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==Glossing key==
Abbreviations beginning with {{sc|n-}} (a common prefix for ''non-'') or ending with {{sc|-z}} (a common suffix for ''-izer'') may not be listed separately. For example, ({{sc|trz}}) ''transitivizer'' is not listed, as it is composable from ({{sc|tr}}) ''transitive'' + ({{sc|-z}}) ''-izer''.
{| class=wikitable
! Gloss !! Meaning
| › || direction of [[w:transitivity (grammar)|transitivity]] or [[w:possession (linguistics)|possession]]<br>(2›3 may mean 2 acts on 3; 1sg›sg may mean a 1sg possessor and a singular possessum)
| 0 || [[w:null morpheme|zero (null)]], [[w:covert (linguistics)|covert form]]<br>(such as gender in a language where the word doesn't show it)
| 1 || [[w:first person|first person]]
| 2 || [[w:second person|second person]]
| 3 || [[w:grammatical person|third person]]
| A || [[w:agent (grammar)|agent]]-like argument of canonical transitive verb
| {{sc|abe}} || [[w:abessive case|abessive case]] ({{sc|aka}} [[caritive case]] or [[privative case]]: 'without')
| {{sc|abl}} || [[w:ablative case|ablative case]] ('from')
| {{sc|abs}} || [[w:absolutive case|absolutive case]]
| {{sc|acc}} || [[w:accusative case|accusative case]]
| {{sc|accom}} || [[w:accompanier|accompanier]]
| {{sc|act}} || [[w:grammatical voice|active voice]], [[role and reference grammar|actor role]]
| {{sc|adj}} || [[w:adjective|adjective]]
| {{sc|ade}} || [[w:adessive case|adessive case]] ('at'; more specific than {{sc|loc}})
| {{sc|adm}} || [[w:admonitive mood|admonitive mood]] (warning)
| {{sc|adv}} || [[w:adverbial|adverb(ial)]], [[adverbial case]]
| {{sc|aff}} || [[w:grammatical polarity|affirmative mood]]
| {{sc|ag, agt}} || [[w:agent (grammar)|agentive case]] (''cf'' {{sc|act}})
| {{sc|agr}} || [[w:agreement (grammar)|agreement]]
| {{sc|all}} || [[w:allative case|allative case]] ('to')
| {{sc|al, alloc}} || [[w:allocutive agreement|allocutive agreement]]
| {{sc|alien}} || [[w:alienable possession|alienable possession]]
| {{sc|an}} || [[w:animacy|animate gender]] (''cf'' {{sc|r}})
| {{sc|and}} || [[w:andative case|andative case]] (going towards: ''cf'' venitive)
| {{sc|ant}} || [[w:anterior tense|anterior tense]] (used for {{sc|prf}} in some traditions)
| {{sc|ante}} || [[w:antessive case|antessive case]] ('before')
| {{sc|antic}} || [[w:anticausative|anticausative]]
| {{sc|antip, ap}} || [[w:antipassive voice|antipassive voice]]
| {{sc|aor}} || [[w:aorist|aorist]] (= {{sc|pfv}} or {{sc|pst.pfv}})
| {{sc|app}} || [[w:apposition|apposition]]
| {{sc|apl, appl}} || [[w:applicative voice|applicative voice]]
| {{sc|appr}} || [[apprehensive mood]]
| {{sc|aprx}} || [[w:approximative|approximative]]
| {{sc|art}} || [[article (grammar)|article]]
| {{sc|asp}} || [[aspect (grammar)|aspect]]
| {{sc|ass}} || [[associative case]] (= {{sc|com}}), [[assumptive mood]], [[assertive]]
| {{sc|at}} || [[austronesian alignment|agent trigger]] (= {{sc|av}} agent voice)
| {{sc|att}} || [[attenuative]]; [[attributive]] (= {{sc|attr}})
| {{sc|aud}} || [[evidentiality|auditory evidential]]
| {{sc|aug}} || [[augmentative]]
| {{sc|aux}} || [[auxiliary verb]]
| {{sc|b}} || [[core argument|core]] [[benefactive]]
| {{sc|be}} || [[be verb|'be' verb]] (a conflation of {{sc|exist}} and {{sc|cop}})
