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== B ==
[brem] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''bṛm'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''brem''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''brom'''
(''noun'') blossom, flower, leaf, plant.  (''perfective'') to blossom, to flower, to spring.  (''imperfective'') to be young, new, fresh.
* bróm-eḫ-
** Proto-Iscaric: ɸromā
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#froma|froma]]
* bí-bṛm-ti, bi-brém-ṇti
** Proto-Iscaric: ɸiβremjā
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#hibernia|hibernia]]
== D ==
== D ==

Line 9: Line 28:

* dér-e-ti
* dér-e-ti
** Proto-Iscaric: θerets
** Proto-Iscaric: θerets
Line 20: Line 40:
*** Stirc: dhárati
*** Stirc: dhárati
*** Old Marian: daratiy
*** Old Marian: daratiy
== DD ==
[d̪̊eu̯l] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''ddul'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''ddeul''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''ddoul'''<br />
alt.  <code>e-stem</code> '''dduel''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''dduol'''
(''stative'') to be full, to be ripe.
* dduél-e-ḫōr
** Proto-Iscaric: dwelōr
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#bolor|bolor]]
== Ď ==
[deħi] ''n.''<br/>
<code>ø-stem</code> '''ďḫil'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''ďeḫil'''; <code>o-stem</code> '''ďoḫil'''
(''adjective'') small, few, little.  (''noun'') smallness.
* ďḫi-ió-
** Proto-Iscaric: r̥ajjos
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#rhaius|rhaius]]
** Proto-Talothic: dayyós
*** Dalitian: daiós
* ďéḫi-kʷo-
** Proto-Iscaric: r̥āikʷos
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#rhaecus|rhaecus]]
* ďéḫi-li-
** Proto-Iscaric: r̥āilis
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#rhael|rhael]]
* ďḫi-ó-
** Proto-Fyrdic: zajaz

== ĎĎ ==
== ĎĎ ==
Line 98: Line 158:
** Proto-Iscaric: gʷənjets
** Proto-Iscaric: gʷənjets
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#veni.C3.A7|veniç]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#veni.C3.A7|veniç]]
[g̊ʷlei] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''ggwḷi'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''ggwlei''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''ggwloi'''
(''perfective'') to flatten, to push down, to pressure, to press.  (''imperfective'') to lie down flat, to be laying down on one's side, to be prone.  (''stative'') to be flat, to be smooth, to be even.
* ggweli-ḫōr
** Proto-Iscaric: gʷeljōr
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#velior|velior]]
* ggwléi-do-š
** Proto-Talothic: kʷléidos
*** Dalitian: Pleîdos
== Ğ ==
[ɢehʃ] ''n.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''ğḥš'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''ğeḥš''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''ğoḥš'''
(''noun'') god, deity, divinity, spirit; holy place, holy.  (''imperfective'') to be a god, to do the activities of being a god or spirit, to live piously, to practice aestheticism.  (''perfective'') to sanctify, to purify, to deify; to make suitable for the dwelling of gods.
* ğḥš-nó-
** Proto-Iscaric: χaznom
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#h.C4.81nu.E1.B9.85|hānuṅ]]
* ğéḥš-to-
** Proto-Iscaric: χēstos
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#h.C4.93stus|hēstus]]

== I ==
== I ==
Line 117: Line 209:

== Ḫ ==
== Ḫ ==
===ḫéioš, ḫéiešeš===
[ħéi̯oʃ, ħéi̯eʃeʃ] ''n.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''ḫeiš'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''ḫeieš''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''ḫeioš'''
(''noun'') life force, vitality.
* ḫéieš-mo-m
** Proto-Iscaric: ajezmom
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#a.C4.93mun|aēmun]]
* ḫeieš-mṓ(n), ḫeiéš-mon-oš
** Proto-Talothic: ajezmṓn
*** Dalitian: āmṓn ("heart")

