User:MIGUELbM/Muna v2.8: Difference between revisions

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* [β ð ɣ] undergo fortition [b d g] when adjacent to a stop or nasal
*Spirants and plosives with the same place of articulation merge and become geminated voiced plosives
* Unvoiced stops and their voiced counterparts, when adjacent [pb bp td dt kg gk], become voiced and geminated [b: d: g:]
** [βp] → [bː]<br/><br/>
* [ð] undergoes fortition [d] before [l]
* [l] becomes a lateral release [◌ˡ] after alveolar stops [t d]
* Spirants undergo fortition, becoming voiced plosives, when adjacent to plosives with a different place of articulation or nasals
* [n ŋ] become palatal nasals [ɲ] before [j]
** [ðn] [dn]
* [h] becomes [ɧ] before [j]
** [] → [tg]<br/><br/>
* vowels followed by [h] [ah eh] become voiceless vowels [ḁ e̥] before a sonorant
* [j] undergoes fortition [ʝ] word-initially
* The alveolar voiced spirant undergoes fortition before the lateral fricative and...
* [ɣ g] become labialized [ɣʷ gʷ] before [w]
* The lateral fricative becomes a lateral release after an alveolar plosive
* [w] becomes [ʋ] word initially
**[ðl] [dl] []<br/><br/>
* [hw] becomes [ʍ]
* The alveolar and velar nasals merge with the palatal glide to form a palatal nasal
**[nj] → [ɲ]<br/><br/>
* The alveolar sibilant merges with the palatal glide into a voiceless palato-alveolar sibilant
** [sj] [ʃ]<br/><br/>
* The velar spirant and the palatal glide merge into a voiceless palatal-velar fricative
**[hj] [ɧ]<br/><br/>
* The velar spirant and the labiovelar glide merge into a voiceless labiovelar approximant
**[hw] → [ʍ]<br/><br/>
* The labiovelar glide turns into labialization after a voiced velar plosive or spirant
**[ɣw] [ɣʷ]<br/><br/>
* The palatal glide becomes a voiced palatal fricative word-initially
**[∅j] [ʝ]<br/><br/>
* The labiovelar glide becomes a labiodental approximant word-initially
**[∅w] [ʋ]

==Word Classes==
==Word Classes==
