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(Replaced content with "Concept sets extracted from [ CLLD Concepticon 3.1.0] == Agriculture and vegetation == === Action/Process === === Person/Thing === === Property === == Animals == === Action/Process === === Other === === Person/Thing === === Property === == Basic actions and technology == === Action/Process === === Classifier === === Other === === Person/Thing === === Property === == Clothing and grooming == === Action/Process ==...")
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=== Action/Process ===
=== Action/Process ===
* '''Bear fruit:''' To produce or yield fruits. [3054]
* '''Bloom:''' To bear flowers or to start bearing flowers; to blossom. [3287]
* '''Burn land:''' Clear an area with fire. [3539]
* '''Cultivate:''' To prepare an area by tilling, planting seeds etc. in order to grow plants. [1541]
* '''Dig:''' To move earth, rocks, etc. out of the way, usually to create a hole. [1418]
* '''Fell (a tree):''' To cut down a tree. [463]
* '''Grow plants:''' To cultivate a specific type of plant in order to harvest it. [3461]
* '''Harvest crops:''' To gather the ripened crop. [1827]
* '''Irrigate:''' To supply with water; to water. [3078]
* '''Mow:''' To cut all the grass, crop or any thin plants of a surface area of the ground. [190]
* '''Plant (something):''' To put a plant in the ground so that it strikes root and grows. [1486]
* '''Plough:''' To use a plough on to prepare for planting. [1921]
* '''Pull up weeds:''' To remove weeds from e.g. a field. [3548]
* '''Put out to pasture:''' To put livestock into a field or pasture or meadow to graze. [2031]
* '''Smoke (inhale):''' To inhale smoke from for example a cigarette or a cigar. [1689]
* '''Sow seeds:''' To scatter or disperse seeds on a field. [748]
* '''Thresh:''' Separating the grain from the straw or husks by beating. [285]
* '''Till:''' Prepare land for cultivation by work such as ploughing, harrowing, and manuring. [3273]

=== Person/Thing ===
=== Person/Thing ===
* '''Acai palm:''' A species of palm tree in the genus Euterpe cultivated for its fruit and hearts of palm. [2437]
* '''Achiote:''' A derivative of the achiote trees of tropical regions of the Americas used as a red food coloring and as a flavoring. [349]
* '''Acorn:''' Fruit of the oak tree. [968]
* '''Alang-alang grass:''' It is a perennial high grown grass native to Asia, Australia and Africa. [464]
* '''Almond:''' The edible and cultivated fruit of the tree Prunus dulcis in the family Rosaceae. It resembles a nut and can be sold shelled or unshelled. [3815]
* '''Apple:''' The popular, crisp, round fruit of the apple tree, usually with red, yellow or green skin, light-coloured flesh and pips inside. [1320]
* '''Apricot blossom:''' The flower of the Apricot Tree. [2745]
* '''Apricot tree:''' A tree that bears the apricot fruit. [2357]
* '''Asparagus:''' A spring vegetable. [2605]
* '''Aspen:''' A kind of poplar tree (genus Populus; section Populus). [903]
* '''Babassu palm:''' Type of palm (Attalea speciosa) widely spread in Brazil; its fruit is edible and used to produce oil and medicine [3925]
* '''Bamboo:''' A group of woody perennial evergreen plants in the true grass family Poaceae, subfamily Bambusoideae, tribe Bambuseae. [1927]
* '''Banana tree:''' The tropical treelike plant which bears clusters of bananas. The plant, of the genus Musa, has large, elongated leaves. [1795]
* '''Banana:''' The fruit of the banana tree. [868]
* '''Banyan:''' A tropical Indian fig tree, Ficus benghalensis, that has many aerial roots. [346]
* '''Baobab tree:''' Genus of big trees (Adansonia) from the mallow family, growing in tropical countries. [997]
* '''Bark:''' The exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree. [1204]
* '''Barley:''' A strong cereal of the genus Hordeum, or its grains, often used as food or to make malted drinks. [932]
* '''Beech:''' Any tree of the genus Fagus, of temperate regions, having a smooth gray bark and bearing small, edible, triangular nuts. [1950]
