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'''Ravenna University Circle of [[w:Phonological Development|Phonological Development]]''' (Luthic: ''Creizzo Sviluppi Phonologici giȧ Accademiȧ Ravennȧ'') was developed in 1990, however very little research has been done on the earliest stages of phonological development in Luthic.
'''Ravenna University Circle of [[w:Phonological Development|Phonological Development]]''' (Luthic: ''Creizzo Sviluppi Phonologici giȧ Accademiȧ Ravennȧ'') was developed in 1990, however very little research has been done on the earliest stages of phonological development in Luthic.
===Phonological development===
Phonological development refers to how children learn to organize sounds into meaning or language (phonology) during their stages of growth.
====Phoneme inventory and phonotactics====
Word-final consonants are rarely produced during the early stages of word production. Consonants are usually found in word-initial position, or in intervocalic position. At 6 months, infants are also able to make use of prosodic features of the ambient language to break the speech stream they are exposed to into meaningful units, e.g., they are better able to distinguish sounds that occur in stressed vs. unstressed syllables. This means that at 6 months infants have some knowledge of the stress patterns in the speech they are exposed and they have learned that these patterns are meaningful.
=====10 months=====
Most consonants are word-initial only: They are voiced stops /d/, /b/ and the nasal /m/. A presence of voiceless stops is also found as /t/, /p/ and rarely /k/; who can be allphones of each other. A preference for a front place of articulation is present. Clicks are also present, although mostly for imitative suckling sounds.
[[w:Babbling|Babbling]] becomes distinct from previous, less structured vocal play. Initially, syllable structure is limited to CVCV, called [[w:Reduplication|reduplicated babbling]]. Consonant clusters are still absent. Children’s first ten words appear around month 12, and take CVCV format, such as '''mama''' “mother”, '''papa''' “father” and '''dada''' “give me!”.
=====21 months=====
More phones now appear: the nasal /n/, the voiceless fricative /t͡ʃ/, who can be an allphone of /t ~ d/; as voice is still not a distinctive feature, and the liquid /l/. The preference for front articulation is still present, triggering palatalisation.
=====24 months=====
Fricatives may appear: /f ~ v/ and /s/ (who can be further palatalised to /ʃ/), primarily at intervocalic position. Voice may become a distinctive feature at this stage. Onomatopoeiae are also produced, such as /aw aw/ for [[w:Bark|dog’s barking]]; /ow/, or preferably /aj/ for denoting pain.
Production of trisyllabic words begins, such as C₁VC₂VC₃V. Consonant clusters are now present and are often subject to [[w:Consonant harmony|consonant harmony]].
=====30 months=====
Approximately equal numbers of phones are now produced in word-initial and intervocalic position. Additions to the phonetic inventory are the voiced stop /ɡ/ and a few consonant clusters. Co-articulations are perceived, such as labio-velar plosives and the aspirated plosive series. Alveolars and bilabials are the two most common places of articulation. Labiodental and postalveolar production increases throughout development, while velar production decreases. Luthic lenitions also become evident, as more fricatives and approximants are produced. Children develop syllabic segmentation awareness earlier than phonemic segmentation awareness.

'''Ravenna University Circle of [[w:Theology|Theology]]''' (Luthic: ''Creizzo Theologiai giȧ Accademiȧ Ravennȧ'') was developed in 2000 in association with the [[w:Ravenna Cathedral|Ravenna Cathedral or Metropolitan Cathedral of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ]] (Luthic: ''Cathedrale metropolitana deï Osstassi Unsari Signori Gesosi Christi''; Italian: ''Cattedrale metropolitana della Risurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo; Duomo di Ravenna'').
'''Ravenna University Circle of [[w:Theology|Theology]]''' (Luthic: ''Creizzo Theologiai giȧ Accademiȧ Ravennȧ'') was developed in 2000 in association with the [[w:Ravenna Cathedral|Ravenna Cathedral or Metropolitan Cathedral of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ]] (Luthic: ''Cathedrale metropolitana deï Osstassi Unsari Signori Gesosi Christi''; Italian: ''Cattedrale metropolitana della Risurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo; Duomo di Ravenna'').
