket of fun things
What it is I don't know
But he's coming right to you, yeah, he's coming right to you

I'm good but could be better, you?
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows

Daddy's working long
He's coming home late, he's coming home late
And he's bringing me a surprise
The meal's in the kitchen, it's packed in ice
I've been waiting for a long time
Yeah, my hand's trick is a bowstring pulled quick
I contemplate with my tobacco
And say, "Your hair's burning, maybe you went insane, yeah"

Coi ucuzad heit eý nivi, í r'uc' ej hez'i xil.
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows

It stopped raining before, but it'll do so again soon.
====Í Tokuni====
Miu secr'u cum'ay eý
Xen' ne ez'e cur'e xem'en
C'en cüuc' mum'ay xeú jux
Uñéz ñe jutxux
Secxauc' í noc'uj xen'

Ez'e ixcu Ixcu eý
Tum'ay eý āhuats cur
Secuc' a uain'se
Secréuai uc' r'u xad xad eý
Secxauc' í ji noc'uj xen'

'cudixz'i maumau.
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen coruc'?
Secr'u cum'ay jál eý
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Ez'e cur'e xem'en lád?

Cats are evil.
Xen cüuc' ez'e r'ud'tumad
Āhtum huiu eý?
Xen cüuc' jí jál eý?
Xen secxenūr ñuimaj?
Xen haruc'zi uc'zi je jux?

Xen cozjí il hez'i
Secr'u il tum'ay eý,
Xen ñéz muzr'u xenuz
éād mil ne?
Xen cuc'ua ez'e ā?

Hanuc' a hab a có tabdil jen cuder n'ehx.
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen corréu?
Cozc'ua muzr'u coíad jux?
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Tum'ay ez'e xen c'uaxjí eý?

The mother and child see lots of fish blood and a flower.
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen corréu?
Cozc'ua xen muzr'u coíad?
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Tum'ay eý āhxen mil ne?

====One Punch Man opening theme====

Ji humuz cé xeu.
Three! Two! One! Kill shot!

The man is sitting on a rock.
Uc' hé! Baré! Āhsyen cé cé!!
"It might be me! Victory! I'm the strongest!!"

Xen cozxauc xad? FRUSTRATION! C'e haryextxa co jux xen'
"What did you say? FRUSTRATION! No person can stop me"

Xen úxmeýu xad jál yama yar'u eý?
One Punch! Coi reit! Baré āl heit!
"One Punch! It stopped abruptly! Victories everywhere!"

How much for the parrot in the window?
Secaí xauc' je!! Jux secieite!! Baré!!
"I yell and call out!! I win anything!! Victory!!"

Power! Get the power! Xil xil eý coi āhsecr'u jál mil je
"Power! Get the power! I go right then to the limit"

Seiccux cux curyan am'ciaxe
HERO, xen setnxeý ýemux āhinxeíux av suatxaxiý entacin a taitu he
"HERO, I don't want voices praising me or for a performance to be made of my name"

My favorite month is Am'ciaxe
HERO, c'ez āhsehxec ez'e xañ' hez'i coíad cut'ix je
"HERO, so I give evils a beating in secret"

(Nobody knows who he is.)

En secuc’ jál jutxux jíý hed’ c’ez secuc’ tsax piauñ’l’a eý
Ji r'úz cudziú āhz'aiuats cuj, nuc' secýemax xoñíl xoñíl heit hazen āl' xen'uz
"Foes are approaching and covering the sky, I'll never ever turn my back from their faces"

I understood everything about what had happened after I saw the belt on the bones
HERO ih uc' syen, āhsecxac'adjí āhsectoñxi toñxi
"If I'm a HERO, I'm ready and have strong resolve"

Āhsecats ñéz xañ'il
"Whipping out my fist"

Eylac il Cēūshé jál eý.
(Three! Two! One! Fight back!)

Cēūshé was here.
Xac'on! Go on! Cozieite ñ'on'!!
Guide! Go on! Win fairly!!

Jin āhun' xad? C'e curéuaz xen', harcur cudziu jutxux!
"What's happening? I can’t feel anything, all the opponents are dead!"

Humiuji yanxad’ uez hed’ iupf r’ūj eý
JUSTICE! Ez' yan'! C'en cozxahian!
"JUSTICE! Command! You can't argue!"

He put new bowls on the long mat
Uc' seccur cur!! Cudix setncur!! Miuei!!
"I'll eraticate!! Evil I'll kill!! Pray!!

Power! Get the power! Jen ADRENALIN hez'i cun'm'i cun'm'i m'e!
"Power! Get the power! The ADRENALINE's flowing way over the top!"

C'ua jál c'uayud xen āhsecuc'zi
Power! Get the power! Secxañ' hez'i céux xauil aicoi cual nil ne!
"Power! Get the power! I strike with the power of a well-trained style!"

That dumbass thinks I won't notice
HERO, Ji hazen céce céux céux en hazen ziñué cē cē jál heit eý
"HERO, the strongest men were tiny brats before"

HERO, secxōñi cisied' en r'uz āhsecmiūj seccéuxjí céuxjí
"HERO, I defeat my weakness and start to become stronger"

Xen jíý xad?
(Nobody knows who he is.)

What happened?
Seccuzax jál jál xañ'il', āhaíil ñéijí eý yañ'an, āhseccur'úi réúia jutxux en
"I just raise my fists, with the gods dwelling in them, and break through all of my barriers"

HERO, coi eý cuú cual cual muj ez'e xōñiý tumyan ā eý, jiñ'al jiñ'al HERO
"HERO, until I really eat the dirt of defeat some day, a very warlike HERO"

Cozr'u āhaíil Ýañ'an, cuoj uhai
HERO, xen setnxeý ýemux āhinxeíux av suatxaxiý entacin a taitu he
"HERO, I don't want voices praising me or for a performance to be made of my name"

Go where the Ýans live, lizard
HERO, c'ez āhsehxec ez'e xañ' hez'i coíad cut'ix je
"HERO, so I give evils a beating in secret"

(Nobody knows who he is.)

Ih uc' cozjí, nez secuc'
Seccuzax jál jál xañ'il', āhaíil ñéijí eý yañ'an, āhseccur'úi réúia jutxux en
"I just raise my fists, with the gods dwelling in them, and break through all of my barriers"

If you do, I will not see.
HERO, coi eý cuú cual cual muj ez'e xōñiý tumyan ā eý, jiñ'al jiñ'al HERO
"HERO, until I really eat the dirt of defeat some day, a very warlike HERO"

Coil jál jál cuoj HERO
"A HERO alone"

Xil eý āhtumjí R'úvñ'ian
I wanna be a saikyou HERO!

When the R'úvñ'ian is sus
====Somewhere Over the Rainbow (incomplete)====
Xad ne m'e yan'um'ur eý / Niviýan / Un' jer' āhsecuexec il / hez'i c'uayan jará

Somewhere on top of the rainbow / The highest / Is a land that I've heard of / As a legend from a lullaby

Setnuc' ux secxauc a "xen je uxeuiadjí xeuiadjí?"
====Way Down We Go (incomplete)====
R'uz secmuz xen'e
Secmuz xen'e
C'ez secmuz xen'e
Ū un' je āhhautapm'ux, c'ez āhcozmuz
Secmuz xenuz

I saw the animal and said "Why is it so large?"
And way down we go
Way down we go
Say way down we go
Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til you fall
Way down we go

===Translations of Yambot text===
Xen secc'ua secc'ua Hebrew lol, í un' un' r'úiad jál jál āhxañ' based

Sehxeý sehr'ūño hez'i āl juldum miulah
I’m nowhere near competent in Hebrew lol, but there’s definitely one way to spell based

I have to see the doctor in the early afternoon

Xen secc'ua xen xad je āhcozen hej ''coxmiuji jál eý eiba lēl''?

C'er' cohuc' xec' xenuz xem'uj
Idk why you have ''insert funny drug here''?

You'll be able to see the smoke from afar

Muzad, seccual seccual ez'e ú nál'em āhun' xeú je lol

Laven váv ez' l'aven, jál ej ne ji āhsecxec'en ej jutxux.
Damn, I really like the pepper taste for some reason lol

Laven or bloody water, either way we're drinking our last.

Secsacriý hez'i āyn āhsetnatx jul' āhxauc Hwat

Sehhuriadz'i tatertatuóc jál ýanaj.
I’m kinda tempted to make a lang called Hwat

I love this little gremlin's bonkers.

Seccisi cisi siueñ je āhun' jál ji āhseceuz jul' eý āhej ej ej jutxux eý ne

Uc' nautxadiz mïcur ladíeú.
I did make a huge risk for cancer so that’s what I’m finding for languages with very different from everything else lol

Weeds will fill your grave.

