I Kronurum

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I Kronurum
"that which is spoken"
Pronunciation[/ˈʔi ˈkɾo̞.nu.ɾum/]
Created byNicolás Straccia
SettingUnnamed conworld
Native toThe Marks of Ifarka (i-Étrir, ...) and some exclaves under their influence
Northern Languages
  • I Kronurum
Early forms
  • Ancient IK
    • Old IK
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The language known as I Kronurum is a conlang being created and developed by Nicolás Straccia since 2013. It is part of a larger conworlding project.


The language known as I Kronurum (IK) is a part of the Northern Languages linguistic family, which populates the northern region of the central continent.

Notwithstanding the several subgroups that have split from this branch at different stages, this central branch of the family has been studied as a continuity in which four main stages can be identified: Ancient IK (AIK), Old IK (OIK), Middle IK (MIK; together with Early-MIK, EMIK) and Modern IK (MoIK; together with Early-MoIK, EMoIK).

The developmental stage presented in this article is that of Middle-IK (MIK). At this stage, a group of OIK speakers has already moved westwards from the AIK speaker's cultural Urheimat, which was located in the plains in the northern region of the central continent. MIK is thus the main variety spoken in the region nearby and at the shores of the northern sea.

The endonym of this region is Ifarka (/ʔi.ˈfɑɾ.kɐ/), which is translated as "The Land". It is divided in several administrative provinces, called Igódánafáreþ (/ʔi.ˈgu̜.dɑi̯.nɐ.ˌfɑi̯.ɾe̞θ/; "Marks"), which hold periodical meetings regarding whichever matters would affect the generality of the hold.


In a nutshell:







Vowel inventory

Front Near-front Central Near-back Back

Vowel allophony

· /ɑ/ becomes /ɐ/ in unstressed syllables and /a/ in word medial unstressed syllables.

· /e̞/ becomes /ɘ/ in unstressed syllables and /ɛ/ in word medial unstressed syllables.

Umlaut and diphtongs by umlaut

In the course from Old Ikronurum to Middle Ikronurum the OIK long vowels suffered a process of diphtongization which, leaving MIK without a length contrast, but granted the advent of a set of diphthongs in its place.

Evolution of the OIK long vowels through to MIK diphtongs:

Old Ikronurum early Middle Ikronurum Middle Ikronurum
‹ā› /ɑː/ ‹ā› /ɑə̯/ ‹á› /ɑi̯/~/ai̯/~/ɐi̯/
‹ē› /eː/ ‹ē› /eɪ̯/ ‹é› /ei̯/~/ɘi̯/
‹ī› /ɪː/ ‹ī› /ɪi̯/ ‹í› /ei̯/~/ɛi̯/
‹ō› /oː/ ‹ō› /oʊ̯/ ‹ó› /u̹/~/ʊ/

Other diphtongs

‹i.o› → /io̯/~/jo/(N/R)
‹oj› → /o̞j/~/oi̯/
‹ój› → /u̜j/~/ui̯/ fish=strójr /ˈstɾu̜.jɾ̩/, fishy=strójrin /ˈstɾui̯.ɾin/


Consonant inventory

Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive p b t d k g ʔ
Nasal m n (ɲ) (ŋ)
Trill r
Tap or flap ɾ
Fricative (β) f θ ð s ʃ x (ɣ) h
Lateral fric. (ɬ)
Approximant w j
Lateral app. l

Onset mutations

Mutation grade
0 1 2
b- /b/~/β/ p- /p/ f- /f/
d- /d/ ð- /ð/ þ- /θ/
f- /f/ p- /p/ b- /b/~/β/
h- /h/~/χ/ k- /k/ g- /g/~/ɣ/
j- /j/ jw- /jʷ/ ñ- /ɲ/
k- /k/ g- /g/~/ɣ/ h- /h/~/χ/
l- /l/ l- /l / lh- /ɬ/
m- /m/ mw- /mʷ/ w- /w/
n- /n/ nw- /nʷ/ ñ- /ɲ/
s- /s/ þ- /θ/ ś- /ʃ/
t- /t/ d- /d/ ð- /ð/
w- /w/ gw- /gʷ/ ƕ- /hw/~/hv/

Onset mutations posit a great challenge for the diachronic analysis of I Kronurum. Since the previous stages of the language are not yet well documented, most of the information on this regard is a matter of scientific speculation.

