User:IlL/A Danified analytic Neo-Arabic/Diachronics

Sketch of systematic sound changes for Knench, alongside important grammatical events

PCanaanite to Ancient Knench

  1. i u → e o
  2. ā form
  3. ā → ō → ū
  4. ay aw → ē ō
  5. Final ʔ and h deleted, yielding overlong vowels
  6. z → Basque z; s š → Basque s

Ancient Knench to Middle Knench

  1. Emphatics merge with voiced stops, yielding unaspirated stops; these stops are subject to allophonic voicing mutation
  2. Consonant shifts
    1. Basque s → š
    2. ħ ś > sje-sound (ś)
    3. ʕ > Eevo L
    4. Initial š → h
  3. Spirantization of aspirated stops; fricatives become subject to voicing mutation
  4. Unstressed long vowels shorten, preserving vowel quality
  5. Knench stress shift: Stress shifts to the propretonic if there is a propretonic
  6. Maghrebi syncope
    1. pretonic /a/ and /e/ deleted
    2. unstressed long vowels shorten; unstressed overlongs shorten to unreduced
  7. Pre-consonantal v ð ɣ lenite, causing loss of consonantal roots
    1. What else to help along?

Finite verbs are still common, hence tons of principal parts; also most Old Canaanite grammar is retained. This motivates replacement of finite verbs by infinitives and verbnouns in Modern Knench.

Middle Knench to Modern Knench

  1. OSL
  2. final ə drops
  3. -əð → əɹ
  4. Non-rhoticity, triggering crazy vowel shifts to formerly non-rhotic vowels; this is the "Knench GVS"