Line 193: Line 300:
** Proto-Iscaric: agnom
** Proto-Iscaric: agnom
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#agnu.E1.B9.85|agnuṅ]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#agnu.E1.B9.85|agnuṅ]]
** Proto-Fyrdic: akką
* ḫéyy-ti-
** Proto-Talothic: áktsis
*** Dalitian: áxis
**** Aeranir: axēs

Line 205: Line 317:
** Proto-Iscaric: legets
** Proto-Iscaric: legets
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#legi.C3.A7|legiç]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#legi.C3.A7|legiç]]
== ḪW ==
[ħʷei̯d̥ɬ] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''ḫwiddł'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''ḫweiddł''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''ḫwoiddł'''
(''imperfective'') to work, to labour, to toil, to struggle.  (''stative'') to be working, to be functioning, going as planned.  (''noun'') work, toil, labour.
* ḫweiddł-ó-š
** Proto-Iscaric: oi(d)ɬom
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#oelu.E1.B9.85|oeluṅ]]
** Proto-Talothic: oitsón > oitsā́
*** Dalitian: oisḗ
** Proto-Fyrdic: aitą
** Proto-Maro-Stiric: aiĵám
*** Old Marian: aidam
*** Stiric: ejam
**** Doti: ejaṁ

== Ḥ ==
== Ḥ ==
Line 221: Line 354:

== K ==
== K ==
[ke] ''pro.''
(''pronoun'') reflexive pronoun; myself, yourself, themselves, etc.
* Proto-Iscaric: ke
** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#ce|ce]]
[kenħ] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''kṇḫ'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''kenḫ''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''konḫ'''<br />
(''perfective'') to go past, to leave behind, to go through, to pass through.  (''noun'') bound, boundary, limit. 
* kón-to-š
** Proto-Iscarian: kontos
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#contus|contus]]
** Proto-Fyrdic: hanþaz
** Proto-Maro-Stiric: kántas
* kénḫ-ie-ti
** Proto-Iscarian: kenjets
*** Aeranir: ciniç
* kénḫ-e-ti
** Proto-Talothic: kʰénajetsi
*** Dalitian: khenāîs
** Proto-Maro-Stiric: čánHati
[keħʃ] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''kḫš'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''keḫš''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''koḫš'''<br />
(''perfective'') to measure, to assess, to estimate.  (''imperfective'') to advise, to give advice, to mediate, to take care of someone. 
* kḫš-eḫ-
** Proto-Iscaric: kazā
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#cara|cara]]
* kéḫš-ni-š, kḫš-ní-š
** Proto-Iscaric: kaznis
*** Aeranir: cās

Line 241: Line 419:
** Proto-Iscaric: korejets
** Proto-Iscaric: korejets
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#core.C3.A7|coreç]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#core.C3.A7|coreç]]
[kreu̯d̪] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''krud'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''kreud''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''kroud'''<br />
(''noun'') blood, flesh, meat.
* kréud-š, krud-ós
** Proto-Iscaric: krous
*** Aeranir: crūs ("blood")
* kérud-to-
** Proto-Talothic: kʰérussos
*** Dalitian: kheryssos ("blood, heart")
* krud-ió-
** Proto-Iscaric: krujjos
*** Aeranir: cruius ("flesh")
* krúd-ďďḥ-ti
** Proto-Iscaric: ob kruzdets
*** Aeranir: occrūdiç ("it commits me, violates me")
== KW ==
[kʷeɟ̊] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''kwayy'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''kweyy''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''kwoyy'''<br />
(''perfective'') to separate, to divide, to split, to section off.
* kwéyy-io-š
** Proto-Iscaric: kʷegjos
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#cueius|cueius]]
* kwóyy-o-m
** Proto-Iscaric: kʷogom
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#cogun|cogun]]

== M ==
== M ==
Line 258: Line 478:
*** Dalitian: mathḗs
*** Dalitian: mathḗs
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#mater|mater]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#mater|mater]]
* mén-ie-ti
** Proto-Iscaric: menjets
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#meni.C3.A7|meniç]]

== P ==
== P ==
Line 287: Line 510:
** Proto-Talothic: pʰéťťetsi
** Proto-Talothic: pʰéťťetsi
*** Dalitian: phétteis
*** Dalitian: phétteis
[plei̯] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''pli'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''plei''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''ploi'''<br />
(''imperfect'') to divide, to dissect, to split, to take apart into constituent pieces, to disassemble, to de-rig or deactivate a trap, to unarm.  (''perfective'') to separate, to put apart, to remove, to exile, to ostracise.
* pli-ié-ti
** Proto-Iscaric: plijets
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#pli.C3.A7|pliç]]
* pléi-no-š
** Proto-Iscaric: pleinos
*** Aeranir: plīnus
* plei-dó-š
** Proto-Talothic: pʰleidós
*** Dalitian: Pleidós

Line 340: Line 581:
** Proto-Iscaric: salwā
** Proto-Iscaric: salwā
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#salva|salva]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#salva|salva]]
[ʃem] ''cop.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''šṃ'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''šem''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''šom'''<br />
(''copula'') to be, to exist.
* šóm-ti
** Proto-Iscaric: sonts
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#sunz|sunz]]
** Proto-Talothic: hóntsi
*** Dalitian: hoúsi

Line 364: Line 619:
** Proto-Iscaric: slupējets
** Proto-Iscaric: slupējets
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#lupe.C3.A7|lupeç]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#lupe.C3.A7|lupeç]]
== T ==
=== tedłḫw ===
[t̪edɮħʷ] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''tadłḫw'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''tedłḫw''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''todłḫw'''<br />
(''stative'') to see, to know.
* todłḫw-éie-ti
** Proto-Talothic: tʰodzóyetsi
*** Dalitian: thozoĩs
** Proto-Iscairc: toɮejets
*** Dalitian: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#tole.C3.A7|toleç]]
** Proto-Fyrdic: þalīdi
** Proto-Anderic: toleyeti
** Proto-Maro-Stiric: tāĵʰáyati
*** Stiric: tāháyati
**** Doti: tāheti
*** Old-Mirian: tādayatiy
== Ť ==
=== ťer ===
[ter] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''ťṛ'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''ťer''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''ťor'''<br />
(''perfective'') to hit, to strike, to smack, to pack down, to beat.
* š-ťér-o-
** Proto-Iscaric: steros
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#sterus|sterus]]
** Proto-Maro-Stiric: sʈárah
*** Stiric: ṣṭaraḥ
**** Doti: ṭharo

== TŁ ==
== TŁ ==
Line 379: Line 673:
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#tl.C4.81na|tlāna]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#tl.C4.81na|tlāna]]

== W ==
== U ==

[u̯eg̊ʃ] ''v.''<br/>
[u̯eg̊ʃ] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''uggš'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''weggš''';  
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''uggš'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''ueggš''';  
<code>o-stem</code> '''woggš'''<br />
<code>o-stem</code> '''uoggš'''<br />

(''imperfective'') to stream, to flow, to run, to sweep, to spread; to drift, to float, to wander, to stray.  (''perfective'') to be washed away, to be carried away, to disappear, to be removed.
(''imperfective'') to stream, to flow, to run, to sweep, to spread; to drift, to float, to wander, to stray.  (''perfective'') to be washed away, to be carried away, to disappear, to be removed.

