Clofabosin/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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fletivir: hard
fletivir: hard
flidevir: sad
flidevir: sad
floxin: brain
floxavir: to refuse
forsin: island
forsin: island
froxavir: to fit, be appropriate
froxavir: to fit, be appropriate
fudevir: open
fudevir: to open
fumavir: buy
fumavir: to buy
funan: bed
funan: bed
furavir: grow
furavir: to grow
furin, furi(n)-: health
furin, furi(n)-: health
fusilin: hat
fusilin: hat
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gabarin: ten
gabarin: ten
gadovir: good
gadovir: good
galevir: make (manufacture, produce)
galevir: to make (manufacture, produce)
gamin: south
gamin: south
glasdegin: nonsense
glasdegin: nonsense
glaspin, glaspo-: rice
glaspin, glaspo-: rice
gosivir: give
gosivir: to give
grian: sun
grian: sun
gubin: thirst
gubin: thirst
ibrivir: ask
ibrivir: to ask
ibuvir: carry, have
ibuvir: to carry, to have
icavir: build
icavir: to build
imudan: festival
imudan: festival
ipamorelin: fictional day of the week
ipamorelin: fictional day of the week
