Modern Manish: Difference between revisions

Added infobox with basic language information and map of Aior
m (Added a header with links to other terms that could be meant by "Manish". Also added the Construction template.)
(Added infobox with basic language information and map of Aior)
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{{Infobox language
| image=AiorMap.jpg
| imagesize=
| name=''Modern Manish language''
| nativename=''TBD''
| pronunciation=''TBD''
| creator=[[User:Andenor|Andenor]]
| setting=''[[Verse:Aior|Aior]]''
| familycolor=Manish
| fam1=[[Manish Language Family|Manish]]
| fam2=[[Central Manish]]
| fam3=[[Western Manish]]
| fam4=[[Mountain Manish]]
| ancestor=[[Ancient Manish]]
| ancestor2=[[Old Manish]]
| ancestor3=[[Middle Manish]]
| script=[[Modern Manish Script]]
| notice=IPA
Modern Manish is a language spoken in the fictional world of Aior. It is the most widely spoken language on Aior, both by number of native speakers and by total number of speakers. Work on the language began in 2017, and it continues to be updated.
Modern Manish is a language spoken in the fictional world of Aior. It is the most widely spoken language on Aior, both by number of native speakers and by total number of speakers. Work on the language began in 2017, and it continues to be updated.