Given the data available and the currently valid synchronic analysis, they are analysed as conforming a continuum of mutation grades from 0 to 2. The 0 degree of mutation is that of the onset consonant as it appears in the citation form of the root (nominative, unmarked). A first and second degree of mutation will be triggered by the prepositions governing the genitive and the accusative cases: the preposition ‹ó› governs the genitive (GEN) and triggers the first degree of mutation. The preposition ‹tró› governs the accusative (ACC) and triggers the second degree of mutation. Thus the mutations of ‹d› /d/, ‹ð› /ð/ and ‹þ› /θ/, are considered part of a continuum as in the example below.

Eg. duma {fox:nom}, ó ðumen {gen fox-gen}, tró þuma {acc fox-acc}

Some of the occurring phenomena are nasalization, labialization, palatalization, velarization, fricativization, voicing and devoicing.


Syllable structure

The structure of the longest possible syllable is (C)(C)(C)nu(C)(N/R), where the nucleus nu must be either a vowel or a syllabic [R] or [N]. In coda position, a cluster can end either with a nasal, N, or a rhotic, R.


These are some situations where sandhi rules apply. Generalized rules to follow.

-/ren/-/rin/ → -/relin/ -ro-rion → -rolion
jw+u- /jʷu/ → jub- /juβ/ [+labialization][+methatesis] sky=juska /ˈjus.kɐ/ ó jubsken /ʔu̹.ˈjuβs.ke̞n/
/u̜.j/→/ui̯/ fish=strójr /ˈstɾu̜.jɾ̩/ ; fish (pl.)=strójran /ˈstɾui̯.ɾɐn/
-/m/·/b/- → -/mb̥/- som breja /ˈso̞m.ˌb̥ɾe̞.jɐ/
-/Vg/·/l/- → -/g̊l/- abágli / ˈʔɑ.bai̯.g̊li /
-/t/·/n/- → -/d/- In the case of the attenuative infix ‹t›
/lu/-/wa/- → /ˈlu.ʔa/


Nominal morphology

Nouns are marked for case, number and definiteness. The marking of the nouns happens according to the following hierarchy:

preposition 0 1 2 3 4
gen, acc noun det pl and nom, gen, acc, dat, inst, loc, all

Grammatical case

· Genitive

Some older genitive compounds do not display the onset mutation of the second element that follows the genitive preposition ór. For instance hissóhéuren /ˈhi.sːu̹.hɘ.ju.ɾe̞n/ vs. **hissókéuren /ˈhi.sːu̹.kɘ.ju.ɾe̞n/, (i.e. "hiddenly worm", crysalis). This is part of the Discrepance on onset mutations controversy.

Declension particles and affixes
Case Marker Notes
nom Nominative The nominative case is not marked
gen Genitive ó(r) _-(e)n /ˈʔu̹ɾ/ _-/e̞n/ preposition, suffix Triggers mutation 1. Excrecent r before a vowel: ór okren /ˈʔu̹ɾ ʔo̞.kɾe̞n/
akk Accusative tró /ˈtɾu̹/ preposition Triggers mutation 2
dat Dative -(r)is -/ɾis/ suffix
instr Instrumental/Commitative -(n)ion -/nio̯n/ suffix Inanimate nouns: instrumental. Animate nouns: commitative
loc Locative/Adessive ("with", "by", "at") -(a)ftó -/f.ˈtu̹/ suffix þaneftó /θɐ.nɘf.ˈtu/, “at the house”, “at home”
all Allative -(o)rion -/o̞.ɾio̯n/ suffix þanerion /ˈθɑ.nɘ.ɾio̞n/ "homebound"

Grammatical number

Here: singular vs. plural vs. collective

· Plural marking
Grammatical gender Plural form Example
Animate umlaut+-n {´}n ‹´›-/n/ ‹fara› /ˈfɑ.ɾɐ/ → ‹fáran› /ˈfɐi̯.ɾɐn/ (fara-{´}an)
umlaut+-an {´}n ‹´›-/ɐn/
Inanimate umlaut+-ran {´}ran ‹´›-/ɾɐn/ ‹þane› /ˈθɑ.nɘ/ → ‹þáneran› /ˈθɑi̯.nɘ.ɾɐn/ (þane-{´}ran)
umlaut+-eþ {´}eþ ‹´›-/eθ/ ‹baga› /ˈbɑ.gɐ/ → ‹bágeþ› /ˈbai̯.geθ/ (baga-{´}eþ)
Indefinite umlaut+-aþ -/ɐθ/


The definiteness of a noun can be marked either with a numeral, stating the quantity of the noun, or by the determiner suffix (det) -rum (See Derivational particles and affixes below).

