Second Linguifex Relay/Fén Ghír: Difference between revisions

No edit summary
Line 24: Line 24:
cúdhén - Ruler
cúdhén - Ruler

Dí - P1 Plural, No marked case [We/Us/Our]
Dí - P1 Plural[We/Us/Our]

cur - during
cur - during
Line 40: Line 40:
tén- According to
tén- According to

ló- P3 Plural, No Case [They/Them/Their]
ló- P3 Plural[They/Them/Their]

Tel- [Aux.] May, Could
Tel- [Aux.] May, Could
Line 123: Line 123:

"Ra Chím"- To Recognize
"Ra Chím"- To Recognize

===Grammatical Notes===
===Grammatical Notes===