| {{sc|ben}} || [[benefactive case]] ('for')
| {{sc|c}} || [[common gender]]; [[complementizer]]
| {{sc|cap}} || [[linguistic modality|(cap)ability]], [[modal case]]
| {{sc|cau, caus}} || [[causative]]
| {{sc|cent}} || [[centric case]]
| {{sc|cf}} || [[counterfactual conditional]]
| {{sc|circ}} || [[circumfix]]
| {{sc|cit}} || [[citation form]]
| {{sc|cl, clf}} || [[classifier (linguistics)|classifier]]
| {{sc|cnj}} || [[grammatical conjunction|conjunction]] (= {{sc|conj}})
| {{sc|cnsq}} || [[consequential]]
| {{sc|col}} || [[collective]] plural
| {{sc|com}} || [[comitative case]] ('together with')
| {{sc|comp}} || [[comparative]]; [[complementizer]]
| {{sc|compl, cpl}} || [[completive aspect]]
| {{sc|conc}} || [[concessive]]
| {{sc|cond}} || [[conditional mood]]
| {{sc|conj}} || [[grammatical conjunction|conjunction]] (= {{sc|cnj}})
| {{sc|conn}} || [[connective particle]]
| {{sc|cont, ctn}} || [[continuative aspect]]
| {{sc|cntr}} || [[contrast (linguistics)|contrast]]ive
| {{sc|cop}} || [[copula (linguistics)|copula]]
| {{sc|cor}} || [[coreference]]
| {{sc|cras}} || [[crastinal tense]] ('tomorrow')
| {{sc|crs}} || current relevance marker (as in the [[perfect (grammar)|perfect]])
| {{sc|cvb}} || [[converb]]
| {{sc|d}} || [[core argument|core]] [[dative case]]
| {{sc|dat}} || [[dative case]]
| {{sc|de}} || [[switch-reference|different event]], change of event (''cf'' {{sc|ds}})
| {{sc|dec, decl}} || [[declarative mood]]
| {{sc|def}} || [[definite]]
| {{sc|dei, deix}} || [[deixis]], [[deictic]]
| {{sc|del}} || [[delayed imperative]] (a command to do s.t. later)
| {{sc|del}} || [[delative case]] ('off of'), [[deliberative mood]]
| {{sc|dem}} || [[demonstrative]]
| {{sc|deo}} || [[deontic mood]]
| {{sc|dep}} || dependent (as in {{sc|dep.fut}})
| {{sc|des, desi}} || [[desiderative mood]]
| {{sc|dest}} || [[destinative aspect]]
| {{sc|det}} || [[determinative|determiner]]
| {{sc|detr}} || [[detransitive]]
| {{sc|dh}} || motion downhill, seaward (''cf'' {{sc|dr}})
| {{sc|dim}} || [[diminutive]]
| {{sc|dir}} || [[evidentiality|direct evidential]] (= {{sc|exp}}); directional (= {{sc|lat}}); [[direct case]]
| {{sc|disj}} || [[disjunction]]
| {{sc|dist}} || [[distal]] demonstrative
| {{sc|distr}} || [[distributive case]]
| {{sc|ditr}} || [[ditransitive]]
| {{sc|dlm}} || delimited
| {{sc|dm}} || [[discourse marker]]
| {{sc|do}} || [[direct object]]
| {{sc|dr}} || motion downriver (''cf'' {{sc|dh}})
| {{sc|ds}} || [[switch-reference|different-subject]] (change of subject) marker (''cf'' {{sc|de}})
| {{sc|du}} || [[grammatical number#Dual|dual number]]
| {{sc|dub}} || [[dubitative mood]]
| {{sc|dur}} || [[durative aspect]], [[continuous aspect]]
| {{sc|dy, dyad}} || [[dyadic kinship term|dyadic]]
| {{sc|dyn}} || [[dynamic aspect]]
| {{sc|e}} || [[epenthesis|epenthetic morpheme]]
| {{sc|-e}} || (used to form various -essive cases)
| {{sc|ela}} || [[elative case]] ('out of')
| {{sc|emp}} || [[Nominative case#Emphatic case|emphatic]]
| {{sc|epis}} || [[epistemic mood]], [[epistemic modality]]
| {{sc|erg}} || [[ergative case]]
| {{sc|ess}} || [[essive case]]
| {{sc|ev, evid}} || [[evidential]]
| {{sc|evit}} || [[evitative case]] (= [[aversive case]])
| {{sc|ex, excl}} || [[clusivity|exclusive person]]
| {{sc|exclam}} || [[exclamative]]