* wéggš-mṅ-
* uéggš-mṅ-
** Proto-Iscaric: weksmən
** Proto-Iscaric: weksmən
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#v.C5.8Dmen|vōmen]]
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#v.C5.8Dmen|vōmen]]
[u̯eɢ] ''v.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''ugh'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''uegh''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''uogh'''<br />
(''imperfective'') to carry over one's shoulder, to sling over one's shoulder.  (''noun'') a shoulder pole, a pole used for carrying things over one's shoulders.
* uégh-e-ti
** Proto-Iscaric: weʁets
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#veghi.C3.A7|veghiç]]
* uégh-(k)lo-m
** Proto-Iscaric: weʁlom
*** Aeranir: veġüluṅ ("palanquin")
* uegh-kṓr
** Proto-Iscaric: wekkōr
*** Aeranir: veccor ("courier")
[u̯ekħ] ''n.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''ukḫ'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''uekḫ''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''uokḫ'''<br />
(''noun'') illness, sickness, disease, disability, disfigurement, bad luck, curse, anything that negatively effects human life.  (''perfective'') to curse, to wish or being bad luck or misfortune upon someone.  (''stative'') to be sick, to be ill, disabled, disfigured, to have bad luck, to be cursed, to be disaffected.
* uékḫ-o-
** Proto-Iscaric: wekom
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#vecu.E1.B9.85|vecuṅ]]
== Y ==
[ɟneh] ''n.''<br/>
<code>Ø-stem</code> '''yṇḥ'''; <code>e-stem</code> '''yneḥ''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''ynoḥ'''<br />
alt. <code>e-stem</code> '''yenḥ''';
<code>o-stem</code> '''yonḥ'''<br />
(''nominal'') earth, soil, dirt; humans, regular folk.  (''adjective'') strong, sturdy, reliable.
* yneḥ-iš-
** Proto-Iscaric: ŋnēis
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#n.C4.ABs|nīs]]
* yónḥ-o-
** Proto-Iscaric: xonom
*** Aeranir: [[Aeranir_Lexicon#hunu.E1.B9.85|hunuṅ]]

== YY ==
== YY ==
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[[Category:PME Lexicon]]
[[Category:PME Lexicon]]

Latest revision as of 21:07, 2 November 2020



[brem] v.
Ø-stem bṛm; e-stem brem; o-stem brom

(noun) blossom, flower, leaf, plant. (perfective) to blossom, to flower, to spring. (imperfective) to be young, new, fresh.


  • bróm-eḫ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: ɸromā
  • bí-bṛm-ti, bi-brém-ṇti
    • Proto-Iscaric: ɸiβremjā



[d̪er] v.
Ø-stem dṛ; e-stem der; o-stem dor

(imperfective) to hold, to grasp, to carry, to bear, to hold in hand.


  • dér-e-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: θerets
      • Aeranir: feriç
    • Proto-Anderic: dereti
    • Proto-Fyrdic: deridi
    • Proto-Stravonic: dereti
    • Proto-Talothic: déretsi
      • Dalitian: déreis
    • Proto-Maro-Stiric: dʰárati
      • Stirc: dhárati
      • Old Marian: daratiy



[d̪̊eu̯l] v.
Ø-stem ddul; e-stem ddeul; o-stem ddoul
alt. e-stem dduel; o-stem dduol

(stative) to be full, to be ripe.


  • dduél-e-ḫōr
    • Proto-Iscaric: dwelōr



[deħi] n.
ø-stem ďḫil; e-stem ďeḫil; o-stem ďoḫil

(adjective) small, few, little. (noun) smallness.


  • ďḫi-ió-
    • Proto-Iscaric: r̥ajjos
    • Proto-Talothic: dayyós
      • Dalitian: daiós
  • ďéḫi-kʷo-
    • Proto-Iscaric: r̥āikʷos
  • ďéḫi-li-
    • Proto-Iscaric: r̥āilis
  • ďḫi-ó-
    • Proto-Fyrdic: zajaz



[d̥eh] v.
Ø-stem ďďḥ; e-stem ďďeḥ; o-stem ďďoḥ

(perfective) to put in place; to place, to make, to do.


  • ďďéh-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: dēts


[d̥ek] v.
Ø-stem ďďak; e-stem ďďek; o-stem ďďok

(imperfective) to hug, to embrace, to hold in arms.


