Hlou-Shum languages

Hlou-Shum languages /ˈɮɛtʃən/ (Hlou-Shum languages: baeyghnae Aetjeon /ˈpɛjɣnɛ ˈɛtʃʰən/) is a Naquic language inspired by Praimhín's Rencadian (abandoned by the author). It is a modern descendant of Naquian.

Numbers 1-12: baev, diho, natj-L, tqov, dzaweo, bael-L, oth, loseoth, bas-L, gaeyo, dav, dadheo-L (multiples of 3 lenite the following noun!)



Labial Dental Alveolar Lateral Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ng /ŋ/
Stop/Affricate tenuis b /p/ d /t/ dz /ts/ dx /tɬ/ dj /tʃ/ g /k/
aspirated p /pʰ/ t /tʰ/ ts /tsʰ/ tq /tɬʰ/ tj /tʃʰ/ c /kʰ/
Fricative voiceless f /f/ th /θ/ s /s/ q /ɬ/ sj /ʃ/ ch /x/ h /h/
voiced v /v/ dh /ð/ z /z/ x /ɮ/ zj /ʒ/ gh /ɣ/
Approximant l /ɫ/ y /j/ w /w/
  • In casual speech, the unaspirated stops and affricates /p t ts tɬ tʃ k/ are voiced intervocalically to [b d dz dɮ dʒ ɡ].
  • Since Hlou-Shum languages has no /r/, foreign /r/ is borrowed as /ɫ/.


Hlou-Shum languages vowels
Front Central Back
Close i /ɪ/ eu /ɨ/ u /ʊ/
Mid ae /ɛ/ eo /ə/ o /ɔ/
Open a /a/


Normal p t ts s tq q tj sj c b d dz z dx x dj zj g
Lenited f th s h q h sj h ch v dh z 0 x 0 zj 0 gh
Normal m n ng w l y
Lenited w n ng w w y



In native words stress is on the first syllable, not counting prefixes. In loans, stress falls on the same syllable as in the source language.







Xaetjeon nouns have only two cases, nominative and vocative. The vocative is formed by leniting the noun.


Plural nouns are marked with a prefix dxa-L.


Definite nouns are marked with a suffix -nae.


Adjectives following feminine nouns (actually, nouns that ended in a vowel in Naquian) lenite.


Synthetic verbs are not used, but a construction based on the copula + verbal noun construction.

Inflection of the copula

Present tense
Singular Plural
1.ex lon lowae
1.in - lod
2 lo lob
3 loz lox

Past tense
Singular Plural
1.ex laen laeweu
1.in - laedeu
2 lae laebeu
3 laez laex

Future tense
Singular Plural
1.ex nin niwae
1.in - nid
2 ni nib
3 niz nix