Proto-Talsmic phonology

Consonant inventory

Proto-Talsmic reconstructed consonants
Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal *m *n
Plosive voiceless *p *t *c *k *q
voiced *b *d *g
aspirated *pʰ *tʰ *cʰ *kʰ *qʰ
Fricative voiceless *s *h
voiced *z
Approximant *w *j
Trill *r
Lateral app. *l

/qʰ/ may have been realized as an affricate, [qχ].

Vocalic inventory

Front Central Back
Close *i *ī *u *ū
Mid *e *ē *o *ō
Open *a *ā

Sound changes

Need more on vowels, many of which happen after grammaticalization of pronouns.

More cluster resolutions.

  1. *qχ >
  2. *kʰ *cʰ *tʰ *pʰ in order > *x *ç *θ *ɸ
  3. *ʔ=ʔ >
  4. *mʔ, *nʔ, *lʔ, *rʔ > *mp, *nt, *lt, *rt; *mh, *nh, *lh, *rh > *mɸ, *nθ, *lθ, *rθ
  5. *nr > ndr, *lr > ldr
  6. *c >
  7. *ç *ƶ
    • > *θ *ð
    • > _C[+coronal +plosive/affricate]
  8. *k > *x / _{d, t, ŧ}
  9. *tk, *ck *tkʰ/kʰ > cht, chŧ, cth
  10. Tonogenesis event: *=ʔ > word-final tonic syllable
  11. *q *χ > *ʡ *ħ
    • > except...
    • > *w / _C[+voiced] or _V[+close]
  12. Themsaran rhotacization: *z > *r / V_C[-semivowel, +voiced, ~{/z/}]
  13. coronal obstruent + sibilanti > sibilantisibilanti
  14. CC[+resonant]{C, #} > CyC[+resonant]{C, #}
    • Cyı{C, #} > Ci{C, #}
  15. CC[-resonant]C > CiC[-resonant]C
  16. *ıy[ː] > i[ː]
  17. *w > *v
  18. >
  19. *h > [ː~] / _C[+fricative]
    • > [ː~] / _C
    • > 0 / otherwise
    • > ħ / _{*t, }