Uxenūr ují Cs/cluster tsux heit a j ɟ je

C'ua Bed'i āhunivzi āyn, sehmeuyux.
For ɟ I recall using j after slender Cs/clusters

Buddy thinks it's not cold enough, and I agree.

Xil cux eý xeu jál jál āhsetnxenūr xil jutxux eý taitu Earl?

Sectabl'a āhr'ūño jí cuder āhsyen cual ā.
Usually the only reason I always remember the name Earl?

We suffer more imagining than really being.

Secil hez'i c'ual jál xuaylac eý

Uxañ'ílz'i uc'ziax ez'e ýeu ux teuil' hex ez'e r'ez āhñ'in' lax ád ez'e ur cou yaiad xem nu ez'e r'ez āhhuláx xare
Fortunately I live in this situation

The wild animal losing its horns after domestication is an allegory for people forgetting their old hardships after building cities

Xen nayn xad xañ'íl cual lol

Xauc āhíúnhabai R'úýan yan'in' xacud jutxux
What’s the right word lol

They say all anacondas and pelagornis are fathered by R'úýan'
Xen, xen uc'iý āhcuréuaz róc'ád xil eý āhsecr'úz r'úh ne

No it doesn't seem to have the info once I get to her by car.

Iyjí habail he āhjí ej je
Hazen có ej ej āhumiu jul'ūño ih hazen xeyoi jál heýan

My kid's a clutz
There were two other kids that went to linguolabials if they were that party’s candidate

Uc'zijí cux āhxadi xadi āhxañ' xaucñ'a āhun' ehc' xem'en eý

It is who made me remake it figurative.
it's even more apparent and have a strong tendency to write a sub-par novel

Xen cozhabaux cozhabaux ýemdix ixcu xad uc' āhc'enax c'enax āhcoriyn hej dilabexua

Xen cozeu il miu āhañ'sas sas tin'ūx c'ez āhxemuxjí xemuxjí?
what vowel do you care so much they would make it impossible to have a turkey

Ever noticed that crickets chirp more when it's hotter out?
=Original texts=
==Single sentences==
Miu añ’mau maumau ax miu

The cat is stalking a plant

Cumuzm'e neiad ajul eý.

I own a shack on the peninsula.
R’uz secjen’ax miumiu, ji socjon’ax miumiu

I watered my plants, and I will water your plants.

Aíyan'iý aíuc'zi uc'zi cuc'o.

The subordinate was ordered to keep watch.
R’uz secmuz miumiu, ji socmuz miumiu

I shat on my plants, and I will shit on your plants.

Xen cumeýu arm'uze cuc'o.

Don't buy the cheaper pillow.
Miu añ’miu miumiu hel miu

The buried plant(s) is growing old / the buried plant(s) is missing an opportunity

Xeý dar'u cé cuice.

The man needed to adjust his loincloth.
Hanpfeú có xaúx

The child interrupted the bird's call

Cozen āl eý āhcorcur.

You nearly killed me.
C’en il setnteu habail’

I’ve never been able to stab children

C'e uc' tartxe cur cur eý.

He can see in the darkest of caves.
Íūzi a R’úýen toc.

R’úýen’ vomited up a knife.

Setnjíý jál cur'bet c'ez jiñ'al.

I got this scar in the war.
Nuc’ lai cun’ cucual’en cüatx xen ýemditx ýem’ux hex?

You really hate glottalization don’t you?

Syen Tauxa, āhharyen cēj.

I'm Tauxa, and this is my sister.
Ñéi, soccual socxauc.

Come inside, I like talking with you.

Uc' nal'mayauxax jál xacóil ñeuóc cēj jutxux.

That swagger will catch the attention of all the different-gender locals.
Xen coxmuj xacur eý.

Don't piss on terrorbirds.

Ucur'e ñéd'.

The room was silent.
Huurzi cudih urzi cudiiad hurux nu

The regretful outlaw regrets his penis crimes

R'úz nál cur'e aul'.

The mute woman came to the market stall.
Numa numa iei

He escaped by running like hell

Jevl'ey r'úvnad āhcur'n'i r'úvenuóc.

After his boat capsized the sailor drowned.
Corúuz'i xec

You and I are friends

Un' curad xad jál jál āhsecūts.

The only thing I wait for is death.
Cuhuriadz'i r'úiad āhcozsutx

I love how you sing.

Coxxem'uz ux curad.

Bury the dead animal.
Setnjen' xem'en

I swam in the deep water

Curehc'z'i il hab.

Mother's had a heart attack.
Xen je āhcozxilaují xilaují?

Why are you so short?

Uc' uinayn ez'e xuýexuy miū eý curil.

The rustling noise in the berry bushes may have been a monster.
Ñ'in' yan' miu eý, cozuc'zi!

There's a snake in the grass, watch out!

Ban' curil muzux ád ez'e epmiý.

Getting cursed was his worst fear.
Seccual í uc' āhseccux, xen cozen?

I'm good but could be better, you?

Hancual'en cō emyā curil nu.

The children dislike his scary mask.
Coi ucuzad heit eý nivi, í r'uc' ej hez'i xil.

It stopped raining before, but it'll do so again soon.

Xen seiccuriuc'z'i yauñ'.

I have no ill will toward the king.
Añ'cudixz'i maumau.

Cats are evil.

Cuuc' xen'e curjen éá.

I saw a huge dark blue thing in the distance.
Hanuc' a hab a có tabdil jen cuder n'ehx.

The mother and child see lots of fish blood and a flower.

Coxeu en n'ehx curjen.

Find me a dark blue flower.
Ji humuz cé xeu.

The man is sitting on a rock.

Uc' ur'úz ez'e cuzax xedbet āl curyan en eý.

My copper shipment should've come a month ago.
Xen úxmeýu xad jál yama yar'u eý?

How much for the parrot in the window?

Jíý jál āhuc'zi nen'zad curyan.

This is used for tracking the lunar cycle.
Seiccux cux curyan am'ciaxe

My favorite month is Am'ciaxe

Xen cohjerijec cuc' curyan.

Pay no mind to the insane old man.
En secuc’ jál jutxux jíý hed’ c’ez secuc’ tsax piauñ’l’a eý

I understood everything about what had happened after I saw the belt on the bones

Sulaúzax curux.

The nightmare woke me up.
Eylac il Cēūshé jál eý.

Cēūshé was here.

C'en yextxa jux tumeu curux curux?

Can anyone stop the greatly feared tyrant?
Humiuji yanxad’ uez hed’ iupf r’ūj eý

He put new bowls on the long mat

Harýoc' cual āhcuruxjí.

As predicted, he forgot us.
C'ua jál c'uayud xen āhsecuc'zi

That dumbass thinks I won't notice

Haruc' cé.

The man saw me.
Xen jíý xad?

What happened?

Añ'jeiñño cé teúx.

The deer's father ran away.
Cozr'u āhaíil Ýañ'an, cuoj uhai

Go where the Ýans live, lizard

Añ'céjí xañ'eux.

The gorilla is strong.
Ih uc' cozjí, nez secuc'

If you do, I will not see.

Nayn maýur je xen āhcéí.

Due to illness he didn't reach adulthood.
Xil eý āhtumjí R'úvñ'ian

When the R'úvñ'ian is sus

Hazen cé céi heit yanux eý.

After the ritual he was an adult man.
Setnuc' ux secxauc a "xen je uxeuiadjí xeuiadjí?"

I saw the animal and said "Why is it so large?"

C'en c'oc ñ'aiatx miúx céjen.

The animal can no longer produce semen.
Sehxeý sehr'ūño hez'i āl juldum miulah

I have to see the doctor in the early afternoon

Iycetxiñ' iymuz cél'.

The penis curves downward.
C'er' cohuc' xec' xenuz xem'uj

You'll be able to see the smoke from afar

Setnxeý maý cél' cél' ih uc' setnmiūj xeyux.

We need a more virile goat if we're to grow the flock.
Laven váv ez' l'aven, jál ej ne ji āhsecxec'en ej jutxux.

Laven or bloody water, either way we're drinking our last.

Cuatx cén'ál ualax c'eual.

My sister made a pretty dress.
Sehhuriadz'i tatertatuóc jál ýanaj.

I love this little gremlin's bonkers.

Íúsxec a āyan céux.

Āyan gave me a brother.
Uc' nautxadiz mïcur ladíeú.

Weeds will fill your grave.

C'en cují céux jál jál āhcozutx.

You can't use only strength to hunt.
C'ua Bed'i āhunivzi āyn, sehmeuyux.

Buddy thinks it's not cold enough, and I agree.

