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=Original texts=
=Original texts=
Miu añ’mau maumau ax miu
==Single sentences==

The cat(s) is stalking a plant
==Multiple sentences==

R’uz secjen’ax miumiu, ji socjon’ax miumiu
I watered my plants, and I will water your plants.
R’uz secmuz miumiu, ji socmuz miumiu
I shat on my plants, and I will shit on your plants.
Miu añ’miu miumiu hel miu
The buried plant(s) is growing old / the buried plant(s) is missing an opportunity
Hanpfeú có xaúx
The child interrupted the bird's call
C’en il setnteu habail’
I’ve never been able to stab children
Íūzi a R’úýen toc.
R’úýen’ vomited up a knife.
Nuc’ lai cun’ cucual’en cüatx xen ýemditx ýem’ux hex?
You really hate glottalization don’t you?
Ñéi, soccual socxauc.
Come inside, I like talking with you.
Cozméuitx hez'i nei ih cucual ez'e nanam maioj.
Marry fast if you like the taste of charcoal.
Soccuj! Sehatxiý Tauxa.
Hello! I was made by Tauxa.
Xen coxmuj xacur eý.
Don't piss on terrorbirds.
Huurzi cudih urzi cudiiad hurux nu
The regretful outlaw regrets his penis crimes
Numa numa iei
He escaped by running like hell
Corúuz'i xec
You and I are friends
Cuhuriadz'i r'úiad āhcozsutx
I love how you sing.
Setnjen' xem'en
I swam in the deep water
Xen je āhcozxilaují xilaují?
Why are you so short?
Ñ'in' yan' miu eý, cozuc'zi!
There's a snake in the grass, watch out!
Seccual í uc' āhseccux, xen cozen?
I'm good but could be better, you?
Coi ucuzad heit eý nivi, í r'uc' ej hez'i xil.
It stopped raining before, but it'll do so again soon.
Añ'cudixz'i maumau.
Cats are evil.
Hanuc' a hab a có tabdil jen cuder n'ehx.
The mother and child see lots of fish blood and a flower.
Ji humuz cé xeu.
The man is sitting on a rock.
Xen úxmeýu xad jál yama yar'u eý?
How much for the parrot in the window?
Seiccux cux curyan am'ciaxe
My favorite month is Am'ciaxe
En secuc’ jál jutxux jíý hed’ c’ez secuc’ tsax piauñ’l’a eý
I understood everything about what had happened after I saw the belt on the bones
Eylac il Cēūshé jál eý.
Cēūshé was here.
Humiuji yanxad’ uez hed’ iupf r’ūj eý
He put new bowls on the long mat
C'ua jál c'uayud xen āhsecuc'zi
That dumbass thinks I won't notice
Xen jíý xad?
What happened?
Cüuc’ cucual ez’e n’eh jál ej nu ne xen āhseceuax coil.
-xen c’uaijí
Admire someone else's beauty without questioning your own.
Cozr'u āhaíil Ýañ'an, cuoj uhai
Go where the Ýans live, lizard
Ih uc' cozjí, nez secuc'
If you do, I will not see.
Xil eý āhtumjí R'úvñ'ian
When the R'úvñ'ian is sus
Har' corcur ehc' - Xen corcur ehc'
Don't destroy my heart - Don't destroy my heart
Setnuc' ux secxauc a "xen je uxeuiadjí xeuiadjí?"
I saw the animal and said "Why is it so large?"
Sehxeý sehr'ūño hez'i āl juldum miulah
I have to see the doctor in the early afternoon
C'er' cohuc' xec' xenuz xem'uj
You'll be able to see the smoke from afar
Corxec jál ej, yail ñua jál
Xen cozuc'utxux? Ih coxey yail ej, āhiysabaz'i jál ej hez'i ej
Give me two of these, and one bag of rice
Are you sure? if you get two bags, the second one is half off

=Original dad jokes=
=Original dad jokes=