Old Nurian: Difference between revisions

212 bytes removed ,  23 June 2017
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Old !Zoom has a large phoneme inventory:
*Labials: p ph b bh m mh
*Dentals: t th d dh n nh l lh
*Velars: k kh g gh ŋ ŋh
*Labiovelars: kw kwh gw gwh
*Dental affricates: ts tsh dz dzh
*Lateral affricates: tł tłh dλ dλh
*Palatal affricates: tš tšh dž džh
*Other consonants: f s ł š h

@ ! | || # = bilabial, alveolar, dental, lateral, palatal clicks
*@ @h g@ g@h n@ n@h
a ɛ e i o u y a: ɛ: eɪ i: ɔ: oʊ u: øʏ y:
*! !h g! g!h n! n!h
*| |h g| g|h n| n|h
*|| ||h g|| g|| n|| n||h
* # #h g# g#h n# n#h
*+ labialized counterparts

Labials: p pʰ b bʰ m mʰ
Dentals: t tʰ d dʰ n nʰ l lʰ
Velars: k kʰ g gʰ ŋ ŋʰ
Labiovelars: kʷ kʷʰ gʷ gʷʰ ŋʷ ŋʷʰ
Dental affricates: ts tsʰ dz dzʰ
Lateral affricates: tɬ tɬʰ dɮ dɮʰ
Palatal affricates: tʃ tʃʰ dʒ dʒʰ
Other consonants: f s ɬ ʃ h

ʘ ʘh gʘ gʘh ŋʘ ŋʘʰ
! !ʰ g! g!ʰ n! n!ʰ
| |ʰ g| g|ʰ n| n|ʰ
ǁ ǁʰ gǁ gǁʰ nǁ nǁʰ
ǂ ǂʰ gǂ gǂʰ nǂ nǂʰ
+ labialized counterparts of the above clicks

<!-- Explain the consonant clusters and vowel clusters that are permissible for use in the language. For example, "st" is an allowed consonant cluster in English while onset "ng" isn't. -->
<!-- How do the words in your language look? How do you derive words from others? Do you have cases? Are verbs inflected? Do nouns differ from adjectives? Do adjectives differ from verbs? Etc. -->
<!-- How do the words in your language look? How do you derive words from others? Do you have cases? Are verbs inflected? Do nouns differ from adjectives? Do adjectives differ from verbs? Etc. -->