Ji aicoi céuxjí coxañ'.

The wrestler trains to grow strong.
Sectabl'a āhr'ūño jí cuder āhsyen cual ā.

We suffer more imagining than really being.

Haryen cóc.

He is my father.
Uxañ'ílz'i uc'ziax ez'e ýeu ux teuil' hex ez'e r'ez āhñ'in' lax ád ez'e ur cou yaiad xem nu ez'e r'ez āhhuláx xare

The wild animal losing its horns after domestication is an allegory for people forgetting their old hardships after building cities

Hazen jál eý cócou.

The uncles are here.
Xauc āhíúnhabai R'úýan yan'in' xacud jutxux

They say all anacondas and pelagornis are fathered by R'úýan'

Hanaijzi xoc suiux cóc ats.

The apprentice appreciated the weaver's fatherly nature.
Iyjí habail he āhjí ej je

My kid's a clutz

Iux cē jenad eý.

The boy played in the lake.

It is who made me remake it figurative.

Cējí réuah āhsehuc' ixe je.

Given its size, the (male) carrier bird must be young.
Xen cozeu il miu āhañ'sas sas tin'ūx c'ez āhxemuxjí xemuxjí?

Ever noticed that crickets chirp more when it's hotter out?

Iyútnux réu ej útnad.

The other hand was caught in a web.
Cumuzm'e neiad ajul eý.

I own a shack on the peninsula.

Hanútni joñ'ur ta.

He caught three big fish.
Aíyan'iý aíuc'zi uc'zi cuc'o.

The subordinate was ordered to keep watch.

Ji añ'ú tarca joñ'ur.

The large river otter is eating.
Xen cumeýu arm'uze cuc'o.

Don't buy the cheaper pillow.

Coxjul jál miula c'ez āhnaulau.

Chew this leaf, it'll make you feel better.
Xeý dar'u cé cuice.

The man needed to adjust his loincloth.

Nun' r'úmiu jul ád curux.

The chewed-up straw boat was a bad omen.
Cozen āl eý āhcorcur.

You nearly killed me.

Aíún' cutseu jul muj eý.

A partially eaten donut was on the ground.
C'e uc' tartxe cur cur eý.

He can see in the darkest of caves.

Setnhuradz'i jul' cerojo.

I love the Knrawi language.
Setnjíý jál cur'bet c'ez jiñ'al.

I got this scar in the war.

Aíúzñe xauauñ'an jul'añ' eý.

The traders landed in the bay.
Syen Tauxa, āhharyen cēj.

I'm Tauxa, and this is my sister.

Bajul'éuax úiñ'ad Seutan.

The street food had Seutan licking his fingers.
Uc' nal'icñirsi jál xacóil ñeuóc cēj jutxux.

That swagger will catch the attention of all the different-gender locals.

Seclaúz il juldum eý.

I wake up in the afternoon.
Ucur'e ñéd'.

The room was silent.

Coxxeý coxjulei hez'i laz ñua.

You must crush the rice thoroughly.
R'úz nál cur'e aul'.

The mute woman came to the market stall.

Julei heit ez'e humuz humuz jenad eý.

He wrinkled after resting for a while in the lake.
Jevl'ey r'úvnad āhcur'n'i r'úvenuóc.

After his boat capsized the sailor drowned.

Seccuj, cozjulei ez'e aí av r'ez socmezax.

Please reduce your yelling or we will kick you out.
Un' curad xad jál jál āhsecūts.

The only thing I wait for is death.

Nuc' coxmeýu miula julei ā?

May you buy some crushed herbs?
Coxxem'uz ux curad.

Bury the dead animal.

Uc' cuhán' nál'em juleiad eý.

I'll prepare the peppers in the mortar and pestle.
Curehc'z'i il hab.

Mother's had a heart attack.

Iyjí yua juleiad rine cual.

These ground seeds make a good porridge.
Uc' uinayn ez'e xuýexuy miū eý curil.

The rustling noise in the berry bushes may have been a monster.

Nal'nejin cui julex.

The sling bullet went through his jaw.
Ban' curil muzux ád ez'e epmiý.

Getting cursed was his worst fear.

Ujin' muzr'u tocej julex ne.

The road was trapped with a jutting spear.
Hancual'en cō emyā curil nu.

The children dislike his scary mask.

Txadiz julue ñua ne.

He filled his mouth with rice.
Xen seiccuriuc'z'i yauñ'.

I have no ill will toward the king.

Tabl'a siueñ julue je.

He suffers from oral cancer.
Cuuc' xen'e curjen éá.

I saw a huge dark blue thing in the distance.

Iycux julzidum xil āhr'u ñitaxia.

Morning is the best time to go to the bathhouse.
Coxeu en n'ehx curjen.

Find me a dark blue flower.

Ñ'ihjulzi ai riýan.

The dog licked the master.
Uc' ur'úz ez'e cuzax xedbet āl curyan en eý.

My copper shipment should've come a month ago.

Z'aiyextxa cé aiauñ' julzi.

The man stopped the barely started song.
Jíý jál āhuc'zi nen'zad curyan.

This is used for tracking the lunar cycle.

Hanjulzí xecla.

He slurped from the soup bowl.
Xen cohjerijec cuc' curyan.

Pay no mind to the insane old man.

Cuyac'oiý yac'oiý letn.

I'm too distracted by things to be.
Sulaúzax curux.

The nightmare woke me up.

Un' jál ñe letn.

This is the nearly finished house.
C'en yextxa jux tumeu curux curux?

Can anyone stop the greatly feared tyrant?

Nayn maýur je xen āhcéí.

Due to illness he didn't reach adulthood.
Harýoc' cual āhcuruxjí.

As predicted, he forgot us.

Cozxeý cozley c'ez āhmaýurjí xau.

You must wait, the translator is sick.
Haruc' cé.

The man saw me.

Cozūts mujul yan'yan.

Stay in the shallow part of the river.
Añ'jeiñño cé teúx.

The deer's father ran away.

Jí pmit'e nál'eú je.

He put pepper sauce on his cooked animal fetus.
Añ'céjí xañ'eux.

The gorilla is strong.

Iyxiljí xiljí nál'ul' āhseclec'.

The fetus is much smaller than I expected.
Nayn maýur je xen āhcéí.

Due to illness he didn't reach adulthood.

Cual, C'e secjí soc'ul'.

Yes, I can speak Soc'ul'.
Hazen cé céi heit yanux eý.

After the ritual he was an adult man.

Secuc' āhcozaicoi hez'i cual xacur.

I see you've trained your terrorbird well.
C'en c'oc ñ'aiatx miúx céjen.

The animal can no longer produce semen.

Xeý xañ' xad ád xeúr.

Someone needs to play the xeúr.
Iycetxiñ' iymuz cél'.

The penis curves downward.

Uxauii ñovan' a jál jál āhcuxauiiax.

Events only have the meaning we give them.
Setnxeý maý cél' cél' ih uc' setnmiūj xeyux.

We need a more virile goat if we're to grow the flock.

Cozc'uaují nez āhcoxú jen.

You know better than to eat fish.
Cuatx cén'ál ualax c'eual.

My sister made a pretty dress.

Secú etjeí.

My headache is killing me.
Íúsxec a āyan céux.

Āyan gave me a brother.

Uc' setnxeý n'ehx ú.

We'll need some edible flowers.
C'en cují céux jál jál āhcozutx.

You can't use only strength to hunt.

Secc'ua āhan'yaz yama ā uatsíad muzad.

I think some parrots stole my damn hat.
Ji aicoi céuxjí coxañ'.

The wrestler trains to grow strong.

R'ez jí meýuuóc ā jál eý.

Nowadays they get few customers here.
Haryen cóc.
He is my father.

Tabdi ā āl c'ez āhharuc'.
Hazen jál eý cócou.

His face was slightly red at the sight of me.
The uncles are here.

Cuxenūr jál ā xil eý je āhseccōz'i.
Hanaijzi xoc suiux cóc ats.

I remember that from back when we were kids.
The apprentice appreciated the weaver's fatherly nature.

Ā socýoc' r'um'ian.
Iux cē jenad eý.

So I maybe lost your axe.
The boy played in the lake.

==Multiple sentences==
Soccuj! Sehatxiý Tauxa.

Hello! I was made by Tauxa.
Cējí réuah āhsehuc' ixe je.

Given its size, the (male) carrier bird must be young.

Cüuc’ cucual ez’e n’eh jál ej nu ne xen āhseceuax coil.
-xen c’uaijí

Admire someone else's beauty without questioning your own.
Iyútnux réu ej útnad.

The other hand was caught in a web.