| {{sc|ex.dur}} || excessive duration
| {{sc|exist}} || [[existential clause|existential]] ('there is')
| {{sc|exo}} || [[exocentric case]]
| {{sc|exp, exper}} || experiential, eyewitness, = direct [[evidential]]
| {{sc|expl}} || [[Syntactic expletive|expletive]] (dummy / meaningless form)
| {{sc|f, fem}} || [[feminine gender]]
| {{sc|fact}} || [[evidentiality|factive evidential]]
| {{sc|fam}} || familiar [[register (linguistics)|register]] (as the [[T-V distinction]])
| {{sc|fin}} || [[finite verb]]
| {{sc|foc}} || [[focus (grammar)|focus]]
| {{sc|form}} || formal [[register (linguistics)|register]] (as the [[T-V distinction]])
| {{sc|fp}} || final particle ''([[Japanese particles|joshi]])''
| {{sc|fr, freq}} || [[frequentative]] aspect
| {{sc|fmr}} || former, deceased
| {{sc|fut}} || [[future tense]]
| {{sc|g}} || [[gender (grammar)|gender]] (G4 = the 4th gender)
| {{sc|gdv}} || [[gerundive]]
| {{sc|gen}} || [[genitive case]]
| {{sc|ger}} || [[gerund]]
| {{sc|gno}} || [[gnomic aspect|gnomic (generic) aspect]]
| {{sc|gt}} || [[goal trigger]] (Austronesian; = {{sc|gv}} goal voice)
| {{sc|hab}} || [[habitual aspect]]
| {{sc|hbl}} || humble [[register (linguistics)|register]]
| {{sc|hest}} || [[hesternal tense]] ('yesterday')
| {{sc|hist}} || historic(al), as in [[historical present]] or [[wiktionary:past historic tense|past historic tense]]
| {{sc|hod}} || [[hodiernal tense]] ('today')
| {{sc|hon}} || [[honorifics (linguistics)|honorific]]
| {{sc|hort}} || [[hortative]],
| {{sc|hsy}} || [[hearsay]], [[evidentiality|reported evidential]]
| {{sc|hum}} || [[noun class#Common criteria for noun classes|human, anthropic gender]] (''cf.'' {{sc|hbl}}; {{sc|r}})
| {{sc|hyp}} || [[hypothetical mood]]
| {{sc|i}} || [[inflection|inflected]]
| {{sc|id}} || identical (~ {{sc|nid}})
| {{sc|identif}} || identifiable
| {{sc|ideo}} || [[ideophone]] (≈ {{sc|mim}})
| {{sc|ignor}} || [[ignorative]]
| {{sc|ill}} || [[illative case]] ('into')
| {{sc|imm}} || immediate, as in [[immediate imperative mood]], [[near future]] tense
| {{sc|imp}} || [[imperative mood]]
| {{sc|imperf}} || [[imperfect]] (= {{sc|pst.ipfv}})
| {{sc|imprec}} || [[imprecative mood]]
| {{sc|imprs}} || [[impersonal verb]]
| {{sc|in, incl}} || [[clusivity|inclusive person]]
| {{sc|inal}} || [[inalienable possession]]
| {{sc|inan}} || [[animacy|inanimate gender]]
| {{sc|inch, incho, incep}} || [[inchoative]] aspect, [[inceptive]] aspect
| {{sc|incl}} || [[clusivity|inclusive person]] (= {{sc|in}})
| {{sc|ind}} || [[indicative mood]]
| {{sc|indf, ndef}} || [[definiteness|indefinite]]
| {{sc|ine}} || [[inessive case]] ('in')
| {{sc|inf}} || [[infinitive]]
| {{sc|infer, infr}} || [[deductive mood|inferential evidential]]
| {{sc|inel}} || [[inelative case]] ('from within')
| {{sc|ins}} || [[instrumental case]]
| {{sc|int}} || [[intensifier]]; [[interrogative]] (= {{sc|q}})
| {{sc|inten}} || [[intention]]al
| {{sc|intr, ntr}} || intransitive (covers an [[intransitive case]] for the S argument)
| {{sc|inv}} || [[inversion (linguistics)|inverse]]
| {{sc|io}} || [[indirect object]]
| {{sc|ipfv}} || [[imperfective aspect]] (= {{sc|npfv}})
| {{sc|irr}} || [[irrealis mood]]
| {{sc|is}} || [[indirect speech]]
| {{sc|iter}} || [[iterative]] aspect
| {{sc|jus}} || [[jussive mood]]
