
Ancient literature

  • Ancient Talmic, Windermere etc. epics
  • Tracts describing religious rituals such as hand-washing
  • Sondmoridh Manuscripts
  • The Ngăthoar

Gweats literature

Pnüeng literature

Classical Period literature

  • Emisom Grouid's translations and poetry
  • Lesch Mltzhyphe's tragedies
  • Etsoj Jopah's poetry
  • Alice in Wonderland/Proto-Hofstadterian stuff

Romantic literature

  • Industrial revolution, some of its harms
    • Two opposing camps: one favors returning to preindustrial society and one favors more tech and social development to fix problems
  • In Talma, horror literature emerged in Amphir and its literary influence spread to Sgewla and Fyxám, which developed it into Lovecraft-esque science fiction literature.

Modern literature

Science fiction