Mrimaumri: Difference between revisions

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sû ovyô - to care - sorgen, kümmern <br>
sû ovyô - to care - sorgen, kümmern <br>
sû öoâ - to long for - sich sehnen <br>
sû öoâ - to long for - sich sehnen <br>
sû tmîneggîn, tmîtloc - begegnen, kennenlernen <br>
====verbs of taking up a position====
sû tlîgc - to sit - sitzen <br>
sû tmîtlîgc - to posses - besitzen <br>
sû to stand <br>
sû to put <br>
sû besitzen <br>

====actions with your digestive system====
====actions with your digestive system====