Cwengâr/Vocabulary: Difference between revisions

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(8 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
Line 17: Line 17:
| be || te
| be || te
| beg || pem'had
| believe || tecwerh
| believe || tecwerh
Line 22: Line 24:
| bend || gwôcwalh
| bend || gwôcwalh
| birth || cwân
| birth || peg'hôrh
| bite || ôrhôd
| bite || ôrhôd
Line 53: Line 55:
| cover || tânalh
| cover || tânalh
| crush || bôd
| curse || pelhogw
| curse || pelhogw
Line 90: Line 94:
| forgive || fogwên
| forgive || fogwên
| free || ffen
| free || nâc'halh
| get || legw
| get || legw
Line 134: Line 138:
| learn || lecwâm
| learn || lecwâm
| liberate || ffen
| liberate || cwânâc'h
| lie (falsify) || ned
| lie || ned
| lie (rest) || nâg'h
| light || fferen
| light || fferen
Line 150: Line 156:
| love || ryn
| love || ryn
| make || ten
| make || cwân
| may || tengyn
| may || tengyn
Line 158: Line 164:
| name || ffemogw
| name || ffemogw
| need || cwâb
| need || cwâb
| obey || ârâm
| pray || pem'had
| promise || cwyboc  
| promise || cwyboc  
Line 173: Line 183:
| recieve || legw
| recieve || legw
| rest || ôlhorh
| ride || lârhôm
| ride || lârhôm
Line 191: Line 203:
| shout || rhôlhôt
| shout || rhôlhôt
| show || pelâm
| shrink || tâb
| shrink || tâb
Line 923: Line 937:
! class="headerSort headerSortDown" title="Sort descending"|English
! class="headerSort headerSortDown" title="Sort descending"|English
! class="headerSort" title="Sort ascending"|Cwengâr
! class="headerSort" title="Sort ascending"|Cwengâr
| actual || târŷc'h
| actual || târŷc'h
Line 933: Line 948:
| black || lhud
| black || lhud
| blue || gwônŷl |-
| blue || gwônŷl
| brown || gwôffâr |-
| burnt || ffetam |-
| brown || gwôffâr
| central || mat |-
| centre || ucwal |-
| burnt || ffetam
| clean || cwetal |-
| cold || cwemar |-
| central || mat
| complicated || elhonâ |-
| cool || cwemagw |-
| centre || ucwal
| correct || terŷc'h |-
| crooked || ucwem |-
| clean || cwetal
| dark || lhudham |-
| deep || lyrel |-
| cold || cwemar
| despairing || anŷffel |-
| different (qualitatively) || ârâm |-
| complicated || elhonâ
| difficult || tenŷl |-
| dirty || ârhôtal |-
| cool || cwemagw
| dry || fferâl |-
| dull || cwyshâl |-
| correct || terŷc'h
| excited || nâle |-
| fair || pelâm |-
| crooked || ucwem
| far || lyr |-
| fearful || lyreff |-
| dark || lhusham
| finished || cwâren |-
| flat || bôlŷr |-
| deep || lyrel
| front || pâl |-
| frozen || cwemacwen |-
| despairing || anŷffel
| fulfilled || cwâren |-
| full || cwâren |-
| different (qualitatively) || ârâm
| gold || perŷl |-
| good || cwyn |-
| difficult || tenŷl
| graceful || elânàm |-
| great || nâc'hwyn |-
| dirty || ârhôtal
| grey || nyffel |-
| happy || ler |-
| dry || fferâl
| hard (texture) || cwelàgw |-
| heavy || tenŷl |-
| dull || cwyshâl
| high || nâl |-
| hot || ffemar |-
| excited || nâle
| humble || lhumŷn |-
| large || cwep |-
| fair || pelâm
| left || tenâm |-
| little || tânŷgw |-
| far || lyr
| long || lecwap |-
| tall || lyrâr |-
| fearful || lyreff
| low || lhur |-
| mid || mat |-
| finished || cwâren
| mid || ucwal |-
| narrow || lelâgw |-
| flat || bôlŷr
| near || nyl |-
| noble || cwyn |-
| front || pâl
| northern || nâlhôn |-
| obsolete || cwâren |-
| frozen || cwemacwen
| old || lyshâ |-
| rear || pyr |-
| fulfilled || cwâren
| red || bôn |-
| right || -- |-
| full || cwâren
| right (direction) || ônâm |-
| rough || ârhêtâl |-
| gold || perŷl
| round || pem |-
| sad || ladôn |-
| good || cwyn
| shallow || ŷgwurel |-
| shameful || telyrh |-
| graceful || elânàm
| sharp || tecwelh |-
| shift || ffârh |-
| great || nâc'hwyn
| short [long] || lhoregw |-
| short [low] || nyregw |-
| grey || nyffel
| silver || cwârhôd |-
| simple || onâ |-
| happy || ler
| slow || lenârh |-
| small || tâgw |-
| hard (texture) || cwelàgw
| smart || ffâc'hâr |-
| smooth || cwelâlh |-
| heavy || tenŷl
| soft || tegw |-
| southern || lyrhôn |-
| high || nâl
| straight || cwelam |-
| strong || dolh |-
| hot || ffemar
| stupid || lenâm |-
| terrified || pelyrh |-
| humble || lhumŷn
| trifle || tânigw |-
| true || tŷrŷg'h |-
| large || cwep
| trying || tenŷl |-
| weak || bôlŷn |-
| left || tenâm
| western || tenôn |-
| wet || pecwan |-
| little || tânŷgw
| white || fêrârh |-
| wide || cweb |-
| long || lecwap
| wit || cwerh |-
| yellow || lanŷl |-
| tall || lyrâr
| young || ashâ |-
| low || lhur
| mid || mat
| mid || ucwal
| narrow || lelâgw
| near || nyl
| noble || cwyn
| northern || nâlhôn
| obsolete || cwâren
| old || lyshâ
| rear || pyr
| red || bôn
| right (correct) || cwyc'hâr
| right (direction) || ônâm
| rough || ârhêtâl
| round || pem
| sad || ladôn
| shallow || ŷgwurel
| shameful || telyrh
| sharp || tecwelh
| short [long] || lhoregw
| short [low] || nyregw
| silver || cwârhôd
| simple || onâ
| slow || lenârh
| small || tâgw
| smart || ffâc'hâr
| smooth || cwelâlh
| soft || tegw
| southern || lyrhôn
| straight || cwelam
| strong || dolh
| stupid || lenâm
| swift || ffârh
| terrified || pelyrh
| trifle || tânigw
| true || tŷrŷg'h
| trying || tenŷl
| weak || bôlŷn
| western || tenôn
| wet || pecwan
| white || fêrârh
| wide || cweb
| wit || cwerh
| yellow || lanŷl
| young || eshâ