Jaj corcur ehc' - Xen corcur ehc'

Don't destroy my heart - Don't destroy my heart
Hanútni joñ'ur ta.

He caught three big fish.

[[File:Soc'ul' haiku.png|thumb]]
Cut'uit'ui il tec,
Ban' tec ez'e āu,
Syíún' ad en c'ua.

I scatter the grain,
Ji añ'ú tarca joñ'ur.
The grain is my example,
My farm is the mind.
The large river otter is eating.

[[File:East Soc'ul' Secession.jpg|thumb]]
Coxjul jál miula c'ez āhnaulau.
Yan'iý āhsetnr'uax āl ez' cohjí ab'ei je sutxiux ej jutxux āhāz cual je. Cuxauc jál je xad jál jál, coraijziý tabed' a yan'yan Siieme.

It was requested that we send one last message in our defense before you send in the army. To this we say but one thing: the rivers of Zjiiama will appreciate your men.
Chew this leaf, it'll make you feel better.

Researcher: Tumyan cual, secxauc’ coil a Dave. Xen cozen hej?
(Good day, I call myself Dave. What’s yours?)
{Hi, my name’s Dave. What’s yours?}

Tauxa: Hm?
Nun' r'úmiu jul ád curux.

Researcher: Xen cozxauc’iý?
The chewed-up straw boat was a bad omen.
{What are you called?}
(What's your name?)

Tauxa: Tauxa, xen je?
(Tauxa, why?)

Researcher: Cuoj Tauxa, xen cozú xad?
Aíún' cutseu jul muj eý.
{Tauxa, what do you eat?}
(Tauxa, what are you eating?)

Tauxa: C’en ūts? Secréuaziý ih xen āhcozuc’.
A partially eaten donut was on the ground.
(Can this wait? I'm busy in case you didn’t notice)

Researcher: U xen, xen secréuaz, í āhcual āhiubi. Xen cozú xad?
{Oh no, I don’t hold, but it’s good for checking. What do you eat?}
(Oh no I’m not busy, but thanks for checking. What are you eating?)

Tauxa: Cual, corxauc xec hez’i xil ih xad je uc’ āhñéz. Ji secú ún’ei v’ual xemux.
Setnhuradz'i jul' cerojo.
(Alright, I'll talk to you for a bit if it means you'll go away. I'm eating spicy coconut noodles.)
I love the Knrawi language.

Researcher: Ū ún’ei v’ual xemux, ez’e hiandoc’ cual! Xen cumeýu xad eý?
{Oo spicy coconut noodles, good deciding! Where did you buy it?}
(Oo spicy coconut noodles, good choice! Where did you buy it?)

Tauxa: Aul’ heit hej , cuoj c’uayud
Aíúzñe xauauñ'an jul'añ' eý.
(The stall right behind you, dumbass.)

Researcher: Securzi, xen xaui xad “c’uayud”?
The traders landed in the bay.
(Sorry, what does "dumbass" mean?)

Tauxa: Xaui “úu aidi”. Uc’ secr'ūñoax āhxauc’ jutxux “c’uayud” āhñéi hez’i muz.
(It means "great friend". I'd suggest calling everyone “dumbass” to make a good first impression.)

Researcher: Cozcual āhcozr'ūñoax je, cuoj c’uayud!
Bajul'éuax úiñ'ad Seutan.
{Thank you for suggesting, dumbass!}
(Thanks for the advice, dumbass!)

Tauxa: Seccuz.
The street food had Seutan licking his fingers.
(No problem.)

Researcher: Xen cozen xad xenuz, cuoj Tauxa?
(Where are you from, Tauxa?)

Tauxa: Jen’um xare nid’. Seccual lai secñéi jál āhmaují je.
Seclaúz il juldum eý.
(The west side of the city. I like to come here for the peace and quiet.)

Researcher: Note to self: currently in Yàrguv.
I wake up in the afternoon.

Tauxa: Xen cohxauc xad?
(Who are you talking to?)

Researcher: U coil jál ē… xeíad jál ne.
Coxxeý coxjulei hez'i laz ñua.
(Oh just myself with this uh… box.)

Tauxa: R’ūño cuder.
You must crush the rice thoroughly.
(That explains a lot.)

Researcher: Note to self: find a way to explain the word “recorder”.

Researcher: Xen un’ xad?
Julei heit ez'e humuz humuz jenad eý.
(What was that?)

Tauxa: Xen’.
He wrinkled after resting for a while in the lake.

Researcher: U cual, securiadz’i āhr’ūño jutxux jál eý. Í āl, xen corxeý coreuax jux?
(Oh yes, I'd love if you explained everything here. But first, did you have any questions for me?)

Tauxa: Cual, cozñéi cudi ñéi xad xenuz? Xen sehuc’ il cou xil xem jenz’i cuder cuder, xen xuc’z’i cou éād' eý?
Seccuj, cozjulei ez'e aí av r'ez socmezax.
(Yeah, where the hell'd you come from? I've never seen someone so short and pale and sweaty, is that what people look like in the mountains?)

Researcher: Jernexuñ āhsecxauc’ “Ohio” muj āhsecxauc’ “America” eý.
Please reduce your yelling or we will kick you out.
(A province called "Ohio" in a land called "America".)

Tauxa: “Emirice”, muj jál xad eý? cozur, xen secxeý secc’uai.
(“America”, where’s this land? Actually nevermind, I don't wanna know.)

Researcher: Aíún'...
Nuc' coxmeýu miula julei ā?

Tauxa: Secxauc xen āhsecxeý secc’uai.
May you buy some crushed herbs?
(I said I don't wanna know.)

Researcher: Cual, ez’e euax ej: xen cucual cumeýu jál eý úd’ xad ej?
(Okay, another question: what other foods do you like to buy here?)

Tauxa: Iyxec iyxec jál, āhsén réú eý. Jir’ univzi āhcoznei ih miun corcoxiatxer ej.
Uc' cuhán' nál'em juleiad eý.
(This stall only sells one thing, and that's what’s in my hands. It's getting cold so hurry up unless you’re buying me another.)

Researcher: Securzi, secc’ualjí xare ej jutxux ne. Ej cual āhcorxec xec, í seccoxiatxer úd’ coil, xen cozcoxiatxer.
I'll prepare the peppers in the mortar and pestle.
{Sorry, I hoped for around the rest of the city. Also thank you for being so generous, but I’ll pay for my food, you don’t need to pay for it.}
(Sorry, I meant around the rest of the city. Also thank you for being so generous, but I’ll pay for my food, you don’t need to pay for it.)

Tauxa: Cuj muz í un’ muzue ýemdi ūtsad nid’ riyxiyan jál xenuz ih āhcumayauxax. Xad ej coz syen ih cozr’u lec’ad xenuz xenuz āhcozeu xad cual hej.
(I guess there’s a new sweet-trunk place about a riyxiyan from here if that’s what you’re looking for. Other than that I’m sure if you go any direction far away you’ll find something you like.)

Researcher: Cozcual. Secuc’ āhcoriyn ne dabu yanxad teuil nil xen n’eád’, c’ez uc’ āhcozyaují, cual?
Iyjí yua juleiad rine cual.
(Thank you. I see you have a horn spoon and bowl with no ornamentations, so that must mean you're poor, yes?)

Tauxa: Cual socxenūrax.
These ground seeds make a good porridge.
(Thanks for reminding me.)

Researcher: Seccuz, cuoj c’uayud. Ez’e euax jutxux ej: xen coríún’ m’éyan xad?
{No problem, dumbass. Last question: what’s your superstition?}
(No problem, dumbass. One last question: what religion do you practice?)

Tauxa: Xen corc’uai ez’e xaui he.
Nal'nejin cui julex.
(I'm not sure what you mean.)

Researcher: Xen cormiuei yañ’an ne?
The sling bullet went through his jaw.
{What gods do you farm with?}
(What gods do you worship?)

Tauxa: Jál eý ez’e jutxux ne, í xen secuc’zi āhúinezats m’éyan nu.
(Same ones as most everyone else around here, but I don't see what that has to do with superstition.)

Researcher: Secuc’, nez xauc āh-…
Ujin' muzr'u tocej julex ne.
(I see, so would you say that…)

Tauxa: Ez’e euax jutxux ej, ez’e noc’uj jutxux ej. Cohréuaý ej.
The road was trapped with a jutting spear.
(Last question, so last answer. Go annoy someone else.)

Researcher: Coznoc’uj í noc’uj ej euax hez’i heit…
(Actually you answered another question after…)

Tauxa: Cuoj cozñéz cormezax āl.
Txadiz julue ñua ne.
(Leave before I make you.)

He filled his mouth with rice.

1: Ji seicr'úz có iarje ej!