- When used to mark the subject of a verb in the imperative voice, it serves the function of a vocative marker.

Other forms

· Diminutives
Grammatical gender Diminutive form Example
Animate umlaut+-(e)jar {´}(e)jar ‹´›-/e̞.jɐɾ/ gángrejar›, little dog
preposition ‹som›* /so̞m/ som lugr›, little hand; ‹som breja›, little animal.
umlaut+-þu {´}þu ‹´›-/θu/ bágaþu›, little eye
umlaut+-li {´}li ‹´›-/li/ noþa›, package; ‹nódali›, bag
Indefinite umlaut+-isi {´}(i)si ‹´›-/isi/ iarisi›, sorrow (little emptyness)
· Augmentatives
Grammatical gender Augmentative form Example
Animate -ónr (ó)nr -/u̹.nɾ̩/ gangrónr›, big dog
preposition ‹det›* /de̞t/ det koŕa›, big door; ‹det hlár›, big flower.
-lår lår -/lɑɾ/ faltalår›, big table
Indefinite -(a)śar (a)śar -/a.ʃɐɾ/ grébaśar›, great harm

* The use of the particles ‹det› and ‹som› as diminutive and augmentative particles respectively may not be confused with their use in other forms. For the former, for instance, forms such as "x-ful", "very x, "having x (n.)" or "very x (adj.)", since it is not bound to the word it modifies, neither as an affix+word lexicalization (as in ‹detjalatti›, expected, from ‹det› -"with, having"- and ‹i-alatti› -"expectation"-); nor as an affix+word construction (as in ‹det-hjol›, with walls, walled, from ‹det› -"with, having"- and ‹hjol› -wall-).

Many of this both forms, diminutives and augmentatives, have been lexicalized, mainly in derivation of nouns of inanimate and indeterminate grammatical gender.

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns are declined for grammatical case in the same manner as nouns. For the instrumental (inst), locative (loc) and allative (all) cases in the third person, the declined form is that of the third person indefinite (3s.ind and 3p.ind) for all grammatical genders.

Person Grammatical case
nom gen acc dat inst loc all
Singular 1 ‹angr›
‹ór angren›
/ˈʔu̜ɾ ˈʔɑŋ.gɾɘn/
‹tró angr›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈʔɑŋ.gr̩/
2 ‹setr›
‹ó þetren›
/ʔu̹ ˈθe̞.tɾɘn/
‹tró śetr›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈʃe̞.tr̩/
3 anim ‹osta›
‹ór osten›
/ʔu̹ɾ ˈʔo̞s.tɘn/
‹tró osta›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈʔo̞s.tɐ/
inan ‹masta›
‹ó mwasten›
/ʔu̹ ˈmʷɑs.tɘn/
‹tró wasta›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈwɑs.tɐ/
ind ‹esta›
‹ór esten›
/ʔu̹ɾ ˈʔe̞s.tɘn/
‹tró esta›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈʔe̞s.tɐ/
Plural 1 ‹óstr›
‹ór óstren›
/ˈʔu̜ɾ ˈʔu̜s.tɾən/
‹tró óstr›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈʔu̜s.tɾ̩/
2 ‹hagr›
‹ó kagren›
/ˈʔu̜ ˈkɑ.gɾɘn/
‹tró gagr›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈgɑ.gɾ̩/
3 anim ‹jóka›
‹ó jóbken›
/ˈʔu̜ ˈju̜β.kɘn/
‹tró ñóka›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈɲu̜.kɐ/
inan ‹méka›
‹ó mwéken›
/ˈʔu̜ ˈmʷei̯.kɘn/
‹tró wéka›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈwei̯.kɐ/
ind ‹narka›
‹ó nwarken›
/ˈʔu̜ ˈnʷɑɾ.kɘn/
‹tró ñarka›
/ˈtɾu̜ ˈɲɑɾ.kɐ/


Adjectives precede the noun they modify. They agree in case and number with the modified noun.

· Comparatives

Comparative constructions have the compared-to term affixed with the comparative suffix comp -(a)los. In this case, the modified noun precedes the "adjective", i.e. the comparative construction (adjective plus compared-to noun or noun phrase). The adjective is prefixed with de-, from det.

