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<!-- How do the words in your language look? How do you derive words from others? Do you have cases? Are verbs inflected? Do nouns differ from adjectives? Do adjectives differ from verbs? Etc. -->
Lántun is a [[w:Polysynthetic language|polysynthetic]] language, meaning words have a root verb basis to which information is added; that is, morphemes (affixes) are added to verb roots. These words may contain subjects, objects, indirect objects, possession and location. Thus, surprisingly complex ideas can be communicated with as little as one word, for example:
|[[w:Object_(grammar)#Types|IO.Pl]]-entertain-[[w:Abstract and concrete|ABST]]-[[w:Transitive verb|TRNS]]-good-very-[[w:Evidentiality|REPRT]]-but-always-[[w:Irrealis mood|IRR]]-3Ag
| colspan="2" | “However, they will say that he is a great entertainer anyway”.
Nouns are simpler in their structure, than verbs, as most information is included as part of the verb. Lántun also does not distinguish between genders, considering that Dragons also lack biological sex/gender. Sentence structure is quite fluid, with words being organised according to importance or novelty. Often the main verb is placed initially.

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