2: Xen taitu hé?
Tabl'a siueñ julue je.

1: Xaucxaucuóc.
He suffers from oral cancer.

2: Uboñ' taitu cō je.

1: Ū yamaz'i, xen cóz'i co.
Iycux julzidum xil āhr'u ñitaxia.

2: Xen pfi xen có hej?
Morning is the best time to go to the bathhouse.

1: Xen xen.

1: My kid's turning two!
Ñ'ihjulzi ai riýan.

2: What's their name?
The dog licked the master.

1: Xaucxaucuóc.

2: That's a weird name for a kid.
Z'aiyextxa cé aiauñ' julzi.

1: Oh it's a parrot not a human child.
The man stopped the barely started song.

2: So it's not your child?

1: Wrong.
Hanjulzí xecla.

He slurped from the soup bowl.

1: Cuoj mama, xen je xen āhñ'in' hex xaúx naman?
"Dad, why do birds not have teeth?"

2: Un' je xen āhañ'xeý.
Cuyac'oiý yac'oiý letn.
"Because they don't need them."

1: Í xen je xen añ'xeý?
I'm too distracted by things to be.
"But why don't they need them?"

2: Un' je āhñ'in' hex xauam.
"Because they have beaks."

1: Í xen je ñ'in' hex xauam naman xen'?
Un' jál ñe letn.
"But why do they have beaks not teeth?"

2: Xen secc'ua.
This is the nearly finished house.
"I don't know."

1: Í xen un' xen āhcozc'ua?
"But why don't you know?"

2: Cual cual cozlaidzi.
Nayn maýur je xen āhcéí.
"Please go to sleep."

===Conversation in #in-conlang-talk channel (and other places)===
Due to illness he didn't reach adulthood.
Cüur un’ (channel) jál jir’ uez cuuez, secsuxad miujijí
R’uc’ xen lai cují xen cualjí?

I forgot about this channel and am now rediscovering it, RIP
Maybe I should start doing stuff here more?

Cozxeý cozley c'ez āhmaýurjí xau.

Ah cozūts uc’ cuxaui lol, xil jál
You must wait, the translator is sick.

Ah wait ye I should translate lol, one sec

Cozūts mujul yan'yan.

Xen xen jul’ hej? Uc’ c’uc’zi cual
Stay in the shallow part of the river.

What’s the language you’re using? Looks neat

Jí pmit'e nál'eú je.

Xen un’ xen jál ej xenuz váv jál jál xenuz?
He put pepper sauce on his cooked animal fetus.

Is it evolved from a different lang or original?

Iyxiljí xiljí nál'ul' āhseclec'.

Ah secuc’
The fetus is much smaller than I expected.

Ah got it

Cual, C'e secjí soc'ul'.

Xen seccurux, socuc’ tumyan ej eý
Yes, I can speak Soc'ul'.

No worries, see ya tomorrow

Secuc' āhcozaicoi hez'i cual xacur.

Oh seccudiz lol
I see you've trained your terrorbird well.

Oh my bad lol

Xeý xañ' xad ád xeúr.

Secuc’ jul’ IE hed’
Someone needs to play the xeúr.

I sense an IE lang

Uxauii ñovan' a jál jál āhcuxauiiax.

Ñ’in’ Nothaway maujul’a r’u
Events only have the meaning we give them.

Nothaway’s catlang confirmed

Cozc'uaují nez āhcoxú jen.

Cual, ñā
You know better than to eat fish.

Yes, nyaa

Secú etjeí.

Cozcual tum’ay (:
My headache is killing me.

gn (:

Uc' setnxeý n'ehx ú.

Un’ jál xauñ’ Soc’ul’ jux ej
We'll need some edible flowers.

That’s pretty much half of reading Soc’ul’

Secc'ua āhan'yaz yama ā uatsíad muzad.

Xad eý sus cureu 😳
I think some parrots stole my damn hat.

When the impostor is sus 😳

R'ez jí meýuuóc ā jál eý.

Cozen cozen
Nowadays they get few customers here.

No u

Tabdi ā āl c'ez āhharuc'.

Il ji
His face was slightly red at the sight of me.

You have now

Cuxenūr jál ā xil eý je āhseccōz'i.

Xen xen ā jál eý? Miu secñez cuñei ez’e cuzux neiad hed’ uasil eý xil’ eý
I remember that from back when we were kids.

Anyone here? I’ma leave the house in a bit to head to the shitty gym in town

Ā socýoc' r'um'ian.

Secuc’ un’ “xen’”
So I maybe lost your axe.

I’ll take that as a no

Nayn jul' ūño ab'ei ne.

Uc’ jí ez’e eylac nezi ez’e neiji jñ’ch coil he
A language is a dialect with an army and navy.

Imagine standing instead of running smh my head

Uabc'ab cuder' cuder' ats.

Ū un’ un’ “Sehr’u” jutxux ĀhSoc’ul’z’i
The string is stretched too far.

Oh also it’s just “Sehr’u” in Soc’ul’

C'ua c'ua xen āhjí xil cual eý, nez abdizi.

Iē uc’ cualax ih sehxem ne í cuder’ xen jál r’u āhsehr’u
Of course they didn't finish on time, they waited as late as they could to do it.

Ye it’d be neat if we had enough people but we don’t have enough to keep it going

Secxeý ez'e dar'u abdizi ā.

Cual ucuriý curiý jul al' lol
I had to make some last-minute adjustments.

Ā cual lol
Huú abdizi āl cod'jí eý.

He ate it right before it spoiled.

Ih uc' syen ez'e r'u hed' āhujulziax jál coil

Uúiladjí í uaicoaxjí suíl ad je.

C'ez miu secxauc hez'i al'a secjí "ez'e eý-suílai jul' jál", nuc' huñ'alai ñ'alai jux auzil-ýemux ez' tumyan āhjí?
Farm work is difficult but rewarding.

Since we talked a while ago about doing "monolingual fieldwork", anyone wanna hop onto VC someday to do it?

U muzad, miu uadziax úd'.

En video jál (secc'uai Everett ne?), coi āhsecxeyi xeyi
Fuck, we ran out of food.

There was that video (with Everett I think?), lemme find it real quick

Xauc are noc' āhcual cual ahju.

Xen jul'zi je hé í cozxeyi āhxad-mauyaii
According to the next tribe over, mackerel are good eating.

Neither speaks the other's language but you figure out from context

Miu secmuj ai iupf uez.

Secuc' ax-jul' ne í uc' aicoz'i
My dog just pissed on my new rug.

I meant with cloŋs but that could be fun

Cux úu ai jux ej muc'uj eý je.

Secc'ua āhuxauc "Azeri" hez'i xil lol
A loyal friend is better than anything else in the world.

Thought that said "Azeri" for a sec lol

Seicxañ' jál aian āhseicmiuei Xiýan je.
I wrote this hymn in honor of Xiýan.

Xen xad heybey jul' hel eý āhun' hianjí hianjí jál he?

Something about language families and yours being highly divergent?
Ciāh, Úijiyan' jál Uxcan aian

Don't touch that, it's reserved for Uxcan.

Cud ieuiai

Skill issue
Seicjí aiauñ' āhsocāz huriad.

I made the song to show you my love.

Ū xen nayn xañ'íl xad "English"?

Oo which word's "English"?
Hazen aiauñ'uóc ñeuóc Banaiuj.

Banaiuj is the local poet.

Cual āhāhsuíl xíc' hez'i āhjí cuañ'o

Ye and also it does wonders for making vocab
Uc' huñóc'jí cén'ál Yar'ñév eý, coztén' nu C'uayan.

Your sister will go to Yarguv for school, let's pray to C'uayan for her.

A cual, xen ez'e toc' jul' Austronesia?

Ah noice, is this an Austronesian lang by chance?
C'en íūnemiats íūlēl a xeýan ez'e yan' bāuñ.

The official can't help but laugh at the old fool's demands.

Cual cual, cun' hej link?

Nuc' sehiux a Tsuc'o Asuïca?

Seccual, cuteirí āhujadz'i hez'i cual
Can Tsuc'o and I play with Asuïca?

Uc' cuatx ā cuder cuder ez'e xaui je?
Sutxi miulah āhcormiuei a Āyan.

Maybe you could focus more on semantics?
The doctor recommends that you pray to Ayan.

Uyaburjí secatx xauilád "jumem cuz" soc'ul' ("fjumum muu" cerojo ne) xenuz í syen c'uád xen'e ez'e xaui nu je, nuc' sutxi jux?
Xeý xeý xíc' xad a jál ziñué.

Tempted to make Soc'ul' "jumem cuz"* (and Knrawi "fjumum muu"*) an idiom but I'm out of ideas for what it'd mean, any suggestions?
Someone really needs to discipline those little brats.

