Hey there!

I am Anna - Our Little Alice - Nightingale, a hopefully soon-to-be psychology bachelor from the Netherlands. I mostly make a posteriori languages, however, in some cases, especially for my more fantasy-like literary experimentations, I decide to go a priori. This, however, does not happen often and unfortunately these conlangs are generally not even near the stage of finalization.


I have made multiple a posteriori conlangs, however, at the moment only one of them I am currently setting out in a wiki article.

Undernederlandsk is one of my brainchildren that I created together with a friend of mine. It is a language now actually used by approximately five people, including myself. It is based on Danish, Swedish and Icelandic with certain Dutch, German and Lower Saxonion influences. For the purpose of my upcoming conworld articles, the details on it shall be subject to change.