| {{sc|-l}} || (used to form various -lative cases)
| {{sc|l2}} || second language ([[code-switching]])
| {{sc|lat}} || [[lative case]] (= {{sc|mvmt}}, direction)
| {{sc|ld}} || locative case + directional
| {{sc|lk}} || linker
| {{sc|loc}} || [[locative case]] (includes [[essive case]])
| {{sc|log}} || [[logophoric]]
| {{sc|m, masc}} || [[masculine gender]]
| {{sc|man}} || manner
| {{sc|mid}} || [[middle voice]]
| {{sc|mim}} || [[onomatopoeia|mimetic]] (≈ {{sc|ideo}})
| {{sc|mir}} || [[mirative|(ad)mirative]]
| {{sc|mod}} || [[grammatical mood|mood]], [[linguistic modality|modal]], [[modal case]]
| {{sc|mom}} || single action verb (not iterative)
| {{sc|mvt}} || movement
| {{sc|n, neut}} || [[neuter gender]]
| {{sc|n-}} || non- (''e.g.'' {{sc|nsg}} non-singular, {{sc|npst}} non-past, {{sc|nf}} non-feminine)
| {{sc|neg}} || [[grammatical polarity|negation, negative]]
| {{sc|nh}} || non-human
| {{sc|nmz, nz, nomi}} || [[nominalizer]]/[[nominalization]]
| {{sc|nom}} || [[nominative case]]
| {{sc|ns}} || non-subject (Latin 'oblique case')
| {{sc|ntr, intr}} || intransitive (covers an [[intransitive case]] for the S argument)
| {{sc|num}} || [[numeral (linguistics)|numeral]]
| O || [[patient (grammar)|patient]]-like argument (object) of canonical transitive verb (= P)
| {{sc|obj, ob}} || [[object (grammar)|object]]
| {{sc|obl}} || [[oblique case]]
| {{sc|obv}} || [[obviative]]
| {{sc|opt}} || [[optative mood]]
| P || [[patient (grammar)|patient]]-like argument of canonical transitive verb (= O)
| {{sc|p}} || pre-, post- ({{sc|p.hod}} prehodiernal)
| {{sc|part}} || [[participle]] (= {{sc|ptcp,pcp}}); [[particle (grammar)|particle]] (= {{sc|ptcl}}); [[partitive case]] (= {{sc|ptv}})
| {{sc|pas, pass}} || [[grammatical voice|passive voice]]
| {{sc|pat}} || [[patient (grammar)|patient]]ive (= {{sc|und}})
| {{sc|pa, pau}} || [[paucal number]]
| {{sc|peg}} || [[pegative case]] (a special case for the giver)
| {{sc|per}} || [[perlative case]] ('per', using)
| {{sc|perf, prf}} || {{lg|perfect}} (= {{sc|ret}})
| {{sc|pers}} || personal
| {{sc|pfv}} || [[perfective aspect]]
| {{sc|pl}} || [[plural]]
| {{sc|plu, plur}} || [[pluractional]]
| {{sc|pm}} || [[phrase]] marker, [[predicate (grammar)|predicate]] marker
| {{sc|pn, pro}} || [[pronoun]]
| {{sc|po}} || primary object
| {{sc|pol}} || polite [[register (linguistics)|register]]
| {{sc|pos, poss}} || [[possessive]] marker
| {{sc|post}} || [[postposition]], [[postpositional case]]
| {{sc|poste}} || [[postessive case]] ('after')
| {{sc|pot}} || [[conditional mood|potential mood]] (a possible conditional)
| {{sc|pp}} || [[past participle|past / passive participle]]
| {{sc|ppp}} || past passive participle
| {{sc|ppfv}} || past perfective
| {{sc|pr}} || [[proper noun]]
| {{sc|pred}} || [[predicate (grammar)|predicative]]
| {{sc|prec}} || [[precative mood]] (requests)
| {{sc|prep}} || [[preposition]], [[prepositional case]]
| {{sc|pres, prs}} || [[present tense]]
| {{sc|presp}} || [[present participle]]
| {{sc|pret, prt}} || [[preterite]] (= {{sc|pfv.pst}})
| {{sc|prf, perf}} || [[perfect (grammar)|perfect]] (= {{sc|ret}})
| {{sc|prs, pres}} || [[present tense]]
| {{sc|prob}} || probability
| {{sc|prog}} || [[progressive aspect]]
| {{sc|proh}} || [[prohibitive mood]] ('don't!')
