Created byGaffney McCoy Flancer
Dynic language family
  • Proto-Dynic

Proto-Dynic is a naturalistic constructed language made for the world of Veyn Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. It is intended to serve as the common ancestor to the largest language family in Veyn, the Dynic family. The language and the family are both named after the shared root for the word 'person' in many Dynic languages, in Aryval, the most common Dynic language; dyn.

Proto-Dynic is a non-diegetic reconstructed conlang; that is, it does not exist within world of Veyn, but rather is framed as a hypothetical reconstruction that linguists may arrive at after studying the Dynic languages of Veyn. Although most of the in-world peoples of Veyn may have a basic understanding that the Dynic languages share a multitude of similarities, and understand the concept that they may have split from a single language in the distant past, they have yet to develop a model of Proto-Dynic. Although it is in fact not a reconstructed language—it was created before/along with it's descendants, it is presented as though it were, for stylistic reasons.



Proto-Dynic consonant phonemes
Labial Dental Palatal Velar Glottal
plain labial
Nasal *m *n *ŋʷ
Stop voiceless *p *t *c *k *kʷ (*ʔ)
voiced *b *d *g *gʷ
Fricative *s *h
Liquid *r *l *y *w


Proto-Dynic vowel phonemes
Front Central Back
short long short long short long
Close *i *u
Mid *e *ə̄
Mid *a




The verb template

Proto-Dynic verb template
conjunct prefixes stem conjunct suffixes
1 2 3a 3b 4 5 6 7
direct object adverb (converb classifier) converb classifier subject stem auxiliary

Subject and object marking

Pronominal inflection
Number Subject Object
singular plural singular plural
1st person *t- *wi- *-ti- *-wəh-
2nd person *n- *bi- *-ni- *-bih-
3rd person *Ø- *i-
4rd person *s- *ki-
Indefinite *a- *a-
Reflexive *Ø- *de-

The third person and fourth person pronominal clitics are used to keep track of multiple third person arguments within discourse, any may also be referred to as the third person proximate and third person obviate respectively. The third person is assigned to the more salient argument, or the argument which has appeared before.


Classifiers are optional prefixes that affect the transitivity or valency of a verb. There are a number of different classifiers for different categories of verbs. Some verbs have an inherent transitivity, which can be changed via classifiers, whilst others require a classifier for both their transitive and intransitive forms.

Pronominal inflection
IN Use Examples TR Use Examples
*ar- Forms intransitive verbs from stems related to motion, or creates stative verbs of position. *arttes 'I come down' *e- Forms transitive verbs from stems related to motion, or creates transitive verbs from root unaccusative verbs of manipulation or change of state. *yettes 'I lower it'
*re- Forms unaccusative verbs from stems related to manipulation. *reren 'it comes off', *redək 'it closes' *c- Forms transitive verbs from stems related to manipulation, or change of state. *ictdək 'I close it'
*ri- Forms intransitive verbs denoting a static state from stems related to state. *ritaidə 'it suffices' *ac- Forms transitive verbs from stems denoting a state of change, especially a physical impact, or causative verbs from stems relating to speech or sound. *yactmugidə 'it got scorched,' *yacttaidə 'I add it'
*e- Forms unaccusative verbs from stems denoting a state of change, especially a physical impact. *ekusidə 'it is cut', *emugidə 'it got scorched' *əc- Forms causative transitive verbs from stems denoting labour or a physical or mental change of state. *tiəcnəskidə 'You woke me up'
*i- Forms intransitive verbs from stems denoting labour or a physical or mental change of state. *itəskidə 'I wake up' *ce- Forms causative transitive verbs from stems denoting physical location or position. *icetnər 'I put them on the boat'


Proto-Dynic has a rich system of verbal suffixes. Proto-Dynic verbs use inflection for modal and conjunctional purposes. Other categories, such as voice, tense, aspect and mood, are expressed using optional suffixed auxiliaries, which are also inflected. There are six principle parts from which all other conjugations are derived.