* '''Beer banana:''' Triploid banana cultivars originating from the African Great Lakes region. [2251]
* '''Betel pepper vine:''' A vine of the species 'Piper betle' whose leaves are chewed for its medicinal properties. [177]
* '''Betelnut:''' The seed of the areca palm (Areca catechu). [217]
* '''Birch:''' A tree of the genus Betula, with small leaves and a trunk that is white with darker blotches. [1855]
* '''Bitter buckwheat:''' Fagopyrum tataricum, a domesticated plant similar to the (sweet) buckwheat. [3256]
* '''Blueberry:''' Perennial flowering plants with indigo-coloured berries from the section Cyanococcus. [2809]
* '''Bran:''' The hard outer layers of cereal grain. It consists of the combined aleurone and pericarp. [2362]
* '''Branch or twig:''' A woody part of a tree arising from the trunk or from another branch. [3223]
* '''Branch:''' A woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing. [1531]
* '''Brazil nut:''' Edible seed of a tree (bertholletia excelsa); used to produce medicine [3928]
* '''Brazilian cedar:''' Native Brazilian tree (Cedrela odorata). Its wood is often used for canoes [3929]
* '''Broad bean:''' Bean of the plant Vicia faba, also known as fava bean. It is typically large, of a pale green colour, and edible. [3839]
* '''Buckwheat:''' (Fagopyrum esculentum) An annual plant with clusters of small pinkish white flowers and small edible triangular seeds which are used whole or ground into flour. [2040]
* '''Bud:''' A bud is an undeveloped or embryonic shoot and normally occurs in the axil of a leaf or at the tip of the stem. [1684]
* '''Bulb:''' A bulb is the part of some plants that stores food while the plant is resting from growing. [2617]
* '''Bush:''' A plant resembling a small tree, but has no, and will never develop, a stem. [1683]
* '''Cactus:''' A mamber of the plant family Cactaceae. [2595]
* '''Calabash:''' (Not to confuse with gourd) a plant from the family Bignoniaceae, native to tropical America. It has a form of a small tree, producing fruit of the globular shape. It is also known under the name of Crescentia cujete and its fruits are mostly used to make utensils, containers, and musical instruments. [3918]
* '''Carrot:''' Domesticated root vegetable usually orange or red in colour. [3085]
* '''Cashew:''' A tropical evergreen tree that produces the cashew seed and the cashew apple. [2441]
* '''Cassava:''' Shrub (Manihot esculenta) whose roots are rich in starch. [925]
* '''Cecropia:''' Common designation of several species of the Cecropia genus (genus Cecropia) [3931]
* '''Chaff (husk):''' The outer shell or coating of a seed. [2363]
* '''Chestnut tree:''' Any north temperate fagaceous tree of the genus Castanea, such as Castanea sativa, which produce flowers in long catkins and nuts in a prickly bur. [1009]
* '''Chinese plum:''' An Asian tree species classified in the Armeniaca section of the genus Prunus subgenus Prunus. [2356]
* '''Chonta palm:''' Species of flowering plant in the Arecaceae family, trunked palm tree which is endemic to the Juan Fernández Islands archipielago in the southeast Pacific Ocean west of Chile. [440]
* '''Citrus fruit:''' The fruits of a plant in the citrus genus. They have a leathery rind surrounding segments filled with pulp vesicles. [1126]
* '''Clove:''' The aromatic flower bud of a clove tree, used as a spice. [2000]
* '''Coca:''' A plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to western South America. [137]
* '''Cocoa bean:''' The dried and fully fermented fatty seed of Theobroma cacao, from which cocoa solids and cocoa butter are extracted. [2442]
* '''Coconut tree:''' A tropical tree with feathery leaves which bears coconuts. [147]
* '''Coconut:''' The large hard-shelled oval nut with a fibrous husk of the cocos palm. [970]
* '''Cone:''' The fruit of a pine or fir tree. [287]
* '''Coriander:''' Annual herb in the family Apiaceae. [3241]