  • ďďék-e-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: dekets
    • Proto-Anderic: deketi
    • Proto-Fyrdic: tehidi
    • Proto-Stravonic: dečeti
    • Proto-Talothic: tékʰetsi
      • Dalitian: tékheis
    • Proto-Maro-Stiric: ɖáčati
      • Stirc: ḍácati
      • Old Marian: dačatiy


[d̥i̯eg̊ʷ] v.
Ø-stem ďďiggw; e-stem ďďieggw; o-stem ďďioggw

(imperfective) to be scratching, to be carving, etching, engraving, slicing. (perfective) to scratch, to mar, to deface, to scar. (stative) to be scarred, to be marred, deface, defiled, profane, impure, imperfect.


  • ďďiéggw-e-ti
    • Proto-Talothic: dzékʷetsi
      • Dalitian: zépteis
  • ďďieggw-éḥ-e-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: djegʷējets



[g̊ehiʃ] n. c.
GEN.SG ggeḥi-oš

(noun) goods, wealth.


  • Proto-Iscaric: gēis



[g̊ʷei̯] v.
Ø-stem ggwi; e-stem ggwei; o-stem ggwoi

(perfective) to accomplish, to win, to be victorious, in the sense of an achievement, something that requires skill and may normally fail; to survive (stative) to be strong, to be fit, to be able, to be skilful.


  • ggwoi-nó-
    • Proto-Iscaric: gʷoinom
  • ggw-ṇ-í-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: gʷənjets


[g̊ʷlei] v.
Ø-stem ggwḷi; e-stem ggwlei; o-stem ggwloi

(perfective) to flatten, to push down, to pressure, to press. (imperfective) to lie down flat, to be laying down on one's side, to be prone. (stative) to be flat, to be smooth, to be even.


  • ggweli-ḫōr
    • Proto-Iscaric: gʷeljōr
  • ggwléi-do-š
    • Proto-Talothic: kʷléidos
      • Dalitian: Pleîdos



[ɢehʃ] n.
Ø-stem ğḥš; e-stem ğeḥš; o-stem ğoḥš

(noun) god, deity, divinity, spirit; holy place, holy. (imperfective) to be a god, to do the activities of being a god or spirit, to live piously, to practice aestheticism. (perfective) to sanctify, to purify, to deify; to make suitable for the dwelling of gods.


  • ğḥš-nó-
    • Proto-Iscaric: χaznom
  • ğéḥš-to-
    • Proto-Iscaric: χēstos



[i̯eu̯l] v.
Ø-stem iul; e-stem ieul; o-stem ioul

(imperfective) to sing a song, to recite a poem, to cast a spell or curse; to chant.


  • iéul-ieḫ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: jouljā
  • iúl-iḫ-
    • Proto-Talothic: iuľľa
      • Dalitian: hylla

ḫéioš, ḫéiešeš

[ħéi̯oʃ, ħéi̯eʃeʃ] n.
Ø-stem ḫeiš; e-stem ḫeieš; o-stem ḫeioš

(noun) life force, vitality.


  • ḫéieš-mo-m
    • Proto-Iscaric: ajezmom
  • ḫeieš-mṓ(n), ḫeiéš-mon-oš
    • Proto-Talothic: ajezmṓn
      • Dalitian: āmṓn ("heart")


[ħelh] v.
Ø-stem ḫḷḥ; e-stem ḫelḥ; o-stem ḫolḥ

(imperfective) to be nourishing, sustaining, helping, enriching; to flow into, to feed into. (perfective) to grow, to mature, to come of age, to ripen. (stative) to be grown, feed, nourished, happy, prosperous.


  • ḫelḥ-teḫ-š
    • Proto-Iscaric: altā
    • Proto-Talothic: alatʰā́s
      • Dalitian: altethḗs
  • ḫelḥ- (root stative)
    • Proto-Iscaric: alōr


[ħeʃ] v.
Ø-stem ḫš; e-stem ḫeš; o-stem ḫoš

(imperfective) to breath, to respirate. (stative) to be alive.