· comp -(a)los -/ɐlos/ comparative Suffix From losi (adj.) “(to be) the other”
· det /ˈde̞t/ adjective particle with x, x-ful, having x (n.); very x (adj.)

The structure of the comparative construction is:

[X] (is) er-[α] [Y]-than
(theme, what is being described) more-[adjective] [compared-to-noun]-than
de-[adjective] [compared-to-noun]-(a)los

For example:

[X] (is) er-[α] [Y]-than
[wolf/dog] er-[small] [house]-than
[gangr] de-[som] [þane]-los
gangr de-som þanelos
"a dog is smaller than a house"

· Superlatives

Superlative forms are marked as follows:

Grammatical gender Superlative form Example
Animate -(n)aur (n)aur -/nau̯ɾ/ knegaur›, the tallest (anim.)
preposition ‹dette› /de̞.tːɘ/ (dette < det-det)
Inanimate preposition ‹dette› /de̞.tːɘ/ (dette < det-det)
Indefinite -jós jós -/ju̜s/ netreriñós›, the most orderly (ind.)

For example, when used as the superlative of a certain group or list:

[X] (is) er-[α] [Y]-than , but est [α] [Z] (dat dem. pronoun)
[house] er-[big] [wolf/dog]-than but est [big] [mountain] (dem.distal.dat.pl “to them”)
[þane] de-[dag] [gangr]-los harhaŕa dette [dag] [fóþr] (tréþraris)
þane de-dag gangralos, harhaŕa dette dag fóþr tréþraris
"a house is bigger than a dog, but a mountain is tallest (in respect) to them"

Verbal morphology

Verbs are marked for person, number, tense, aspect, mood and voice. The marking of the verbs happens according to the following hierarchy:

preposition -1 0 1 2
Passive voice marker Aspect marker prefix verb Conjugation affix for person, number and mood Aspect marker suffix

Verb conjugation paradigms

There are four basic verb conjugation paradigms or classes (i, ii, iii y iv).

i. -nur

Consonant theme; mostly verbs of movement.

ii. -tur

Mostly stative verbs

iia. -dur

Attenuated verbs of the first class (-t·nur-dur) are conjugated by analogy after the conjugation of the second class (-tur).

iii. -rur


iv. -jur

Mostly verbs of some abstraction (e.g. derived causative verbs)

Verbal aspect markers

Almost all verbal aspect markers are prefixed to the root. Only the attenuative aspect marker atten is infixed between the root and the declension suffix (in this cases, sandhi rules may apply to it).

aspect marker theme Notes
consonant vowel
Continuous cont Ø- (unmarked) ‹Ikronurum (angr) kronur›, I’m speaking Ikronurum
Gnomic gnom [conjugated verb] ini /ˈʔi.ni/ (postposition) ‹Ikronurum (angr) kronur ini›, I speak Ikronurum
Perfect perf j(ó)- /ju̹.ˈ/- /ˈjV/- Vowel theme: ‹j-›; consonant theme: ‹jó-›
Imperfect imp ke- /ke̞.ˈ/- /ke̞.ˈʔ/- Vowel theme: there’s a glottal stop before the root-vowel.
Intensive1 int1 ja(g)- /jɑˈɣ/- Movement: to.walk → to.parade
Intensive2 int2 a(l)- /ʔɑ.ˈ/ /ʔɑ.ˈlV/ Abstract: to.wish → to.hope
Attenuative atten -(e)t- -/ɘt/- -/t/- (infix) to.water → to.sprinkle(with water)

Particles and affixes

Function Marker Notes
pvm Passive voice marker þar /ˈθɑɾ/ particle/preposition
aux Auxiliar particle gar /ˈgɑɾ/ particle/preposition "composite" verbs: „gesagt haben“, «gar ekronuri»
hort Hortative particle heŕan /ˈhe̞.rɐn/ particle/preposition [HORT]+[pers.pron.+DAT]+[verb]
neg Negation of an action ren /ˈre̞n/ particle/preposition (it won’t x, it doesn’t x)
caus Causative -a- -/ɑ/- affix Derives a causative verb from a noun after the template [noun.root]-caus-[verb.declension]

nimr water; nimrajur to.make.moist,to.water (a plant,etc)

Marking hierarchy

Derivational morphology

· Nominalizer (nmlz)

Derivation of nouns from verbs:

nmlz-[verb in the infinitive]

Derivation of nouns from adjectives and past-participles:


dag, big; i-dag, bigness.