* '''Corn field:''' A field in which corn is grown. [449]
* '''Corn husk:''' The outer covering of a corncob. [3686]
* '''Cornflower:''' A composite plant, Centaurea cyanus, having narrow leaves and blue flower heads. [1960]
* '''Cotton wool:''' The cotton-looking seeds of a cottonwood tree that are spread around by the wind during the shedding season (usually from late spring to early summer). [3442]
* '''Cranberry:''' The red and typically sour berry of several evergreen shrubs in the family Ericaceae. [3840]
* '''Crops:''' The output of plants cultivated that is grown on a large scale. [3081]
* '''Cucumber:''' The edible fruit of the cucumber plant, having a green rind and crisp white flesh. [496]
* '''Cypress:''' A common name for various coniferous trees or shrubs of northern temperate regions that belong to the family Cupressaceae. [3243]
* '''Dandelion:''' A species of the genus Taraxacum, a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. [1800]
* '''Date (fruit):''' The sweet, edible fruit of the date palm Phoenix dactylifera of the family Arecaceae. [3801]
* '''Dibble stick:''' A piece of wood with a point used for making holes in the ground for seeds, seedlings or small bulbs. [3155]
* '''Digging stick:''' A rod shaped implement used by the aboriginal people of Australia to dig yam and as a combat weapon. [339]
* '''Ditch:''' A long, narrow excavation artificially dug in the ground; especially an open and usually unpaved waterway, channel, or trench for conveying water for drainage or irrigation, and usually smaller than a canal. Some ditches may be natural watercourses. [2002]
* '''Dog-rose:''' The dog-rose (rosa canina) is a variable climbing wild rose species native to Europe, northwest Africa and western Asia and whose fruit is known as hip. [527]
* '''Ear (of grain):''' The upper part of grain plants. [3244]
* '''Elm:''' A tall tree with broad leaves. [3317]
* '''Eucalypt:''' Tree or wood for plants with capsule fruiting bodies belonging to closely related genera found across Australia. [3007]
* '''Famine:''' A severe shortage of food, as through crop failure or over population. It may be due to poor harvests following drought, floods, earthquake, war, social conflict, etc. [199]
* '''Farm:''' Any tract of land or building used for agricultural purposes, such as for raising crops and livestock. [201]
* '''Farmer:''' A person who works the land or who keeps livestock, especially on a farm. [979]
* '''Fence:''' Delimitation for an area. [1690]
* '''Fern:''' Any member of a large group of vascular plants in the family Filices who have neither flowers nor seeds. [3802]
* '''Field (upland):''' A dry field rather than a flooded paddy field. [2794]
* '''Field:''' A limited area of land with grass or crops growing on it, which is usually surrounded by fences or closely planted bushes when it is part of a farm. [212]
* '''Finger millet:''' Eleusine coracana, a herbaceous plant characteristic for the hability to withstand cultivation at high altitudes. [3265]
* '''Fir:''' An evergreen coniferous tree of the genus Abies. [1915]
* '''Fish poison:''' In Amazonia, a kind of root is apparently used as fish poison. [348]
* '''Flax or linen:''' A plant with blue flowers that is cultivated for its stem to make linen or its seeds to make oil, or a material made from the fibers of the flax plant. [3462]
* '''Flax:''' A plant with blue flowers that is cultivated for its stem to make linen or its seeds to make oil. [3315]
* '''Flower:''' The reproductive structure of angiosperm plants, consisting of stamens and carpels surrounded by petals and sepals all borne on the receptacle. [239]
* '''Forked branch:''' At this point a branch is forked into two or more branches. [409]
* '''Foxtail millet:''' Staria italica, an annual grass grown for human food and related to (broomcorn) millet. [3266]
* '''Fraxinus:''' Any of the trees belonging to the genus Fraxinus. [1089]
* '''Furrow:''' The cut made in a field by a plough. [1794]
* '''Garden:''' A piece of land next to a house where flowers and other plants are grown and which often has an area of grass. [586]
* '''Garlic:''' A species in the onion genus, Allium. [2368]
* '''Gebang palm:''' Tree of the Corypha Utan species. [3156]
* '''Genipa:''' Either a species of trees in the family Rubiaceae native to the tropical forests of Americas or its fruit (also referred to as “genipap”). A Genipa tree typically has large smooth or hairy leaves and ovoid-shaped fruit with large and flat seeds. [3920]
* '''Ginger:''' A herbaceous perennial which grows annual stems about a meter tall bearing narrow green leaves and yellow flowers. [2500]
* '''Glutinous rice:''' A type of rice grown mainly in Southeast and East Asia and the eastern parts of South Asia, which has opaque grains, very low amylose content, and is especially sticky when cooked. Also called oryza sativa var. glutinosa, sticky rice, sweet rice or waxy rice. [2750]
* '''Gourd or melon:''' Either a gourd or a melon. [3398]
* '''Gourd:''' A plant belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae, native to tropical Africa. It represents a creeping vine, usually grown for its fruits that, as a rule, can have a variety of shapes: from rounded to globular, bottle- or club-shaped or even slim and coiled. [411]
* '''Grain:''' Edible, starchy seeds of the grass family (Graminae) usable as food by man and his livestock. [605]
* '''Granary:''' A building for storing threshed grain. [3657]
* '''Grapefruit or pomelo:''' The fruit of the pomelo tree, Citrus maxima, of the family Rutaceae, or the fruit of the grapefruit tree, Citrus x paradisi, a citrus hybrid which originated from crossing pomelos and oranges. Due to the recent origin of the grapefruit and the close genetic relatedness between both fruits, they are often not differentiated lexically. [3804]
* '''Grapevine:''' A climbing plant that produces grapes and belongs to the family Vitaceae. [3769]
* '''Grass:''' A very large and widespread family of Monocotyledoneae, with more than 10.000 species, most of which are herbaceous, but a few are woody. The stems are jointed, the long, narrow leaves originating at the nodes. The flowers are inconspicuous, with a much reduced perianth, and are wind-pollinated or cleistogamous. [606]
* '''Grassland:''' Areas where the vegetation is dominated by grasses. [2819]
* '''Green coconut:''' A green (i.e., not mature) oval nut with a fibrous husk of the cocos palm, used as source of coconut water. [3034]
* '''Groundnut (peanut):''' A nutlike fruit from the plant Arachis hypogaea that grows on long stems under ground. [595]
* '''Harrow (tool):''' An agricultural implement consisting of many spikes, tines or discs dragged across the soil. [2545]
* '''Harvest or harvest season:''' The crop gathered in a season and the time during which crops are typically harvested. [3541]
* '''Harvest:''' The crop gathered in a season. [611]
* '''Hawthorn:''' Any of various shrubs and small trees of the genus Crataegus having small, apple-like fruits and thorny branches. [1168]
* '''Hay:''' Cut and dried grass for use as animal fodder. [342]
* '''Hemp:''' A tall annual herb, Cannabis sativa, native to Asia. [2041]
* '''Herb:''' A flowering plant that is valued for its medical properties. [2542]
* '''Highland barley:''' A subpecies of the cereal of the genus Hordeum, typically cultivated in the Himalaya region. [3079]
* '''Hoe:''' A tool with handle and blade with two or more prongs used for weeding, raking, etc. [284]
* '''Hops:''' Used to refer to flowers of the hop plant, used as flavouring or bittering agent in cooking and brewing activities. [3316]
* '''Inga (genus):''' Genus of plants commonly found in Brazil [3934]
* '''Jackfruit:''' A species of tree in the fig, mulberry and breadfruit family (Moraceae). [2655]
* '''Job's tears:''' A tall grain-bearing plant of the Poaceae family; coixseed; yi yi. [3281]