  • ḫeš-omnó-
    • Proto-Iscaric: azomnos
  • ḫeš-uḥ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: astūs


[ħeʒ.róʃ] n. t.
Ø-stem ḫešr-óšio

Related to ḫešr “minnow.”

Fish, either alive or eaten


  • Proto-Iscaric: aðros
  • Proto-Talothic: asrós
    • Dalitian: ērós


[ħeu̯g̊] v.
Ø-stem ḫugg; e-stem ḫeugg; o-stem ḫougg

(stative) to see, to know.


  • ḫeugg-éḥ-ie-
    • Proto-Iscaric: augējets


[ħeɟ̊] v.
Ø-stem ḫyy; e-stem ḫeyy; o-stem ḫoyy

(perfective) to sow, to plant, to sprinkle, to press something lightly into the ground, to bring life into something, to inseminate.


  • ḫéyy-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: agets
  • ḫeyy-ié-
    • Proto-Talothic: áťťetsi
      • Dalitian: átteis
  • ḫeyy-nó-
    • Proto-Iscaric: agnom
    • Proto-Fyrdic: akką
  • ḫéyy-ti-
    • Proto-Talothic: áktsis
      • Dalitian: áxis
        • Aeranir: axēs


[ħleɟ̊] v.
Ø-stem ḫḷyy; e-stem ḫleyy; o-stem ḫloyy

(perfective) to collect, to gather, to assemble, to come together, to have a meeting.


  • ḫléyy-e-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: legets



[ħʷei̯d̥ɬ] v.
Ø-stem ḫwiddł; e-stem ḫweiddł; o-stem ḫwoiddł

(imperfective) to work, to labour, to toil, to struggle. (stative) to be working, to be functioning, going as planned. (noun) work, toil, labour.


  • ḫweiddł-ó-š
    • Proto-Iscaric: oi(d)ɬom
    • Proto-Talothic: oitsón > oitsā́
      • Dalitian: oisḗ
    • Proto-Fyrdic: aitą
    • Proto-Maro-Stiric: aiĵám
      • Old Marian: aidam
      • Stiric: ejam
        • Doti: ejaṁ


[hep] v.
Ø-stem ḥp; e-stem ḥep; o-stem ḥop

(stative) to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many.


  • ḥep-n-ié-ḫōr
    • Proto-Iscaric: epnjōr



[ke] pro.

(pronoun) reflexive pronoun; myself, yourself, themselves, etc.


  • Proto-Iscaric: ke
    • Aeranir: ce


[kenħ] v.
Ø-stem kṇḫ; e-stem kenḫ; o-stem konḫ

(perfective) to go past, to leave behind, to go through, to pass through. (noun) bound, boundary, limit.


  • kón-to-š
    • Proto-Iscarian: kontos
    • Proto-Fyrdic: hanþaz
    • Proto-Maro-Stiric: kántas
  • kénḫ-ie-ti
    • Proto-Iscarian: kenjets
      • Aeranir: ciniç
  • kénḫ-e-ti
    • Proto-Talothic: kʰénajetsi
      • Dalitian: khenāîs
    • Proto-Maro-Stiric: čánHati


[keħʃ] v.
Ø-stem kḫš; e-stem keḫš; o-stem koḫš

(perfective) to measure, to assess, to estimate. (imperfective) to advise, to give advice, to mediate, to take care of someone.


  • kḫš-eḫ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: kazā
  • kéḫš-ni-š, kḫš-ní-š
    • Proto-Iscaric: kaznis
      • Aeranir: cās


[kher] v.
Ø-stem kḥr; e-stem kḥer; o-stem kḥor
alt. e-stem keḥr; o-stem koḥr

(imperfective) to sway, to shift, to move it waves, slowly and elegantly; to turn, to change; to bend.