| {{sc|prol}} || [[prolative case]] (= {{sc|via}})
| {{sc|prop}} || [[propositive mood]]
| {{sc|prot}} || [[protasis (linguistics)|protasis]]
| {{sc|prox}} || [[proximal]]/proximate
| {{sc|pst}} || [[past tense]]
| {{sc|pt}} || [[Austronesian alignment|patient trigger]]
| {{sc|ptcl, ptc}} || [[particle (grammar)|particle]]
| {{sc|ptcp,pcp}} || [[participle]]
| {{sc|ptv}} || [[partitive case]] ('some of')
| {{sc|purp}} || [[purposive]]
| {{sc|q}} || [[question word]] or particle (= {{sc|int}})
| {{sc|quot}} || [[quotative case]] or [[quotative mood|mood]] (marks quoted speech)
| {{sc|r}} || [[noun class#Common criteria for noun classes|rational gender]] (thinking beings)
| {{sc|real}} || [[realis mood]]
| {{sc|rec}} || [[recent past tense]]
| {{sc|recp}} || [[reciprocal voice]]
| {{sc|ref}} || referential
| {{sc|refl}} || [[reflexive voice]]
| {{sc|rel}} || [[relativizer|relative(izer)]]
| {{sc|rem}} || [[remote past tense]]
| {{sc|rep}} || [[evidentiality|reported evidential]] (= {{sc|hsy}}); repetitive (''cf'' {{sc|iter}})
| {{sc|res}} || [[resultative]]; resumptive
| {{sc|ret}} || [[perfect (grammar)|retrospective]] (synonym for 'perfect' in some traditions)
| {{sc|rfr}} || referential
| S || single [[verb argument|argument]] of canonical intransitive verb (''cf'' {{sc|cit}})
| {{sc|sbj, sub}} || [[subject (grammar)|subject]]
| {{sc|sbjv, sjv}} || [[subjunctive mood]]
| {{sc|se}} || [[switch-reference|same event]] (''cf'' {{sc|ss}})
| {{sc|sem}} || [[semelfactive aspect]] ('once')
| {{sc|sens}} || [[sensory evidential mood]] (= {{sc|vis}}+{{sc|aud}}
| {{sc|seq}} || sequential
| {{sc|sg}} || [[grammatical number|singular]] (but 1.{{sc|sg}} = 1s, 3{{sc|}} = 3ms)
| {{sc|sgv}} || [[singulative number]]
| {{sc|sim}} || simultaneous aspect; [[similative]]
| {{sc|sjv, sbjv}} || [[subjunctive mood]]
| {{sc|spec}} || [[specifier]]; [[speculative mood]]
| {{sc|ss}} || [[switch-reference|same-subject]] (''cf'' {{sc|se}})
| {{sc|stat, stv}} || [[stative aspect]], [[stative verb]]
| {{sc|sub, su}} || [[subject (grammar)|subject]]
| {{sc|subr, subord, sbrd, sr}} || [[subordination (linguistics)|subordinator]]
| {{sc|sube}} || [[subessive case]] ('under')
| {{sc|subl}} || [[sublative case]] ('onto', 'down onto')
| {{sc|sup(l)}} || [[superlative]] ({{sc|supl}}); [[supine]]; [[supplicative]]
