
Revision as of 14:36, 8 December 2018 by Ceolsige18 (talk | contribs)



From Middle Anrish mímran, from Old Anrish mímrana, from Proto-Germanic *mīmrōną ("to think; to keep in mind")


(Anrish) IPA: /miːˈra/


mírá (runic:‧ᛘᛁᚱᚭᛌ‧)

  1. To see imaginary events in one's mind while sleeping; to dream.
  2. To conceive or see something within one's mind; to envision, imagine.

Related terms


Declension of mírá (a-stem)
Case indefinite singular definite singular
Common mírá míráa
Dative míráe míráne
Genitive míráð míraé
Conjugation of mírá (strong class 1a)
Active Non-past indicative Non-past subjunctive Past indicative Past subjunctive
1 mír míro myr miri
2 mírið míreð myruð mirið
3 mírá míré myrú mirí
Passive Non-past indicative Non-past subjunctive Past indicative Past subjunctive
1 míre míreo merée meré(e)o
2 míraðe míreðo meréðe meré(e)ðo
3 mírane míreno meréne meré(e)no