  • kḥr-é-
    • Proto-Iscaric: karets
  • kḥr-mṇ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: karmən
  • kḥor-éie-
    • Proto-Iscaric: korejets


[kreu̯d̪] v.
Ø-stem krud; e-stem kreud; o-stem kroud

(noun) blood, flesh, meat.


  • kréud-š, krud-ós
    • Proto-Iscaric: krous
      • Aeranir: crūs ("blood")
  • kérud-to-
    • Proto-Talothic: kʰérussos
      • Dalitian: kheryssos ("blood, heart")
  • krud-ió-
    • Proto-Iscaric: krujjos
      • Aeranir: cruius ("flesh")
  • krúd-ďďḥ-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: ob kruzdets
      • Aeranir: occrūdiç ("it commits me, violates me")



[kʷeɟ̊] v.
Ø-stem kwayy; e-stem kweyy; o-stem kwoyy

(perfective) to separate, to divide, to split, to section off.


  • kwéyy-io-š
    • Proto-Iscaric: kʷegjos
  • kwóyy-o-m
    • Proto-Iscaric: kʷogom



[men] n.
Ø-stem mṇ; e-stem men; o-stem mon

(noun) body, shape, form, mass, substance, essence. (stative) to be alike, to be similar, to resemble, look like, to embody.


  • mṇ-těr-
    • Proto-Iscaric: məntēr
    • Proto-Talothic: mətʰḗr
      • Dalitian: mathḗs
      • Aeranir: mater
  • mén-ie-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: menjets



[pet] v.
Ø-stem pať; e-stem peť; o-stem poť

(perfective) to cook, to bake (in an oven), to boil, to make a stew, to ripen.


  • póť-to-
    • Proto-Iscaric: possos
  • peť-mṇ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: petmən
  • peť-nó-
  • poť-iḥ-nó-
  • peť-šló-
    • Proto-Iscaric: petslom
  • peť-ié-
    • Proto-Talothic: pʰéťťetsi
      • Dalitian: phétteis


[plei̯] v.
Ø-stem pli; e-stem plei; o-stem ploi

(imperfect) to divide, to dissect, to split, to take apart into constituent pieces, to disassemble, to de-rig or deactivate a trap, to unarm. (perfective) to separate, to put apart, to remove, to exile, to ostracise.


  • pli-ié-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: plijets
  • pléi-no-š
    • Proto-Iscaric: pleinos
      • Aeranir: plīnus
  • plei-dó-š
    • Proto-Talothic: pʰleidós
      • Dalitian: Pleidós


[pred] v.
Ø-stem pṛd; e-stem pred; o-stem prod
alt. e-stem perd; o-stem pord

(perfective) to join, to attach, to suit, to agree or be in unison with. (noun) agreement, promise, settlement.


  • pred-tó-
    • Proto-Iscaric: pressos
  • pord-éie-
    • Proto-Iscaric: proðejets
    • Proto-Talothic: pʰrodejetsi
      • Dalitian: phrodéeis



[renħʷ] v.
Ø-stem rṇḫw; e-stem renḫw; o-stem ronḫw

(imperfective) to lead, to rule, to straighten, to organise, be setting right. (stative) to be straight, to be orderly, organised, to be right, just, correct.


  • rēnħʷ-š
    • Proto-Iscaric: rēns
  • rṇħʷ-nó-
    • Proto-Iscaric: rənnom
  • š-ṛnḫw-téḥ-
    • Proto-Talothic: ʰranotʰḗs
      • Dalitian: rhanothḗs



[ʃeħl] v.
Ø-stem šḫl; e-stem šeḫl; o-stem šoḫl

(imperfective) to spin, to coil, to whirl. (perfective) to curl, to foil, to wind. (stative) to be sitting in a way as to draw ones legs towards oneself.


  • šḫl-w-éḫ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: salwā


[ʃem] cop.
Ø-stem šṃ; e-stem šem; o-stem šom

(copula) to be, to exist.


