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'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a descendent of [[Primitive ǃZoom]], inspired by Old Irish.
#redirect [[Nurian/Old]]
This is a short reminder of the language format policy.
I. Write a short piece stating your intents and purposes when creating the language (Design goal, inspiration, ideas, and so on).
II. Write a short introduction to your language. (Who speaks it? When was it created? By whom? or what? are some example questions that can be answered here)
III. Once done, try making sure everything is properly spelt so as to avoid unnecessary reader fatigue.
In clusters of two obstruents, two nasals, or a cluster consisting of a nasal and a obstruent, the frontest place of articulation becomes the click's front POA. With homorganic clusters this occurs only for obstruent+nasal clusters.
Primitive !Zoom -k becomes click mutation; PZ -ŋ becomes nasal mutation/eclipsis; PZ -h becomes h-prothesis.
Old !Zoom has a large phoneme inventory:
a ɛ e i o u y a: e: eɪ i: o: oʊ u: ø: øʏ y: '''a ä e i o u ü á é ei í ó ou ú ő öü ű'''
Labials: p pʰ b bʰ m mʰ '''p ph b bh m mh'''
Dentals: t tʰ d dʰ n nʰ l lʰ '''t th d dh n nh l lh'''
Velars: k kʰ g gʰ ŋ ŋʰ '''k kh g gh ŋ ŋh'''
Labiovelars: kʷ kʷʰ gʷ gʷʰ ŋʷ ŋʷʰ '''kw kwh gw gwh ŋw ŋwh'''
Dental affricates: ts tsʰ dz dzʰ '''c ch z zh'''
Lateral affricates: tɬ tɬʰ dɮ dɮʰ '''ξ ξh λ λh'''
Palatal affricates: tʃ tʃʰ dʒ dʒʰ '''č čh j jh'''
Other consonants: f s ɬ ʃ h '''f s σ š h'''
ʘ ʘʰ gʘ gʘʰ ŋʘ ŋʘʰ '''pk pkh bg bgh bŋ bŋh'''
! !ʰ g! g!ʰ n! n!ʰ '''tk tkh dg dgh dŋ dŋh'''
| |ʰ g| g|ʰ n| n|ʰ '''ck ckh zg zgh zŋ zŋh'''
ǁ ǁʰ gǁ gǁʰ nǁ nǁʰ '''ξk ξkh λg λgh λŋ λŋh'''
ǂ ǂʰ gǂ gǂʰ nǂ nǂʰ '''čk čkh jg jgh jŋ jŋh'''
+ labialized counterparts of the above clicks: '''pkw, pkwh, bgw, bgwh, ...'''
===Nouns and adjectives===
Old !Zoom evolved from Primitive !Zoom via syncope, umlaut and resulting clusters becoming clicks. Only nasal+C clusters are allowed in Old Zoom; it also has evolved a distinctive Old Irish-like stress pattern.
Nouns and adjectives in Old Zoom:
Like Primitive !Zoom, Old !Zoom is a fusional language with Austronesian alignment. Nouns and adjectives have two numbers, singular and plural, and three cases: direct, indirect and "genitive" (used after prepositions).
Construct state is used for possessive noun phrases, which are head-initial; unusually, case is marked on the LAST noun in a construct noun phrase.
Case is often marked by a definite article which triggers mutations on the noun, as in Irish. There are two kinds of mutations: click mutation, nasal mutation and h-prothesis (h-prothesis only occurs in vowel-initial words).
Adjectives agree with nouns in the kind of mutation that they take.
(Note: A buffer [ə] may be added between two clicks.)
A masculine noun: pódŋh /po:ŋ!ʰ/ "stone"
dir: pódŋh /po:ŋ!ʰ/ < pônkha /'po:nkʰa/
ind: pődŋh /pø:ŋ!ʰ/ < pônkhi /'po:nkʰi/
gen: pódŋh-N /po:ŋ!ʰ/ < pônkhaŋ /'po:nkʰaŋ/
const: pődŋh-H /pø:ŋ!ʰ/ < pônkhih /'po:nkʰah/
dir: pódŋha-C /'po:ŋ!ʰa/ < pônkhâk
ind: pódŋhe-C  /'po:ŋ!ʰe/ < pônkhêk
gen: pódŋhi  /'po:ŋ!ʰi/ < pônkhai
const: pódŋhu /'po:ŋ!ʰu/ < pônkhau
A feminine noun: tíjŋ = a species of songbird
dir: tíjŋ-C /ti:ŋǂ/ < tîŋičak
ind: tíjŋ-H /ti:ŋǂ/ < tîŋičah
gen: tíjŋa /'ti:ŋǂa/ < tîŋičâ
const: tíjŋe /'ti:ŋǂe/ < tîŋičê
dir: tíjŋa-N /'ti:ŋǂa/ < tîŋičâŋ
ind: tíjŋe-N /'ti:ŋǂe/ < tîŋičêŋ
gen: tíjŋi /'ti:ŋǂi/ < tîŋičai
const: tíjŋu /'ti:ŋǂu/ < tîŋičau
