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‘’’lemma’’’ - definition; ‘’’finite verbal stem’’’-, ‘’’participial stem’’’ (de facto the nom/erg singular imperfect active participle), ‘’’vocative stem’’’+, ‘’’ergative/nominative form’’’, ‘’’oblique stem’’’-, ‘’’adverbial form’’’
‘’’lemma’’’ - definition; ‘’’finite verbal stem’’’-, ‘’’participial stem’’’ (de facto the nom/erg singular imperfect active participle), ‘’’vocative stem’’’+, ‘’’ergative/nominative form’’’, ‘’’oblique stem’’’-, ‘’’adverbial form’’’
+The similative and partitive cases are also based on the vocative stem, as well as adjectives. More on that in the next post.
:+The similative and partitive cases are also based on the vocative stem, as well as adjectives. More on that in the next post.

Verbal stems tend to group in (C)VCC and participial stems in (C)V(C)C; nominative/ergative stems tend to be CVCVC, and oblique nominal stems CCVC if allowed by phonotactics (which I will have to elaborate on in a new post as a supplement to the first post on phonology). Unstressed epenthetics are inserted where needed, giving possible ^VCC(C/V) instead of expected CC(C/V), or CVCVC instead of expected CCVC.
Verbal stems tend to group in (C)VCC and participial stems in (C)V(C)C; nominative/ergative stems tend to be CVCVC, and oblique nominal stems CCVC if allowed by phonotactics (which I will have to elaborate on in a new post as a supplement to the first post on phonology). Unstressed epenthetics are inserted where needed, giving possible ^VCC(C/V) instead of expected CC(C/V), or CVCVC instead of expected CCVC.
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*bgs - bags-, bags, bágsa, bágas, bagás-+, bagsá
*bgs - bags-, bags, bágsa, bágas, bagás-+, bagsá
*zpt - zapt-, zapt, zápta, zápat, zpát-+, zaptá
*zpt - zapt-, zapt, zápta, zápat, zpát-+, zaptá
+If the cluster is not allowed initially, like [bg], epenthetic /a/ is inserted. Further, /zp/ is definitely going to be realized as [zb]
:+If the cluster is not allowed initially, like [bg], epenthetic /a/ is inserted. Further, /zp/ is definitely going to be realized as [zb]
*ddz - idle mischief/fiddling/to idle about; dadz-, dadz, dádza, dádaz, đaz-+, dadzá
*ddz - idle mischief/fiddling/to idle about; dadz-, dadz, dádza, dádaz, đaz-+, dadzá
+if a reduplicated letter can fricativize/affricatize, it will in the oblique nominal stem
:+if a reduplicated letter can fricativize/affricatize, it will in the oblique nominal stem
*pps - imitation/to fake/artificial; paps-, paps, pápsa, pápas, pas-*, papsá
*pps - imitation/to fake/artificial; paps-, paps, pápsa, pápas, pas-*, papsá
*if the reduplicated consonant cannot fricativize, it reduces so ppas=>pas (since /f/ is lacking in the inventory).
*if the reduplicated consonant cannot fricativize, it reduces so ppas=>pas (since /f/ is lacking in the inventory).
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*pwt - clearing/to clear/deobstructed; powt-, pot, put, pówot, pwót-, putú
*pwt - clearing/to clear/deobstructed; powt-, pot, put, pówot, pwót-, putú
*rwk - tongue/speak/of or relating to tongue or speech/language; rowk-, rok, ruk, rówok, orwók-, rukú+
*rwk - tongue/speak/of or relating to tongue or speech/language; rowk-, rok, ruk, rówok, orwók-, rukú+
+as a semantic tidbit, Rukú is how you would say "in Rowok", as opposed to rwógdo (tongue.inst) "(doing something) with your tongue", and Ruk is the name of Rowok's protolanguage. More on that 3 years from now or when I get a clone...
:+as a semantic tidbit, Rukú is how you would say "in Rowok", as opposed to rwógdo (tongue.inst) "(doing something) with your tongue", and Ruk is the name of Rowok's protolanguage. More on that 3 years from now or when I get a clone...
final /w/:
final /w/:
*gdw - tool/to fashion/skillful; gódw-, gdo, gódu/gódw-+, gódow, gdów-, godú
*gdw - tool/to fashion/skillful; gódw-, gdo, gódu/gódw-+, gódow, gdów-, godú
+In roots with final /w/ the vocative is CóCu, while the similative and partitive are built off of CoCw
:+In roots with final /w/ the vocative is CóCu, while the similative and partitive are built off of CoCw
*lsw - running water/flow/fluent; lósw-, ólso, lósu/losw-, lósow, olswó-*, losú
*lsw - running water/flow/fluent; lósw-, ólso, lósu/losw-, lósow, olswó-*, losú
A similar variation as above when a final /w/ root begins with /y/:
A similar variation as above when a final /w/ root begins with /y/: