Häskä/Wordlist: Difference between revisions

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Middle Wiobian pinyin:
Tones: Cantonese tones, numbered as in Cantonese
Wiobian Consonant Shift:
p > f / V_V,
p > f / V_C
p > pf / #_, {l,m,n,r}_
pp > pf
t > ss or ß / V_
t > tz or z / #_, {l,m,n,r}_
tt > tz
k > ch / V_
bb > pp /
d > t
þ > d
f > b / V_V, l_

p pʰ b m f v w
labials: ƀ /ɓ/ b /p/ p // m /m/ f /f/
pˁ pˁʰ bˁ mˁ mʰˁ fˁ vˁ
dentals: đ /ɗ/ d /t/ t // n /n/ s /s/ z /z/
t tʰ d n s z l nˡ
laterals: dź // ć /tɬʰ/ ś /ɬ/ l /l/ ł /ɫ/
tˁ tˁʰ dˁ nˁ nʰˁ sˁ zˁ
retroflexes: dż /tʂ/ cz /tʂʰ/ sz /ʂ/ ż /ʐ/ nz /ɳ/
tɬ tɬʰ dɮ nˡ nˡʰ ɬ ɮ
co-articulated: gq /!/ q // sj /ɧ/ zj /ɧ̬/ nq /ŋ!/
! !ʰ g! ŋ! ŋʰ! ɧ ɧ̬
palatals: dzi /tɕ/ ci /tɕʰ/ si /ɕ/ zi /ʑ/ ni /ɲ/ j /j/
!ˁ !ˁʰ g!ˁ ŋ!ˁ ŋʰ!ˁ ɧˁ ɧ̬ˁ
velars: g /k/ k // ch /x/ ng /ŋ/
k kʰ g ŋ ŋʰ x ɣ
labiovelars: gw /kʷ/ kw /kʷʰ/
q qʰ ɢ ɴ ɴʰ χ ʁ
laryngeals: (null) /ʔ/ h /h/
h ʔ ħ ʕ
Vowels: a /a/ e /ɛ/ i /i/ o /ɔ/ u /u/ y /ɨ/ ơ /œ/ ư /y/
Finals: -p /p/ -t /t/ -k /k/ -m /m/ -n /n/ -ng /ŋ/ -i /j/ -u /w/
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg " style="width: 800px; text-align: center;"
|+ '''{{PAGENAME}} initials'''
! colspan="2"|
! | Labial
! | Alveolar
! | Lateral
! | Retroflex
! | Coarticulated
! | Palatal
! | Velar
! | Labiovelar
! | Glottal
! colspan="2" | Nasal
| /m/
| /n/
| /ɳ/
| /ŋ!/
| /ɲ/
| /ŋ/
! rowspan="3" |Plosive
! | <small>plain</small>
| /p/
| /t/
| /!/
| /k/
| /kʷ/
| /ʔ/
! | <small>aspirated</small>
| /pʰ/
| /tʰ/
| /!ʰ/
| /kʰ/
| /kʷʰ/
! | <small>implosive</small>
| /ɓ/
| /ɗ/
! rowspan="2" |Affricate
! | <small>plain</small>
| /pf/
| /tɬ/
| /ʈʂ/
| /tɕ/
! | <small>aspirated</small>
| /tɬʰ/
| /ʈʂʰ/
| /tɕʰ/
! rowspan="2" |Fricative
! | <small>plain</small>
| /f/
| /s/
| /ɬ/
| /ʂ/
| /ɧ/
| /ɕ/
| /x/
| /h/
! | <small>voiced</small>
| /v/
| /z/
| /ʐ/
| /ɧ̬/
| /ʑ/
! colspan="2" |Approximant
| /l/, /ɫ/
| /j/
A whole rime dictionary would be necessary to describe all the rimes, since the rules are so complex/irregular. Sorry
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="width: 540px; text-align:center;"
|+ '''{{PAGENAME}} monophthongs'''
! rowspan="2" style="width: 90px; "|
! colspan="2" style="width: 180px; " |Front
! rowspan="2" style="width: 90px; " |Central
! rowspan="2" colspan="1" style="width: 90px; " |Back
! colspan="1" style="width: 90px; " |<small>unrounded</small>
! colspan="1" style="width: 90px; " |<small>rounded</small>
! style="" |Close
| /i/
| /y/
| [ɨ]<sup>1</sup>
| /u/
! style="" |Mid
| /e/
| /ø/
| /o/
! style="" |Open
| /a/
<sup>1</sup> Allophone of /i/ and /y/ after dental and retroflex initials.<br/>
<sup>2</sup> Allophone of /æ/ after retroflex consonants.
Short vowels (which only occured in closed syllables) are fairly stably preserved.
*short ''u'' /u/ i-umlauts to short ''ü'' /y/
*short ''u'' /u/ i-umlauts to short ''ü'' /y/