With a definite article and an adjective this becomes:
(Masculine example: ca pódŋh dún "the good stone")
dir: ca pódŋh dún /tsa po:ŋ!ʰ(ə) du:n/ < ca pônkha dûnu
ind: ci pődŋh dún /tsi pø:ŋ!ʰ(ə) du:n/ < ci pônkhi dûnu
gen: ci bódŋh nún /tsi bo:ŋ!ʰ(ə) nu:n/ < caŋ pônkhaŋ dûnuŋ
const: pődŋh dún /pø:ŋ!ʰ(ə) du:n/ < pônkhih dûnuh
dir: kha pkódŋha dgúnu /kʰa 'ʘo:ŋ!ʰa 'g!u:nu/ < khak pônkhâk dûnûk
ind: khi pkódŋhe dgúnu /kʰe 'ʘo:ŋ!ʰe 'g!u:nu/ < khik pônkhêk dûnûk
gen: khi pódŋhi dúni /kʰi 'po:ŋ!ʰi 'g!u:ni/ khai pônkhai dûnai
const: pódŋhu dúnu /'po:ŋ!ʰu 'g!u:nu/ pônkhau dûnau
(Feminine example: ca tkíjŋ dgún "the good tíjŋ")
dir: ca tkíjŋ dgún /tsa !i:ŋǂ(ə) g!u:n/ < cak tîŋičak dûnuk
ind: ca tíjŋ dún /tsa ti:ŋǂ(ə) du:n/ < cah tîŋičah dûnuh
gen: ca tíjŋa dúnu /tsa 'ti:ŋǂa 'du:nu/ < câ tîŋičâ dûnû
const: ce tíjŋe dúnu /tse 'ti:ŋǂe 'du:nu/ < cê tîŋičê dûnû
dir: kha díjŋa núnu /kʰa 'di:ŋǂa nu:nu/ < khaŋ tîŋičâŋ dûnûŋ
ind: khi díjŋe núnu /kʰe 'di:ŋǂe nu:nu/ < khiŋ tîŋičêŋ dûnûŋ
gen: khi tíjŋi dúnu /kʰi 'ti:ŋǂi du:nu/ < khai tîŋičai dûnû
const: tíjŋu dúnu /'ti:ŋǂu du:nu/ < tîŋičau dûnû
Old !Zoom verbs are inspired by Old Irish verbs; they display independent vs. dependent allomorphy.
An unprefixed verb (imperfective aspect):
(these are independent forms,used in unmarked clauses. In Primitive !Zoom, the -ih clitic was used for non-prefixed verbs in imperfective aspect; other aspects display different patterns in the use of the -ih clitic.)
jabhic /'dʒabʰɪts/ < jábhac-ih 'I raise'
jabhik /'dʒabʰɪk/ < jábhuk-ih 'you (sg.) raise'
jabh /dʒabʰ/ < jábha-h 'he, she, it raises'
jobghu /'dʒogʘʰu/ < jábhuσu-h 'we raise'
jobŋhi /'dʒoŋʘʰi/ < jábhumi-h 'you (pl.) raise'
jäpkha /'dʒɛʘʰa/ < jábhikha-h 'they raise'
With another preverb the dependent forms are used:
bó·jabhac /bo:'dʒabʰats/ < bô-jábhac 'I do not raise'
bó·jobh /bo:'dʒobʰ/ < bô-jábhuk 'you do not raise'
bó·jabh /bo:'dʒabʰ/ < bô-jábha 'he does not raise'
bó·jobhaσ /bo:'dʒobʰaɬ/ < bô-jábhuσu 'we do not raise'
bó·jobham /bo:'dʒobʰam/ < bô-jábhumi 'you (pl.) do not raise'
bó·jäbhakh /bo:'dʒɛbʰakʰ/ < bô-jábhikha 'they do not raise '
A verb with a preverb attached:
dha·jgabhic /dʰa'gǂabʰats/ < dhakw-jábhac-ih 'I attract'
dha·jgabhik /dʰa'gǂobʰ/ < dhakw-jábhuk-ih 'you attract'
dha·jgabh /dʰa'gǂabʰ/ < dhakw-jábha-h 'he attracts'
dha·jgobghu /dʰa'gǂogʘʰu/ < dhakw-jábhuσô-h 'we attract'
dha·jgobŋhi /dʰa'gǂoŋʘʰi/ < dhakw-jábhumi-h 'you (pl.) attract'
dha·jgäpkha /dʰa'gǂɛʘʰa/ < dhakw-jábhikha-h 'they attract'
With another preverb the dependent forms are used:
(these forms are called "prototonic".)
bó·dhabgwhac /bo:'dʰagʘʷʰats/ < bô-dhákw-jabhac 'I do not attract'
bó·dhabgwh /bo:'dʰagʘʷʰ/ < bô-dhákw-jabhuk 'you do not attract'
bó·dhabgwh /bo:'dʰagʘʷʰ/ < bô-dhákw-jabha 'he does not attract'
bó·dhabgwhaσ /bo:'dʰagʘʷʰaɬ/ < bô-dhákw-jabhuσô 'we do not attract'
bó·dhabgwham /bo:'dʰagʘʷʰam/ < bô-dhákw-jabhumi 'you (pl.) do not attract'
bó·dhabgwhakh /bo:'dʰagʘʷʰakʰ/ < bô-dhákw-jabhikha 'they do not attract'
===Constituent order===
Word order is Verb + Direct case NP + Indirect case NP.
===Noun phrase===
===Verb phrase===
===Sentence phrase===
===Dependent clauses===
<!-- etc. etc. -->
==Example texts==
==Other resources==
<!-- Example: Word order, qualifiers, determinatives, branching, etc. -->
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Latest revision as of 02:55, 14 January 2022

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