When a past participle is nominalized to mean “one or any instance of this deverbal form”, a contraction of the participial suffix happens as follows:

[-nuri → -ni], [-turi → -ti], [-ruri → -ri], [-juri → -ji].

Derivational particles and affixes

· Grammatical

Function Marker Notes
nmlz Nominalizer i /ˈʔi/ preposition Mostly paired with the determiner suffix ‹-rum›

kronur “I speak” 1s.pres.ind

i kronurum, {i kro-nur-rum}

[NMLZ to.speak-1s.pres.ind-det]

= "was ich spreche", “that what I’m speaking”; speech, language.

det Determiner -rum -/ɾum/ suffix "the x" (instead of "a x")
and Coordinator -ór -/u̹ɾ/ preposition "and"
advm Adverbializer -(u)ŕó -/u.ˈru̹/ suffix "x-ly", "in the maner of x"

turns nouns into adverbs of manner turns verbs of motion in adverbs of manner

adj Adjetivizer -rin -/ɾin/ suffix Forms adjectives of quality. sigr "ash", agor-ó-śigrelin "ash-coloured"

· Lexical and partially grammaticalized lexical forms

Function Marker Notes
pers Associated person -rir -/ɾiɾ/ suffix Forms actor nouns from verbs and nouns; from ríra, “person”

hlajur v. to.make, hlajrir n. maker.

assa n. forge, assarir n. smith.

tool Associated artifact, tool -(e)nar -/ɘnɐɾ/ suffix From nara, “thing, artifact, contraption”

iltur “to.rest” > ilturenar “chair”

place Associated place -fér -/fe̞i̯ɾ/ suffix From féra, “place”.
col Colective noun -hir -/hiɾ/ suffix From hitr, “pack, herd”

sigra “drop” > sigrahir “rain”

Discourse particles


Spatial deixis

Temporal deixis

Proper nouns

Proper nouns can have forms which are inconsistent with the current vocabulary. Some of this oddities come from older compounding strategies and words, or are the result of loan translations into Ikronurum. For example, the name Faradur, meaning “horse-son”, is not the word for foal, DURÓPARAN, which is a horse’s son. Likewise the surname Artassarir, meaning “swordsmith, swordmaker”, is not the word for swordsmith, ASSARIRÓARTEN, which is the proper name of the occupation.


An Ikronurum name consists minimally of a first name and a surname. First names Surnames are typically either ocupational (e.g. “swordmaker”), genitive (e.g. “of Greenwall”) or patronymic (e.g. Dur-Kríhrafn), amongst wich the oldest can be found.

For example:

Faradur Ór-Altahjol /ˈfɑ.ɾɐ.duɾ ʔu̹ɾ.ˈʔɑl.tɐ.hjo̞l/ "Horse-son of Greenwall"
Énor* Artassarir /ˈʔei̯.no̞ɾ ˈʔɑɾ.ta.sːɐ.ɾiɾ/ "Bear(paw) Swordmaker"
Héurbrok Dur-Kríhrafr /ˈhei̯.uɾ.bɾo̞k duɾ.ˈkɾei̯.hɾɐfɾ̩/ "Riverstone son of Eaglewing"
*(Énor < Énorag)


There is a variety of toponymical forms for the names of topological and anthropogenic landmarks, which are used exclusively in the formation of toponymical proper nouns. Though derived from the common nouns, some of the toponymical forms can vary notably.

Groups: A) anthropogenic structures; B) abrupt terrain; C) waterfront; D) plain terrain; E) vegetation and other terrain.

Group Toponymical form
hamlet -þåjn -/θɑi̯n/ top. “-ham”, from þánerum, hamlet
town -þåjl -/θɑi̯l/ top. “-ton”, from -þåjnl, in turn from þánelår, town
path -års -/ɑɾs/ top. from arso, path, way; street, road
hill -neþ -/nɘθ/ top. from neþo, hill
valley -låjn -/lɑi̯.n/ top. from lánr, valley
cove -lor -/lo̞ɾ/ top. from lora, cavity; nook, cranny; cove, bay
chasm -luþ -/luθ/ top. from luþlor, “deep cavity”, pit, chasm; well
cliff -hråjl -/hɾɑi̯l/ top. from hrál, cliff; out-jutting rock, Sp. farallón
sea -jår -/jɑɾ/ top. from jarl, sea
bay -fjór -/fju̜ɾ/ top. from fjór, pond, shallow lake; shallow bay
port -fjórd -/fju̜ɾd̥/ top. port, haven (< fjórþ, fjór-þåjn, fjór-þánerum)
beach -håjf -/hɑi̯f/ top. from háfr, beach, shoreline
shore -jók -/ju̜k/ top. from jóke, border, Ger. Rand; side, coast
land -får(k) -/fɑɾk/ top. region, region-name; from farka, earth
field -lól -/lu̹l/ top. from lótli, field
forest -bågh -/bɑx/ top. from baghir, forest
grove -båjg -/bɑi̯x/ top. from bághirli, grove
swamp -kóg -/kʰu̹x/ top. from kóg, bog, moor, swamp



