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{{Infobox language
|name              = Flewtish
|nativename        = Flitwa
|created          = 2022
|familycolor      = [[w:Language isolate|Language Isolate]]
|ancestor          = Proto-Flewtish
|creator          = Aggelos Tselios
|notice            = IPA
<b>Flewtish</b> ([[w:Endonym|endonym]]: <b>''Flutwa''</b> [ˈɸlutwa] or <b>''Flutwas glung''</b> [ˈɸlutwas ɡluŋ]) is a language spoken by the majority of the population in much of Northwest Russia and the [[w:Karelia|Karelia region]]. Flewtish is a [[w:Language isolate|language isolate]], meaning it does not (with our current knowledge) [[w:Genetic relationship (linguistics)|genetically relate]] to any other language on the planet.
Flewtish is typologically agglutinative, using almost exclusively suffixal affixation to indicate number, tense, person and case. Flewtish is partially a [[w:Null-subject language|null-subject language]], depending on whether the subject can be implicitly indicated with certainty or not. Due to the [[w:Sprachbund|sprachbund effect]], Flewtish is an [[w:Subject–verb–object word order|SVO language]], but more archaic dialects are actually [[w:Subject–object-verb word order|SOV ones]].
Flutwa is an evolution of Proto-Flewtish */ɸʲlitʰa/, meaning "Blooming" or "Saturated". The reason for this name is that the regions that Flewtish speakers settled were far more greener and developed than their previous homeland.
Flewtish is possibly a [[w:Paleosiberian languages|Paleo-siberian]] language that through migration reached it's current territory. This can be further supported by similarities with the [[w:Yeniseian languages|Yeniseian]] languages, like being a tonal language and having vowel length distinction.
Flewtish officially is written with the Cyrillic script as law enforces it in Russia. However the language is biscriptal and hence, it uses both the Latin and Cyrillic scripts to be written. Following are both scripts for writing the language:
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 50em; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse;"
! colspan="26" | Cyrillic Script for Flewtish
| Аа /a/ || Бб /b/ || Вв /v/ || Гг /ɣ/ || Дд /d/ || Ее /e/ || Зз /z/ || Ии /i/ || Іі /ɨ/ || Кк /k/ || Лл /l/ || Мм /m/ || Нн /n/ || Оо /ɔ/ || Өө /θ/ || Пп /p/ || Рр /r/ || Тт /t/ || Сс /s/ || Уу /u/ || Фф /ɸ/ || Ьь (See below) || Хх /h/ || Цц /t͡s/ || Чч /t͡ʃ/ || Шш /ʃ/
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 50em; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse;"
! colspan="26" | Latin Script for Flewtish
| Aa /a/ || Bb /b/ || Cc /θ/ || Dd /d/ || Đð /ð/ || Ee /e/ || Ff /ɸ/ || Gg /g/ || Hh /h/ || Ii /i/ || Yy /ɨ/ || Jj /ɣ/ || Kk /k/ || Ll /l/ || Mm /m/ || Nn /n/ || Oo /o/ || Pp /p/ || Rr /r/ || Ss /s/ || Tt /t/ || Uu /u/ || Vv /v/ || Ṽṽ /w/ || Xx /ʒ/|| Zz /z/
''<small>*'Ьь' usually acts as a modifier letter on the preceding letter. Eg: Дь becomes /ð/, ВЬ becomes /w/, and Аь becomes /ɐ/.</small>''
The letters correspond always to their pronunciation. The orthography is considered a [[w:phonetic orthography|phonetic]], as opposed to deep orthographies like [[w:French orthography|French's]].
Flewtish is a stress accent language, and the stress is fixed to the final syllable of each word.
==Sample text==
===The lion and the boar (Aisop)===
===The lion and the boar (Aisop)===

On a summer day, when the great heat induced a general thirst, a Lion and a Boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat. On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for the fiercer renewal of the strife, they saw some Vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once made up their quarrel, saying: "It is better for us to make friends, than to become the food of Crows or Vultures, as will certainly happen if we are disabled."
On a summer day, when the great heat induced a general thirst, a Lion and a Boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat. On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for the fiercer renewal of the strife|, they saw some Vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once made up their quarrel, saying: "It is better for us to make friends, than to become the food of Crows or Vultures, as will certainly happen if we are disabled."

'''Flewtish (Latin script)''':
'''Flewtish (Latin script)''':

Fál á hãltacogetseg, âmge sîta fárki kāshibetuja génikeg thǐða, fál liōnda é fál kǎban stǎzhanetuja fál kíztag kalaðétsy kũngatuja. Ṽěgleptuja pãtomi htǒk ýpatuja fālgi kũngatuja, é lũnda htúkṽatuja ágonijokseg fál smērtelnig púpa. Kǒntegtukoseg fál stũja shǔndag klãmnjo konfliktǎcis, tíndakutsejoktuja kíttetuni lādotu fálgiseg htǒk patáppio. Shtísegtu bãloshtatu, kiēlitu: "Grǒta gũjid drúgok, kīd gũva shtǎtla vũrisid mé vũlturok, ǎndana ṽúd rikkigũjokiv.
Fal a haltacogetseg, amge sita farki kashibetuja genikeg thixa, fal lionda e fal kaban stamanetuja fal kiztag kalaðetsy kungatuja. Ṽegleptuja a pakstomi htok ypatuja falgi kungatuja, e lunda htukṽatuja a agoniseg fal smertelnig pupa. Kontegtukoseg fal stuja a shundag klamnjo konfliktacis