| {{sc|supe}} || [[superessive case]] ('on')
| {{sc|-t}} || [[Austronesian alignment|trigger]] (used for {{sc|at}}, {{sc|pt}})
| {{sc|tam}} || [[tense–aspect–mood|tense, aspect, or mood]]
| {{sc|tel}} || [[telicity|telic aspect]] (''cf'' {{sc|pfv}})
| {{sc|temp}} || [[temporal case]]
| {{sc|term}} || [[terminative case]]
| {{sc|tns}} || [[tense (grammar)|tense]]
| {{sc|top}} || [[topic (linguistics)|topic]]
| {{sc|tr, trans}} || [[transitive verb]]
| {{sc|transl}} || [[translative case]] (becoming)
| {{sc|tri}} || [[grammatical number#Trial|trial number]]
| {{sc|trn}} || [[trans-numeral]] (neither {{sc|sg}} nor {{sc|pl}})
| {{sc|tvf}} || [[truth-value focus]]
| {{sc|u}} || [[inflection|uninflected]]
| {{sc|uh}} || motion uphill, inland (''cf'' {{sc|ur}})
| {{sc|und}} || [[role and reference grammar|undergoer role]] (''cf'' {{sc|pat}})
| {{sc|ur}} || motion upriver (''cf'' {{sc|uh}})
| {{sc|usit}} || usitative
| {{sc|v, vb}} || [[verbal|verb(al)]]
| {{sc|vbz}} || [[verbalizer]]
| {{sc|vd}} || [[ditransitive verb|verb, ditransitive]]
| {{sc|ven}} || [[venitive]] (coming towards; ''cf'' andative)
| {{sc|ver}} || [[conditional mood|veridical mood]] (a certain conditional)
| {{sc|via}} || [[vialis case]]
| {{sc|vis}} || [[evidentiality|visible, visual]]
| {{sc|vi}} || [[intransitive verb|verb, intransitive]]
| {{sc|vn}} || [[verbal noun]]
| {{sc|voc}} || [[vocative case]]
| {{sc|vol}} || [[volitive mood]]
| {{sc|vt}} || [[transitive verb|verb, transitive]]
| {{sc|wh.q}} || [[wh-question]]
| {{sc|-z}} || -(al)izer (''e.g.'' {{sc|trz}} transitivizer)
| {{sc|pas}} || Pausative aspect
| {{sc|zo}} || [[noun class#Common criteria for noun classes|zoic gender]] (animals)

==External links==
==External links==

Latest revision as of 14:30, 18 April 2020

This guide is to illustrate traditional interlinear glossing.


  1. Word-by-word alignment
  2. Morpheme-by-morpheme correspondence
  3. Grammatical category labels
  4. One-to-many correspondences
  5. Person and number labels
  6. Non-overt elements
  7. Inherent categories
  8. Bipartite elements
  9. Infixes
  10. Reduplication

Glossing key

Abbreviations beginning with n- (a common prefix for non-) or ending with -z (a common suffix for -izer) may not be listed separately. For example, (trz) transitivizer is not listed, as it is composable from (tr) transitive + (-z) -izer.