* '''Kapok tree:''' Either the Bombax ceiba (tree with red flowers), or the Calotropis procera, or the Ceiba pentandra. [2499]
* '''Kiwifruit:''' Edible berry of several species of woody vines in the genus Actinidia. [3247]
* '''Larch:''' A coniferous tree, of genus Larix, having deciduous leaves. [116]
* '''Lasso:''' A long rope with a sliding loop on one end, generally used in ranching to catch cattle and horses. [340]
* '''Leaf spine:''' A hard, rigid extension of leaves with sharp, stiff ends. [2803]
* '''Leaf:''' The main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants, usually consisting of a flat green blade attached to the stem directly or by a stalk. [628]
* '''Lemon:''' Fruit with yellow rind and acidic/sour juice. [3091]
* '''Lentils:''' A small seed that is dried and used in cooking. [3330]
* '''Liana:''' A liana is any of various long-stemmed, woody vines that are rooted in the soil at ground level and use trees, as well as other means of vertical support, to climb up to the canopy to get access to well-lit areas of the fores . [2388]
* '''Liber (inner bark):''' The inner most layer of bark (particularly from a tree). [3950]
* '''Lime (fruit):''' A green citrus fruit. [982]
* '''Lontar palm:''' Species of the genus Borassus of fan palms. [3030]
* '''Lotus:''' One of two species of aquatic plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. [2359]
* '''Mahogany tree:''' A species of trees in the mahogany family Meliaceae, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar. [455]
* '''Maize:''' A type of grain of the species Zea mays. [506]
* '''Mandarine:''' A small citrus tree with fruit resembling other oranges. Mandarin oranges are usually eaten plain or in fruit salads. [2367]
* '''Mango:''' The fruit from the Mango tree. [2398]
* '''Mangrove:''' Any of various tropical evergreen trees or shrubs that grow in shallow coastal water; Plants of the Rhizophoraceae family and/or of the genus Rhizophora. [350]
* '''Manioc flour:''' Flour made of the cassava plant or root. [324]
* '''Manioc:''' Shrub (Manihot esculenta) whose roots are rich in starch. [927]
* '''Manzanita:''' Species of the genus Arctostaphylos; evergreen shrubs or small trees present in the chaparral biome of western North America. [520]
* '''Maple tree:''' A group of trees belonging to the genus acer. [3248]
* '''Melon:''' A fruit of any of the species from the family Cucurbitaceae that has relatively hard inedible shells and plenty of sweet flesh. The fruits may vary in size but is usually not smaller than one decimeter in diameter. [507]
* '''Millet:''' A group of small-seeded species of cereal crops, widely grown around the world for food and fodder. [931]
* '''Miriti palm:''' Mauritia flexuosa, a palm tree of the family Arecaceae, common to tropical regions of South America. [3811]
* '''Moringa tree:''' Species of the genus Moringa, widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas and used in herbal medicine. [3031]
* '''Moss:''' Any plant of the class Bryophyta, occurring in nearly all damp habitats. [637]
* '''Mountain soursop (annona montana):''' Type of tree found in the Amazon [3936]
* '''Muer (fungus):''' An ear-shaped edible fungus that belongs to the species of Auriculariaceae and is used in medicine and culinary. [3392]
* '''Mugwort:''' A common name for several species of aromatic plants in the genus Artemisia. [2361]
* '''Mushroom:''' An organism belonging to a family of Basidiomycetes that are characterized by the production of spores on gills. [641]
* '''Nature:''' The physical world including all living things as well as the land and the seas. [3897]
* '''Needle tree:''' A needle of coniferous tree. [286]
* '''Nettle:''' Any of numerous plants having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact (especially of the genus Urtica or family Urticaceae). [B:33] [33]
* '''Oak:''' Any tree of the genus Quercus in the order Fagales, characterized by simple, usually lobed leaves, scaly winter buds, a star-shaped pith, and its fruit, the acorn, which is a nut; the wood is tough, hard, and durable, generally having a distinct pattern. [644]