Āhcuuc' ez'e xaui oñuxocño, xen secc'ua āhnayn hel ýemil coil ez'e jey je; jál ne uc' u-English-jí cuder' cuder'
Xen culec' huuc' hab hej a jál.

Idk if that'd make sense to derive given the literal meaning; also it might be too Englishy
I didn't expect your mother to see that.

Uc' un' "xuaylac cud musuxaxjí" āhun' je jí cuder txijór'se eý jumem nu nu ur'ūjjíax je yaiad ez'e xen iycur ýemla xenuz
Setncual jál xicxej ad, í xen m'eian ez'e lax je.

Maybe "bad situation made worse" since historically shorter nooses were often used to prolong the pain by not breaking the neck
We like this crop iboga, but it's not as strong as the wild stuff.

==Longer texts==
===Oldest written Soc'ul' joke===
If you ask for the broad time, I will very slowly walk across this platform making measurements and I will come back to say this: it is cloudy.

Ih cozeuax juj al'a, āhsecr'u secsuiad suiad jál xuaylac āhréūj āhsecñéiej xauc je: cum'ayjí.
Miu secú lepm eý

===Love poem===
I was eating yesterday
Cozen neixad uc'lal réuzi,
Sectnír'ax jutxux cual xeuzi.
C'en seceylac hez'i xil ej ej
Āhsocuc' āl hej.
Nuc' nuc' aíxeý yañ'an suén ne
Í xen xen miuc coreniý he
Av sochuriadz'i huriadz'i.

Your hair, your eyes, your touch,
They all make me warm and safe.
I can't wait another moment
To see your face.
The gods must not want me to be beside you
But that won't stop me from being yours and you mine
Or me loving you so much.

===My horses collect teeth===
Soccaru cusuílax Soc'ul' ej í c'ez l'avenjí l'avenjí.
[[File:My horses collect teeth.jpg|thumb]]
Very informal: Setndi nei naman/zid'

Informal: Añ'di nei(nei) en naman
I tried adapting it for Soc'ul' but it turned out awful.

Semiformal: Añ'di neinei en (al) ez'e naman/xar'

Formal: Añ'memuñ'o neinei en al ez'e xar'
[[File:Feed the baby some chicken.png|thumb]]
Wui wui cihu waízjnr hu hrhŕri

===Uamaboci joke (warning: not safe for work)===
Cual cual coxúax nál' ruhu ā nil
[[File:Uamaboci joke.jpg|thumb]]
Eylac jál eý Tauxa curuxxem'e xil eý āhhazen Tauxa hurux xen'e heit eý āhtxerjitxe hurco Uamaboci

Here stood Tauxa the Fatetaker when he became Tauxa the Penisless after hiring a Uamaboci prostitute
Please feed the baby some chicken

==Original dad jokes==
Xen iycux iyúý xen xad al’a pfiá nil cud hel? Útnil!

What part of an aquatic chair tastes best? The crab meat!
Uc' cuxec láíjan beyac' Billy nil.

Feel free to bribe Billy with wheat.

Setnxenūr xil āhseclail cé heit ej eý, niviaí ez' ej.

I remember when my father breathed his last, the other guy got a chill.
Ez'e xeýanux Txeúxcajen xenuz

Donation from Civuyiscajrn

Xen añ'xauc tarca xad āhuýeu ñe?

Nuc' har'úño?
Xen coxteirí coxcupmúxjí cupmúxjí moc' c'en nej āhiyhabai ez'e xahian ne?

What did the homesick river otter say?
Do you judge your opinion to be so impotent that it can't sire with debate?

Will he/she/they visit me? ''or'' Might it be a webbed hand/foot?

==Original proverbs==
Sehcoi cé n'ez n'ez, í xauc xauc muzad cuc' eu je
Cuc’ ñ’ihuc’ ax ruhu tumyan cuzyan hé jál.

A chicken should see one bad day.
I met a gorgeous guy, but he wouldn't shut the fuck up

(You should treat the condemned well)

Ji ji secxauc soc'ul', í xen secxauc xauc

Cuc’ ax ruhu tumyan cuzyan.
Right now I'm speaking Soc'ul', but not for long

A chicken should see one bad day.

(You should treat the condemned well)
Xen ji coxxauc jul' xad?

What language are you speaking?

Un' xíc' āhleyaxiý c'uatxañ' cé c'uau c'uau āhr'u xenuz c'ualdocuóc hé

A man smart enough to walk away from his hangman deserves a delayed sentence
[[File:MN water.jpg|thumb]]
Cual un', miu āhujen cuder' cuder' jer' Minesuta en eý jenxad.

Indeed, the water's been flowing too much in my part of Minnesota.

C'en coxhabzi xeual marco
==Multiple sentences==
Soccuj! Sehatxiý Tauxa.

You can't raise a fried egg
Hello! I was made by Tauxa.

(You can't have your cake and eat it)

Cüuc’ cucual ez’e n’eh jál ej nu ne xen āhseceuax coil.
-xen c’uaijí

C'en coxhabzi ruhu marco
Admire someone else's beauty without questioning your own.

You can't raise a fried chicken

(You can't have your cake and eat it)
Jaj corcur ehc' - Xen corcur ehc'

Don't destroy my heart - Don't destroy my heart

Añ'xauc añ'riñon tabui lam'am'

The batfish says the lizardfish is ugly
[[File:Soc'ul' haiku.png|thumb]]
Cut'uit'ui il tec,
Ban' tec ez'e āu,
Syíún' ad en c'ua.

(The pot calls the kettle black)
I scatter the grain,
The grain is my example,
My farm is the mind.

Cozméuitx hez'i nei ih cucual ez'e nanam maioj.
[[File:East Soc'ul' Secession.jpg|thumb]]
Yan'iý āhsetnr'uax āl ez' cohjí ab'ei je sutxiux ej jutxux āhāz cual je. Cuxauc jál je xad jál jál, coraijziý tabed' a yan'yan Siieme.

Marry fast if you like the taste of charcoal.
It was requested that we send one last message in our defense before you send in the army. To this we say but one thing: the rivers of Zjiiama will appreciate your men.

(Don't rush into love/Don't confuse infatuation or lust for love)

Cuoj Ñēyñ'o c'uayud, cueyax laiuas jutxux cuzad! Xen r'úiad c'ez c'e sechán'?

Uc' udiyem diyem muziven xen coi r'ez āhuuei.
Ñēyñ'o you dumbass, you left all the wood out in the rain! Now how are we gonna cook?

An impluvium that won't stop to listen will dry out.

(Stubbornness/arrogance will get you nowhere)
[[File:Soc'ul' buttocks graffiti.png|thumb]]
"Cuoj Apfája,
Xen r'úiad boñaboña uic'ad boñaboña?
Unréú, iadz'i uñ'ueñe ñéi av jál uñ'ueñe."

How are your buttocks so round?
My short arms got into (this) monster or that monster."

Ūtsaúx ūtséá

Hummingbird and northern giant hornet
Cual cual xen corcur, sehan' he hey (añ'c'uayudjí c'uayudjí ai he āhañ'il je hez'i coil jál jál).

(You're paying attention to the wrong details)
Please don't kill me, I have a family (my dog is too stupid to live on his own).

Cüaujatnz'i (jál jál) xemux ne
Ji ji secuc' jál channel. N'ez un' il ez'e xauc hez'i atxjul je, váv xen un' al'a al'a āzuóc je āhxauc xen'e?

Fat (only) clarifies with fire
Just now seeing this channel. Is it usually for in-conlang chat, and/or is it mostly for non-chat showcases?

(Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet (but can also refer to negative circumstances rather than just actions))
Researcher: Tumyan cual, secxauc’ coil a Dave. Xen cozen hej?
(Good day, I call myself Dave. What’s yours?)
{Hi, my name’s Dave. What’s yours?}

Tauxa: Hm?

Nal'txadiziý ladíeú yazih mïcur
Researcher: Xen cozxauc’iý?
{What are you called?}
(What's your name?)

A thief's grave will be filled with weeds
Tauxa: Tauxa, xen je?
(Tauxa, why?)

(If you're shitty your legacy'll reflect that)
Researcher: Cuoj Tauxa, xen cozú xad?
{Tauxa, what do you eat?}
(Tauxa, what are you eating?)

Tauxa: C’en ūts? Secréuaziý ih xen āhcozuc’.
(Can this wait? I'm busy in case you didn’t notice)

Nal'txadiziý ladíeú vuz'uóc mïcur
Researcher: U xen, xen secréuaz, í āhcual āhiubi. Xen cozú xad?
{Oh no, I don’t hold, but it’s good for checking. What do you eat?}
(Oh no I’m not busy, but thanks for checking. What are you eating?)