Word order per sentence type

Sentence type Word order Marking Notes
Declarative sentences Active sentences Intransitive verbs SV nom-v -
Monotransitive verbs OSV acc-nom-v -
Ditransitive verbs OTSV acc-dat-nom-v -
Passive sentences SOV nom-acc-pvm-v -
Questions - - Focus fronting
Imperative sentences OVS acc-v-nom+det -


Citation forms:

· Nouns: nominative singular;

· Verbs: first person singular present active.


Besides the history of the in-world, "native" orthographies of the different historical stages of I Kronurum, there are two transliteration standards: a romanization, and a variation on Ulfilas' Gothic script.



Ó pagrumórn, undrumórn, faŕumen
/ˈʔu̜ ˈpɑ.gɾu.mu̜ɾn | ˈʔun.dɾu.mu̜ɾn | ˈfɑ.ru.mɘn/
ó(r) {b→p}aga-rum-ór-(e)n unda-rum-ór-(e)n fara-rum-(e)n
gen tree-det-and-gen bird-det-and-gen horse-det-gen
"of/about the tree, the bird and the horse"
(name of a traditional tale)

Other samples

I Kronurum has taken part in the Fourth Linguifex Relay. Text of the IK entry (translation from Minhast):

Dafríra, ibóðr iknegór nonteþini. Tró angr sóraftó jaŕaftó jóherjoneþan. Tró jalíŕihirum ó þetren alastur. Hurman, ána, pórhaŕa tró pórja uŕójubskenis ankjurini, won tró esta angris hajana-ini. Tró śetr órusmarken ehajuri tró istojti finta rengodånere. Nog tró śéðŕó faga detŕó þar jójagrénturan.

 /ˈdɑf.rei̯.ɾɐ ʔi.ˈbu̜.ðɾ̩ ʔi.ˈkne̞.gu̹ɾ ˈno̞n.tɛ.ˌθi.ni/ /ˈtɾu̹ ˈʔɑŋ.gr̩ su̜ɾ.af.ˈtu̹ jɑ.raf.ˈtu̹ ju̜.he̞.ˈɾjo̞.nɛ.ˌθɐn/ /ˈtɾu̹ ˈjɑ.lei̯.ŕi.hi.ɾum ˈʔu̹ ˈθe̞.tɾɘn ʔɑ.ˈlas.tuɾ/ /huɾ.ˈmɑn ˈʔɑi̯.nɐ ˈpu̜ɾ.ha.rɐ ˈtɾu̹ ˈpu̜.ɾjɐ ˈʔo̞.ru̹.ˌjuβs.ke̞.nis ˈʔɑn.kju.ɾi.ni/ /ˈwo̞n ˈtɾu̹ ˈʔe̞s.tɐ ˈʔɑŋ.gɾis ˈhɑ.ja.nɐ ˈʔi.ni/ /ˈtɾu̹ ˈʃe̞.tr̩ ˈʔu̹.ɾus.maɾ.ke̞n ˈʔe.hɑ.ju.ɾi ˈtɾu̹ ʔi.ˈsto̞j.ti ˈfin.tɐ ˈre̞n ˈgo.dɑ.ne.ɾɘ/ /ˈno̞x ˈtɾu̹ ˈʃei̯.ðɾu̹ ˈfɑ.gɐ ˈde̞t.ru̹ ˈθɑɾ ju̜.jɑ.ˈgɾɛi̯n.tu.ɾɐn/

Lord, high and strong, you who came to me in the far sea, I heed to your desire. So, to the sky-spirit. I asked him for and he gave me. You know a silver offering against death won’t protect him. That’s why yonder tree was thoroughly destroyed.