  • šóm-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: sonts
    • Proto-Talothic: hóntsi
      • Dalitian: hoúsi


[ʃħei̯p] v.
Ø-stem šḫip; e-stem šḫeip; o-stem šḫoip

(imperfective) to swing, to slash, to strike, to cut; to move a blade in an arcing movement as to cut something.


  • šéḫip-ie-
    • Proto-Iscaric: saipjets


[ʃleu̯p] v.
Ø-stem šlup; e-stem šleup; o-stem šloup

(imperfective) to shout, to scream. (noun) a loud noise.


  • šlup-eḥ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: slupējets



[t̪edɮħʷ] v.
Ø-stem tadłḫw; e-stem tedłḫw; o-stem todłḫw

(stative) to see, to know.


  • todłḫw-éie-ti
    • Proto-Talothic: tʰodzóyetsi
      • Dalitian: thozoĩs
    • Proto-Iscairc: toɮejets
    • Proto-Fyrdic: þalīdi
    • Proto-Anderic: toleyeti
    • Proto-Maro-Stiric: tāĵʰáyati
      • Stiric: tāháyati
        • Doti: tāheti
      • Old-Mirian: tādayatiy



[ter] v.
Ø-stem ťṛ; e-stem ťer; o-stem ťor

(perfective) to hit, to strike, to smack, to pack down, to beat.


  • š-ťér-o-
    • Proto-Iscaric: steros
    • Proto-Maro-Stiric: sʈárah
      • Stiric: ṣṭaraḥ
        • Doti: ṭharo


[tɬeħʃ] v.
Ø-stem tłḫš; e-stem tłeḫš; o-stem tłoḫš

(perfective) to bloom, to blossom, to ripen, to come of age or maturity, to spread out, to open up. (noun) a flower.


  • tłḫš-nó-
    • Proto-Iscaric: tɬaznā



[u̯eg̊ʃ] v.
Ø-stem uggš; e-stem ueggš; o-stem uoggš

(imperfective) to stream, to flow, to run, to sweep, to spread; to drift, to float, to wander, to stray. (perfective) to be washed away, to be carried away, to disappear, to be removed.


  • uéggš-mṅ-
    • Proto-Iscaric: weksmən


[u̯eɢ] v.
Ø-stem ugh; e-stem uegh; o-stem uogh

(imperfective) to carry over one's shoulder, to sling over one's shoulder. (noun) a shoulder pole, a pole used for carrying things over one's shoulders.


  • uégh-e-ti
    • Proto-Iscaric: weʁets
  • uégh-(k)lo-m
    • Proto-Iscaric: weʁlom
      • Aeranir: veġüluṅ ("palanquin")
  • uegh-kṓr
    • Proto-Iscaric: wekkōr
      • Aeranir: veccor ("courier")


[u̯ekħ] n.
Ø-stem ukḫ; e-stem uekḫ; o-stem uokḫ

(noun) illness, sickness, disease, disability, disfigurement, bad luck, curse, anything that negatively effects human life. (perfective) to curse, to wish or being bad luck or misfortune upon someone. (stative) to be sick, to be ill, disabled, disfigured, to have bad luck, to be cursed, to be disaffected.


  • uékḫ-o-
    • Proto-Iscaric: wekom



[ɟneh] n.
Ø-stem yṇḥ; e-stem yneḥ; o-stem ynoḥ
alt. e-stem yenḥ; o-stem yonḥ

(nominal) earth, soil, dirt; humans, regular folk. (adjective) strong, sturdy, reliable.


  • yneḥ-iš-
    • Proto-Iscaric: ŋnēis
  • yónḥ-o-
    • Proto-Iscaric: xonom



[ɟ̊ehr] v.
Ø-stem yyḥr; e-stem yyeḥr; o-stem yyoḥr

(stative) to be tall, high, to be important, to be sacred, to be beloved, of elevated or special status.


  • yyḥr-ḫṓr
    • Proto-Iscaric: garōr
    • Proto-Talothic: kéretsi
      • Dalitian: kéreis