* '''Oat:''' A species of grass (Avena sativa) grown for its seed. [60]
* '''Okra:''' A flowering plant in the mallow (Malvaceae) family valued for its edible pods; okro, ochro; ladies' fingers. [1737]
* '''Onion:''' A vegetable and is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. [2366]
* '''Orange (fruit):''' A fruit of the citrus species citrus x sinensis. [2627]
* '''Osmanthus fragrans:''' A small tree species native to Asia from the Himalayas through southern China. [2747]
* '''Paddy field:''' A flooded field where rice is grown. [140]
* '''Paddy:''' Wet land in which rice is grown. [283]
* '''Palm tree:''' Any of various evergreen trees from the family Palmae or Arecaceae, which are mainly found in the tropics. [1181]
* '''Pandanus:''' Palm-like, dioecious trees and shrubs native to the Old World tropics and subtropics. [469]
* '''Peach blossom:''' The flower of the Peach Tree. [2746]
* '''Peach palm:''' A species of palm, also know as Bactris gasipaes, native to the tropical forests of Central and South America. [3919]
* '''Peach tree:''' The tree that bears peaches as fruits. [2358]
* '''Peach:''' The soft, sweet, juicy fruit of the peach tree, usually with a red or orange skin, yellow flesh and a large stone inside. [2043]
* '''Peanut:''' A species in the family Fabaceae (commonly known as the bean, pea or legume family). [2364]
* '''Pear:''' A fruit produced by the pear tree. [922]
* '''Persimmon:''' Edible fruit of a number of species of trees of the genus Diospyros in the ebony wood family. [2044]
* '''Pine:''' Evergreen coniferous tree of the genus Pinus. [1740]
* '''Pineapple:''' A tropical plant with edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries, also called pineapples, and the most economically significant plant in the Bromeliaceae family. [2440]
* '''Pipe:''' A device consisting of a mouthpiece, a long pipe stem and a pipe bowl, that is used to smoke tobacco. [1124]
* '''Pitchfork:''' An agricultural tool comprising a fork attached to a long handle used for pitching hay or bales of hay high up onto a haystack. [337]
* '''Plant (vegetation):''' Any living organism that synthesizes its food from inorganic substances, possesses cellulose cell walls, responds slowly and often permanently to a stimulus, lacks specialized sense organs and nervous system, and has no powers of locomotion. [653]
* '''Plant stem:''' One of two main structural axes of a vascular plant, the other being the root. [2628]
* '''Plantago:''' A plant of the genus Plantago, with a rosette of sessile leaves about 10 cm long with a narrow part instead of a petiole, and with a spike inflorescence with the flower spacing varying widely among the species. [3221]
* '''Plantain:''' A kind of banana that is normally cooked and not eaten raw. [399]
* '''Plough (instrument):''' An agricultural device pulled through the ground in order to break it open into furrows for planting. [2154]
* '''Plum blossom:''' The flower of the Chinese Plum. [2744]
* '''Poplar:''' Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus. [821]
* '''Prickly ash:''' A flowering plant in the family Rutaceae. [3253]
* '''Pumpkin:''' A squash fruit of the Cucurbita genus, most commonly orange in colour when ripe and traditionally used during Halloween. [864]
* '''Radish:''' An edible root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family that was domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times. [2365]
* '''Rake:''' A garden tool with a row of pointed teeth fixed to a long handle, used for collecting grass or debris, or for loosening soil. [338]
* '''Ramie:''' A perennial shrub native to Eastern Asia, with broad leaves and clusters of greenish flowers. [3063]
* '''Raspberry:''' The edible, berry-like fruit of a multitude of plant species in the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae, most typically red, small and sweet. [3803]
