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A useful way to conceptualise the typical assignment of status is to use the question "Who would win in a physical fight?" as the deciding metric. Physically larger, stronger and more active referents are assigned a higher status than smaller, weaker referents. The highest status, A, the "powerful" status, indicated with the vowel '''u''', is an exception, dependent not only physical strength but rather social, financial or political power. A referent marked with '''u''' is not necessarily physically dominant over other referents, but a conflict with an individual could lead to more significant consequences for referents of lower status than the physical prowess of the A-statused referent alone would afford them. "Weighty" abstract concepts may sometimes be referred to with the A-status when there is no person in the discourse assigned to this status.
A useful way to conceptualise the typical assignment of status is to use the question "Who would win in a physical fight?" as the deciding metric. Physically larger, stronger and more active referents are assigned a higher status than smaller, weaker referents. The highest status, A, the "powerful" status, indicated with the vowel '''u''', is an exception, dependent not only physical strength but rather social, financial or political power. A referent marked with '''u''' is not necessarily physically dominant over other referents, but a conflict with an individual could lead to more significant consequences for referents of lower status than the physical prowess of the A-statused referent alone would afford them. "Weighty" abstract concepts may sometimes be referred to with the A-status when there is no person in the discourse assigned to this status.
{| class="wikitable" style="font-style:italic; font-weight:bold;" style="vertical-align: top;"
|- style="font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" style="vertical-align: top;"
! colspan="2" | 1st Person<br />(Exclusive)
! colspan="3" | 1st + 2nd<br />Person
! colspan="2" | 2nd <br />Person
! colspan="3" | 3rd <br />Person
|- style="font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" style="vertical-align: top;"
| Status
| Singular
| Plural
| Neutral
| Dual
| Plural
| Singular
| Plural
| Neutral
| Singulative
| Plurative
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
| style="font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" | A "Powerful"
| style="color:#00009b;" | uuž<br />(užžan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | uuz <br />(uzzim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | uuŋ
| style="color:#00009b;" | uuŋan
| style="color:#00009b;" | uuŋim
| style="color:#00009b;" | uul<br />(ullan)<br />
| style="color:#00009b;" | uur<br />(ullim,<br />urrim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | uu
| style="color:#00009b;" | uun
| style="color:#00009b;" | uum
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
| style="font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" | B "Dominant"
| style="color:#00009b;" | aaž<br />(ažžan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | aaz<br />(azzim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | aaŋ
| style="color:#00009b;" | aaŋan
| style="color:#00009b;" | aaŋim
| style="color:#00009b;" | aal<br />(allan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | aar<br />(allim,<br />arrim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | aa
| style="color:#00009b;" | aan
| style="color:#00009b;" | aam
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
| style="font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" | C "Intermediate"
| style="color:#00009b;" | oož<br />(ožžan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | ooz<br />(ozzim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | ooŋ
| style="color:#00009b;" | ooŋan
| style="color:#00009b;" | ooŋim
| style="color:#00009b;" | ool<br />(ollan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | oor<br />(ollim,<br />orrim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | oo
| style="color:#00009b;" | oon
| style="color:#00009b;" | oom
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
| style="font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" | D "Subordinate"
| style="color:#00009b;" | eež<br />(ežžan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | eez<br />(ezzim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | eeŋ
| style="color:#00009b;" | eeŋan
| style="color:#00009b;" | eeŋim
| style="color:#00009b;" | eel<br />(ellan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | eer<br />(ellim,<br />errim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | ee
| style="color:#00009b;" | een
| style="color:#00009b;" | eem
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
| style="font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" | E "Powerless"
| style="color:#00009b;" | iiž<br />(ižžan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | iiz<br />(izzim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | iiŋ
| style="color:#00009b;" | iiŋan
| style="color:#00009b;" | iiŋim
| style="color:#00009b;" | iil<br />(illan)
| style="color:#00009b;" | eer<br />(illim,<br />irrim)
| style="color:#00009b;" | ii
| style="color:#00009b;" | iin
| style="color:#00009b;" | iim
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
| style="font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" | P "Propositional"
| style="color:#00009b;" | -
| style="color:#00009b;" | -
| style="color:#00009b;" | -
| style="color:#00009b; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" |
| style="color:#00009b; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal;" |
| style="color:#00009b;" | -
| style="color:#00009b;" | -
| style="color:#00009b;" | ää
| style="color:#00009b;" | -
| style="color:#00009b;" | -