Gloss Meaning
direction of transitivity or possession
(2›3 may mean 2 acts on 3; 1sg›sg may mean a 1sg possessor and a singular possessum)
0 zero (null), covert form
(such as gender in a language where the word doesn't show it)
1 first person
2 second person
3 third person
A agent-like argument of canonical transitive verb
abe abessive case (aka caritive case or privative case: 'without')
abl ablative case ('from')
abs absolutive case
acc accusative case
accom accompanier
act active voice, actor role
adj adjective
ade adessive case ('at'; more specific than loc)
adm admonitive mood (warning)
adv adverb(ial), adverbial case
aff affirmative mood
ag, agt agentive case (cf act)
agr agreement
all allative case ('to')
al, alloc allocutive agreement
alien alienable possession
an animate gender (cf r)
and andative case (going towards: cf venitive)
ant anterior tense (used for prf in some traditions)
ante antessive case ('before')
antic anticausative
antip, ap antipassive voice
aor aorist (= pfv or pst.pfv)
app apposition
apl, appl applicative voice
appr apprehensive mood
aprx approximative
art article
asp aspect
ass associative case (= com), assumptive mood, assertive
at agent trigger (= av agent voice)
att attenuative; attributive (= attr)
aud auditory evidential
aug augmentative
aux auxiliary verb
b core benefactive
be 'be' verb (a conflation of exist and cop)
ben benefactive case ('for')
c common gender; complementizer
cap (cap)ability, modal case
cau, caus causative
cent centric case
cf counterfactual conditional
circ circumfix
cit citation form
cl, clf classifier
cnj conjunction (= conj)
cnsq consequential
col collective plural
com comitative case ('together with')
comp comparative; complementizer
compl, cpl completive aspect
conc concessive
cond conditional mood
conj conjunction (= cnj)
conn connective particle
cont, ctn continuative aspect
cntr contrastive
cop copula
cor coreference
cras crastinal tense ('tomorrow')
crs current relevance marker (as in the perfect)
cvb converb
d core dative case
dat dative case
de different event, change of event (cf ds)
dec, decl declarative mood
def definite
dei, deix deixis, deictic
del delayed imperative (a command to do s.t. later)
del delative case ('off of'), deliberative mood
dem demonstrative
deo deontic mood
dep dependent (as in dep.fut)
des, desi desiderative mood
dest destinative aspect
det determiner
detr detransitive
dh motion downhill, seaward (cf dr)
dim diminutive
dir direct evidential (= exp); directional (= lat); direct case
disj disjunction
dist distal demonstrative
distr distributive case
ditr ditransitive
dlm delimited
dm discourse marker
do direct object
dr motion downriver (cf dh)
ds different-subject (change of subject) marker (cf de)
du dual number
dub dubitative mood
dur durative aspect, continuous aspect
dy, dyad dyadic
dyn dynamic aspect
e epenthetic morpheme
-e (used to form various -essive cases)
ela elative case ('out of')
emp emphatic
epis epistemic mood, epistemic modality
erg ergative case
ess essive case
ev, evid evidential
evit evitative case (= aversive case)
ex, excl exclusive person
exclam exclamative
ex.dur excessive duration
exist existential ('there is')
exo exocentric case
exp, exper experiential, eyewitness, = direct evidential
expl expletive (dummy / meaningless form)
f, fem feminine gender
fact factive evidential
fam familiar register (as the T-V distinction)
fin finite verb
foc focus
form formal register (as the T-V distinction)
fp final particle (joshi)
fr, freq frequentative aspect
fmr former, deceased
fut future tense
g gender (G4 = the 4th gender)
gdv gerundive
gen genitive case
ger gerund
gno gnomic (generic) aspect
gt goal trigger (Austronesian; = gv goal voice)
hab habitual aspect
hbl humble register
hest hesternal tense ('yesterday')
hist historic(al), as in historical present or past historic tense
hod hodiernal tense ('today')
hon honorific
hort hortative,
hsy hearsay, reported evidential
hum human, anthropic gender (cf. hbl; r)
hyp hypothetical mood
i inflected
id identical (~ nid)
identif identifiable
ideo ideophone (≈ mim)
ignor ignorative
ill illative case ('into')
imm immediate, as in immediate imperative mood, near future tense
imp imperative mood
imperf imperfect (= pst.ipfv)
imprec imprecative mood
imprs impersonal verb
in, incl inclusive person
inal inalienable possession
inan inanimate gender
inch, incho, incep inchoative aspect, inceptive aspect