* '''Reed:''' Any of various types of tall stiff grass-like plants growing together in groups near water. [659]
* '''Ribes:''' A member of the genus Ribes in the gooseberry family Grossulariaceae, native to parts of western Europe (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, and northern Italy). It is a deciduous shrub normally growing to 1-1.5 m tall, occasionally 2 m, with five-lobed leaves arranged spirally on the stems. [1988]
* '''Rice flour:''' A flour made from finely milled rice, distinct from rice starch which is produced by steeping rice in lye; rice powder. [3285]
* '''Rice husk:''' The husk of rice seeds. [2501]
* '''Rice plant:''' An erect grass, Oryza sativa, that grows in East Asia on wet ground and has drooping flower spikes and yellow oblong edible grains that become white when polished. [2026]
* '''Rice seedling:''' The seedling of a rice plant. [3767]
* '''Rice straw:''' The dry stalks of the rice plant. [3391]
* '''Rice:''' Seeds of the rice plant (Oryza sativa) used as food. [926]
* '''Ripe coconut:''' A ripe (i.e., mature) oval nut with a fibrous husk of the cocos palm, used as source of coconut meat. [3035]
* '''Root:''' The absorbing and anchoring organ of a vascular plant; it bears neither leaves nor flowers and is usually subterranean. [670]
* '''Rose:''' A showy flower of any of a genus (Rosa of the family Rosaceae, the rose family). [3882]
* '''Rye:''' Biennial plant from the genus Secale of the family Poaceae, used as a cereal or for forage. [23]
* '''Sap:''' The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition. [345]
* '''Scythe:''' A farm tool consisting of a long bent blade attached to a shaft, that is designed for cutting straws of grass or grain from an upright position. [20]
* '''Seed:''' A mature fertilized plant ovule, consisting of an embryo and its food store surrounded by a protective seed coat (testa). [714]
* '''Seedling:''' A young plant produced from a seed. [3050]
* '''Sesame:''' A flowering plant in the genus Sesamum. [2797]
* '''Shea nut tree:''' Tree of the Sapotaceae family,indigenous to Africa, commonly known as shea tree. The shea fruits are oil-rich seed from which shea butter is extracted. [454]
* '''Shovel:''' A tool consisting of a stick (usually out of wood) and a bigger, slightly humped surface (usually out of metal), which is used to move material such as earth, snow, grain, etc. from one place to another. [1901]
* '''Shrub:''' A woody perennial plant, smaller than a tree, with several major branches arising from near the base of the main stem. [751]
* '''Sickle or scythe:''' Any portable tool that is used to cut grass or cereal crops in agriculture. [2132]
* '''Sickle:''' An implement, having a semicircular blade and short handle, used for cutting long grass and cereal crops in agriculture. [341]
* '''Sorghum:''' A cereal, Sorghum vulgare or Sorghum bicolor, the grains of which are used to make flour and as cattle feed. [347]
* '''Soya:''' An annual plant native to East Asia that is widely cultivated for its fruit. [2027]
* '''Spade:''' Tool having a flat and sharp metal tip and a wooden handle used to break, dig and move the earth. [1176]
* '''Spike:''' The fruiting body of a grain plant. [1249]
* '''Sprout (shoot):''' The early growth of a plant. [3358]
* '''Spruce:''' Any of various large coniferous evergreen trees from the genus Picea, found in northern temperate and boreal regions. [545]
* '''Strawberry:''' Soft, red fruit with yellow seeds on its surface. [3138]
* '''Stump of tree:''' The short piece left over after cutting off the most part. [1023]
* '''Sucker:''' An undesired stem growing out of the roots or lower trunk of a shrub or tree, especially from the rootstock of a grafted plant or tree. [546]
* '''Sugar cane:''' A tropical grass of the genus Saccharum having stout, fibrous, jointed stalks, the sap of which is a source of sugar. [146]
