
Revision as of 17:33, 21 October 2018 by Ceolsige18 (talk | contribs)



From Middle Anrish beon, from Old Anrish beona, from Proto-Germanic *beuną; present forms from *wesaną; past forms supplied by *stōþ-; future forms supplied by *werþaną
Noun influenced by Old Irish béo


(Anrish) IPA: /beˈo/


  1. existence, being
  2. living thing, creature


beò (runic:‧ᛒᛖᚭᛌ‧)

  1. (+ common; impersonal, copula) To exist, to be
    Byøe mea tan-ufure geané.
    I will be at the town-hall.
  2. (+ dative) To have, to be with, of
    Híe ír deorr apne?
    Do you have any pets at home?


Declension of beò (a-stem)
Case indefinite singular indefinite plural definite singular definite plural
Common beò beòr beona beònur
Dative beone beoná beòne beòmí
Genitive beòð beono beoné beòno
Conjugation of beò (irregular)
Impersonal Present indicative Non-past subjunctive Past indicative Past subjunctive Future indicative Future subjunctive Future in the past indicative Future in the past subjunctive
0 is híe sús sés byøe uerte uerze uerzo