A graverobber's grave will be filled with weeds
Tauxa: Cual, corxauc xec hez’i xil ih xad je uc’ āhñéz. Ji secú ún’ei v’ual xemux.
(Alright, I'll talk to you for a bit if it means you'll go away. I'm eating spicy coconut noodles.)

(If you're shitty to other people you should expect people to be shitty to you)
Researcher: Ū ún’ei v’ual xemux, ez’e hiandoc’ cual! Xen cumeýu xad eý?
{Oo spicy coconut noodles, good deciding! Where did you buy it?}
(Oo spicy coconut noodles, good choice! Where did you buy it?)

Ih cormutsenz'i cum'ay je c'ez āhíúyxec cuzad
Tauxa: Aul’ heit hej eý, cuoj c’uayud
(The stall right behind you, dumbass.)

If you piss at clouds you'll get rain
Researcher: Securzi, xen xaui xad “c’uayud”?
(Sorry, what does "dumbass" mean?)

(If you're shitty to other people you should expect people to be shitty to you)
Tauxa: Xaui “úu aidi”. Uc’ secr'ūñoax āhxauc’ jutxux “c’uayud” āhñéi hez’i muz.
(It means "great friend". I'd suggest calling everyone “dumbass” to make a good first impression.)

Researcher: Cozcual āhcozr'ūñoax je, cuoj c’uayud!
{Thank you for suggesting, dumbass!}
(Thanks for the advice, dumbass!)

Nal'txadiziý ladíeú vuz'uóc muj mïcur, Adziaxiý ladíeú vuz'uóc c'an
Tauxa: Seccuz.
(No problem.)

A bad graverobber's grave will be filled with weeds, a good graverobber's grave will be emptied
Researcher: Xen cozen xad xenuz, cuoj Tauxa?
(Where are you from, Tauxa?)

(Just because you get away with something at first doesn't mean it won't catch up to you later)
Tauxa: Jen’um xare nid’. Seccual lai secñéi jál āhmaují je.
(The west side of the city. I like to come here for the peace and quiet.)

Researcher: Note to self: currently in Yàrguv.

Vuz'uóc muj, vuz'uóc c'an
Tauxa: Xen cohxauc xad?
(Who are you talking to?)

good graverobber, bad graverobber
Researcher: U coil jál ē… xeíad jál ne.
(Oh just myself with this uh… box.)

(Just because you get away with something at first doesn't mean it won't catch up to you later)
Tauxa: R’ūño cuder.
(That explains a lot.)

Researcher: Note to self: find a way to explain the word “recorder”.

Xen (ban') zid' teu
Researcher: Xen un’ xad?
(What was that?)

A spear tip isn't a thorn
Tauxa: Xen’.

(Not everything has a silver lining/Sometimes things are just as they seem)
Researcher: U cual, securiadz’i āhr’ūño jutxux jál eý. Í āl, xen corxeý coreuax jux?
(Oh yes, I'd love if you explained everything here. But first, did you have any questions for me?)

Tauxa: Cual, cozñéi cudi ñéi xad xenuz? Xen sehuc’ il cou xil xem jenz’i cuder cuder, xen xuc’z’i cou éād' eý?
(Yeah, where the hell'd you come from? I've never seen someone so short and pale and sweaty, is that what people look like in the mountains?)

Ih jen'ax xad uim coil jenyan' c'ez nuc' āhhut'ijaij jenjen xeyad
Researcher: Jernexuñ āhsecxauc’ “Ohio” muj āhsecxauc’ “America” .
(A province called "Ohio" in a land called "America".)

If one cleans their asshole in a river they shouldn't be surprised by helpful fish
Tauxa: “Emirice”, muj jál xad eý? cozur, xen secxeý secc’uai.
(“America”, where’s this land? Actually nevermind, I don't wanna know.)

(If you get yourself into a bad situation be weary of people who may take advantage/Be careful about people taking advantage in the guise of help)
Researcher: Aíún'...

Tauxa: Secxauc xen āhsecxeý secc’uai.
(I said I don't wanna know.)

Jenjen xeyad
Researcher: Cual, ez’e euax ej: xen cucual cumeýu jál eý úd’ xad ej?
(Okay, another question: what other foods do you like to buy here?)

Helpful fish
Tauxa: Iyxec iyxec jál, āhsén réú eý. Jir’ univzi āhcoznei ih miun corcoxiatxer ej.
(This stall only sells one thing, and that's what’s in my hands. It's getting cold so hurry up unless you’re buying me another.)

(If you get yourself into a bad situation be weary of people who may take advantage/Be careful about people taking advantage in the guise of help)
Researcher: Securzi, secc’ualjí xare ej jutxux ne. Ej cual āhcorxec xec, í seccoxiatxer úd’ coil, xen cozcoxiatxer.
{Sorry, I hoped for around the rest of the city. Also thank you for being so generous, but I’ll pay for my food, you don’t need to pay for it.}
(Sorry, I meant around the rest of the city. Also thank you for being so generous, but I’ll pay for my food, you don’t need to pay for it.)

Tauxa: Cuj muz í un’ muzue ýemdi ūtsad nid’ riyxiyan jál xenuz ih āhcumayauxax. Xad ej coz syen ih cozr’u lec’ad xenuz xenuz āhcozeu xad cual hej.
(I guess there’s a new sweet-trunk place about a riyxiyan from here if that’s what you’re looking for. Other than that I’m sure if you go any direction far away you’ll find something you like.)

Nanam jenjen xeyad cual muzad
Researcher: Cozcual. Secuc’ āhcoriyn ne dabu yanxad teuil nil xen n’eád’, c’ez uc’ āhcozyaují, cual?
(Thank you. I see you have a horn spoon and bowl with no ornamentations, so that must mean you're poor, yes?)

Helpful fish taste like shit
Tauxa: Cual socxenūrax.
(Thanks for reminding me.)

(Easy solutions aren't always the best)
Researcher: Seccuz, cuoj c’uayud. Ez’e euax jutxux ej: xen coríún’ m’éyan xad?
{No problem, dumbass. Last question: what’s your superstition?}
(No problem, dumbass. One last question: what religion do you practice?)

Tauxa: Xen corc’uai ez’e xaui he.
(I'm not sure what you mean.)

Ih cohyepfu ñuimaj miúx āhcozjeyc'enz'i
Researcher: Xen cormiuei yañ’an ne?
{What gods do you farm with?}
(What gods do you worship?)

If you count shades of green go coastward
Tauxa: Jál eý ez’e jutxux ne, í xen secuc’zi āhúinezats m’éyan nu.
(Same ones as most everyone else around here, but I don't see what that has to do with superstition.)

(Don't take on tasks too big for you)
Researcher: Secuc’, nez xauc āh-…
(I see, so would you say that…)

Tauxa: Ez’e euax jutxux ej, ez’e noc’uj jutxux ej. Cohréuaý ej.
(Last question, so last answer. Go annoy someone else.)

R'u xauauñ'an cud xeuayañ'an xenuz
Researcher: Coznoc’uj í noc’uj ej euax hez’i heit…
(Actually you answered another question after…)

Bad merchants go around bad Xeuayans
Tauxa: Cuoj cozñéz cormezax āl.
(Leave before I make you.)

(Bad circumstances lead to bad people/actions)

1: Ji seicr'úz có iarje ej!

Xauan cud, xeuayan cud
2: Xen taitu hé?

Bad merchant, bad Xeuayan
1: Xaucxaucuóc.

(Bad circumstances lead to bad people/actions)
2: Uboñ' taitu cō je.

1: Ū yamaz'i, xen cóz'i co.

Neji sutxiux xen'e āhñ'iban' sutxiux
2: Xen pfi xen có hej?

He runs without a message, which is the message
1: Xen xen.

(The lady doth protest too much)
1: My kid's turning two!

2: What's their name?
1: Xaucxaucuóc.
2: That's a weird name for a kid.
1: Oh it's a parrot not a human child.

[[File:Small violent drum.png|thumb]]
2: So it's not your child?
Āhxañ' xañ' ā xañ' xañ'

The small violent drum's front strikes
1: Wrong.

((Humorous) be careful about your wording)

1: Cuoj mama, xen je xen āhñ'in' hex xaúx naman?
"Dad, why do birds not have teeth?"

Zeyan' aiauñ'uóc cual ez'e xauii xañ'íl' un' hez'i tsil cual ciuce
2: Un' je xen āhañ'xeý.
"Because they don't need them."

A good songwriter wraps their words' meanings as loose as their loincloth
1: Í xen je xen añ'xeý?
"But why don't they need them?"