*<span style="font-size:15px;font-family:Arial;color:#000000;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;"> ffen; More over</span>
*ffen; More over/Again
*<span style="font-size:15px;font-family:Arial;color:#000000;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;"> fon; Even less/Much Less...</span>
*fon; Even less/Much Less...
*<span style="font-size:15px;font-family:Arial;color:#000000;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;">Tec'hâm; Certainly...</span>
*Tec'hâm; Certainly...
*<span style="font-size:15px;font-family:Arial;color:#000000;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;">Doc'hâter; In All Likelyhood...</span>
*Doc'hâter; In All Likelyhood..
Line 1,078: Line 1,184:
*Cwŷmat; Average, Result/Anwser.</span>
*Cwŷmat; Average, Result/Anwser.</span>


Latest revision as of 04:09, 24 July 2015





  • ffen; More over/Again
  • fon; Even less/Much Less...
  • Tec'hâm; Certainly...
  • Doc'hâter; In All Likelyhood..


  • En-One
  • Rhô-Two
  • Ly-Three
  • Gworh-Four
  • Mâ- Five
  • Nŷr-Six
  • Nŷr ô En, (Cwan) -Seven
  • Nŷrh Rhô, (Tyl) -Eight
  • Nŷr ly, (Lún) -Nine
  • Cwal, Nŷrh nGorh -Ten
  • Nŷr Mâ - Eleven
  • Rô nGŷr- Twelve
  • Rô nGŷr ô En- Thirteen


  • Ly nGŷr- Eighteen.
  • Rô nGalh fon En- Nineteen
  • Rô nGal- Twenty
  • Rô nGal En- Twenty One
  • Rô nGal ô Nŷr En- Twenty seven


  • Lŷ nGal (Rô Ngal ô Cwan)- Thirty
  • Rô nGal ô Nŷr Mâ (lŷ Ngal ô En) - Thirty One


  • Gworh Ngal- Fourty


  • Mâ Ngal (Gworh Ngal ô Cwan)-Fifty
  • Gworh Ngal ô Nŷr Mâ (Mâ Ngal ô En)- Fifty One


  • Nyr Ngal-Sixty
  • Nyr En Ngal-Seventy
  • Nyr Rô Ngal-Eighty
  • Nyr Lŷ Ngal-Ninety
  • Ryn-Hundred
  • Lyn- Thousand
  • Nag'hôl-Last/Final
  • fon-Less
  • fog'hôl-Least
  • ffen-More
  • ffeg'hôl-Most
  • cwelhor-Equal
  • fog'hôn-Divide/Share
  • elhêf-Multiply
  • fâm-Count
  • focw
  • [Number] fowc; [This many] next
  • Cwŷmat; Average, Result/Anwser.