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'''Proto-Pfeunic''' is the common ancestor to [[Pfeunic languages|Pfeunic]], one of the largest branches of the [[Quihum languages]].
==Diachronic sketch==
#q, qʷ > k, kʷ
#root voice assimilation: a plain stop (unless following ''s'') is assimilated to a voiced stop within a stem
#*"An additional constraint prohibited roots containing both a voiced aspirated and a voiceless plosive (**tebʰ-), unless the latter occurs in a word-initial cluster after an *s (e.g. *stebʰ- 'to stiffen'). Taken together with the abundance of *DʰeDʰ-type roots, it has been proposed that this distribution results from a limited process of voice assimilation in pre-PIE, where a voiceless stop was assimilated to a voiced aspirate, if another one followed or preceded within a root."
#a ə i u > e a i u (before laryngeals vocalize)
#laryngeal reflexes:
#*aʔ, eʔ, iʔ, uʔ (also ah, eh, ih, uh) > ā, ē, ī, ū
#*ax, ex, ix, ux > ē, ē, ī, ū
#*ax̌, ex̌, ix̌, ux̌ > ā, ā, ē, ō
#*axʷ, exʷ, ixʷ, uxʷ > ō, ō, iw, ū
#*ax̌ʷ, ex̌ʷ, ix̌ʷ, ux̌ʷ > ā, ō, ew, ō
#z, nʼ, l, ʕʼ > r; lʼ, ł > l
#-ł > -:
#mC, nC, lC, rC > um, un, ul, ur (word-initially)
#Zero-grade becomes u-grade
#-sm-, -sn-, -sl-, -sr- > mm, nn, ll, rr
#-łm-, -łn- > lm, ll
#m'-, w', ʕʷʼ > wr-?
#some z c c' become PPf dentals (d t þ)?
#*PQ ''sc'' > PPf ''st''
#''ā'' > ''ō''
#Grimm's law!
#*Stress becomes initial; after unstressed vowels, ƛ > t
#*''p t ƛ k kʷ'' (when not after a fricative) > /f θ ɬ x xʷ/
#*ɬ > ɧ
#*''sb spʼ'' > ''sp''
#*''tk, dg, tʼkʼ'' > ''h, g, k''
#*''tkʷ, dgʷ, tʼkʷʼ'' > ''þw, dw, tw''
#Verner's law! (from PQ accent; when immediately following an unstressed syllable)
#e > i before nasals, and in unstressed syllables (except before r)
Similar to PGmc, with addition of ''ŧ, đ, ŝ'' /tɬ, dɮ, ɧ/.
Vocalism should be similar to PGmc.
Might only need a ā e ē i ī ō u ū (must get o in Wieb from a-umlaut)
[[Category:Pfeunic languages|*]][[Category:Proto-languages|P]][[Category:Quihum languages|P]]