* '''Sugar palm:''' Common name for several palm species used to produce sugar, especially Arenga pinnata. [3029]
* '''Sunflower:''' Annual plant with a large yellow flowering head of the genus Helianthus and the family of the Asteraceae. [1956]
* '''Sweet olive flower:''' The flower of teh Osmanthus Fragrans. [2748]
* '''Sweet olive:''' A species native to Asia from the Himalayas through southern China (Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan) to Taiwan and southern Japan and southeast Asia as far south as Cambodia and Thailand. [2360]
* '''Sweet potato:''' A dicotyledonous plant of the family Convolvulaceae, having an edible tuberous root. [159]
* '''Swidden field:''' A piece of land cleared for farming by burning away vegetation. [429]
* '''Tamarind:''' A tropical tree, native to Africa, including Sudan and parts of the Madagascar dry deciduous forests. [35]
* '''Taro:''' Colocasia esculenta, raised as a food primarily for its corm, which distantly resembles potato. [351]
* '''Thorn:''' A sharp and hard structure that grows on a plant. [124]
* '''Threshing-floor:''' Dry flat area where the grain is separated from the straw or husks by beating. [223]
* '''Tobacco:''' Leaves of certain varieties of the tobacco plant, cultivated and harvested to make cigarettes, cigars, snuff, for smoking in pipes or for chewing. [974]
* '''Tree or wood:''' Either any perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves, or the porous and vibrous structural tissue of which the stems of these plants consist. [2141]
* '''Tree stump:''' A small remaining portion of the trunk of a tree with the roots still in the ground. [241]
* '''Tree trunk:''' The main structural member of a tree. [344]
* '''Tree:''' Any large woody perennial plant with a distinct trunk giving rise to branches or leaves at some distance from the ground. [906]
* '''Treetop:''' The uppermost part of a tree; crown. [3036]
* '''Trunk of tree:''' The part of the body from the neck to the groin excluding the head and limbs. [776]
* '''Tucuma palm:''' A palm native to Amazon Rainforest vegetation, typical of the Pará state in Brazil. [2439]
* '''Tule:''' A giant species of sedge in the plant family Cyperaceae, native to freshwater marshes. Dyed and woven, tules are used to make baskets, bowls, mats, hats, clothing, duck decoys, and even boats by Native American groups. [521]
* '''Turmeric:''' A rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant (Curcuma longa) of the ginger family. [2842]
* '''Turnip:''' A cultivated Eurasian plant, Brassica rapa, of the mustard family, whose whitish root and leaves are edible. [3062]
* '''Twig:''' A branch that doesn't arise from the trunk but from another branch. [3222]
* '''Unhusked rice:''' The unhusked crops of the rice plant. [2749]
* '''Vine:''' A climbing plant which grows up or over things. This also includes types which do not produce grapes. [343]
* '''Walnut:''' Large deciduous tree (Juglans regia) in the Walnut Family (Juglandaceae) which produces an edible fruit with a hard shell and oil-rich seed. [2042]
* '''Wax gourd:''' Benincasa hispida, a species of Cucurbitaceae family, which owes its name to the wax coating of its shell. Wax gourd is cultivated for its fruit and used in both savoury and sweet dishes due to its mild flavour. [3444]
* '''Weed:''' A plant that grows wild and profusely, especially when considered undesirable for agriculture. [3288]
* '''Wheat:''' Plant belonging to genus Triticum and to family Poaceae (also known as Gramineae). [1077]
* '''Wild rice:''' A plant of the genus Zizania with edible grains and stem. [3390]
* '''Willow:''' Any of various deciduous trees or shrubs in the genus Salix. [818]
* '''Yam:''' It is the common name for a versatile vegetable which is mainly grown in West Africa, Asia and Latin America. [410]

=== Property ===
=== Property ===
* '''Floral:''' A design or landscape which incorporates representations of flowers. [3756]

== Animals ==
== Animals ==
