Verse:Hmøøh/Whehli: Difference between revisions

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==Sound changes==
'''Whehli''' or the '''Whehmer Republic''' (''WHET-ly''; [[Whetmer]]: ''Whehli'' /ʍeʔli/ or ''Zǽtlhalli Whehmi'' /saitɬʼəɬi ʍeʔmi/) is an area of Modern Naquiz (or a country of the Naquosphere) where [[Whetmer]] is spoken.
===Diphthongs simplify before laryngeals===
====Before x or φ====
Let X be a one of ''x'' and ''φ''. Then:
*aiX > eX
*auX > oX
*eiX > iX
*euX > oX
*oiX > eX
*ouX > uX
*a:iX > a:X
*a:uX > a:X
*e:iX > e:X
*e:uX > e:X
*o:uX > o:X
*o:iX > o:X
====Before ħ====
*aiħ > aħ
*eiħ > eħ
*euħ > eħ
*oiħ > oħ
*ouħ > oħ
*a:iħ > a:ħ
*a:uħ > a:ħ
*e:iħ > e:ħ
*e:uħ > e:ħ
*o:uħ > o:ħ
*o:iħ > o:ħ
===Laryngeal loss===
*x-, ħ-, φ- > e-, a-, o-
In the following, When the vowel before the permutation is long, the reflex is overlong.
*axa exa ixa oxa uxa > a: ä: e: å: o:
*axe exe ixe oxe uxe > ä: e: i: e: i:
*axi exi ixi oxi uxi > e: i: i: e: i:
*axo exo ixo oxo uxo > å: e: e: o: u:
*axu exu ixu oxu uxu > o: e: i: u: u:
*axC exC ixC oxC uxC > ä: e: i: o: u:
*aħa eħa iħa oħa uħa > a: a: ä: a: å:
*aħe eħe iħe oħe uħe > a: ä: e: ä: e:
*aħi eħi iħi oħi uħi > ä: e: e: ä: e:
*aħo eħo iħo oħo uħo > a: ä: ä: å: o:
*aħu eħu iħu oħu uħu > å: ä: e: o: o:
*aħC eħC iħC oħC uħC > a: ä: e: å: o:
Let ''V'' be the set of vowel qualities {a, ä, å, e, i, o, u}, and let ''q : V → V'' denote the involutive permutation (ä å)(e o)(i u). Then for a given ''v'' ''V'', the reflex of ''v''φ''v'' equals ''q''(''v′'')φ''q''(''v′'') = ''q''(''v′xv′''), where ''v′'' denotes ''q''(''v''):
*aφa eφa iφa oφa uφa > a: ä: e: å: o:
*aφe eφe iφe oφe uφe > ä: e: i: o: o:
*aφi eφi iφi oφi uφi > e: i: i: o: u:
*aφo eφo iφo oφo uφo > å: o: u: o: u:
*aφu eφu iφu oφu uφu > o: o: u: u: u:
*aφC eφC iφC oφC uφC > å: e: i: o: u:
===Overlong diphthongs===
*a::i a::u e::i i::u e::u o::i o::u u::i > a:: a:: e:: i:: e:: o:: o:: u::
The resulting vowel system is:
*a e i o u
*a: e: i: o: u:
*a:: e:: i:: o:: u::
*ai au ei eu oi ou
*a:i a:u e:i i:u e:u o:i o:u u:i
*kʷ > ts > t
*k > tʃ > s
*z > r
*ł > l
*ð > funny lateral-ish sound > l
[[Category:{{PAGENAME}}|*]][[Category:Talsmic languages]][[Category:Gamedan languages]]

Latest revision as of 19:47, 25 January 2023

Whehli or the Whehmer Republic (WHET-ly; Whetmer: Whehli /ʍeʔli/ or Zǽtlhalli Whehmi /saitɬʼəɬi ʍeʔmi/) is an area of Modern Naquiz (or a country of the Naquosphere) where Whetmer is spoken.