incl inclusive person (= in)
ind indicative mood
indf, ndef indefinite
ine inessive case ('in')
inf infinitive
infer, infr inferential evidential
inel inelative case ('from within')
ins instrumental case
int intensifier; interrogative (= q)
inten intentional
intr, ntr intransitive (covers an intransitive case for the S argument)
inv inverse
io indirect object
ipfv imperfective aspect (= npfv)
irr irrealis mood
is indirect speech
iter iterative aspect
jus jussive mood
-l (used to form various -lative cases)
l2 second language (code-switching)
lat lative case (= mvmt, direction)
ld locative case + directional
lk linker
loc locative case (includes essive case)
log logophoric
m, masc masculine gender
man manner
mid middle voice
mim mimetic (≈ ideo)
mir (ad)mirative
mod mood, modal, modal case
mom single action verb (not iterative)
mvt movement
n, neut neuter gender
n- non- (e.g. nsg non-singular, npst non-past, nf non-feminine)
neg negation, negative
nh non-human
nmz, nz, nomi nominalizer/nominalization
nom nominative case
ns non-subject (Latin 'oblique case')
ntr, intr intransitive (covers an intransitive case for the S argument)
num numeral
O patient-like argument (object) of canonical transitive verb (= P)
obj, ob object
obl oblique case
obv obviative
opt optative mood
P patient-like argument of canonical transitive verb (= O)
p pre-, post- (p.hod prehodiernal)
part participle (= ptcp,pcp); particle (= ptcl); partitive case (= ptv)
pas, pass passive voice
pat patientive (= und)
pa, pau paucal number
peg pegative case (a special case for the giver)
per perlative case ('per', using)
perf, prf perfect[*] (= ret)
pers personal
pfv perfective aspect
pl plural
plu, plur pluractional
pm phrase marker, predicate marker
pn, pro pronoun
po primary object
pol polite register
pos, poss possessive marker
post postposition, postpositional case
poste postessive case ('after')
pot potential mood (a possible conditional)
pp past / passive participle
ppp past passive participle
ppfv past perfective
pr proper noun
pred predicative
prec precative mood (requests)
prep preposition, prepositional case
pres, prs present tense
presp present participle
pret, prt preterite (= pfv.pst)
prf, perf perfect (= ret)
prs, pres present tense
prob probability
prog progressive aspect
proh prohibitive mood ('don't!')
prol prolative case (= via)
prop propositive mood
prot protasis
prox proximal/proximate
pst past tense
pt patient trigger
ptcl, ptc particle
ptcp,pcp participle
ptv partitive case ('some of')
purp purposive
q question word or particle (= int)
quot quotative case or mood (marks quoted speech)
r rational gender (thinking beings)
real realis mood
rec recent past tense
recp reciprocal voice
ref referential
refl reflexive voice
rel relative(izer)
rem remote past tense
rep reported evidential (= hsy); repetitive (cf iter)
res resultative; resumptive
ret retrospective (synonym for 'perfect' in some traditions)
rfr referential
S single argument of canonical intransitive verb (cf cit)
sbj, sub subject
sbjv, sjv subjunctive mood
se same event (cf ss)
sem semelfactive aspect ('once')
sens sensory evidential mood (= vis+aud
seq sequential
sg singular (but = 1s, = 3ms)
sgv singulative number
sim simultaneous aspect; similative
sjv, sbjv subjunctive mood
spec specifier; speculative mood
ss same-subject (cf se)
stat, stv stative aspect, stative verb
sub, su subject
subr, subord, sbrd, sr subordinator
sube subessive case ('under')
subl sublative case ('onto', 'down onto')
sup(l) superlative (supl); supine; supplicative
supe superessive case ('on')
-t trigger (used for at, pt)
tam tense, aspect, or mood
tel telic aspect (cf pfv)
temp temporal case
term terminative case
tns tense
top topic
tr, trans transitive verb
transl translative case (becoming)
tri trial number
trn trans-numeral (neither sg nor pl)
tvf truth-value focus
u uninflected
uh motion uphill, inland (cf ur)
und undergoer role (cf pat)
ur motion upriver (cf uh)
usit usitative
v, vb verb(al)
vbz verbalizer
vd verb, ditransitive
ven venitive (coming towards; cf andative)
ver veridical mood (a certain conditional)
via vialis case
vis visible, visual
vi verb, intransitive
vn verbal noun
voc vocative case
vol volitive mood
vt verb, transitive
wh.q wh-question
-z -(al)izer (e.g. trz transitivizer)
pas Pausative aspect
zo zoic gender (animals)

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now they-OBL-GEN farm forever behind stay-FUT-NEG