Conjugation of verb classes
Verb class Irrealis Infinitive Conclusive Adnominal Realis Imperative Gloss
C-stem regular *rene *reni *renusu *renu *rensa *renə̄ 'take, tug'
s-stem irregular *base *basi *basu *basu *bāsa *basə̄ 'hit, strike'
i-stem irregular *mie *mī *misu *miu *misa *mire 'look, see'
u-stem irregular *cue *cui *cusu *cū *cusa *cure 'make, do, place'
e-stem irregular *ei *esu *eu *esa *ere 'eat'
ə-stem irregular *kʷē *kʷəi *kʷəsu *kʷəu *kʷəsa *kʷə̄ 'say, speak'
a-stem irregular *daŋʷae *daŋʷai *daŋʷasu *daŋʷau *daŋʷasa *daŋʷare 'sing, chant'
C-stem stative *ə̄c-he *ə̄c-hi *ə̄c-si *ə̄c-hu *ə̄c-sa *ə̄c-həre 'big, large'
V-stem stative *ənə-he *ənə-hi *ənə-si *ənə-hu *ənə-sa *ənə-həre 'small, little'

The marked conclusive form may be dropped and the bare stem used to signify a conclusive meaning before a pausa.

Auxiliary verbs

(perfective aspect • emphatic) Attaches to the infinitive form of a verb. Generally used for voluntarily concluded action or states.
(perfective aspect • continuing importance) Attaches to the infinitive form of a verb. Formed of *dəsu + the copula *arusu.
(negative) Attaches to the irrealis form of a verb. Irregular stem; *n- in the irrealis, infinitive, conclusive, and imperative and *s- adnominal and realis.





*daŋʷáe -nu


'They do not sing'





*daŋʷáe -su


'The one(s) that do not sing'

(perfective aspect • emphatic) Attaches to the infinitive form of a verb. Generally used to express natural states or actions.
(past tense) Attaches to the infinitive form of a verb. Irregular stem; *k- in the irrealis, infinitive, conclusive, and imperative and *ŋ- adnominal and realis; e.g. *daŋʷáikusu ('they sang') vs. *daŋʷáiŋu ('the one(s) that sang').
(reported past • hearsay • narrative tense) Attaches to the infinitive form of a verb. Formed of *kusu + the copula *arusu.
(volition • desiderative mood) Attaches to the infinitive form of a verb.












*ni- t- mǐ -ta -hi -nə


'I wanted to see you.'


Proto-Dynic makes extensive use of reduplication to form the plural of nouns. Generally, the first onset and nucleus of a word are reduplicated, with any long vowels shortened in the reduplicated syllable:

  • *kel ('island') → *kekel ('islands')
  • *dūnə ('person') → *dudūnə ('people')
  • *sauk ('hawk') → *sasauk ('hawks')

Reduplication can also be used with uncountable or collective nouns to refer to large or otherwise extreme or emphatic versions of a noun. The same is true of adjectives:

  • *sēl ('the ocean') → *sesēl ('the vast ocean')
  • *hur-si ('tall, high') → *huhur-si ('very tall, very high')
  • *ə̄c-si ('large, big') → *əʔə̄c-si ('huge, enormous')

Occasionally a reduplicated term may carry both of these meanings. For example, *kekel may have the plural meaning 'islands,' or the collective 'land, all the islands, great island, continent.'


To Proto-Central Dynic

Diphthongs ending in a palatal glide become long monophthongs, some merging with original , whilst others becoming a new, perhaps more closed version, such as [ɛː], written *ē₂.

  • *ē₁; e.g. *sēl ('sea') → *sē₁l
  • *ei*ē₁; e.g. *iteidə ('I ate it') → *itē₁d
  • *əi*ē₂; e.g. *-dəiarusu (PFV suffix) → *-dē₂arusu
  • *ai*ē₂; e.g. *daŋʷaidə ('I ate it') → *daŋʷē₂d

A similar change occurred with *ə̄ and *əu, however *eu and *au were unaffected.

  • *ə̄*ō₁; e.g. *nkʷə̄ (speak!) → *inkʷō₁
  • *əu*ō₂; e.g. *kʷəidəu (the one who spoke) → *kʷē₂dō₂ (perhaps [kʷɛ̂ː.dɔː])