2: Un' je āhñ'in' hex xauam.
"Because they have beaks."

'cuxiý ruhu xem'ánjí līn tabt'i xemjí je
1: Í xen je ñ'in' hex xauam naman xen'?
"But why do they have beaks not teeth?"

An overcooked chicken is better than a burnt boar
2: Xen secc'ua.
"I don't know."

(A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush)
1: Í xen un' xen āhcozc'ua?
"But why don't you know?"

2: Cual cual cozlaidzi.
"Please go to sleep."

Uc' ih oc'

He sees if patient
Ū cozñéi cuoj cñá miuxad he, secxeý corxeyad āhcuj je.
Oh my little mango, I need help getting up.

(One should wait until the right time/a better time)
Nanabai, coi corxauc'!
Grandma, stop calling me that!

Cual cual, xen socxauc' xad?
Okay, what will I call you?

Tein ai ne cud
"Socidansi." ("Fuck you.")

The bad is served near the dog
Cuoj Abansízi! Xen eý coxuez jál xañ'íl?
Abansízi! Where did you hear that word?

(Feeding pets from the table takes away bad luck)
Miu harxauc' cō nivíl jutxux āhsociux, seccual sas.
All the older kids were calling me that when we were playing and I liked the sound of it.
Nayn xañ'íl c'et suc'an, c'ez ih cual nuc' āhxauc.
That's an inappropriate word, please don't say it.
Súzi súzi...
Coz un', xen āhcozcual socxauc'?
Now, what would you like me to call you?
Ē... U, riyaúba!
Uh... oo, watermelon!
Sechuriadz'i jál. Cuoj riyaúba, ih cual c'ez uc' corxeyad corcuj.
I love that. Watermelon, please help me up.
===Conversation in #in-conlang-talk channel (and other places)===
Cüur un’ (channel) jál jir’ uez cuuez, secsuxad miujijí
R’uc’ xen lai cují xen cualjí?
I forgot about this channel and am now rediscovering it, RIP
Maybe I should start doing stuff here more?
Ah cozūts uc’ cuxaui lol, xil jál
Ah wait ye I should translate lol, one sec
Xen xen jul’ hej? Uc’ c’uc’zi cual
What’s the language you’re using? Looks neat
Xen un’ xen jál ej xenuz váv jál jál xenuz?
Is it evolved from a different lang or original?
Ah secuc’
Ah got it
Xen seccurux, socuc’ tumyan ej eý
No worries, see ya tomorrow
Oh seccudiz lol
Oh my bad lol
Secuc’ jul’ IE hed’
I sense an IE lang
Ñ’in’ Nothaway maujul’a r’u
Nothaway’s catlang confirmed
Cual, ñā
Yes, nyaa
Cozcual tum’ay (:
gn (:
Un’ jál xauñ’ Soc’ul’ jux ej
That’s pretty much half of reading Soc’ul’
Xad eý sus cureu 😳
When the impostor is sus 😳
Cozen cozen
No u
Il ji
You have now
Xen xen ā jál eý? Miu secñez cuñei ez’e cuzux neiad hed’ uasil eý xil’ eý
Anyone here? I’ma leave the house in a bit to head to the shitty gym in town
Secuc’ un’ “xen’”
I’ll take that as a no
Uc’ jí ez’e eylac nezi ez’e neiji jñ’ch coil he
Imagine standing instead of running smh my head
Ū un’ un’ “Sehr’u” jutxux ĀhSoc’ul’z’i
Oh also it’s just “Sehr’u” in Soc’ul’
Iē uc’ cualax ih sehxem ne í cuder’ xen jál r’u āhsehr’u
Ye it’d be neat if we had enough people but we don’t have enough to keep it going
Cual ucuriý curiý jul al' lol
Ā cual lol
Ih uc' syen ez'e r'u hed' āhujulziax jál coil
C'ez miu secxauc hez'i al'a secjí "ez'e eý-suílai jul' jál", nuc' huñ'alai ñ'alai jux auzil-ýemux ez' tumyan āhjí?
Since we talked a while ago about doing "monolingual fieldwork", anyone wanna hop onto VC someday to do it?
En video jál (secc'uai Everett ne?), coi āhsecxeyi xeyi
There was that video (with Everett I think?), lemme find it real quick
Xen jul'zi je hé í cozxeyi āhxad-mauyaii
Neither speaks the other's language but you figure out from context
Secuc' ax-jul' ne í uc' aicoz'i
I meant with cloŋs but that could be fun
Secc'ua āhuxauc "Azeri" hez'i xil lol
Thought that said "Azeri" for a sec lol
Xen xad heybey jul' hel eý āhun' hianjí hianjí jál he?
Something about language families and yours being highly divergent?
Cud ieuiai
Skill issue
Ū xen nayn xañ'íl xad "English"?
Oo which word's "English"?
Cual āhāhsuíl xíc' hez'i āhjí cuañ'o
Ye and also it does wonders for making vocab
A cual, xen ez'e toc' jul' Austronesia?
Ah noice, is this an Austronesian lang by chance?
Cual cual, cun' hej link?
Seccual, cuteirí āhujadz'i hez'i cual
Uc' cuatx ā cuder cuder ez'e xaui je?
Maybe you could focus more on semantics?
Uyaburjí secatx xauilád "jumem cuz" soc'ul' ("fjumum muu" cerojo ne) xenuz í syen c'uád xen'e ez'e xaui nu je, nuc' sutxi jux?
Tempted to make Soc'ul' "jumem cuz"* (and Knrawi "fjumum muu"*) an idiom but I'm out of ideas for what it'd mean, any suggestions?
Āhcuuc' ez'e xaui oñuxocño, xen secc'ua āhnayn hel ýemil coil ez'e jey je; jál ne uc' u-English-jí cuder' cuder'
Idk if that'd make sense to derive given the literal meaning; also it might be too Englishy
Uc' un' "xuaylac cud musuxaxjí" āhun' je jí cuder txijór'se eý jumem nu nu ur'ūjjíax je yaiad ez'e xen iycur ýemla xenuz
Maybe "bad situation made worse" since historically shorter nooses were often used to prolong the pain by not breaking the neck
Iiah, xen nayn xad xecla xoc, xen je upfenjí muzad upfenjí?
Cuoj cñ'ucé, un' ecisém'. Xen setnú hez'i cuder?
U... Ū. MUZAD.
"Ew, what kinda soup is this and why's it so damn oily?"
"Sir, that's chili syrup. How much did you eat?"
"Oh... OH. FUCK."
==Longer texts==
===Oldest written Soc'ul' joke===
If you ask for the broad time, I will very slowly walk across this platform making measurements and I will come back to say this: it is cloudy.
Ih cozeuax juj al'a, āhsecr'u secsuiad suiad jál xuaylac āhréūj āhsecñéiej xauc je: cum'ayjí.
===Love poem===
Cozen neixad uc'lal réuzi,
Sectnír'ax jutxux cual xeuzi.
C'en seceylac hez'i xil ej ej
Āhsocuc' āl hej.
Nuc' nuc' aíxeý yañ'an suén ne
Í xen xen miuc coreniý he
Av sochuriadz'i huriadz'i.
Your hair, your eyes, your touch,
They all make me warm and safe.
I can't wait another moment
To see your face.
The gods must not want me to be beside you
But that won't stop me from being yours and you mine
Or me loving you so much.
===My horses collect teeth===
[[File:My horses collect teeth.jpg|thumb]]
Very informal: Setndi nei naman/zid'
Informal: Añ'di nei(nei) en naman
Semiformal: Añ'di neinei en (al) ez'e naman/xar'
Formal: Añ'memuñ'o neinei en al ez'e xar'
===Uamaboci joke (warning: not safe for work)===
[[File:Uamaboci joke.jpg|thumb]]
Eylac jál eý Tauxa curuxxem'e xil eý āhhazen Tauxa hurux xen'e heit eý āhtxerjitxe hurco Uamaboci
Here stood Tauxa the Fatetaker when he became Tauxa the Penisless after hiring a Uamaboci prostitute
==Original dad jokes==
Xen iycux iyúý xen xad al’a pfiá nil cud hel? Útnil!
What part of an aquatic chair tastes best? The crab meat!
Setnxenūr xil āhseclail cé heit ej eý, niviaí ez' ej.
I remember when my father breathed his last, the other guy got a chill.
Xen añ'xauc tarca xad āhuýeu ñe?
Nuc' har'úño?
What did the homesick river otter say?
Will he/she/they visit me? ''or'' Might it be a webbed hand/foot?

==Original songs (most incomplete)==
==Original songs (most incomplete)==
