Flewtish: Difference between revisions

1,233 bytes removed ,  2 December 2023
Massive language reform to make it more natural (2)
m (Massive language reform to make it more natural (2))
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|date              = 2023
|date              = 2023
|creator          = Aggelos Tselios
|creator          = Aggelos Tselios
|script1          = latn
|script1          = Latn
|script2          = cyr
|script2          = Cyr
|nation            = Karelian Republic
|nation            = Karelian Republic
|agency            = Institutgog Standardzabirokid Flutvas Glung (Institute of Standardization of the Flewtish Language)
|agency            = Institutgog Standardzabiroden Flutvadene Glung (Institute of Standardization of the Flewtish Language)
|notice            = IPA
|notice            = IPA
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Flewtish is officially written with the Cyrillic script as law enforces it in Russia. However, up until the [[w:Soviet Union|Soviet Union's]] dissolution in 1991, the language was actually written with the Latin script, which was brought over by Viking sailors. The Latin script is used mostly online and education is done almost exclusively in the Cyrillic-based alphabet instead.
Flewtish is officially written with the Cyrillic script as law enforces it in Russia. However, up until the [[w:Soviet Union|Soviet Union's]] dissolution in 1991, the language was actually written with the Latin script, which was brought over by Viking sailors around the 8th century. The Latin script is used mostly online and education is done almost exclusively in the Cyrillic-based alphabet instead.

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Ко ѡиже ӻенваца̄кту свабодаек е ӻўфишиек сансег е праѡасег. Одарендутӯ кеѡогом е соѡешом, е жеценту фалсегфал ѡенцисег заккарамтун.
Ко ѡиже ӻенваца̄кту свабодаек е ӻўфишиек сансег е праѡасег. Одарендутӯ кеѡогом е соѡешом, е жеценту фалсегфал ѡенцисег заккарамтун.

===The lion and the boar (Aisop)===
'''Flewtish (IPA)''':
[ko ˈwʲi.ʒɛ ˈɣɛnʙʷaˌt͡saːktu zvʲaˈbodʲaekʲ e ˈɣʲyɸiʃʷiˌek ˈsan.seg e ˈpʁa.wa.seg ‖ ˈodʲarʲendʲuˌtʲuː ˈkʲewogʲom e ˈsoweʃom e ˈʒʲet͡sʲentʲu ˈfalsegˌfal ˈwent͡sʲiseg zakaʁamtun]
On a summer day, when the great heat induced a general thirst, a Lion and a Boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat. On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for the fiercer renewal of the strife, they saw some Vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once made up their quarrel, saying: "It is better for us to make friends, than to become the food of Crows or Vultures, as will certainly happen if we are disabled."
Фáл халтацоджетсег, енѡо великаӻа джикъаӻок едъӯт гéникег тиðа, фáл лев е фáл кǎбан стажантуӻа кизысъег калаðéци кũнгатуӻа. Ӻавлъегатся пãтоми htǒк ýпатuja фāлег калаðéци, э лу́нда htúкʷатуя а́гонижоксег фáл смéртелниг пу́па. Конте́гтукосег фáл сту́я сцйндаг клãмньо конфликтǎйс, тйндакуцейоктуя ки́ттетуни лãдоту фáлгисег htǒк патáппио. Шти́сегту бãлошта́ту, ки́литу: "Грóта гуи́д друго́к, ки́д гу́ва сцта́тла вури́сид мэ ву́лтурок, а́ндана вúд ри́кигу́йокив."
